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因子分析法在水源保护区水质评价中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对松华坝水源保护区2001-2007年的两个监测断面水质进行因子分析,两个断面8项水质指标中TN均超标,其余水质指标均未超标。使用SPSS13.0工具进行分析,结果显示,两个监测断面的主要污染因子各异,牧羊河断面的主要污染物为TN和TP,而冷水河断面的主要污染物为CODMn、BOD5和TP。松华坝水源保护区水质保护形势十分严峻。必须高度重视,采取切实措施,处理好水源区保护和发展的关系,保护好松华坝水源保护区水质,确保昆明市民饮水安全。  相似文献   

以广东省东江流域2013年地表水功能区水质监测数据和Landsat8 OLI遥感影像为数据源,通过遥感信息提取、GIS空间分析和数理统计方法,对不同空间尺度河岸缓冲带土地利用结构与水体中的高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、氨氮(NH3-N)和总磷(TP)进行相关性分析。结果表明:1)在水功能区中,开发利用区河岸带的城市化程度较高,水质状况相对较差;保护区、保留区、缓冲区河岸带用地类型以耕地和林地为主,水质状况明显优于开发利用区。2)耕地、林地和草地对水质具有正效应,水体和建设用地对水质具有负效应;同时,建设用地对水质影响作用最强,其次是水体和耕地。3)CODMn与耕地、林地、草地、建设用地的相关性远高于NH3-N和TP,3种水质指标与水体相关性都较大。4)耕地和草地与水质在小尺度范围内相关性最为显著;林地和建设用地与水质相关性随河岸缓冲带尺度增大而增大,水体与水质相关性随河岸缓冲带尺度不同呈波动性变化。  相似文献   

借助地理信息系统对闽江福州段进行流域划分,通过污染源数据的调查和分析,在流域层面上进行了污染负荷研究.研究以COD、NH3-N为主要指标,计算各子流域污染负荷,并确定其主要来源和比例关系.结果表明:闽江流域福州段COD入河总量为9371.75t,NH3-N入河总量为992.63t,工业源与城镇生活源是主要污染源.市区内河是污染最严重的子流域,COD、NH3-N的入河量占流域总负荷的34。4%与61.3%.市区内河、闽江干流北港段、磨溪等流域水体受到各种点源污染的影响,而梅溪干流、大樟溪干流等流域水体则主要受到非点源污染的影响.  相似文献   

选择1997—2002年三门峡库区的龙门、潼关和三门峡3个断面的水质监测资料,运用季节性Kendall检验方法分析三门峡水库水质趋势,结果显示:龙门断面,CODMn、NO2-N及Hg的变化趋势不明显,NH3-N呈显著上升趋势,As、Cd和Cu呈显著下降趋势,而Pb则呈高度显著下降趋势;潼关断面,NH3-N、NO2-N和Hg的变化趋势不明显,CODMn呈显著上升趋势,As、Cd和Pb呈显著下降趋势,而Cu则呈高度显著下降趋势;三门峡断面,CODMn、NO2-N、As及Hg的变化趋势不明显,NH3-N污染呈显著上升趋势,Cd呈显著下降趋势,而Cu和Pb则呈高度显著下降趋势。  相似文献   

长湖流域非点源污染现状分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以全国水资源综合规划为契机,对长湖流域非点源污染展开研究.利用GIS技术,对长湖流域非点源污染负荷进行估算与分析.计算结果表明: (1)水田是长湖流域重要的化学需氧量(COD)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)非点源污染来源,分别占88.6%、94.6%和82.5%; (2)长湖流域COD、TN、TP的非点源污染负荷均已超过点源污染负荷;(3)长湖流域非点源污染的形成因素包括人口因素、农事活动、畜禽养殖、水产养殖等诸多因素,但农业生产活动是最主要的因素.  相似文献   

松花江流域非点源污染负荷估算与评价   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
结合RS和G IS技术,利用二元结构模型对2000年松花江流域非点源污染负荷进行计算与结果验证,并对流域内非点源污染状况做出评价。结果表明:4种非点源污染类型(农田、农村居民点、畜禽养殖和城市径流)中,农田TN、TP和NH4+-N非点源污染负荷量最高;畜禽养殖COD非点源污染比重最大。流域TN、TP的非点源污染负荷大于点源的污染负荷,其中TP的非点源污染负荷远远超过点源;而NH4+-N和COD的点源污染负荷则大于非点源污染。4种污染类型的不同污染指标(COD、TN、TP、NH4+-N)在时间(2000年内)和空间上呈现出一定的分布规律。  相似文献   

把边江是红河流域最大支流——李仙江的上游,通过野外调查和多元统计分析阐明把边江流域31个样点的大型底栖动物群落及其与生境水质的关系。结果表明:(1)把边江流域不同大型底栖动物群落生境水体的氨氮(NH_3-N)、硝氮(NO_3-N)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)显著差异(P0.05),且均与物种多样性显著负相关(P0.05)。(2)随着NH_3-N、NO_3-N、TN和TP增加,EPT指示物种(蜉蝣目、襀翅目、毛翅目)的生物量逐渐减少。(3)撕食者密度与高锰酸盐指数(COD_(Mn))负相关,直接收集者密度和捕食者密度与COD_(Mn)正相关;而刮食者密度和滤食收集者密度与溶解氧(DO)正相关,与NH_3-N、NO_3-N、TN、TP均呈负相关。说明底栖动物摄食功能群和EPT指示物种在该流域具有很好的水质指示性,可作为西南流域水质健康评价的重要指标。  相似文献   

澜沧江水文与水环境特征及其时空分异   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13  
简要分析了我国澜沧江流域云南段部分水化学指标的时空变化,发现顺干流流向降水和径流的变化量增加,稳定性减弱,离子浓度也随水流方向逐步降低;典型站点的离子浓度随时间表现出程度各异的增加势头。而支流的空间变异比较复杂,表明非地带性因子的作用强烈。目前澜沧江水质总体尚好,丰水期主要污染指标为CODMn和TP;上、中游水质良好,下游水质污染较严重,支流水质劣于干流;上、中游水质比较稳定,年际变化较小,下游及各支流水质呈逐年恶化趋势。  相似文献   

借助地理信息系统对闽江福州段进行流域划分,通过污染源数据的调查和分析,在流域层面上进行了污染负荷研究.研究以COD、NH3-N为主要指标,计算各子流域污染负荷,并确定其主要来源和比例关系.结果表明:闽江流域福州段COD入河总量为9371.75t,NH3-N入河总量为992.63t,工业源与城镇生活源是主要污染源.市区内...  相似文献   

应用分布式非点源污染模型SWAT 2000对杭埠—丰乐河流域的水文、泥沙以及水质模拟进行校核,验证了模型在该研究区的适用性。对基于SWAT模型的氮营养素自净效率计算方法进行完善,即考虑流域本底情况,计算全流域和河流的自净效率分别为0.991和0.005;由于计算时无法考虑地下水的贡献和无法统计NH4 -N和NO2--N的入河负荷,实际河流氮营养素自净效率要高于计算值。给出流域氮营养素自净效率的月际变化特征;进一步计算各个亚流域的环境自净效率,获得其空间分布特征。  相似文献   

流域水污染物排放总量控制研究--以吉林省松花江流域为例   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
介绍了污染物排放总量控制的3种类型:容量总量控制、目标总量控制和行业总量控制;提出了总量控制的技术路线和技术方法;并将此理论与方法具体应用到吉林省松共的总量控制研究中,着重分析了松花江中下游控制单元和吉林市子控制单元的总量控制方案;最后探讨了总量控制措施。  相似文献   

饮马河流域典型湿地植物净化河流水环境效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采取单种及混种方式,通过小型湿地模拟实验,研究松花江支流饮马河流域河流湿地中常见的芦苇、香蒲、槽秆荸荠、藨草、慈姑、花蔺、菱角、紫背浮萍和金鱼藻9种湿地植物及其组合对河流水体中化学需氧量(COD_(cr))、氮、磷等的净化效果。结果表明:所选湿地植物,在模拟环境条件下均能有效提升取自河流水体的水质;不同的湿地植物对污水中各污染物净化具有明显的差异,花蔺对总磷(TP)、COD_(cr)和氨氮(NH_3-N)净化效果最好,去除率依次为99.65%、68.22%和99.54%;香蒲、菱角、金鱼藻混合组对总氮(TN)的净化效果最好,去除率是66.19%;槽杆荸荠、芦苇和金鱼藻对亚硝酸盐氮(NO_2-N)的净化效果最好,去除率是83.64%。两种植物混种后对某一种污染物指标的处理效果弱于分别独种时的处理效果,但对多种污染物指标的综合处理效果一般要好于独种时的处理效果。  相似文献   

辽河流域社会经济活动的COD污染负荷   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王辉  栾维新  康敏捷 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1802-1813
辽河流域污染物的输入是辽东湾海洋环境变化的最主要原因,治理海洋污染的根本在于治理陆域污染。以辽河流域COD污染为研究对象,在社会经济数据空间化及与土地利用数据匹配的基础上剔除了部分无效数据,提高了流域污染物估算和空间分析的精度,估算结果表明:2010年辽河流域COD总污染负荷约101万t,其中居民生活和畜禽养殖排放合计占总污染负荷的80%,是流域COD污染的主要来源;工业源污染占11%;城市径流污染占9%。COD污染主要分布在辽河平原,且以面源污染为主,约有30万t入河。生物体代谢是COD污染的主要来源,污染物排放总量难于降低,辽河流域的COD污染压力短期内依然严峻。  相似文献   

对江苏胥溪河成因及其开发利用的新探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胥溪河东坝北岸7508钻孔柱状剖面中-3.7~-5.8 m深处2 m厚的砂夹泥砾土层和东坝至下坝间的8179号孔下部存在4.5 m厚的中、粗、细粒砂层表明,在春秋吴国开凿胥溪运河之前,该处就存在规模较大的天然河流;胥溪河沿岸薛城遗址、朝墩头遗址和下家宕新石器时代遗址的存在,以及胥溪河两岸1 km范围内地表数米之下厚达数十米的淤泥层更是古中江在胥溪河一带存在的重要证据。目前胥溪河东坝所建的船闸不利于水阳江和太湖水系的沟通,也不利于发挥胥溪河流域灌溉和航运的应有作用。若能及早开发芜 (湖) -太 (湖) 运河,即进一步拓宽芜湖→固城湖→胥溪河→东坝→溧阳→宜兴→太湖的水运航道,清除水阳江和太湖水系之间由坡积物构成的分水岭岗地堆积物,不仅可缩短长江入太湖的水上航线,还可分流长江航运船只、保证安全通航率、开发古河道砂砾石资源、稳固长江堤防,解决长江下游灌溉、分洪、排涝和冲污等一系列现实问题,推动胥溪河流域经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

The Yarlung Tsangpo River, the longest river in Tibet, houses most of the population and economy in Tibet Autonomous province. Under the rapid development of economy and society in Tibet, the pollution in the Yarlung Tsangpo River basin has rapidly increased. Evaluating water quality and water environmental capacity is needed for water resource management in Tibet. This study used a single factor evaluation method to evaluate water quality of the Zhongba-Nyingchi section of the Yarlung Tsangpo River based on measured data of CODCr, NH3-N and TP in the study area. Based on these data, determinations of ideal water environmental capacity, emissions of pollutants and remaining water environmental capacity of the study area were made by a one-dimensional steady water quality model under either section-head control or cross-section control. The data indicate that most of the monitoring sections in the study area experienced good water quality. The three pollutants all had large remaining water environmental capacity generally, but TP exceeded state levels in the two upstream functional areas, and levels above state standards of CODCr and TP were found in several calculation cells of the two downstream functional areas. Therefore, emissions of pollutants need to be reduced to protect the water environment quality of the Yarlung Tsangpo River.  相似文献   

淮河(安徽段)南岸诸河流水质标识指数评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩曦  王丽  周平  孙庆业 《湿地科学》2012,10(1):46-57
2010年夏季,对淮河(安徽段)南岸诸河流水质进行调查,共设置采样点160个,选取总氮、总磷、氨氮和化学需氧量4项水质指标,利用综合水质标识指数评价法(WQI)对淮河(安徽段)南岸诸河流水质进行评价。结果表明,淮河(安徽段)南岸诸河流水质达标率77%,超标的评价因子为氮营养盐和化学需氧量。污染物主要来自农业面源和生产、生活废水;水流流速、沉积物性质和周围环境对水质产生一定影响。  相似文献   

Along the north bank of the Xuxi River, the sand-intercalated-muddy gravel layer from -3.7~-5.8 m in the borehole 7508 at the East Dam and the middle, coarse and fine sand layer with a thickness of 4.5 m at the lower part of the borehole 8179 between the East Dam and the West Dam indicate that a large natural river was here before the Kingdom of Wu excavated the Xuxi Canal. The existence of Neolithic sites such as Xuecheng, Chaoduntou and Xiajiadang along the Xuxi River and the silt layer with dozens of meters archived under the earth's surface within a range of 1 km along both banks are the even more important evidences for the existence of the ancient Zhongjiang River. The floodgate of the East Dam nowadays makes against the communication between the Shuiyangjiang River and the Taihu Lake. The authors suggest the canal between Wuhu and Taihu Lake should be excavated as soon as possible, namely, the navigation channel from Wuhu through Guchenghu Lake, Xuxi River, East Dam, Liyang, Yixing to Taihu Lake should be further widen and the deposits composed of slope wash on the watershed between Shuiyangjiang River and Taihu Lake should be dredged away. Then, the channel journey can be shortened, the boats in ship transportation on the Yangtze River can be shunted to ensure the security of shipping, the resources of sand and gravel in the old river channel can be exploited and the dike of the Yangtze River can be reinforced. So, the problems of irrigation, flood diversion, pollution abatement and drainage of flooded fields in the lower Yangtze River will be resolved. Then, the above methods can impel the sustainable development of the Xuxi River and Taihu Lake area.  相似文献   

The total precipitation of the highest 1 day, 3 day, 5 day and 7 day precipitation amount (R1 D, R3D, R5D and R7D) in the Yangtze River basin was analyzed with the help of linear trend analysis and continuous wavelet transform method. The research results indicated that: 1) Spatial distribution of RID is similar in comparison with that of R3D, R5D and R7D. The Jialingjiang and Hanjiang river basins are dominated by decreasing trend, which is significant at 〉95% confidence level in Jialingjiang River basin and insignificant at 〉95% confidence level in Hanjiang River basin. The southern part of the Yangtze River basin and the western part of the upper Yangtze River basin are dominated by significant increasing trend of RID extreme precipitation at 〉95% confidence level. 2) As for the R3D, R5D and R7D, the western part of the upper Yangtze River basin is dominated by significant increasing trend at 〉95% confidence level. The eastern part of the upper Yangtze River basin is dominated by decreasing trend, but is insignificant at 〉95% confidence level. The middle and lower Yangtze River basin is dominated by increasing trend, but insignificant at 〉95% confidence level. 3) The frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events are intensified over time. Precipitation anomalies indicated that the southeastern part, southern part and southwestern part of the Yangtze River basin are dominated by positive extreme precipitation anomalies between 1993-2002 and 1961-1992. The research results of this text indicate that the occurrence probability of flash flood is higher in the western part of the upper Yangtze River basin and the middle and lower Yangtze River basin, esp. in the southwestern and southeastern parts of the Yangtze River basin.  相似文献   

Along the north bank of the Xuxi River, the sand-intercalated-muddy gravel layer from -3.7 - -5.8 m in the borehole 7508 at the East Dam and the middle, coarse and fine sand layer with a thickness of 4.5 m at the lower part of the borehole 8179 between the East Dam and the West Dam indicate that a large natural river was here before the Kingdom of Wu excavated the Xuxi Canal. The existence of Neolithic sites such as Xuecheng, Chaoduntou and Xiajiadang along the Xuxi River and the silt layer with dozens of meters archived under the earth's surface within a range of 1 km along both banks are the even more important evidences for the existence of the ancient Zhongjiang River. The floodgate of the East Dam nowadays makes against the communication between the Shuiyangjiang River and the Taihu Lake. The authors suggest the canal between Wuhu and Taihu Lake should be excavated as soon as possible, namely, the navigation channel from Wuhu through Guchenghu Lake, Xuxi River, East Dam, Liyang, Yixing to Taihu Lake should be further widen and the deposits composed of slope wash on the watershed between Shuiyangjiang River and Taihu Lake should be dredged away. Then, the channel journey can be shortened, the boats in ship transportation on the Yangtze River can be shunted to ensure the security of shipping, the resources of sand and gravel in the old river channel can be exploited and the dike of the Yangtze River can be reinforced. So, the problems of irrigation, flood diversion, pollution abatement and drainage of flooded fields in the lower Yangtze River will be resolved. Then, the above methods can impel the sustainable development of the Xuxi River and Taihu Lake area.  相似文献   

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