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ABSTRACT. As visible, material expression of human activities and goals, the landscape communicates as well as reflects. Specific landscapes communicate specific messages within the public sphere of which they are a part. In Honduras, many plaza landscapes have seen recent changes in form and in what they communicate. Once open, treeless spaces, many Honduran plazas are now filled with trees. These trees often support signs announcing the virtues of forests, linking the trees themselves to the official discourse on forest issues and illuminating the role of public‐space landscapes in influencing public perception. This article points out the links between such iconographic landscapes and the complex, multitiered environmental issues that are part of environmental conditions and their perception by local actors.  相似文献   

商业化背景下古村落旅游景观生产 ——以安徽宏村为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以安徽省古村落宏村为例,采用参与式观察和半结构访谈的方法对其旅游景观的生产方式与机制进行研究。结果发现,随着商业化发展,宏村旅游景观生产由原来单一的文物古建保护向更趋复杂化转变,针对3种不同类型的旅游景观采取相应的生产方式。宏村旅游景观生产背后是多种力量参与的生产机制:政府与开发商强强联合,是旅游景观生产的主导力量;当地居民依然扎根宏村,是旅游景观生产的核心灵魂;景区商家热衷于打造“店铺景观”,是旅游景观生产的积极分子;外来游客提出的改进建议则是宏村旅游景观生产的重要参考。4种力量集团本着对各自利益的谋求,彼此间相互合作,影响宏村旅游景观生产的最终结果。最后提出,古村落旅游景观生产需要还原原住居民生活化场景,借旅游商业化发展之势,建立均衡、可持续的景观生产机制与合理的利益分配体系或许是古村落旅游景观生产的正解。  相似文献   

景观生态学教学的短期户外观摩:云南大学的实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
景观生态学研究的社会认知度在不断提高,教学研讨却相当滞后。介绍云南大学的景观生态学教学实践和经验,以期抛砖引玉。云南大学的景观生态学教学始于1987年,至今在本科、硕士、博士3个层次上开展不同深度的授课。为期1~2天的短期户外观摩,是课堂教学的组成部分,分3个步骤:(1)行前利用Google Earth网络资源演示预设线路和地点的景观结构和生态过程,激发学生的求知欲望;(2)围绕河流-湖泊污染扩散、越冬红嘴鸥觅食-安全日迁移两种生态流实施户外观摩教学,使学生在现实景观里理解和识别景观基底-廊道-斑块、源汇景观转换、景观边界及边缘效应等书本知识;(3)强化总结讨论,促使户外观摩印象的理论升华。  相似文献   

The paper explores the role of landscape in New Zealand films. How is the New Zealand landscape imagined and revealed? What kind of landscape do filmmakers present? I argue that New Zealand filmmakers tap into specific geographical imaginations when they make films, and that this results in certain kinds of landscapes being produced. I sketch the methodology used in a survey of New Zealand films and ‘read’ a selection of opening and closing sequences and ‘generic places’ found in a selection of contemporary New Zealand films. 1 then offer some conclusions about New Zealand films, and their production, portrayal and imagining of New Zealand.  相似文献   

This article considers the history of a particular Latvian cultural landscape, located on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Known as an aizjomi landscape, it consists of small, humanly made tilths on the seashore. These features are both physical elements and repositories of historical and cultural meaning. In one sense, through hard labor humans created the aizjomi landscape, adjusting the morphological and dynamic elements of the landscape and continually maintaining them. These human efforts made agriculture possible in the dunes, and in so doing they fashioned a means for producing a livelihood and, indeed, for sustaining life. The aizjomi landscape became a materialization of the people's day‐to‐day life in the middle and late nineteenth century and can thus be considered a “taskscape,” pulsating simultaneously with the rhythm of nature and historical events. I have analyzed empirical evidence from archival documents, reviewed ecological and historical studies, and conducted field research on specific farming practices that shaped the landscape that, in turn, shaped agricultural activities. Through a retrospective analysis I trace the development and decline of the aizjomi landscape.  相似文献   

李仁杰  谷枫  郭风华  傅学庆 《地理科学》2015,35(9):1086-1094
在已有景观感知度概念和模型基础上,根据景观规模和特征将交通线某一具体位置的景观感知度划分为单点景观、多点景观和组景观感知度,并提出了基于集合表达的交通线景观感知度模型,以解决在一组特定的线性空间单元或区域上开展景观感知的研究和计算问题。以紫荆关长城文化景观为例,利用DEM进行景观视域分析,并引入资源价值、遗存现状等权重因子,实现了紫荆关附近公路和铁路线的景观感知度定量计算。根据景观感知度的空间格局,准确划分了敌台、烽火台和马面等单点景观、墙体景观及各类组景观和综合景观的最佳感知功能路段和最佳观赏位置。总体来看,紫荆关附近的公路线可感知位置连续性更强,铁路线高感知位置相对离散,公路感知效果整体优于铁路感知。交通线景观感知度模型特别适合用于大型造型地貌、宏伟建筑群等景观感知分析,是对旅游景观规划设计方法的一种扩充,能够将旅游景观规划设计从旅游地内部拓展到旅游地外围,对于提高旅游景观导引设计的精准性、提升旅游文化传播效率和增加传播途径等均有理论参考意义和实践应用价值。  相似文献   

书法景观的文化地理浅释   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
书法地理学作为一门新兴的文化地理学的分支,它的基本理论研究对象之一便是书法景观。从文化地理学的角度出发,探讨了书法景观的概念,书法景观的分类。指出其构成除了自然因素以外,还应包括人文景观中的可视性因素、可悟性因素和氛围。书法景观是自然景观人文景观的统一体。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Lawrence, Kansas, survived a tumultuous beginning. The young town endured attacks twice, in 1856 and 1863. The second raid, by the guerrilla William Quantrill's troop of more than 400 men, resulted in the deaths of 143 citizens. Lawrence serves as an example of how Americans memorialize unconventional warfare, targeted at citizens, in a material and permanent fashion on the landscape. Small and obscurely placed memorials fill the town, to the point that they have become ordinary. The memorialized landscapes of these tragedies thus display ambivalence toward the past and symbolically reject the loss of lives despite this era's high position in the literature and archival history of the town. Additionally, Lawrence has found alternative sources for its historical identity that do not reflect these tragedies but instead celebrate the city's pioneer establishment. In this article I use a set of methods for reading the memorialized landscape that includes archival and landscape analysis and uncovers the processes that have led to this town's understated and ambivalent memorialization and identity.  相似文献   


Students' established conclusions about the world can often hinder a teacher's efforts to suggest new ideas and new ways to pursue alternative explanations. Flexible thinking helps students practice the value that one's present conclusions should remain tentative and subject to re-evaluation. Meinig's ten alternative perspectives for seeing a landscape were used successfully as a pedagogical rubric to teach students experientially how to observe more attentively and think more flexibly about place.  相似文献   

景观类型分析在土地覆被变化中的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

书法景观是一种代表中国特色文化符号的文化景观,景观知觉维度研究是了解这种景观基本特征的手段。本文将尝试开放问卷对书法知觉场所地方记忆报告结果进行编码,并构建专门计算公式进行权重计算,结果表明书法景观主要知觉维度可归为6 类:知觉时间、地理环境、书法特性、书法载体形式、价值和个体心理,并揭示了热点景点书法景观的知觉维度特征。眼动仪分析结果表明旅游景点的书法景观作为地域标志和景观标志,在公众知觉过程中占有重要地位。相对园林、湖泊和海滨景点内的书法景观,公众更多知觉到了山岳和宫殿庙宇内的书法景观。利用知觉频数描述了不同类型书法景观的地理场所公众知觉特征,根据书法景观知觉频率可将这些场所划分为景点、与人们生活息息相关的场所、新闻媒体和广场三个层次。本文的研究实际上也为中国特色文化景观的实证研究提供了一个有效的方法。  相似文献   

基于乡村文化景观二元属性的保护模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李飞 《地域研究与开发》2011,30(4):85-88,102
文化景观是人文地理学的核心概念,近年来,乡村旅游在促进乡村文化景观保护的同时,也使两者矛盾空前地尖锐化。为解决两者矛盾,从地格理论出发,探索适合我国乡村旅游促进文化景观开发与保护的模式体系。基于乡村文化景观具有的二元属性———乡村性和遗产性,提出了3种以乡村旅游促进文化景观保护发展的模式。研究认为:生态博物馆、乡村大舞台和景观嘉年华模式不仅有利于乡村社区和本土文化的结合,而且能够促进乡村旅游发展和文化景观保护。  相似文献   

整合景观生态学的理论基础   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁圣彦 《地理科学》2005,25(1):36-42
整合景观生态学的核心概念是"整体人类生态系统",是全球生态各个阶层协同进化的最高水平,由生物圈景观和石油燃料驱动的技术圈景观组成,整合景观生态学致力于将两者从结构和功能上整合为一个和谐、可持续的生态圈。文章在讨论整合景观生态学产生的历史背景和发展意义的基础上,初步论述了整合景观生态学的理论基础,包括整合景观生态学的系统论基础、控制论和可持续发展理论基础、自组织理论基础、协同进化理论基础、等级理论基础、相互作用系统理论基础和隐含次序理论基础,目的是使整合景观生态(经济和自然景观)和其他跨学科一起,共同促进当今自然与人类社会的"共生"过程。  相似文献   

景观价值与景观保护评价   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
景观以其兼具经济、生态、文化等多重价值而为人类所重视,又由于人类活动日益强烈的干扰而面临景观破碎化和景观组分间连接性丧失的威胁,从而备受国内外学者的关注。文章从稀有性、多样性、功效性、宜人性、资源性以及美学价值等方面对景观价值的内涵进行了评述,并介绍了景观价值定量化研究的方法;从视觉感知的角度对景观保护的评定方法和不同景观评定的实例进行了综述,并结合中国的实际情况,列举了当前中国急需保护的各类景观,为中国自然保护事业提供参考依据。  相似文献   

城市景观及其格局的生态效应研究进展   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:26  
城市景观是深受人类活动影响的景观类型,同时城市生态系统也深深地刻上了人类影响的烙印。随着人类社会日益城市化,未来的景观将越来越强烈地受到人类经济、社会活动的改造。人类活动一方面可以直接作用于城市生态系统,另一方面,更广泛而深远的影响却是通过城市景观格局和土地利用方式改变区域物质能量流,进而影响区域生态过程,这种城市景观通过空间格局对生态系统特征和过程造成的影响,可以称之为城市景观的生态效应。本文考察了中外学者近年来就城市景观的生态效应所作的理论和实证研究,包括景观要素与格局及土地利用/土地覆被对城市动植物群落、气候、水文、土壤等造成的影响。作者通过评述近年来城市景观及其格局的生态效应研究进展,认为尽管目前对景观格局及其生态过程的结合尚未完善,但已经有越来越多的研究者注意到这个问题,并通过在不同尺度、不同切入点的实证研究,为建立城市景观格局与生态过程的有机结合提供基础。这些研究的结论及其所揭示的规律将作为城市空间规划与管理的依据,推动城市和人类-自然系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   


Landscape stewardship is considered an important place-based approach to addressing sustainability challenges. Working at landscape-level requires collaboration between diverse landscape stakeholders. In this study, we partnered with local stewardship practitioners across six cases in South Africa to investigate how they facilitate collaboration towards social-ecological sustainability outcomes. We found that practitioners facilitate collaboration among stakeholders by operating as relational hubs in the landscape. Through these hubs, they build new inter-personal relationships among stakeholders, creating social networks which enable stewardship practice. The hubs deepen human-nature relationships by creating enabling conditions for stewards to put stewardship ethics into action. Drawing on insights from these cases, we call for a relational approach to landscape stewardship which focuses on human-to-human and human-to-nature relationships. Moreover, we argue that landscape stewardship initiatives need to re-focus stewardship on stewards, recognizing them as key agents of change in addressing the conflict between agriculture and conservation inherent in many landscapes.  相似文献   

Landscapes change in complex ways, creating surface patterns reminiscent of forms seen through a kaleidoscope. On the Earth's surface, those forms are linked to, and caused by, processes that originate with bedrock‐soil‐vegetation‐atmosphere interactions. Human‐caused alterations to landscapes are additionally tied to socioeconomic processes. Evaluation of landscape‐level processes can benefit from examining (1) the influence of disturbance regimes in altering landscape patterns, (2) the importance of considering surficial processes, (3) the subtle and cryptic spatial relations that may be present, (4) the reciprocal relationships among local processes and regional consequences, (5) the increased likelihood of some land cover transitions compared to others, and (6) the special case of landscapes with long histories of human use. These are all examples of potential fruitful arenas for interactions and represent a path for expansion of landscape ecology through accommodation of a broad range of content covered by the international GIScience community.  相似文献   

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