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湖泊是陆地水资源的重要组成部分,也是局地气候和全球环境变化的敏感指示器之一。湖泊面积增加和水位的变化直接反映了流域内水量平衡变化过程,对区域和全球的气候变化的反映较为敏感。利用线性趋势法对青海湖流域长时间序列气象、水文资料以及流域水热条件和植被生长状况进行分析研究,利用皮尔逊相关系数法计算了各因素与湖水位的相关关系,旨在定量评估区域气象、水文、植被等要素的变化对和湖泊水位变化过程的贡献,开展细致的青海湖水位变化特征的影响因子探讨与分析。结果表明:该流域气候呈现显著的暖湿化趋势,其中流域年降水量总体上呈现弱的增加态势,气候倾向率为10.8 mm·(10 a)-1;流域年平均气温呈显著的升高趋势(P <0.01)。流域年可能蒸散率和年实际蒸散波动较大,年实际蒸散虽有波动但增加趋势非常明显(P <0.01)。流域净第一性生产力(P)平均值为2.86 t DM·hm-2·a-1,呈现显著的增加趋势(P <0.01)。从1961年开始湖水位呈现逐年波动下降的趋势,到2004年水位最低(P<0.01);2004—2015年的近10 a连续上升,上升速率达14.4 m·(10 a)-1P <0.01)。流域气温升高、降水量增加,流域气候呈显著的暖湿化特征,入湖河流径流量也呈现出弱的增加态势;气候暖湿化特征导致流域生物温度增加,植被生长状况得到改善,[WTBX]NPP[WTBZ]显著增加。年降水量增多,河流径流量增大,湖水位抬升;前一年的降水量、≥0 ℃积温、温度、径流量、NPP和蒸发量对湖水位的影响更大;NDVINPP的增加反映流域植被生长状况得到好转,从而增加了流域植被水土保持和水源涵养能力,对湖水位产生间接的影响。降水量、≥0 ℃积温、温度、径流量和NPP对青海湖水位起到正反馈效应,而蒸发量对湖水位主要起负反馈效应,年降水量和年径流量是湖水位变化的最直接的影响因子。  相似文献   

2003-2009 年中亚地区湖泊水位变化的时空特征   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
李均力  陈曦  包安明 《地理学报》2011,66(9):1219-1229
利用ICESat/GLAS 卫星测高数据产品获取2003-2009 年间中亚地区24 个典型湖泊的水位信息,分析该地区湖泊水位变化的时间过程和空间特征,并结合流域内气象观测数据和冰川、水坝分布图,分析不同类型湖泊的水位变化对气候变化与人类活动的响应。结果表明,湖泊水位变化与湖泊所在流域的年均降水量的变化呈显著的正相关;冰川融水对高山封闭湖泊的变化具有重要作用,其中在青藏高原北部、帕米尔高原和天山中部有大量冰川分布的流域,湖泊水位变化与湖泊补给系数呈正相关,水位主要表现为升高或稳定的状态;而在天山和阿尔泰山高地区无冰川补给的流域,水位随湖泊补给系数的增大而呈现负变化。水利枢纽或拦水坝为人类活动对湖泊的直接影响因子,其空间分布与近年来外流湖和平原尾闾湖的水位变化有关。拦水建坝的外流湖和尾闾湖的水位下降明显,而未建拦水坝或水利枢纽的外流湖水位相对稳定,进一步印证了近年来中亚水资源过度开发造成湖泊水位下降的事实。  相似文献   

新疆沙尘暴源区的气候与荒漠环境变化   总被引:28,自引:11,他引:17  
根据新疆地区50年来的气候变化以及人类活动的影响,阐述了新疆沙尘暴源区气候与荒漠环境变化。结果表明,新疆地区的气候由暖干向暖湿发展。自20世纪70年代中期以来,暖湿过程非常明显,特别是新疆南疆与北疆的气候变化特点和高山与盆地的气候变化差异以及湖泊水域面积的变化,都明显地反映了干旱区域气候变化的敏感性,并且也反映了新疆区域气候与中国中、东部气候变化的差异性。由于气候的波动变化和人类活动的干扰,使荒漠环境也在不同区域受到不同程度影响,尤其是干旱地区的降水、大气湿润程度和下垫面状况都直接影响着沙尘暴的发生和发展。20世纪80年代后期以来,温度的突变是造成环境恶化、灾害增多的主要原因之一,同时也反映出干旱内陆区是气候变化过程中的敏感反应区。  相似文献   

根据太白湖沉积柱中硅藻、孢粉、粒度、磁化率、元素含量等指标记录,冗余分析结果表明松孢粉的百分含量、沉积物磷浓度、频率磁化率及有机碳含量是能显著解释水环境变化的最小变量组合,解释的硅藻变率百分比达51.5%,仅比所有沉积指标共同解释的信息量少6.4%。主要根据该4指标的古环境意义,对该湖近200年来的营养演化驱动机制进行了探讨。太白湖近代富营养化过程表明:在温暖湿润的气候背景下,较高营养背景的湖泊极易在人类活动的驱动下发生富营养化,因此对湖泊资源必须进行合理的人为开发与利用。  相似文献   

吴立  张梦翠  计超  张诗陶 《地理科学》2016,36(12):1920-1928
通过对巢湖湖泊沉积岩芯不同粒级炭屑浓度和磁化率等指标变化的研究,揭示了全新世以来的区域火环境变化及人类活动影响。结果表明: 全新世早期,气候由寒冷干旱向温暖湿润过渡,但仍较为干旱,炭屑浓度也相对略高,火活动比较频繁,地方性和区域性火时有发生; 全新世中期是最温暖湿润的适宜期,炭屑浓度出现全新世以来的低值,火活动微弱,但在文化兴盛时期炭屑浓度出现峰值,则归因于人类活动的影响;全新世晚期,在气候趋于凉干的环境背景下,人类活动的增强更加剧了火活动的频率和强度,炭屑浓度大幅增加; 近200 a炭屑浓度的降低可能与湖区附近已没有足够生物量引起火灾有关。  相似文献   

东居延海易溶盐沉积与古气候环境变化   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
通过对黑河尾闾东居延海湖相沉积物易溶盐类K^ 、Na^ 、Ca^2 、Mg^2 、SO4^2 、CO3^2-、HCO3^-、Cl^-八大离子含量和其他相关指标的分析,依据它们在地层中的变化特征,结合地层^14C年代测定结果,把东居延海湖泊变化划分为:隋唐湖泊面积较大时期、宋辽湖泊缩小时期、中世纪暖期湖泊扩张时期、小冰期湖泊缩小时期及20世纪湖泊干涸期等几个阶段。考虑近1500a来该流域气候变化和人类活动对湖泊的影响,得出了以下几个结论:近1500a来,东居延海湖区气候以干旱为主,湖泊逐渐萎缩;在干旱背景下存在气候波动,并与全球变化具有一致性;湖泊的盛衰演变受到气候变化和人类活动的双重影响,前期以自然变化为主,明清以来特别是清代以后,人类活动的影响加剧,成为主控因子。  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物中的粒度参数记载了丰富的流域环境变化信息,可为无器测资料地区重建古环境变化序列提供可靠的途径。通过对巴尔喀什湖岩芯沉积物中粒度、磁化率等环境代用指标的分析,结合放射性137Cs定年以及流域气候、湖泊水位等器测记录数据,研究了巴尔喀什湖沉积物中粒度变化特征及其环境指示意义。结果表明:巴尔喀什湖沉积物中黏土质(4μm)组分平均含量为20.32%,细粉砂质(4~16μm)为40.13%,中粉砂质(16~32μm)为22.86%,粗粉砂质(32~64μm)为10.55%,砂质(64μm)为6.13%。通过粒径标准-偏差法提取了沉积物中环境细颗粒敏感组分(F1,6.61~10.00μm)和粗颗粒敏感组分(F2,45.71~69.18μm)。研究表明在人类活动影响不断加强的背景下,粒度敏感组分的含量变化不能敏感的反映湖泊水位、入湖径流乃至区域气候的变化,而与沉积物中磁化率所反映的人类活动强度变化存在较为显著的相关关系(r=0.870,P0.01),这可能与人类活动增强导致的流域内富含磁性物质的细颗粒碎屑物质被搬运入湖有关,湖泊沉积物中磁化率升高的同时,湖泊沉积物中细颗粒物质增加。研究结果可为长时间尺度下古环境重建研究提供重要参考依据,同时也对揭示流域人类活动对湖泊环境的影响具有一定的科学意义。  相似文献   

新疆地区气候与环境变化对沙尘暴的影响研究   总被引:23,自引:25,他引:23  
根据新疆地区50年来的气候变化以及人类活动的影响,阐述了新疆沙尘暴源区气候与荒漠环境变化。结果表明,新疆地区的气候由暖干向暖湿发展。自20世纪70年代中期以来,暖湿过程非常明显,特别是新疆南疆与北疆的气候变化特点和高山与盆地的气候变化差异以及湖泊其他水域面积的变化,都明显地反映了干旱区域气候变化的敏感性,并且也反映了新疆区域气候与中国中、东部气候变化的差异性。由于气候的波动和人类活动的干扰.使不同地区的荒漠环境受到不同程度影响。干旱地区的降水、大气湿度、下垫面状况等都直接影响着沙尘暴的发生和发展。沙尘暴的发生频率和强度与沙尘源区的状况及其气候与荒漠环境变化以及动力条件(即天气系统)等具有密切的关系。因此,20世纪80年代后期以来,气候变暖是造成干旱区生态环境恶化、自然灾害尤其是风沙灾害和沙尘暴增多的主要原因之一。同时,也反映出内陆干旱区是气候变化的敏感反应区。  相似文献   

湖泊学P5322005043068粒度和元素证据指示的居延海1.5KaBP来环境演化=EvolutionandclimatechangesoftheJuyanLakerevealedfromgrainsizeandgeochemistryelementsince1500aBP/靳鹤龄,肖洪浪…∥冰川冻土.—2005,27(2).—233~240东居延海湖相沉积的粒度和元素资料研究结果表明:明清以前湖泊的变化主要受气候变化的影响,温暖时期,气候偏湿,入湖水量增多,湖泊面积扩大,流域化学风化作用增强;寒冷时期,气候偏干,入湖水量减小,湖泊萎缩,流域化学风化作用减弱.明清之后特别是近40a来,由于黑河上中游地区大规模的土地开发及水资源利用,入湖水量…  相似文献   

岱海湖泊沉积物频率磁化率对历史时期环境变化的反映*   总被引:52,自引:4,他引:48  
在探讨封闭湖泊沉积物频率磁化率的环境意义的基础上,根据岱海DH32孔湖泊沉积物磁化率的测量结果,结合粒度、孢粉、历史资料和硅藻分析结果,对岱海历史时期的环境变化进行了探讨。研究认为:历史时期内陆封闭湖泊沉积物频率磁化率高值段指示气候偏湿阶段;低值段指示气候干旱阶段;DH32孔湖泊沉积物频率磁化率反映的近300年来岱海气候变化可划分七个阶段,并与粒度、孢粉、硅藻和历史资料的分析结果基本一致。湖泊沉积物频率磁化率是恢复历史时期环境变化的重要环境指标之一。  相似文献   

Glacier shrinkage and melting of snow patches caused by the current phase of warming is having a profound impact on lake ecosystems located in glacierized environments at high altitude and/or latitude because it alters the hydrology and the physico-chemistry of the river discharges and catchment runoff. These changes, in turn, have a major impact on the biota of these lakes. In this study, we combined geochemical and diatom analyses of a sediment core retrieved from Lake Kanas (N.W. China) to assess how climate change has affected this ecosystem over the past ~ 100 years. Our results show that the aquatic ecosystem of Lake Kanas was sensitive to changes in the regional climate over that period of time. The lake has been affected by change in hydrology (e.g. influx of glacier meltwater, variations in precipitation) and change in hydrodynamics (water column stability). The variations in abundance and composition of the diatom assemblages observed in the sedimentary record have been subtle and are complex to interpret. The principal changes in the diatom community were: (1) a rise in diatom accumulation rates starting in the AD 1970s that is coeval with changes observed in temperate lakes of the Northern Hemisphere and (2) an increase in species diversity and assemblage turnover and a faster rate-of-change since ~ AD 2000. The diatom community is expected to change further with the projected melting of the Kanas glacier throughout the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

Diatom responses to 20th century climate-related environmental change were assessed from three high-elevation lakes in the northern Canadian Cordillera. Dominance of small benthic Fragilaria diatoms reflect the generally cold conditions with long periods of ice cover that have characterized these mountain lakes over at least the last ~300 years until the period of recent warming. At the turn of the 20th century, salient shifts in the diatom assemblages reveal individualistic limnological responses with the onset of climate warming trends in northwest Canada. At YK3 Lake, an oligotrophic, chemically dilute, alpine lake, increased representation of the planktonic Cyclotella pseudostelligera may reflect longer ice-free conditions and/or more stable thermal stratification. By contrast, in the more productive, alkaline lakes (BC2 and Deadspruce lakes), changes to more diverse assemblages of periphytic diatoms suggest greater benthic habitat availability, most likely associated with the enhanced growth of aquatic plants with lengthening of the growing seasons. In addition, diatom assemblages from these lakes suggest less alkaline conditions following the onset of 20th century climate warming. Continued alkalinity reduction throughout the 20th century is qualitatively inferred at the lower elevation, treeline lake (Deadspruce Lake), while greater representation of alkaliphilous Fragilaria diatoms after ~1950 suggested increased alkalinity at the alpine BC2 Lake. Our results confirm the sensitivity of diatoms from high-elevation mountain lakes to regional climate change in northwest Canada. Individualistic limnological responses to 20th century warming are potentially attributed to differences in their physical setting (e.g., bedrock geology, elevation, catchment vegetation) in this complex mountain environment.  相似文献   

In recent decades, softwater lakes across Canada have experienced a wide array of anthropogenic influences, with acidification and climate warming of particular concern. Here, we compare modern and pre-industrial sedimentary diatom assemblages from 36 softwater lakes located on the Canadian Shield in south-central Ontario to determine whether lake acidification or reduced calcium availability was the main stressor responsible for recent declines in Ca-sensitive cladoceran taxa. Regional surveys of south-central Ontario water chemistry have identified the pH recovery of many formerly acidified lakes, and our fossil diatom-inferred pH analyses indicate that modern lakewater pH in the 36 study lakes is similar to (or higher than) pre-industrial levels, with diatom assemblages from both time periods dominated by taxa with similar pH preferences. In addition, modern diatom assemblages compared to pre-industrial assemblages contained higher relative abundances of planktonic diatom taxa (e.g. Asterionella formosa and the Discostella stelligera complex) and lower relative abundances of heavily silicified diatoms (e.g. Aulacoseira taxa) and benthic fragilarioid taxa. These taxonomic shifts are consistent with warming-induced changes in lake properties including a longer ice-free period, decreased wind speed and/or increased thermal stability. We conclude that recent changes observed within the cladoceran assemblages of these lakes are not a response to acidification, but are likely a consequence of Ca declines. In addition, our data suggest that regional climate warming is now responsible for the diatom changes observed in this region.  相似文献   

Meretta Lake (Resolute Bay, Cornwallis Island, Nunavut, Canada) is a high arctic lake that received raw sewage for almost 50 years from the Canadian Department of Transport Base. The lake was sampled from 1968–72 during the International Biological Programme, as part of the Char Lake Project. As the number of users at the Transport Base declined throughout the 1990s, so too did the lake's nutrient levels, and Meretta Lake is now classified as oligotrophic. A previous diatom-based paleolimnological study revealed marked species assemblage shifts coincident with sewage inputs beginning in the late 1940s; however, because the core was taken at a time when nutrient levels were still relatively high (i.e., 1993), the diatom record did not yet track any signs of recovery. In this present study, we examined fossil diatom assemblages from a sediment core taken in 2001. Our results indicate a shift to the pre-impact diatom assemblages in the most recent sediments, indicating that the paleolimnological record is tracking the decreased nutrient inputs to this high arctic lake, and confirms that no significant lags exist in these largely ice-covered lakes.  相似文献   

Albeit subfossil Cladocera remains are considered as a reliable proxy for tracking historical lake development, they have been scarcely studied in large subalpine lakes south of the Alps. In this study, subfossil Cladocera remains from Lake Garda in northern Italy were analyzed to track the lake’s environmental changes since the Middle Ages. One core was retrieved from the largest sub-basin of Lake Garda (Brenzone, 350 m deep) and two cores were retrieved from the profundal and littoral zone of the smaller lake sub-basin (Bardolino, 80 and 40 m deep, respectively). The species distribution of Cladocera remains in recent sediment layers was similar to that observed in contemporary water samples. The deepest sections of the three cores were characterized by species sensitive to water temperature, which suggest a key role of major climatic events in driving the lake response during the late Holocene. The most evident change in Cladocera assemblages in the studied cores was observed during the 1960s, when planktonic taxa such as Daphnia spp. and Bosmina spp. became dominant at the expense of littoral taxa. Despite the highly coherent general pattern of subfossil Cladocera, the cores showed a set of minor differences, which were attributed to different morphological and hydrological features of the two basins forming Lake Garda. Multivariate analysis revealed a clear relation of Cladocera to climate variability during periods of low lake nutrient levels (i.e. before the 1960s). This provides additional information on past ecological responses of Lake Garda, as contrast previous data from subfossil diatom and pigment analyses did not fully capture effects of climate change during the same period. Since the 1960s shifts in assemblage composition of Cladocera and diatoms were highly coherent, in response to nutrient increase and the following, less pronounced, decrease in nutrient concentrations. During the last five decades, the response of the Cladocera to climate variability appeared to be masked by nutrient change. This work points up the potential of the multi-proxy approach for disentangling the multifaceted biological responses to multiple environmental stressors in large and deep lakes.  相似文献   

Radar remote sensing can acquire information of sub-surface covered by sand in arid area,detect surface roughness and vegetation coronet′s layer and linear feature such as linear structure and channel sensitively. With sediment facies analysis, this paper studies the features of environmental evolution in mid-late Epipleistocene (60 ka BP-20 ka BP) in northeastern Ejin Banner. The conclusions are listed as follows: (1) The evolution of the three lakes, i.e. Gaxunnur, Sugunur and Tian′e lakes, are dominated by faults and regional climate. (2) By analyzing sedimentary section of old Juyanze Lake,the three lakes used to be a large outflow lake before 50 ka BP in northeastern Ejin Banner, and at 50ka BP, temperature declined rapidly in northwestern China. The event caused the lake′s shrinkage. (3)By fault activity uplift in the northern part of old Juyan Lake and depression in the southern part, the lake′s water followed from north to south at around 35 ka BP, old Juyanze fluvial fan was formed. At the same time, Juyan Lake separated from Sugunur Lake and Wentugunr old channel was abandoned.(4) In recent 2000 years, Ruoshui River is a wandering river, sometimes it flows into Juyan Lake and sometimes Sugunur and Gaxunnur lakes. Due to human activities and over exploitation, the oasis ecosystem is rapidly degenerated in 15 years (1986-2000).  相似文献   

Diatom dissolution in saline lakes represents an important obstacle to the quantitative reconstruction of water chemistry and climate from lake sediment archives. This problem is here approached experimentally by artificially dissolving diatom-bearing core sediment from Lake Manyara, Tanzania. Manyara holds one of the longest continuous palaeolimnological records from tropical Africa although its interpretation is based on a fragmentary diatom record due to frustule dissolution. These experiments have revealed clear changes in assemblage composition as dissolution operated differentially with respect to diatom taxa. Differential dissolution has considerable impact on the water chemistry estimates derived from transfer functions. Taphonomy, rather than environmental change, may have been responsible for minor fluctuations in the diatom assemblages from Manyara, although major palaeohydrological changes during the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene can be identified. Particularly well represented by MANE-87 is a period of intermediate lake level between 27 500 and 23 000 14C yr BP which has regional palaeohydrological significance.  相似文献   

阳宗海硅藻群落对水体污染和水文调控的长期响应模式   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在人类活动持续干扰的背景下,云南部分湖泊面临着污染物输入增加的环境压力,特别是营养盐富集和重金属污染。以云南地区遭受过严重工业污染的阳宗海为研究对象,通过沉积物硅藻群落、砷浓度、营养元素与稳定同位素、粒度等多指标分析,结合文献记录和湖泊调查结果,揭示了阳宗海硅藻群落对湖泊富营养化和砷污染的长期响应特征,并识别了不同时期的主要环境压力与其驱动强度。结果表明:长期的营养盐累积使得浮游硅藻逐渐占据优势地位,且耐污染的底栖硅藻种的快速增加与砷污染出现的时段一致。在阳宗海长期富营养化的背景下,当水体砷污染物浓度达到一定阈值水平后,硅藻群落结构的改变和多样性的降低都指示了湖泊生态系统发生了灾难性的转变。同时1965年开始的湖泊引水工程导致了贫营养种的突然增加。因此,水体富营养化、重金属污染与湖泊水文调控是导致阳宗海硅藻群落长期变化的主控因子,对阳宗海的生态修复与综合治理需要综合考虑不同胁迫因子的长期影响与驱动作用。  相似文献   

Paleolimnological analyses were used to infer limnological changes during the past ~ 300 yrs in the west basin of Peninsula Lake, a small (853 ha) Precambrian Shield lake in Ontario, Canada, that has been subjected to moderate cultural disturbances (forest clearance, cottage and resort development). This study represents a pioneering attempt to use sedimentary chironomid assemblages and weighted-averaging models to quantify past hypolimnetic anoxia (expressed as the anoxic factor, AF). Impacts of forest clearance and human land-use on deepwater oxygen availability and surface water quality were assessed by comparing chironomid-inferred AF and diatom-inferred total phosphorus concentration ([TP]) to changes in terrestrial pollen and historical data. This study also discusses the ability of chironomids to quantitatively infer changes in AF.Pre-disturbance chironomid assemblages were stable and dominated by taxa indicative of oxygen-rich hypolimnetic conditions (e.g., Protanypus, Heterotrissocladius, Micropsectra type), while diatoms indicated oligotrophic lake status (diatom inferred [TP] = 5-7 g·l-1). Chironomids characteristic of lower oxygen availability (e.g., Chironomus, Procladius) increased following land-clearance, road construction, establishment of a grist mill and lakeshore development beginning ca. 1870. Increased abundances of Tanytarsus s. lat., a multigeneric group of mainly littoral chironomids, since 1900, indicated that littoral chironomids may have comprised a greater proportion of fossil assemblages during periods of eutrophication and prolonged anoxia. Abundances of meso-eutrophic diatom taxa (e.g., Fragilaria crotonensis, Asterionella formosa, Aulacoseira ambigua, A. subarctica) increased concurrent with European settlement (ca. 1870) and diatom-inferred [TP] doubled (~ 6-12 g·l-1), further indicating that naturally-oligotrophic Precambrian Shield lakes were extremely sensitive to initial land-clearance activities.Recent increases in oligotrophic diatom taxa (e.g., Cyclotella stelligera) indicate a shift to more oligotrophic conditions since ca. mid-1960s, with greatest changes since ca. 1980. The chironomids Heterotrissocladius and Micropsectra type also increased at this time suggesting greater deepwater oxygen availability. These recent water-quality improvements, possibly in response to enhanced nutrient removal from detergents and sewage, climate-related reductions in external phosphorus loads, and catchment (but not lake) acidification and reforestation, suggest that habitat for commercially-valuable cold-water fishes has improved in recent decades despite greater recreational lake-use.Paleolimnological assessment of trophic status changes in Peninsula Lake using fossil diatom and chironomid assemblages were in good agreement. Diatom inferences of [TP] and chironomid inferences of AF both suggest that Peninsula Lake was historically oligotrophic, became oligo-mesotrophic after European settlement, and returned to oligotrophy in recent yrs. Chironomid inferences of [TP] consistently underestimated the trophic status of Peninsula Lake, possibly due to its relatively large hypolimnion. These results suggest that AF represents a useful tool for quantitatively reconstructing the past trophic status of deeper, stratified lakes.  相似文献   

There has been much debate over the relative importance of environmental selection and spatial variation on community organization in microorganisms. To assess the importance of environmental or spatial variables in diatom species assemblages in Gall Lake, northwest Ontario, 41 surface-sediment samples were collected in a two-dimensional gridded pattern along and across depth contours. A depth-constrained cluster analysis separated the diatom flora into three communities: a shallow-water benthic zone (B1); a deeper-water benthic zone (B2); and a planktonic zone (P). Redundancy analysis (RDA) confirmed that water depth was a major predictor of variation in the flora. Further RDAs and variation partitioning using orthogonal polynomials and Moran’s eigenvector maps showed that spatial location had minimal effect on the diatom assemblages. Principal components analysis grouped the diatom flora not only by assemblage, but also by water depth, regardless of two-dimensional spatial separation, suggesting the importance of the environmental gradients associated with lake depth. These findings indicate that environment is a more important explanatory variable than spatial variables for diatoms within lakes, suggesting dispersal plays a limited role in intra-lake diatom distributions.  相似文献   

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