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基于CHAMP卫星高精度磁场观测数据,对2001—2009年径向行星际磁场(RIMF,radial interplanetary magnetic fields)条件下的场向电流的分布特征进行了统计学分析,并与2001—2009年期间场向电流的平均强度进行了对比研究,结果表明:正午时刻场向电流的平均强度对地偶极子倾角有明显线性依赖,冬夏季电流强度比值约为3左右,RIMF条件下冬夏季比值降为2;相对年平均值来说,RIMF条件下行星际磁场总幅度、重联电场、太阳风动压均有所减小,AE指数减弱,Dst指数略有降低;在通常情形下重联电场是场向电流很好的控制参数,但是在RIMF下,重联电场不再与电流强度相关;北半球电流强度在向地IMF条件下大于向日IMF,而南半球则相反,虽然RIMF条件下场向电流的均值小于年平均值,但是正午时段场向电流强度大于年平均值的概率大约为0.2,RIMF条件下仍然有地磁扰动事件(比如亚暴事件)发生。  相似文献   

本文利用北极黄河站三波段全天空成像仪(ASI)的高分辨率的地面极光观测数据,联合欧洲非相干散射雷达(EISCAT)Svalbard雷达(ESR),超级双子极光雷达网(SuperDARN)雷达等观测,研究了发生在2003年12月22日0900-1010 UT时间段内极区电离层极光和等离子体的变化特征。研究发现在不同行星际磁场(IMF)条件下,黄河站极光ASI均观测到了一系列极向运动极光结构(PMAFs),其特征为极光在赤道向一侧点亮后向高纬扩展。这些PMAFs都伴随有明显的粒子沉降特征,且在IMF北向时该粒子沉降能达到更低的电离层E层区域,而此时这些PMAFs相应位置的高纬电离层出现了一个典型反向对流涡,这是高纬(尾瓣)重联的典型特征之一。这些结果表明北向IMF条件下的这些PMAFs是由高纬重联所产生。在IMF南向时,黄河站观测到的PMAFs可跨越更广的地磁纬度,表明其演化时间亦较长,其相应区域的电离层特征也表明该PMAFs由日侧磁层顶低纬磁重联所产生。  相似文献   

本文分析了2002年9月10日Cluster四颗卫星穿越南极和北极极隙区期间的观测资料。这两次穿越是在弱而稳定的南向行星际磁场(IMF)条件下发生的。数据显示极隙区中的场向电流(FACs)引起了大的磁场扰动。本文采用了一种基于卫星多点测量来计算扰动界面方向和运动速度的方法。结果显示界面与磁力线大致平行,而它们的速度在卫星穿越南极极隙区时几乎朝向晨侧,在穿越北极极隙区时几乎朝向昏侧,并且其运动速度与相应卫星的速度相比其值很小。  相似文献   

姚文峻  赵进平 《极地研究》2013,25(3):218-225
拉普捷夫海是北冰洋的边缘海和冰源地,对北冰洋的海冰变化有重要影响。通过分析AMSR-E海冰密集度数据以及NECP-DOE的风场、温度场数据,结果表明拉普捷夫海海冰在2002—2011年经历了如下过程:重冰年(2002—2004)—过渡性质年份(2005—2006) —轻冰年(2007、2009—2011),即冰情由重向轻转变。研究结果也表明拉普捷夫海的冰情轻重与融冰期长短有较好的相关性,融冰期持续时间越短,冰情越重。4个参数,包括海冰距平指数、最小海冰覆盖率、积温、风驱动指数描述了拉普捷夫海的海冰多年变化过程。海冰距平指数是时间(3—11月)平均下的海冰覆盖率距平值,定量给出了各年冰情的轻重;最小海冰覆盖率是夏季海冰的极限情况,变化范围在0.45%—48.73%,发生时间为8月底至10月上旬。积温是上一个冬季气温积累对当年冰情的影响,结果表明积温是影响当年冰情轻重的主要因素。2008年的上一个冬季经历了异常低温,造成当年的异常重冰年。风驱动指数给出了风场对海冰覆盖率变化的短期影响,与同时期其他年份相比,2006年4月、2007年9月均出现了异常强北风,一定程度上造成了2006年融冰开始时间延后、2007年夏季最小海冰覆盖率的明显偏大。  相似文献   

李茜  魏凤英  李栋梁 《中国沙漠》2012,32(4):1017-1024
 基于中国东部地区旱涝分布和东亚夏季海平面气压存在密切关系的基础上,利用1470—2008年中国东部地区旱涝等级资料、1850—2008年东亚夏季海平面气压资料,运用主成分回归的方法重建了1470—2008年的东亚地区夏季海平面气压场,并对重建结果进行了检验,同时对1470—2008年东亚夏季海平面气压重建场和FGOALS_gl数值模式模拟的海平面气压场进行了对比分析。结果表明:①1850—2008年重建的东亚夏季海平面气压场在东亚夏季风关键区(中国内陆地区以及西北太平洋部分地区)重建效果相对于其他地区要好。②1470—2008年重建的东亚夏季海平面气压场主要存在高纬与中纬气压差异、海洋与陆地差异的两种空间分布型;1470—1999年FGOALS_gl数值模拟的东亚夏季海平面气压主要体现了海陆气压差异。③根据重建的东亚夏季海平面气压场定义的1470—2008年东亚夏季风指数的演变具有明显的阶段性,16世纪中期到17世纪初东亚夏季风偏强,17世纪偏弱,18世纪经历了“弱-强-弱-强-弱”的变化,19世纪则是“强-弱-强-弱”的变化,20世纪是明显的“弱-强-弱”变化。而1470—1999年数值模拟的东亚夏季风指数序列与重建序列的主要差异出现在16世纪末和18世纪末,两者的变化趋势相反,其他时段的变化趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

2000年7月重大太阳事件的极隙区纬度观测研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
20 0 0年 7月 ,太阳表面发生了一系列的耀斑与日冕物质抛射事件 ,最大耀斑能级达X5 .7/3 B。地球表面发生相应特大磁暴 ,Dst指数最大负偏达 - 3 0 0 n T。中国南极中山站地处极隙区纬度 ,白天位于磁层极隙区 ,夜间位于极盖区 ,以多种高空大气物理观测设备详细记录了该磁暴过程。对有关数据的分析表明 ,高能粒子引起电离层吸收急剧增加 ,测高仪数据两天多信号空白 ,宇宙噪声吸收显著增加 ;地磁 Pc3 /5脉动增加与行星际磁场南向分量密切对应 ,显示行星际磁流体波对激发磁层脉动的贡献 ;磁暴主相期间 ,Pc3 /5脉动大幅度增加 ;极区地磁水平分量随南向行星际磁场变化 ,但滞后近 8小时 ;Dst指数与南向行星际磁场密切相关 ,磁暴受控于高度负偏的南向行星际磁场  相似文献   

南极南奥克尼群岛西部水域南极电灯鱼生物学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
根据2010—2012年南半球夏季南极南奥克尼群岛西部水域开展的资源调查期间收集的数据,本研究对南极电灯鱼的基础生物学,包括体长(SL)、纯重(DW)、体长-体重关系、性成熟度和性腺指数及摄食强度进行了分析。结果表明:(1)南极电灯鱼体长范围为6.3—8.8cm,平均体长为7.51±0.03cm(平均值±95%置信区间);体重范围为3.46—10.13g,平均体重为5.96±0.08g;纯重范围为3.11—8.69g,平均纯重为5.17±0.07g。(2)体重与纯重关系为DW=0.8497TW+0.1623(R2=0.9502),体长与纯重关系为FL=0.0238DW2.6695。(3)调查期间,南极电灯鱼性成熟度处于Ⅰ—Ⅳ级,未发现有Ⅴ和Ⅵ级的个体出现。(4)摄食强度随体长的增加而有所加强,空胃与1级所占比例随体长增加而下降。  相似文献   

利用陕西黄土高原地区68个气象站降水资料,选择标准化降水指数(SPI)为干旱指标,分析了该地区最近40年(1971—2010年)的月、季、年干旱特征,在此基础上利用经验正交函数(EOF)分解方法进行了干旱分区,并分析了全年及各季节干旱站次比和干旱强度的年际变化。结果表明:EOF分解第1、2、3特征向量分别反映了陕西黄土高原地区干旱的一致变化、南-北反向分布和中部-南北反向分布的不同特点;年度干旱站次比和干旱强度有明显的阶段性分布特点,在年代之间有重-轻-重-轻的变化趋势。2001年以来,年度和夏、秋、冬季干旱强度都有不同程度降低,春季干旱有增强趋势。陕北和关中地区的春季、夏季干旱变化趋势相反,秋季、冬季干旱变化趋势一致。地区平均每年出现干旱月3.8个,几乎每年都有干旱月出现,最多的一年可出现6—9个干旱月。  相似文献   

地磁甚低频脉动是甚低频磁流体波在磁层中传播的地面表现,开发近实时空间天气产品来监测这些地磁脉动至关重要。本文基于小波分析提出一种地磁甚低频脉动指数,并将其应用于研究在南极洲及西格陵兰岛的磁共轭位置观测到的地磁甚低频脉动。研究结果表明,(1)该指数可有效识别Pc4—Pc5频率范围内的脉动事件(包括瞬态事件),并获得甚低频脉动在时域和频域的重要特征。(2)基于共轭位置地磁脉动的小波分析比较揭示了冬至日、夏至日条件下南北半球甚低频脉动的相似性和差异。本研究也表明,南北半球磁共轭位置观测到地磁脉动存在的差异受到行星际磁场条件、磁场拓扑、观测磁纬度和日照等条件影响,需要进一步研究案例中实际磁层和电离层配置以及驱动条件。  相似文献   

南极夏季普里兹湾叶绿素a的时空变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用SeaWiFs、MODIS卫星数据所获取的南极普里兹湾表层海水叶绿素a(Chl-a)与海表温度(SST)的遥感数据,并结合我国2001-2011年南极科学考察所获得的现场数据,对该区域的海表温度、叶绿素a与营养盐的分布规律进行分析。结果表明:研究海区的叶绿素a的分布具有明显的区域特征,以陆架坡为界,湾内向湾外表现出明显的递减趋势;在湾内陆架区,浮游植物的旺发主要受海冰消融以及营养盐供给的影响,十年南极夏季叶绿素a浓度的遥感区域平均值为1.40mg/m3;在陆坡区,浮游植物的繁殖主要受到水文条件的影响,十年的夏季遥感平均值为0.44mg/m3;在湾外深海区,浮游植物的繁殖主要受到水文条件与铁元素的影响,浓度较低,十年的夏季遥感平均值为0.25mg/m3。在整个南极夏季,研究海域每月的叶绿素a浓度与海表温度呈现出一定的正相关性(R2=0.505),而在年际变化上,叶绿素a与海表温度的变化趋势也有着明显的相似性,表明温度是叶绿素a浓度的主要影响因素。通过研究多变量厄尔尼诺指数与湾内表层叶绿素a浓度的关系,可知在相对敏感的湾内陆架区,厄尔尼诺/拉尼娜可能会对叶绿素a的浓度产生影响,在厄尔尼诺年,叶绿素a的浓度较高;而在拉妮娜年,叶绿素a的浓度较低,表明高纬度海区浮游植物的生长与繁殖对中低纬度的ENSO事件存在一定的响应联系。  相似文献   

A series of solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) event occurred in July 2000, particularly the largest flare (X5.7/3B) with CME on 14th of July since 1989, which stimulated a great geomagnetic storm with D st index reaching -300 nT. A number of data have been obtained from the Chinese Antarctic Zhongshan Station (ZHS, INT Lat. 74.5°, L≈14), which is located at cusp latitude, and from the ACE satellite. After analyzing these data we have got the results as follows: a lot of solar high energy particles penetrated into the polar ionosphere and ionized it, which significantly increased the cosmic noise absorption (CNA) and blanked the DPS-4 data for more than two days. The magnetic pulsation in Pc 3/5 frequency band on the ground has a high relation with the fluctuation of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) B z, which shows the contribution of interplanetary magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) waves to the Pc 3/5 pulsation on the ground. The Pc 3/5 pulsation was intensified much during the great magnetic storm. The H component of the magnetic field at ZHS varied with the southern value of IMF B z but lagged behind for about 8 10 h. While D st index responded to the variation of the IMF B z very quickly, which suggested that the magnetic storm occurred at low latitude firstly and then effected the ionospheric current at high latitude.  相似文献   

Summary. Analysis of geomagnetic data has shown that the superposed northward magnetic field, which reduces the S q( H ) amplitude at northern mid-latitude stations on Abnormal Quiet Days, and increases the amplitude at stations on the equatorward side of the S q focus, builds up in amplitude over four to five days before the AQD occurs, and subsides over a similar period after the AQD. It is inferred indirectly that the azimuthal component By of the interplanetary magnetic field varies similarly. Data for the opposite meridian show that the imposed field reverses to a southward direction at lower latitudes. The inferred currents to account for these fields are believed to flow in the ionosphere, but to arise from magnetospheric electric fields induced by the solar wind-transported IMF.  相似文献   

Summary. The annual variations of the Dst index were studied separately for the towards and away polarities of the interplanetary magnetic field. It was found that: (a) the towards polarity is associated with a spring minimum and the away polarity with an autumn minimum of Dst; (b) that both polarities exhibit an asymmetry between the solstices, the Dst values for the December solstice being more negative than those for the June solstice; and (c) that a shift of the annual minima in Dst to earlier times with increasing level of activity seems to exist, irrespective of IMF polarity. The first effect is related to the similar effect found earlier in other measures of geomagnetic activity and is assumed to be caused by varying energy transfer from the solar wind into the magnetosphere depending on the sign of the north-south component of the IMF; the second effect is compatible with a proposed annual variation in the size of the magnetosphere, the reason of which is still unknown; and the third suggests to us that the solar magnetospheric coordinate system might not be adequate for describing the interaction between the IMF and the magnetosphere during disturbed times.  相似文献   

The relation between the seafloor electric field and the surface magnetic field is studied. It is assumed that the fields are created by a 2-D ionospheric current distribution resulting in the E-polarization. The layered earth below the sea water is characterized by a surface impedance. The electric field at the seafloor can be expressed either as an inverse Fourier transform integral over the wavenumber or as a spatial convolution integral. In both integrals the surface magnetic field is multiplied by a function that depends on the depth and conductivity of the sea water and on the properties of the basement. The fact that surface magnetic data are usually available on land, not at the sea surface, is also considered. Test computations demonstrate that the numerical inaccuracies involved in the convolution method are negligible. The theoretical equations are applied to calculate the seafloor electric fields due to an ionospheric line current or associated with real magnetic data collected by the IMAGE magnetometer array in northern Europe. Two different sea depths are considered: 100 m (the continental shelf) and 5 km (the deep ocean). It is seen that the dependence of the electric field on the oscillation period is weaker in the 5 km case than for 100 m.  相似文献   

A study of geomagnetic storms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary. An attempt is made to find interplanetary magnetic field and solar-wind parameters which control the development of geomagnetic storms. For this purpose, the interplanetary energy flux is estimated in terms of the Poynting flux ( E × B /4π), and its time variations are compared with the rate of energy dissipation in terms of the ring-current particle injection u i( t ), Joule dissipation in the ionosphere uj ( t ) and auroral particle injection up ( t ) for 15 major geomagnetic storms.
It is shown that the growth of geomagnetic storms, namely the time variations of the rate of the total energy dissipation, u ( t ) = u i( t ) + u j( t ) + u p( t ), is closely related to the Poynting flux by the following relation:
where l 0≅ 7 R E and θ' is a measure of the angle between the interplanetary magnetic field vector and the magnetospheric field vector at the front of the magnetosphere in the equatorial plane. Further, it is shown that within a factor of 2 for each storm period.
A large increase of u ( t ) is associated with substorm activity. Thus, the energy flux ɛ( t ) entering the magnetosphere is dissipated through magneto-spheric substorm processes within the magnetosphere, and their accumulated effects can be understood as geomagnetic storm phenomena.  相似文献   

Summary. The magnetic viscosity of 334 Upper Tertiary and pre-Bruhnes Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Massif Central (France) and the Steens Mountain (Oregon), and of 40 basaltic cores from DSDP leg 37 has been investigated. Thellier's viscosity index follows a log normal distribution with mean values equal to 6 and 3.5 per cent for subaerial and submarine rocks respectively. For subaerial rocks, the average intensity of the viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) acquired in the Earth's field since the beginning of the Bruhnes polarity epoch ( t = 0.7 Myr) is estimated to be equal to one-quarter of the average intensity of the primary remanence. Alternating field demagnetization of VRMs acquired in low fields for acquisition times t ranging from 2 day to 32 month indicates the resistance to alternating fields is quite different from sample to sample and increases linearly with log t.
Néel's diagnostic parameter of domain structure of the grains involved in magnetic viscosity shows that hard VRM is carried by single-domain grains and soft VRM carried by multidomain particles. Single domain particles carrying hard VRM in subaerial volcanic rocks are almost equant magnetite intergrowths with size near the superparamagnetism threshold, resulting from high temperature oxidation of titanomagnetite. Soft VRM is carried by low Curie point homogeneous titanomagnetite. Unlike his single domain theory, Néel's multidomain theory of magnetic viscosity does not account quantitatively for the resistance of VRM to alternating fields.  相似文献   

The standard 1-D inversion approach for the interpretation of transient electromagnetic (TEM) data usually fails in the presence of near-surface conductivity anomalies. Since multidimensional inversion codes are not routinely available, the only alternative to discarding the data may be trial-and-error forward modelling. We interpret data from a long-offset transient electromagnetic (LOTEM) survey which was carried out in 1995 in the Odenwald area, using 2-D finite-difference modelling. We focus on a subsegment of the LOTEM profile, which was shot with two different electric dipole transmitters. A model is found which consistently explains the electric and magnetic field data at eight locations for both transmitters. First, we introduce a conductive dyke under the receiver spread to explain sign reversals in the magnetic field transients. A conductive slab under one of the transmitters is required to obtain a reasonable quantitative fit for that transmitter. Consideration of the electric field data then requires a modification of the layered earth background. Finally, we study the response of a crustal conductor, which was the original target of the survey. The data are sensitive to the conductor, and for the investigated subset of the data the fits are slightly better without the conductive layer.  相似文献   

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