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三峡库区紫色土7Be剖面分布及季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
7Be是一种宇宙成因放射性核素.由于其来源明确、半衰期短、测试相对容易,可用于<1 a时间尺度内的环境过程示踪和定量研究.7Be在土壤中的剖面分布特征及其本底值是建立定量模型、估算侵蚀沉积速率和调查表土迁移过程的基础.对三峡库区为期1 a的无扰动紫色土7Be浓度的测定结果表明,7Be主要分布于质量深度0~20.0 kg/m2(0~1.5 cm)的表层土壤,其中0~3.0 kg/m2(0~2 mm)的最表层7Be比活度最高,向下随深度增加呈指数减少,20.0 kg/m2以下土层基本不含7Be.采样期间土壤7Be总面积活度介于172.4~328.6 Bq/m2,平均246.1 Bq/m2,并呈现春季最高,秋季最低;春夏高,秋冬低的季节性变化特征.植被截留可能是减少土壤7Be浓度的重要因素.  相似文献   

太阳总辐照度(TSI)变化是影响地球气候变化的重要因素,对TSI 的监测与重建是研究太阳活动驱动全球气候变化机制的重要基础。本文回顾了地基平台和卫星平台的TSI 监测历程及其取得的主要研究成果,分析了利用宇宙成因核素和地外天体信息重建TSI 的研究进展及所存在的问题,并对该领域未来的发展方向进行展望。现有的地基平台和卫星平台TSI 监测资料表明,太阳活动周期中TSI 的变化幅度很小,不足以引起各种记录中所观测到的气候变化。但太阳物理领域迄今尚未完全解译TSI 变化的物理过程,加之TSI 监测资料所限,难以判定其过去或未来的变幅,需整合现有3 种主要的数据合成方法,并继续坚持TSI 长期监测。此外,还需利用宇宙成因核素、地外天体信息反演等新方法重建过去太阳活动所造成的TSI 变化,以获得长周期TSI变化序列。  相似文献   

紫色土坡地侵蚀产沙过程的~7Be法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用环境放射性核素示踪技术研究土壤侵蚀是传统土壤侵蚀监测技术的重要补充手段。宇宙成因核素7Be具有半衰期短和在表土分布浅等特点,能够用于指示短时间尺度的坡面侵蚀堆积过程。采用7Be技术与泥沙颗粒分析相结合,定量判读了模拟降雨下紫色土坡面侵蚀过程演变。结果表明,对于20°坡面,7Be法指示的坡面侵蚀方式转折点与侵蚀泥沙颗粒变化得到的结果基本一致。7Be在表征侵蚀过程演变时具有独特的优势,可以将坡面片蚀发育过程随降雨时间的变化明显地识别出来。这对防治坡面侵蚀,特别是细沟侵蚀的发生具有重要意义。  相似文献   

东南极内陆格罗夫山地区基岩暴露年龄研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采自东南极内陆格罗夫山地区两个冰原岛峰的五个基岩样品的原地生成宇宙成因核素1 0 Be和2 6Al测试结果表明 ,这五个样品的最小暴露年龄都在 2Ma左右 ,远远早于末次冰期极盛期 (LGM )。结合野外工作表明 ,格罗夫山地区中晚上新世以来至今冰盖厚度至少下降了 2 0 0m ,从那时起到现在 ,包括末次冰期极盛期 (LGM)在内 ,东南极冰盖表面高程都未曾再达到中晚上新世以前的冰盖表面高度  相似文献   

首次对格罗夫山地区漂砾的暴露年龄进行的研究表明,萨哈罗夫岭冰原岛峰的两块漂砾样品的 Be最小暴露年龄分别为1.24±0.11Ma和1.37±0.12Ma, 。A1最小暴露年龄分别为0.90 4-0.12Ma和0.44±0.04Ma。萨哈罗夫岭附近冰面上的漂砾样品的 Be和 A1最小暴露年龄分别是0.47±0.3Ma和0.44±0.04Ma。考虑到误差,萨哈罗夫岭三块漂砾的最小暴露年龄与相近高程的基岩样品的最小暴露年龄基本一致。因此,在利用原地生成宇宙成因核素测年技术对东南极内陆格罗夫山地区的冰川消涨历史进行研究时,基岩和漂砾暴露年龄所反映出的冰川演化历史是明显吻合的。  相似文献   

本文统计分析了南极DomeC冰芯中汞含量和降水指征参数δ1 8O值、1 0 Be浓度的关系 ,发现冰芯中Hg含量和δ1 8O值、1 0 Be浓度变化一致 ,表明DomeC冰芯汞含量受到冰雪积累率的影响 ,而且三者变化的高度同步性可能说明其原始驱动力也是一致的 ,从而冰芯中Hg含量可以和1 0 Be浓度一样作为冰雪积累率估算的替代性指标。此外 ,利用δ1 8O数据 ,系统估算了 340 0 0年以来南极汞沉降通量的变化。结果表明 ,DomeC冰芯汞沉降通量在末次冰盛期 (LGM)最高 ,为 3.80pgcm- 2 a- 1 ,约是全新世汞沉降通量 ( 1 .0 8pgcm- 2 a- 1 )的 3.5倍 ,该变化可能主要受到汞的自然排放量影响。  相似文献   

对南极半岛布兰斯菲尔德海峡内东北部的沉积物岩芯D1-7进行了初步环境磁学和古地磁研究,获得了连续的相对地磁场强度和方向。沉积物岩性总体为灰色软塑性黏土,中下部出现一层黑色火山灰层。结合该孔沉积物和有孔虫AMS14C测年结果(王汝建等,未发表),相对地磁场强度及其方向提供了8 ka以来连续的定年标尺,其中相对地磁场强度与具有相似沉积速率的南美玛珥湖记录对比提供了5个对比点;同时特征剩磁倾角提供了另外4个对比点。磁化率各向异性分析揭示了全新世中晚期岩芯所在位置底流(南极深层水,~1 100 m)发生了阶段性显著变化,同时磁性矿物含量、粒度、沉积物湿密度等也发生了相应的变化。这些环境磁学和沉积学的变化主要受控于南极相应纬度处的太阳辐射量以及与辐射量相关的夏季季风降水量的变化,降水量增加导致磁性矿物粒度变细。D1-7也记录了一些千年尺度旋回变化,但是南极布兰斯菲尔德地区目前缺乏与之相似分辨率的气候参数记录,本孔其他古海洋学研究工作正在进行中,这些气候事件的缘起和分布范围有待后续的研究。对比发现,地磁场长期变化产生的年龄与沉积物全样有机碳AMS14C测年结果之间存在系统的差异,在8 ka以来比有机碳年龄年轻,可能反映老碳的输入在8 ka以来逐步增加。南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡内各种不同水体的混合以及在全新世全球升温背景下冰川的动态变化和由此引起的中、深层水变化,都是造成水体性质复杂的原因。而地磁场强度和方向变化则不受水体性质影响,因此可以提供更合理的年龄信息。自8 ka至今,38 cm·ka-1的平均沉积速率表明南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡地区全新世中晚期稳定和丰富的沉积物供应。  相似文献   

对位于布兰斯菲尔德海峡东北部的沉积物岩心D1-7进行了初步环境磁学和古地磁研究,获得了连续的相对地磁场强度和方向。沉积物岩性总体为灰色软塑性粘土,中下部出现一层黑色火山灰层。结合该孔沉积物和有孔虫AMS14C测年结果(王汝建等未发表资料),相对地磁场强度及其方向提供了12 ka以来连续的定年标尺,其中相对地磁场强度与具有相似沉积速率的南美Laguna Potrok Aike湖泊记录对比提供了六个对比点;同时特征剩磁倾角和磁偏角提供了另外六个对比点。磁化率各向异性分析揭示了全新世早、中和晚期岩心所在位置底流(南极深层水~1000 m)发生了阶段性显著变化,同时磁性矿物含量、粒度、沉积物湿密度等也发生了相应的变化。这些环境磁学和沉积学的变化主要受控于南极相应纬度处的太阳辐射量以及与辐射量相关的夏季季风降水量的变化,降水量增加导致磁性矿物粒度变细。D1-7也记录了一些千年尺度旋回变化,但是南极地区目前缺乏与之相似分辨率的气候参数记录,无法进一步探讨这些气候事件的缘起和分布范围。对比发现,地磁场长期变产生的年龄与沉积物全样有机碳AMS14C测年结果之间存在系统的差异,在6 ka以来比有机碳年龄年轻,在6 ka之前则比有机碳年龄老。南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡内各种不同水体的混合以及在全新世全球升温背景下冰川的动态变化和由此引起的中、深层水变化,都是造成水体性质复杂的原因。而地磁场强度和方向变化则不受水体性质的影响,因此可以提供更合理的年龄信息。自12 ka至今,25 cm/ka的平均沉积速率表明南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡地区整个全新世内稳定和丰富的沉积物供应。  相似文献   

南极冰、雪及冰川沉积物中,特别是在富集陨石的冰区内发现和收集了较大量的宇宙尘、微陨石及火山成因的尘粒带,在非南极地区的大气平流层和深海沉积物中也收集到了宇宙尘。按其宇宙尘分布特征划分为行星际宇宙尘和恒星际宇宙尘。按其成因将宇宙尘划分为彗星成因、小行星成因、陨石消融成因及恒星际成因或前太阳的尘粒或粒子,并提出了判别宇宙尘的综合标志,同时讨论了宇宙尘的成因  相似文献   

20世纪80年代兴起的宇生核素暴露测年技术是目前冰川地貌研究中最为成功的测年方法之一,多数学者通常选择冰川漂砾进行暴露测年研究。然而,冰川漂砾在出露后期可能经过再次搬运造成"翻转"现象,从而影响测年结果。重建这类翻转漂砾的运动历史,对准确测定冰川地貌年代具有重要意义。青藏高原东南部的稻城古冰帽区保存了大量的古冰川遗迹,是宇生核素暴露测年研究的天然实验室。冰帽区有一被人为劈开的巨型漂砾,其内部垂直剖面上底部样品的宇生核素~(10)Be浓度高于顶部样品,推断该漂砾自初次出露之后可能发生过翻转。本文利用该漂砾顶部、底部、左右侧面的样品通过宇生核素~(10)Be暴露测年技术来重建该漂砾的运动历史。研究结果表明:该漂砾可能是由于深海氧同位素3阶段(Marine Isotope Stage,简称MIS 3)冰川作用暴露于地表,随后经过翻转直至目前状态。  相似文献   

The sedimentary record from Lake Baikal (Siberia, Russia) has been an important source of information about paleoclimatic variability in the northern hemisphere and dynamics of continental rift development. A lack of reliable chronology has, however, been a major obstacle to fully utilizing the Baikal archive for time scales beyond about 4-5 Myr. In this paper we use the distribution of 10Be to establish a new chronology for the longest core drilled in Lake Baikal so far. The 10Be-based chronology spans the last 8 Myr and provides better constraints on sedimentation rates and consequently on an east-west tectonic extension in the lake, which has been apparently coeval with other rifts in Asia that are related to the Tibetan plateau uplift. Our data also show higher 10Be flux in the sediment section older then 5 Myr compared with the younger period. This can be explained partly by warm and humid climatic conditions of the Miocene and partly by a high cosmic ray flux to the Earth resulting from possible low geomagnetic field intensity during that time.  相似文献   

Annually resolved terrestrial 10Be archives other than those in polar ice sheets are heretofore unexplored sources of information about past solar activity and climate. Until now, it has proven difficult to find natural archives that have captured and retained a 10Be production signal, and that allow for annual sampling and contain sufficient 10Be for AMS measurement. We report the first annually resolved record of 10Be in varved lake sediments. The record comes from Lake Lehmilampi, eastern Finland, which lies at 63°37′N, 29°06′E, 95.8 m a.s.l. The focus on the last 100 years provided an unprecedented opportunity to compare sediment 10Be data with annual ice core, neutron monitor and sunspot number data. Results indicate successful recovery of 10Be atoms from as little as 20 mg sediment. Sediment 10Be accumulation rates suggest control by solar activity, manifested as a reflection of the 11-year Schwabe solar cycle and its amplitude variations throughout the investigated period. These results open the possibility of using varved lake sediment 10Be records as a new proxy for solar activity, thus providing a new approach for synchronization of paleoclimate events worldwide.  相似文献   

Summary. Currents in the 1.28 × 103 km Alaska oil pipeline, induced from the ionospheric, auroral electrojet, were measured at three sites, near Fairbanks, Paxson and Valdez, Alaska, using a gradient configuration of two fluxgate magnetometers. The observed pipeline current magnitudes, which reached 50 A during times of mild geomagnetic activity, displayed a linear relationship with the electric earth potential. Using the induction relationship between the electric and magnetic fields and the typical spectral composition of the geomagnetic field at high latitudes, I obtained a spectral appearance of the current that shows a maximum in the range of 4.5- to 10-min period. Near Fairbanks the pipeline current amplitudes, I (Amperes), could be represented, approximately, by I = 0.65 B x T −0.5, where B x(nT) is the north—south geomagnetic field variation amplitude and T (min) is its apparent period. There is much less pipelines current at the sites south of Fairbanks. A previously established relationship between the local electric field and the planetary geomagnetic activity index, Ap , permitted a prediction of the pipeline current surge amplitudes in the Fairbanks region as approximately I = 5.0 Ap . Current surges larger than 500 A may be expected rather often in the Alaska pipeline during large geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic disturbance fields: an analysis of observatory monthly means   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work quantifies the extent to which disturbance phenomena contribute to the observed geomagnetic field on the time-scale of months to years. A deterministic approach was adopted in which geomagnetic monthly means were analysed in the time domain. By presupposing the time dependence of the external and induced field variations, which we assume to vary as the aa geomagnetic index, we arrived at an estimate of the relative amplitude of the disturbance to each component of the field at a number of observatories. In all some 58 000 geomagnetic monthly means from 59 observatories operating this century were analysed. Special attention was paid to the selection and validation of the data as otherwise the numerical computations would have been unduly compromised.
The results consist of 177 estimates of the relative amplitude of disturbance, one for each of three orthogonal components north ( X ), east ( Y ) and vertically down ( Z ) at each observatory. The disturbance to the X component was found to be consistently negative over the whole of the Earth's surface with an intensification in auroral regions. The disturbances to the Z component were found to be smaller than that for X except in high latitudes. Mean disturbances to the Y component were smaller still. Results were in general consistent with the dipole field of the magnetospheric ring current, aligned with, though of opposite polarity to, the Earth's main field. Typical amplitudes of the mean disturbance field from month to month were of the order 10 nT.
The results can be used to estimate the variation of the disturbance field. Subtracting this from both monthly and annual means yields an improved estimate of the field originating in the core and its secular variation. Some examples are presented.  相似文献   

滇西和黔中表土中7Be与137Cs分布特征对比研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
滇西和黔中28个表土剖面分层土样^7Be、^137Cs比活度对比分析可见:滇西地区表土层顶部^7Be/^137Cs为100-1000,而黔中地区仅10-100;两地区表土层中^7Be的表观比活度和最大渗透深度总体相近;^137Cs在黔中表土层中的比活度总体较滇西地区略高。而黔中表土中^7Be累计值的偏低现象,映射了该地区强烈的水土流失。为解释滇西和黔中地区之间表土层顶部^7Be/^137Cs的地区差异,需进一步讨论两核素的湖泊沉积物蓄积特征。  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘水系的演化历史长期存在着重大争议,鉴于任一水系的形成演化都是通过主要河谷的发育及其不断延展与整合完成的,因此确定河谷发育的起始时代是研究水系演化的关键。本文针对渭河上游三阳川盆地最高级阶地形成时代的研究,发现李家小湾河流阶地砾石层的ESR年代为1.26±0.15 Ma和1.32±0.19 Ma,26Al/10Be埋藏年代为1.45±0.70 Ma和1.04±0.43 Ma,说明该段河谷形成于早更新世晚期。综合青藏高原东缘夷平面、剥蚀面与河流阶地的研究成果,推断该区现代河谷系列主要形成于1.2 Ma以后,河流平均下切速率较高,为0.1~0.32 m/ka,指示了中更新世以来该区快速的地表抬升与河谷发育过程;而其前少数地段的先成河谷下切速率介于0.04~0.29 m/ka之间,说明区域地势总体低平,地表过程以剥蚀夷平为主,即高原东缘的现今水系格局主要是第四纪期间构造和气候共同作用下河流侵蚀的产物。  相似文献   

We performed a comparison analysis of the variations .in Mercury ( Hg) concentrations and the precipitation proxies ( e. g. , 18 O values and 10 Be concentrations) in the Dome C ice core. The results showed that there were significant correlations between Hg and δ 10O values, 10Be concentrations, indicating that the accumulation rate in Dome C is one of the key factors controlling the variations of Hg concentrations in the past 34 ,000 years, and implying that Hg concentrations in ice core can be used as another reliable proxy of precipitation rate in Antarctica. Based upon the high-resolution δ 18O values, we estimated the variations in mercury deposition flux to Antarctica over the past 34,000 years. The highest mercury deposition flux is about 3. 80 pg cm-2 yr-1 during the Last Glacial Maxium (LGM) as high as 3. 5 times of the mercury deposition flux ( about 1. 08 pg cm -2 yr -1) in Holocene due to the fluctuations in natural mercury emissions such as the oceanic biological emissions.  相似文献   

Summary. Palaeomagnetic results for a sequence of Permocarboniferous rhythmites presented in the previous paper have been submitted to maximum entropy spectral analysis to test whether these palaeomagnetic data could supply information on geomagnetic variations. There is a good correlation between the thickness of the rhythmites and sunspot spectra, suggesting that these sediments are really seasonal. The palaeomagnetic spectra are compared with those of observatory records. Periods of approximately 24.4, 12.4, 8.6, 6.7 and 5.5 found for palaeomagnetic data have corresponding values in the geomagnetic spectrum. Most of these periods, however, are the same as those found in the thickness data, implying that magnetization can be influenced by the sedimentation process as suggested by other investigators. On the other hand, both geomagnetic and climatic (thickness) variations seem to be related to solar activity. Therefore, at least indirectly, palaeomagnetic data may reflect geomagnetic variations.  相似文献   

Investigating topographic and climatic controls on erosion at variable spatial and temporal scales is essential to our understanding of the topographic evolution of the orogen.In this work,we quantified millennial-scale erosion rates deduced from cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al concentrations in 15 fluvial sediments from the mainstream and major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo River draining the southern Tibetan Plateau (TP).The measured ratios of 26Al/10Be range from 6.33 ± 0.29 to 8.96 ± 0.37,suggesting steady-state erosion processes.The resulted erosion rates vary from 20.60 ± 1.79 to 154.00 ± 13.60 m Myr-1,being spatially low in the upstream areas of the Gyaca knickpoint and high in the downstream areas.By examining the relationships between the erosion rate and topographic or climatic indices,we found that both topography and climate play significant roles in the erosion process for basins in the upstream areas of the Gyaca knickpoint.However,topography dominantly controls the erosion processes in the downstream areas of the Gyaca knickpoint,whereas variations in precipitation have only a second-order control.The marginal Himalayas and the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin (YZRB) yielded significantly higher erosion rates than the central plateau,which indicated that the landscape of the central plateau surface is remarkably stable and is being intensively consumed at its boundaries through river headward erosion.In addition,our 10Be erosion rates are comparable to present-day hydrologic erosion rates in most cases,suggesting either weak human activities or long-term steady-state erosion in this area.  相似文献   

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