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灌溉在现代绿洲维持与发展中的重要作用   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:9  
灌溉是荒漠绿洲农业发展的根本,没有灌溉就没有干旱区农业。本文运用美国NCAR的非静力平衡中尺度模式MM5V3,模拟了1991年8月1日到11日张掖绿洲地表感热、潜热通量和波文比,模拟结果表明此模式可以较好地反映张掖绿洲地表能量及水汽交换状况。同时模拟了当水源被截断后,地表感热、潜热通量及波文比随时间的变化:潜热迅速下降,感热迅速上升,波文比绝对值也迅速增大。如不及时补充水,绿洲将最终退化为沙漠。模拟结果证明了:①在我国西北干旱区有水才有绿洲,无水便成沙漠,水是绿洲的生命线,灌溉是现代绿洲维持与发展的基础;②绿洲一旦因缺水而退化为沙漠,就很难恢复。  相似文献   

2005年6月1日到8月30日,在中国科学院三江平原沼泽湿地生态试验站沼泽综合试验场季节性积水沼泽湿地,观测了净辐射和土壤热通量;利用Penman-Monteith公式和地表能量平衡方程式计算了潜热通量和感热通量;同时用SHAW模型对以上4个能量平衡要素进行了模拟研究,并用观测值以及模型效率、标准差和平均方差检验和评价了其模拟效果。结果表明,三江平原季节性积水沼泽湿地净辐射在6月末至7月初较大;潜热通量主要受净辐射的影响,与土壤水分关系不密切;沼泽湿地地表在6月初至8月中旬以吸收能量为主,8月末以后则开始释放能量;感热通量在植物生长季的初期和末期较大,在中期则比较小。SHAW模型能较好的模拟出沼泽湿地的净辐射、潜热通量和土壤热通量;该模型虽对感热通量的模拟结果并不理想,但能较好的模拟其变化趋势。这说明SHAW模型基本适用于对季节性浅积水沼泽湿地(水深小于10cm)能量平衡各要素的模拟。  相似文献   

厦门市热岛强度与相关地表因素的空间关系研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
沈中健  曾坚 《地理科学》2020,40(5):842-852
以厦门市为例,基于遥感影像与建筑普查数据,分析了各局部气候区中相关地表因素与热岛强度之间的空间响应规律,以及厦门市各局部气候区中热岛强度与相关地表因素的空间关系。结果表明:研究区热岛强度有显著的空间自相关性,高值区集中于东南部的建设用地及耕地和裸地,低值区聚集于湖泊、河流等水体、湿地以及北部、西北部的林地;普通回归模型不能有效解释空间中相关地表因素与热岛强度之间的关系;空间误差模型的拟合效果优于空间滞后模型,可以更准确分析地表因素与热岛强度之间的空间关系;各局部气候区中可以作为回归模型自变量的地表因素有所不同。作为回归模型的自变量时,植被指数、水体指数、天空视域因子与热岛强度呈负相关关系,建筑密度、不透水面比例与热岛强度呈正相关关系,而建筑体积密度、建筑平均高度、建筑高度差与热岛强度的相关性在各气候区中并不一致。根据研究结论建议保护“补偿区”、分隔“作用区”,综合考虑规划实施策略的可行性,以有效缓解热岛效应。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the application of geothermal energy by numerically modeling the heat extraction that would result from the injection of cold water into an artificially fractured hot dry rock (HDR). The HDR that would be utilized in Alberta is expected to be granite with a network of pre-existing natural fractures. However, to ensure a continued flow of injected water from the reservoir to the production wells, creation of additional fractures is required. Thus, the properties of these fractures are of prime importance to the efficiency of geothermal energy production. The fracture networks for the simulations were created using a numerical code and were converted into a grid format to be used in a commercial thermal simulator. A new approach to embed a complex fracture system into the numerical model was applied. Various properties of the fractures such as aperture, length, and spacing were changed and their absolute and relative effects on energy production were quantified and the results are presented in this paper. This modeling technique was also verified by comparison with the conventional dual porosity model and by performing a history match with real field data obtained from literature. The applicability of this approach to provide heat for oil sands extraction was investigated using the volumes of water currently needed in northern Alberta. Based on these constraints, numerical simulations were run to evaluate the optimum well spacing that would be required using a three-well configuration. In this simulation, the fracture parameters (density and aperture) were kept fixed assuming that they are not affected by cold water injection. The results of this study suggest that geothermal energy has a potential to be a sustainable form of thermal energy for oil sands extraction in northern Alberta.  相似文献   

在绿洲-荒漠交界处,由于绿洲荒漠之间的相互影响,相互作用,使得大气-植被-土壤之间的特和能量交换形成其特有的过程,本文对这些交换过程与机制进行了较为详细,准确的讨论。  相似文献   

1IntroductionInJune1992,theworldsummitorganizedbytheUnitedNations,withparticipantsincludingnationalleadersfromaroundtheworld,concludedwithAgenda21(UnitedNations,1992),theRioDeclarationonEnvironmentandDevelopment,inRiodeJaneiro.Thedeclarationpromptedcountr…  相似文献   

The Integrated Environmental Monitoring (IEM) project, part of the Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy (APEIS) project, developed an integrated environmental monitoring system that can be used to detect, monitor, and assess environmental disasters, degradation, and their impacts in the Asia-Pacific region. The system primarily employs data from the moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) sensor on the Earth Observation System- (EOS-) Terra/Aqua satellite, as well as those from ground observations at five sites in different ecological systems in China. From the preliminary data analysis on both annual and daily variations of water, heat and CO2 fluxes, we can confirm that this system basically has been working well. The results show that both latent flux and CO2 flux are much greater in the crop field than those in the grassland and the saline desert, whereas the sensible heat flux shows the opposite trend. Different data products from MODIS have very different correspondence, e.g. MODIS-derived land surface temperature has a close correlation with measured ones, but LAI and NPP are quite different from ground measurements, which suggests that the algorithms used to process MODIS data need to be revised by using the local dataset. We are now using the APEIS-FLUX data to develop an integrated model, which can simulate the regional water, heat, and carbon fluxes. Finally, we are expected to use this model to develop more precise high-order MODIS products in Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

The Integrated Environmental Monitoring (IEM) project, part of the Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy (APEIS) project, developed an integrated environmental monitoring system that can be used to detect, monitor, and assess environmental disasters, degradation, and their impacts in the Asia-Pacific region. The system primarily employs data from the moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) sensor on the Earth Observation System- (EOS-) Terra/Aqua satellite,as well as those from ground observations at five sites in different ecological systems in China. From the preliminary data analysis on both annual and daily variations of water, heat and CO2 fluxes, we can confirm that this system basically has been working well. The results show that both latent flux and CO2 flux are much greater in the crop field than those in the grassland and the saline desert, whereas the sensible heat flux shows the opposite trend. Different data products from MODIS have very different correspondence, e.g. MODIS-derived land surface temperature has a close correlation with measured ones, but LAI and NPP are quite different from ground measurements, which suggests that the algorithms used to process MODIS data need to be revised by using the local dataset. We are now using the APEIS-FLUX data to develop an integrated model, which can simulate the regional water,heat, and carbon fluxes. Finally, we are expected to use this model to develop more precise high-order MODIS products in Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

城市地表热通量遥感反演及与下垫面关系分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
选择日本埼玉县熊谷市为研究区,应用ASTER热红外遥感图像,采用PCACA模型以及理论定位算法,对城市地表热通量的相关参数进行反演,进而分析城市下垫面不同土地覆盖类型对地表热通量以及能量平衡的影响.结果表明,PCACA模型应用于城市区域地表通量估算是可行的.这种算法可以大大减少在下垫面结构复杂的城市区域进行地表热通量估算时所需的参数,并有效降低研究结果的不确定性.研究发现,城乡不同下垫面地表覆盖类型对地表热通量的影响差异显著.不同地表下垫面类型的波文比由大到小顺序依次为:工业用地>住宅用地>交通用地>公共设施用地>旱田>公共绿地>水域.在相同的外部气象条件下,与城市周边的植被覆盖区相比,城市人工建筑用地具有较高的显热通量,较低的潜热通量,以及较高的波文比.由于城市地表显热通量和波文比明显高于周边植被覆盖地表,导致城市地表向低层大气供热的增加,这是城市热岛效应形成的重要机制之一.  相似文献   

黄土高原不同气候区裸地水、热特征对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王胜  张强  王兴  李宏宇  张之贤 《中国沙漠》2013,33(4):1166-1173
为了更好地理解陆地表面水、热通量的空间差异,利用2009年和2010年1月黄土高原陆面过程观测试验(LOPEX)的陆面过程资料,对比分析了不同气候区主要地表水、热通量特征。结果表明:半干旱区的定西在近地层气象要素、土壤湿度、动量通量、地表能量及CO2通量等主要陆面特征物理量与半湿润区的平凉、庆阳差异明显;气候背景相接近的平凉、庆阳的主要陆面特征量比较接近。虽然地形、地势、海拔、下垫面影响因子也是影响陆面特征的重要因素,但是气候背景差异愈明显,陆面特征差异也愈大,即一个地区的气候背景是陆面过程特征的主要决定因子,对陆面特征产生综合影响,而地形、地貌只对一个或几个陆面物理量有影响。  相似文献   

Using ASTER(Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiome-ter) infrared remote sensing data we inversed the parameters of urban surface heat fluxes applying the PCACA model and theoretical position algorithm,and then we analyzed the in-fluence of different land use types on the surface heat fluxes and energy balance.In this study,Kumagaya,a city in Saitama Prefecture,Japan,was selected as the experimental area.The result shows that the PCACA model is feasible for the surface heat fluxes estimation in urban areas because this model requires less parameters in the procedure of heat fluxes estimation in urban areas with complicated surface structure and can decrease the uncertainty.And we found that different land-use types have indicated the height heterogeneity on the surface heat fluxes significantly.The magnitudes of Bowen ratio in descending order are industrial,residential,transportation,institutional,dry farmland,green space,and water body.Under the same meteorological condition,there are distinct characteristics and regional differences in Bowen ratios among different surface covers,indicating higher sensible heat flux and lower latent heat flux in the urban construction land,while lower sensible heat flux and higher latent heat flux in the vegetation-covered area,the outskirt of the urban area.The increase of urban impervious surface area caused by the urban sprawl can enlarge the sensible heat flux and the Bowen ratio,so that it causes the increasing of urban surface temperature and air tem-perature,which is the mechanism of the so-called heat island effect.  相似文献   

本文建立了用于数值解的不同覆盖条件下土壤二维水热运动数学模型。该模型中多孔材料覆盖层(砂砾、秸秆等)被当作传热多孔介质处理,对水分传输的影响被当乍具有一定阻力的阻挡层处理,且将油纸、塑膜及土面增温剂等均视为薄膜类材料。省略了许多假设条件,因而使覆盖效应的研究建立在更加科学的基础上,可以更为深入地了解覆盖层在不同气候条件下对土壤水分蒸发、入渗及地温影响机理和程度。为综合评价和选用农用覆盖材料及其参数提供了手段。  相似文献   

基于Harlan模型和Darcy定律,综合考虑环境气候因素和水热特征参数对湿热迁移影响,建立了环境气候条件下季节性冻土区土壤冻融过程中湿热耦合作用模型.根据地表能量交换平衡原理推导出边界条件.依据实测数据回归分析出土壤湿热特征参数表达式.采用全隐式有限差分格式和TDMA迭代法对内蒙古锡林浩特地区冻结期间土壤湿热迁移规律进行了数值模拟.温度计算值和实测值比较一致,最大误差不超过2.5℃,说明该模型具有较高的准确性.利用该模型仅通过气象资料和湿热特征参数就可预测季冻区土壤冻胀和田间湿热分布状况并能够用来指导农田工程建设和农业生产.  相似文献   

《Polar Science》2014,8(3):232-241
This study analyzes long-term (40–60 years) discharge and water temperature records collected near the basin outlets of the Yukon and Mackenzie Rivers. It defines seasonal cycles of discharge, water temperature (WT), and heat flux (HF) for the basins, and compares their main features to understand their similarity and difference. Both rivers have similar hydrographs, i.e. low flows in winter and high discharge in summer, with the peak flood in June due to snowmelt runoff. Mackenzie River has many large lakes and they sustain the higher base flows over the fall/winter season. Mackenzie basin is large with high precipitation, thus producing 50% more discharge than the Yukon River to the Arctic Ocean. The WT regimes are also similar between the two rivers. Yukon River WT is about 2–3 °C warmer than the Mackenzie over the open water months. Both rivers have the highest WT in the mid summer and they transport large amount of heat to the polar ocean system. Yukon River monthly HF is lower by 10–60% than the Mackenzie mainly due to smaller discharge. Mackenzie River heat transport peaks in July, while the Yukon HF reaches the maximum in June and July. These results provide critical knowledge of river thermal condition and energy transport to the northern seas. They are useful for large-scale climate and ocean model development and validation, and climate/hydrology change research in the northern regions.  相似文献   

荒漠下垫面陆面过程和大气边界层相互作用敏感性实验   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7  
建立了一个研究荒漠下垫面陆面物理过程与大气边界层相互作用的模式. 模拟了荒漠下垫面的土壤环境物理、地面热量通量、蒸发、蒸散及大气边界层结构特征.并对主要的环境物理参数进行了敏感性实验.结果表明,本模式能合理地模拟荒漠下垫面地表热量平衡、土壤体积含水量、地表植被蒸发散阻抗、地表水汽通量日变化和湍流交换系数、湍流动能、位温和比湿廓线等.该模式还可进一步应用于研究区域陆面物理过程与大气边界层相互作用机制,及与中尺度大气模式耦合用于区域环境生态和气候的研究.  相似文献   

Summary. A model of hydrothermal circulation close to mid-ocean ridge crests has been developed. The flow is modelled as a transient open-loop thermosyphon, restricted to a single fracture parallel to the spreading centre. Circulation is to a depth of 500–1000 m, and heat exchange occurs at the fault walls. Conduction is the sole heat transfer mechanism within the rock.
The aim is to model the conditions under which deposition of ore deposits, such as those in the Cyprus ophiolites, could occur.
Hot springs, with the characteristics of the black smokers at 21°N on the East Pacific Rise, are obtained from the model, but only when the vents are at the unrealistically large spacing of 10 km apart, and then water at over 350°C is vented for a maximum of only 175 yr. The model demonstrates that heat transfer through the rock by conduction alone is too slow to maintain the power output of a group of black smokers. The skin depth of the temperature field limits the total heat available to the system, but even with-out this constraint insufficient high-grade heat would be available from the volume of rock within the likely field of influence of a vent.
It would take about 2500 yr to accumulate a 3 million ton ore deposit from 1 vent or 250 yr from a group of 10 vents. The rate of heat extraction and the duration of the vents must both be at least an order of magnitude greater than those obtained from this model, thus requiring a much greater source of heat than in the rocks alone. The only source likely to be great enough is the magma chamber itself.  相似文献   

A model study is conducted to examine the role of Pacific water in the dramatic retreat of arctic sea ice during summer 2007.The model generally agrees with the observations in showing considerable seasonal and interannual variability of the Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait in response to changes in atmospheric circulation. During summer 2007 anomalously strong southerly winds over the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean strengthen the ocean circulation and bring more Pacific water into the Arctic than the recent(2000-2006) average.The simulated summer(3 months) 2007 mean Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait is 1.2 Sv,which is the highest in the past three decades of the simulation and is 20%higher than the recent average.Particularly ,the Pacific water inflow in September 2007 is about 0.5 Sv or 50%above the 2000-2006 average.The strengthened warm Pacific water inflow carries an additional 1.0×10~(20) Joules of heat into the Arctic,enough to melt an additional 0.5 m of ice over the whole Chukchi Sea.In the model the extra summer oceanic heat brought in by the Pacific water mainly stays in the Chukchi and Beaufort region,contributing to the warming of surface waters in that region.The heat is in constant contact with the ice cover in the region in July through September.Thus the Pacific water plays a role in ice melting in the Chukchi and Beaufort region all summer long in 2007,likely contributing to up to 0.5 m per month additional ice melting in some area of that region .  相似文献   

基于EOS/MODIS遥感数据改进式融雪模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在中国西部的中纬度干旱和半干旱山区,融雪水是极其重要的水资源,融雪径流对河流的补给量在春季甚至可达75%以上,但是急剧的融雪也容易引发洪水,所以从水资源的有效利用和洪水预警方面看,有必要了解大范围的积雪消融状况。基于积雪层能量平衡原理建立融雪模型,利用正午过境的EOS/MODIS的Terra卫星遥感数据反演模型中的参数,结合气象数据获得瞬时的能量平衡信息,然后根据B.Sequin、B.ltier和谢贤群的研究推算日融雪量,改善了融雪模型的算法。另外采用遥感数据对雪盖进行实时监测,避免在进行融雪量估算时候对无雪区的错误估算。  相似文献   

典型山地降水径流时空演变及“水-热-人-地”匹配性分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
山地是中国自然生态保护与经济社会发展问题交织、矛盾突出的区域。山地水资源受气候变化和人类活动综合影响发生演变,进一步影响到其与区域气候资源、土地资源以及经济社会之间的协调匹配,研究这些问题对辨识山地发展关键短板、提供山地问题解决思路具有基础意义。根据自然环境特点和经济社会发展状况,选择太行山、横断山和黔桂喀斯特三大典型山地开展研究,基于全国水资源调查评价成果及土地利用、经济社会数据,采用Mann-Kendall检验等方法分析1956-2015年山地降水和径流时空演变特点;采用匹配距离和不平衡指数对山地的水(降水和径流)、热(积温和辐射)、地(面积和耕地)以及社会经济(人口和GDP)等4类要素匹配性进行综合对比分析。结果表明:三大典型山地中,太行山水资源禀赋最差,且2000年以来径流显著衰减,而横断山和黔桂喀斯特降水、径流丰富,且无明显变化趋势;从“水—热—人—地”对比来看,太行山以缺水问题为主,横断山多数地区土地与热资源偏少且水热空间差异大,黔桂喀斯特整体来说土地资源偏少;综合来看,水与其他要素的匹配性最差,特别是在太行山区,水的时空分布及其均衡匹配是保障山地可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

长江源区五道梁的土壤热状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
活动层土壤热状况是寒区陆面物理过程研究的重要内容之一。利用五道梁能量收支观测站1993年9月~2000年12月份实测辐射及土壤热通量资料结合五道梁气象站1961-2010时段的气象资料分析了近50 a来该地区活动层土壤的热状况。结果表明:五道梁地区土壤热通量有显著的年际、年代际变化;20世纪60~80年代,土壤热通量小于0.0 W/m2,活动层土壤以放热为主,自90年代以来,土壤热通量大于0.0 W/m2,活动层土壤以吸热为主。过去50 a中该地土壤热通量呈现增大趋势,平均每10 a土壤热通量增大0.31 W/m2。土壤热通量随净辐射的增大而增大。土壤热平衡系数的变化特点与土壤热通量的变化特点一致。60~80年代,活动层土壤热平衡系数<1,该地区冻土相对比较稳定,而自90年代以来此间土壤热平衡系数<1,表明该地多年冻土呈现出退化迹象。活动层土壤热平衡系数可表示为气温、地表温度及水汽压的函数。  相似文献   

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