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Natural Resources Research - The impact that climate change may play in the future sustainability of mining projects has become increasingly important for the mining industry and its stakeholders....  相似文献   

Natural Resources Research - Ecosystems and their services are essential to human well-being, but mining activities often cause adverse impacts on these services. Although impact of mining...  相似文献   

Cyclic climatic changes, as well as the press of anthropogenic impact, affect ecosystems of the river Argun basin. Specialization of basin management is industrial and agricultural. The main impact is connected with the development of mining companies (including the mining of ore and placer gold), energy facilities, and the formation of reservoirs in the basin of rivers: the Argun — the Hailar. As a result of natural and anthropogenic pressure, the limiting factor for ecosystem exploitation in this basin is water resources (water deficiency and its quality).  相似文献   

Social issues are critical to the mining industry. This study investigates how social issues have been, and are being, assessed and managed within this industry through a case study of Northparkes Mines in central west New South Wales (NSW). The research involved 29 interviews with mining executives, environmental consultants and citizens of Parkes, plus a document analysis of four environmental impact statements prepared between 1990 and 2012. Where appropriate, findings were extrapolated to the wider mining industry. The standard for social impact assessment in NSW and emerging industry guidelines on social responsibility were analysed against internationally accepted good practice. Interviews indicated greater potential to recognise the social impacts of mining in NSW and identified good practice impact assessment as only one component of a successful community engagement strategy. Complementary strategies are essential to extend the benefits of development to local communities and for companies to establish a ‘social licence to operate’. The successful approach taken by Northparkes Mines combined good practice impact assessment with a localised workforce, an integrated management team and context-specific community engagement practices. This study highlights that local communities can be empowered through development, that benefits can extend to both the community and the business and that the ongoing management of social issues will increasingly be critical to the success of the mining industry.  相似文献   

陈俊岩 《西部资源》2012,(3):153-154
鄂尔多斯的煤炭资源经过多年的开采,给国家经济建设作出了巨大贡献,同时也对生态环境产生了较大影响。本文针对鄂尔多斯地区主要生态环境问题,根据目前煤炭开采技术现状,提出适合鄂尔多斯地区的保水开采技术途径,将矿井水、瓦斯、矸石进行资源化利用。从而实现煤炭开采与生态环境协调发展,促进鄂尔多斯地区煤炭资源合理开发利用。  相似文献   


Despite the impact of mining-induced environmental change on community livability, we know little about how disparities in knowledge of health risks associated with mining influence residents’ response, especially in an already environmentally stressed context. Guided by theoretical insights from solastalgia, we examined residents’ decision to relocate due to increasing gold mining activities in the fragile Northern Savannah Ecological Zone of Ghana. Fitting complementary log-log regression models to cross-sectional data from the Upper West Region (UWR) of Ghana, we found that residents with limited knowledge of potential health impacts of mining and those who believe mining activities were not meeting environmental standards were more likely to consider relocating. Given the centrality of land in community health and wellbeing in the UWR, Ghana’s mining guidelines should promote local participation in the regulation of mining activities and guarantee the rights of indigenes to livable native lands.  相似文献   

采煤沉陷湖由采煤地表沉陷经常年积水而形成,把采煤沉陷湖改造为人工湿地是近年来中国尝试的一种生态修复途径。由于采煤沉陷湖人工湿地对区域微观环境改良作用明显,从而对周边土地价格产生溢出效应。以平原高潜水位地区采煤沉陷湖人工湿地——九里湖湿地为研究案例,以商业和住宅用地为研究对象,分别采集九里湖湿地生态修复前后相同评估基准日的区域地价样点数据,通过Kriging空间插值生成价格曲面,以地统计和GIS栅格计算的方法测度了九里湖湿地对周边土地价格的溢出效应。研究表明,越接近九里湖湿地,土地价格涨幅越高,且明显高于九里湖湿地所在区域土地价格的平均涨幅,显示出九里湖湿地对周边土地价格产生了明显的溢出效应。经进一步测算得出,九里湖湿地对周边商业、住宅用地价格的溢出效应影响范围分别为21.07 km2和20.76 km2,影响强度分别为135.76元/m2、182.39元/m2。把溢出效应影响范围和城市规划用地进行套合,通过栅格计算得出,研究期间九里湖湿地对周边商业、住宅用地价格的溢出效应价值分别为20 225.64万元、20 507.09万元,其溢出效应的价值总量(ΔSE)为40 732.73万元。  相似文献   

朱文轩  黎树式  冯炳斌  杨夏玲 《热带地理》2022,42(12):2076-2087
利用Landsat系列遥感数据,通过目视解译的方式分析了南流江近30年的采砂点的时空分布特征及其环境效应,并探讨其驱动因素。结果表明:南流江采砂点数量在1988—2008年快速上升,2018年的采砂点数量出现大幅下降;各时期均为下游采砂点最多,中游次之,上游最少。采砂点时空分布的主要驱动因素是流域的经济快速发展带来的城市化快速扩张,2018年采砂点数量下降的主要原因是相关部门加强对非法采砂活动的监管。采砂活动是南流江含沙量下降的重要原因之一,同时也是南流江水质下降的重要原因;采砂活动使得南流江采砂区域面积在1988—2018年总共减少了7.24 km2;目前河口三角洲岸线并没有因为采砂活动的加剧输沙量减少而发生明显的蚀退。  相似文献   

陕西省渭北矿区地处黄土高原,受到自然环境和煤炭开采等人类活动的双重影响,该地区土壤侵蚀更为严重,生态环境更加脆弱。以渭北矿区为研究对象,基于RUSLE模型对渭北矿区土壤侵蚀进行了评估,并综合植被覆盖度、多年平均降水量、坡度、土地利用类型和煤炭年产量等影响因子,应用地理探测器方法对渭北矿区土壤侵蚀进行定量归因。研究结果对矿区水土流失防治具有一定参考价值。结果表明:(1)渭北矿区土壤侵蚀以微度和轻度侵蚀为主,土壤侵蚀严重的区域主要位于研究区西南部、中部和东南部。(2)植被覆盖度和多年平均降水量是造成研究区土壤侵蚀的主导因子,坡度介于20°~25°的地区、植被覆盖度小于0.3的区域和裸地是发生土壤侵蚀的高风险区。(3)渭北矿区各因子协同作用对土壤侵蚀的解释力均大于单因子解释力,因此多个因子共同作用会对土壤侵蚀造成显著影响。  相似文献   

The Cu (Pb, Zn) mine of Orijärvi (1757–1956) was the first mining operation in Finland where flotation techniques (1911–1955) were used to enrich ore. Large quantities of tailings were produced. The impacts of past mining activities on the aquatic ecosystem of nearby Lake Orijärvi were studied using a combination of paleolimnological methods (analysis of sedimentary diatom frustules, chrysophycean cysts, metal concentrations and radiometric datings). The acid mine drainage (AMD) – derived metal impact to the lake was found to be the strongest thus far recorded in Finland. Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn in sediments are two to three orders of magnitude higher than background values. During the most severe loading phase, there were practically no algae in the lake. Achnanthes  minutissima was the hardiest species able to tolerate increased metal contents. The metal load has changed the properties of sediments in such a way that chrysophycean cysts were impossible to identify because of coating and corrosion. Lake water still has elevated heavy metal concentrations, indicating that the impact from the tailings area continues to affect the lake. It has low productivity, and the planktic diatom community is still not developed. The study demonstrates that unremediated mining areas form a major risk to the environment. The damage to aquatic ecosystem can remain severe for decades after the mining activities have ceased.  相似文献   

莱芜铁矿区岩溶塌陷危险性评价及生态治理对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
矿产资源开采带来的塌陷及其环境地质灾害已给矿区可持续发展带来严重影响,加快塌陷治理,搞好环境 修复是实现自然经济和谐发展的重要前提。在对莱芜铁矿区岩溶塌陷调查的基础上,探讨了铁矿区岩溶塌陷的影 响因素和形成机理,选取第四系厚度、第四系松散岩类孔隙水含水层厚度及其与岩溶水的水力联系、灰岩顶界面岩 溶发育程度、“天窗”内塌陷坑密度5 个指标对岩溶塌陷危险性进行了定性及半定量评价;根据评价依据将研究区 内不同天窗进行危险性划分;并针对评估结果,提出了相应的治理方案。本文的研究结果可以为区域生态环境修复 规划的编制,实现区域可持续发展提供科学的依据。同时本文提出的评估方法在类似矿山地质灾害危险性评估及 治理中具有参考和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

元胞邻域对空间直观模拟结果的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
冯永玖  韩震 《地理研究》2011,30(6):1055-1065
作为一种空间直观模拟模型,地理元胞自动机(Geo-CA)能够模拟及预测城市扩展与土地利用情景.地理CA模拟中,元胞邻域及其空间构型会对转换规则的挖掘与空间直观模拟结果的可靠性产生显著影响,从模拟进度和精度、景观格局及运行效率等角度可以定量分析这种影响.以logistic回归CA模型为例,基于Von:Neumann型和M...  相似文献   

选择陕西省韩城矿区下属的下峪口矿和燎原矿为研究区域,通过454份有效问卷的统计,探讨了居民环境污染感知的空间分异。研究结论表明:环境污染感知的空间分异是客观存在的,居民点周围采矿活动强度大,污染企业多,消极感知强,积极感知弱,若居民点周围的企业能带来就业和经济收益,则居民的消极感知就会减弱。进一步分析了居民点周围的采矿活动强度及企业的污染程度、居民点对矿区经济发展的响应程度、自然背景和个体心理等因素对环境污染感知空间分异的影响。  相似文献   

Cash flows generated from mining projects are typically highly volatile and significantly influenced by a number of exogenous factors including commodity price as one of the most influential uncertainties. In addition, mining projects are complex and many of their executed investment decisions are irreversible. Therefore, management needs to address this potential risk exposure before making an investment decision. Due to the deterioration and fluctuation of mineral commodity prices for a successful mining project acquisition or development, an important and appropriate investment strategy should include a hedging strategy for reducing potential losses suffered by a company. The discounted cash flow methods, which are commonly used to calculate mining project values, often fail to respond to this identified economic uncertainty and also to incorporate de-risking hedging strategies. Therefore, this study approximates the numerical value or value ranges of a mining project considering the combination of a mean reverting commodity price and hedging strategies using continuous time modeling. A novel time-dependent partial differential equation has been proposed using a continuous time, mean reverting model, and hedging strategy to approximate the mining project value. Application of a new real options valuation technique demonstrated its superiority by providing the advantage of mitigating financial losses and procuring financial gains. In this study, some key results are deferral option and expansion option enhanced the maximum values of the project which are, respectively, 2.51 % and 4.4 % compared to the base case. Furthermore, the country risk has a great impact on project values, as when we considered the country risk premium is zero in our model, the project value increases up to 0.97 %.  相似文献   

韩瑞玲  张秋娈  朱绍华  陈艳梅 《地理科学》2016,36(12):1793-1801
以唐山市34个工业行业的面板数据为基础,选择DEA和Malmquist指数模型,对1992~2012年全要素经济生产率、2000~2012年全要素能源生产率及其分解结果进行了分析,并对全要素经济生产率、全要素能源生产率分别进行了影响因素分析。结果发现:研究期内,全要素经济生产率、全要素能源生产率均有所提高,其中技术进步发挥了最主要作用。总体上,经济、能源的TFP指数均在2010年表现最优。分行业看,唐山市的传统优势产业的经济、能源TFP指数增长较快,这对唐山未来产业转型和重组产生了较大阻力,但是也显示出能源集约化程度有所提高。从根本上看,产业结构的不合理不仅束缚了经济、能源效率的提高,且连带影响了对外开放水平的进步及能源结构的优化。通过对唐山市工业行业经济、能源的静态与动态效率分析,并进行影响因素分析,可判定唐山工业发展的质量及各行业的发展差异,为区域进一步转型发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以陕西省商洛市商州区典型的铅锌矿尾矿区—铁炉子村为研究区,以问卷的形式调查了常住居民对开矿引起的环境污染的感知状况,采用秩和检验及相关分析方法,研究该尾矿区居民的环境污染感知状况与居民属性的关系。结果表明:(1) 尾矿区居民认为该尾矿区最为严重的环境问题为水污染,其次为粉尘和大气污染等。(2) 超过50%的居民认为矿区的大气、粉尘和水污染等环境污染均与开矿有关系,且开矿对居民身体健康和生产造成了不同程度的影响,最有可能使居民患上肺吸尘等呼吸系统疾病,并使矿区周围的农牧业减产。(3) 居民属性与居民对环境污染感知的相关关系表明,居民职业显著影响居民对水和噪音污染以及健康担心程度的感知,居民年龄与其对环境卫生污染的感知、居民文化程度与其对大气污染的感知、居住时间与居民对粉尘和水污染的感知均呈显著正相关,居民文化程度对环境卫生污染的感知、居民距矿区的距离与其对粉尘、水、噪音、环境污染感知均呈显著负相关,居民性别对环境污染的感知无明显影响。研究可为当地政府部门治理和规划尾矿区的环境提供理论依据。  相似文献   

 居民环境感知是其环境行为为基础,研究居民属性对环境问题感知的影响,对煤矿区的环境保护社会措施的实施有重要参考意义。彬长矿区是国家重点产煤区,但其环境问题非常严重。通过实地访谈和407份有效问卷的统计,利用秩和检验等方法,探讨了居民对环境问题的感知和调适行为的影响因素,主要结论是:(1)矿区居民对环境普遍不满,他们认为大气污染最严重,其次是环境卫生、噪音和水污染,最后是塌陷和地裂缝。环境问题的最主要原因由采煤和煤炭加工;(2)在居民属性与环境问题感知方面发现:性别对大气污染、水污染、塌陷和地裂缝的感知有明显的影响。年龄属性对大气污染、水污染、噪音污染、塌陷和地裂缝的感知均有显著正向影响。文化程度属性对大气污染、塌陷和地裂缝的感知有显著负向影响。职业属性对各类环境问题的感知均有显著影响。居住时间对噪音污染感知没有显著影响,对其他感知有显著正向影响。居住空间在居民对矿区环境问题的感知上具有显著性负向影响。研究结果可以为矿区的环境治理、政策制定等提供参考  相似文献   

Lake sediments can be significantly impacted by industrial activities. These impacts vary among sites and include both local point sources and atmospherically-derived pollution. Here we present results of a lake sediment pollution record from Ullswater, UK, where lead mining activities have taken place within the catchment since 1690, although large-scale mining did not begin until 1840. Metal concentration data from 12 cores taken along a lake bed transect illustrate that lead mining at Greenside Mine had a significant impact on the lake sediments. High Pb concentrations were identified throughout Ullswater, and exhibited a spatial gradient from south to north, with concentrations decreasing with greater distance from the main source of input at Glenridding. Furthermore, inter-element correlations exhibit spatial variation that reflects the processes by which they are incorporated into the lake sediment record. Together, these observations illustrate potential shortcomings in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and pollution studies based on single cores from large and morphologically variable lakes. Sedimentation rates were estimated by matching this pollution record with the historical record of mining activities. Within Ullswater, sedimentation rates from 1840 to the present varied from 0.67 to 2.33 mm year−1 with a mean of 1.4 mm year−1; highest sedimentation rates were observed in the deepest section of the lake and close to the main inputs, and lowest sedimentation rates were observed in the northern part of the lake, furthest from the main input. Despite the considerable changes in mining techniques and production, there is little evidence to suggest significant changes in sedimentation rates over time.  相似文献   

煤炭富集区开发模式解析——以锡林郭勒盟为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来我国煤炭资源富集区的开发力度空前加大,目前已经初步形成了煤炭—火电—煤化工一体化开发的态势。然而,煤炭资源富集区大多生态脆弱、水资源短缺,这一开发模式与区域主导生态功能存在尖锐冲突。重点剖析了内蒙古锡林郭勒盟煤、电、煤化工发展中存在的问题,认为突出表现在以下几个方面,即现有开发模式的可持续性较差、生态和景观破坏严重、水资源供需矛盾突出、生态建设具有盲目性。要实现资源开发与生态保护的协调发展,就必须调整区域开发模式,控制资源开发范围,加大生态建设投入,并探索适用的生态建设模式。从长远来看,要实现煤炭资源富集区的可持续发展,应通过国土规划明确区域功能定位,建立规范的生态补偿机制,编制综合性区域开发规划,并加强矿区生态恢复技术研究。  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省金昌市(镍矿城市)建成区的土壤重金属调查研究,揭示了其重金属来源、污染现状及其环境风险。结果表明:当地主要矿产品Ni和Cu两种重金属的土壤污染最严重,与《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995)的III级标准比较,样品Ni和Cu的超标率分别为70%和57%,污染面积分别为26 km2和24 km2;土壤As和Cd污染主要集中在矿冶区和尾砂库附近,居民区土壤污染程度低;土壤Cr污染出现在尾砂库和采矿区附近,污染面积为3 km2。在城区土壤中,Co、Cu、Cd、Pb与Zn的污染来源及空间分布具有相似特征,而土壤As污染与Ni污染特征相近。Nemero综合指数评价结果表明,高风险区域主要分布在东部矿冶区、北部尾砂库和西南角采矿区,城市居民区的土壤重金属污染水平较低。  相似文献   

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