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中国农民跨省旅游网络空间结构研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
陈超  刘家明  马海涛  王润  周彬  陈楠 《地理学报》2013,68(4):547-558
依据《中国国内旅游抽样调查资料2008》,利用中国农村居民旅游流的内在联系特性,构建旅游流空间网络结构,采用社会网络分析方法,结合运用GIS 空间分析和数理统计等技术,对农民旅游空间的网络节点中心性与结构洞分析,对旅游空间的整体网络的密度、中心势、核心-边缘结构、凝聚子群分析。结果表明:① 中国农民旅游流网络密度低,随时间发生微弱增密态势,旅游空间的节点呈现“东部沿海密、内陆疏、偏远地区游离”的格局,网络整体结构比较松散而且不均衡;② 网络中心势内向高于外向,旅游目的地集中度高于客源地,东部沿海旅游节点兼具客源地与目的地功能,内陆与偏远地区基本是单一的旅游客源地或目的地;③ 网络核心-边缘空间结构的核心区辐射能力弱,仅限于部分边际省域,中心度指数高的节点占据网络的核心位置,具备核心竞争优势,东部沿海旅游点入度普遍高于内陆与偏远地区,点出度与出游力成正对应;④ 网络区域集聚子群各自形成核心、边缘旅游空间,内部联系紧密,构成与子群相对应的核心旅游地,形成5 个区域集聚子群。构建以省域为节点的农民旅游空间网络结构并进行深度分析,为中国农民旅游空间均衡发展和旅游通达性提供理论和实践指导。  相似文献   

三亚市旅游客流空间特性研究   总被引:55,自引:8,他引:47  
旅游流是旅游目的地与客源地之间空间相互作用的结果。旅游客流空间特性是旅游地理学的重要研究内容。在大量实地调研的基础上 ,本文研究了中国典型的海滨旅游地---三亚市旅游客源市场的空间分布特征 ;在重力模型的基础上 ,以航空票价为经济距离指标 ,建立了基于航空廊道的旅游客流空间潜力模型 ;分析了三亚市旅游者空间行为特征。认为三亚市客源市场空间分布广泛 ,所建立的旅游客流空间潜力模型可以用于指导旅游目的地的旅游客源市场空间定位 ,三亚市旅游者空间行为以飞行 /驾驶式为主。建议三亚市建立旅游航空票价调节基金来降低飞机票价 ,降低旅游交通门槛 ,促进旅游客流量的增加。  相似文献   

中国农民旅游流网络重心轨迹的演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈超  马海涛  陈楠  陈胡玥 《地理研究》2014,33(7):1306-1314
农民旅游流是旅游地理学研究的热点问题,其旅游重心能综合反映旅游流网络的空间扩散和集聚特征。运用国内农村居民旅游者的流向抽样调查数据,构建农民旅游流网络重心、旅游流向、移动距离模型,对农民旅游流的重心轨迹进行研究。结果显示:农民旅游流网络重心隐含农民旅游客源地和目的地双重心的内在联系特性,两种重心呈现“偏南-西南-东北-偏东”的演变轨迹,农民旅游客源地重心与目的地重心存在空间错位;农民旅游流网络重心的移动幅度东西方向大于南北方向,2003-2004 年与2004-2005 年的重心移动距离尺度大于其他时期;其网络重心与经济收入、人口、入境旅游三项重心比较明显偏西南部,呈现客源地重心向东南部、目的地重心向东转北的发展趋势,农民旅游客源地出游力存在区域差异、目的地吸引力存在空间不平衡。本研究作为旅游产业的区域布局与旅游资源的科学配置的基础工作,可为深化农民旅游市场开发以及预测旅游流的动态提供新视角。  相似文献   

旅游流空间模式的基本理论及问题辨析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过文献分析法,将旅游流空间模式基本理论梳理为圈层结构理论、核心边缘理论、空间扩散理论.并对研究中存在的若干问题给予凝视和批判式思考,以期从理论意义上深化旅游流基本问题的建构.6大问题为:[1]旅游者个体旅行行为和旅游流的社会群体行为相混淆的问题;[2]多数研究存在"二元陷阱"现象,将旅游客源地、旅游目的地割裂分别研究;[3]大多数研究往往将区域界定为仅具有出游(旅游客源地)或入游(旅游目的地)职能,这同"现实中许多区域在不同程度上既是客源地,又是目的地"相矛盾:[4]尚未辨析区域内部流和区域间流的辨证关系和各自旅游意义,部分研究甚至将区域内部流叠加到区域尺度上的旅游系统分析中;[5]旅游流空间扩散的方向性倾向仍侧重定量描述,方向性倾向的基本指向及其指向类型仍需科学的界定;⑥国内现有研究较少从动态机制上驻足空间扩散,特别是多目的地旅行行为.  相似文献   

基于多维流视角,运用GIS及社会网络分析方法,对比分析云南省旅游经济流、客流、信息流、资金流的网络结构差异特征及相互影响作用机制。研究表明:云南省供需两侧旅游流反向发展态势明显,旅游流网络异质演变特征明显,流量水平趋高,而流质水平偏低。旅游经济流发展未能随着旅游客流和信息流的发展而增强,网络密度偏低且长期存在旅游经济发展孤点,旅游经济合作交流不足。各州市在旅游经济流网络中“零和竞争”的偏利非共生发展态势,使得旅游市场领域存在一定的“公地悲剧”现象。云南省旅游流节点水平及其空间特征差异显著,”核心-边缘”结构明显。云南省旅游经济流受到旅游客流的中介力、旅游信息流的推动力、旅游资金流的拉动力三者的共同作用影响,各作用力影响程度表现出强弱历时性差异演化,旅游客流中介力持续增强,旅游信息流推动力稳步强化,旅游资金流拉动力显著下降。云南省旅游经济增长及旅游经济流网络发展驱动模式,正逐步由“供给侧拉动型”向“需求侧推动型”转变。  相似文献   

基于小波分析的锦州市旅游流时空特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社交媒体签到数据为旅游流时空特征研究提供了新的途径。基于2017年3月至2018年2月锦州市旅游流微博签到数据,运用统计分析、小波分析、自然间断点分类法、权重分析等方法,结合MATLAB、ArcGIS等软件,对锦州市一整年的旅游流时空分布特征进行研究,结果表明:旅游流出游呈现"峰林结构"特征,4—5月是锦州市全年旅游高峰期;省内游客集中于4—5月,省外游客集中于10月;旅游流呈现多时间尺度波动特征,其中8~12 d和31~38 d两个时间尺度的周期表现较为显著;旅游流客源属性不同,其出游时间集聚性、时间分布特征、时间尺度特征存在差异;旅游流在客源地和目的地空间上呈现集聚的特征,但其集聚特征受客源属性影响。  相似文献   

中国游客赴泰旅游流网络结构及其形成机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国大陆居民赴泰旅游路线为研究对象,通过旅游分享社区网站,采集2016年整年赴泰旅游线路,构建旅游流有向网络,运用社会网络方法分析旅游流网络的结构特征,并通过地理探测器分析其形成机理。研究表明:(1)中国赴泰旅游流网络呈现环形放射状,形成了以曼谷为核心,多基点向四周散射的环形旅游流空间结构,网络密度与中心势偏低,网络联结相对松散,冷热点明显,空间差异性突出;(2)赴泰旅游流网络"核心—边缘"结构突出,网络核心区与边缘区数量差异大且互动较少;(3)曼谷、清迈、芭提雅、普吉岛、拜县处于中国游客赴泰旅游流网络的关键位置,是赴泰旅游集散中心;(4)中国游客赴泰旅游目的地分为五个等级,其中边缘旅游目的地数量过多;(5)从整体来看,旅游接待能力、旅游资源禀赋、旅游目的地知名度、社会治安对赴泰旅游流网络影响作用明显,是旅游流网络结构形成的主要影响因素。在此基础上,探讨了中国游客赴泰旅游流网络结构的形成机理。  相似文献   

基于问卷调查和旅行社推介线路,获取旅游客流数据,借助社会网络结构洞理论、社会资源理论与结构角色理论,运用Ucinet和Netdraw软件,构建跨界旅游客流网络结构模型,并以川滇泸沽湖为案例地,探讨跨界旅游客流空间布局模式、网络结构及节点角色地位,试图揭示跨界旅游客流时空演变、扩散规律及内在机理,为跨界旅游区协同合作提供一定的科学依据。结果表明:1泸沽湖跨界旅游客流网络中,丽江古城区、大玉龙景区是旅游客流网络的核心和集散中心;泸沽湖、香格里拉处于次级旅游核心和次级集散中心地位;大理古城区、苍山洱海、昆明市区、束河古镇是重要旅游目的地和旅游通道;泸山邛海是唯一位于四川的次级集散中心和重要目的地;其他旅游节点中心性指标得分较低,主要接受高等级旅游地旅游客流辐射,相互连接强度较低,为一般旅游目的地和边缘旅游目的地;2跨界旅游区客流网络存在核心-边缘结构,边界效应极强,客流网络结构分层明显,可细分为旅游核心、云南片重要旅游节点、云南片一般旅游地、跨界旅游地和四川片重要旅游地5类;3旅游客流网络中存在明显的派系,泸沽湖旅游客流流动路径指向云南片区大玉龙景区、丽江古城区、香格里拉及四川片区泸山邛海,这些地区成为景区突破边界效应,带动跨界旅游一体化发展的关键。4川滇两省旅游行政部门共同制定旅游区发展规划,树立统一的旅游品牌形象,整合并优化资源、产品与线路,完善跨界旅游交通网络等是今后泸沽湖跨界旅游合作的重点。  相似文献   

基于问卷调查和旅行社推介线路,获取旅游客流数据,借助社会网络结构洞理论、社会资源理论与结构角色理论,运用Ucinet和Netdraw软件,构建跨界旅游客流网络结构模型,并以川滇泸沽湖为案例地,探讨跨界旅游客流空间布局模式、网络结构及节点角色地位,试图揭示跨界旅游客流时空演变、扩散规律及内在机理,为跨界旅游区协同合作提供一定的科学依据。结果表明:① 泸沽湖跨界旅游客流网络中,丽江古城区、大玉龙景区是旅游客流网络的核心和集散中心;泸沽湖、香格里拉处于次级旅游核心和次级集散中心地位;大理古城区、苍山洱海、昆明市区、束河古镇是重要旅游目的地和旅游通道;泸山邛海是唯一位于四川的次级集散中心和重要目的地;其他旅游节点中心性指标得分较低,主要接受高等级旅游地旅游客流辐射,相互连接强度较低,为一般旅游目的地和边缘旅游目的地;② 跨界旅游区客流网络存在核心-边缘结构,边界效应极强,客流网络结构分层明显,可细分为旅游核心、云南片重要旅游节点、云南片一般旅游地、跨界旅游地和四川片重要旅游地5类;③ 旅游客流网络中存在明显的派系,泸沽湖旅游客流流动路径指向云南片区大玉龙景区、丽江古城区、香格里拉及四川片区泸山邛海,这些地区成为景区突破边界效应,带动跨界旅游一体化发展的关键。④ 川滇两省旅游行政部门共同制定旅游区发展规划,树立统一的旅游品牌形象,整合并优化资源、产品与线路,完善跨界旅游交通网络等是今后泸沽湖跨界旅游合作的重点。  相似文献   

周李  吴殿廷  虞虎  王永明  马腾  胡灿 《地理科学》2020,40(2):298-307
采用网络游记文本数据,结合爬虫技术和社会网络分析方法,分析北京市“十二五”和“十三五”时期城市旅游客流网络结构的演变特征。结果表明:城市旅游流网络结构存在不均衡性,城市历史文化遗产节点的的影响控制能力强,新兴旅游吸引物的集聚能力相对较弱,受不同类型节点的路径依赖效应的影响,这种差异存在动态扩大特征。城市旅游流网络结构呈现显著的等级分层结构和节点分散分布特征,传统游憩场所是城市旅游流的核心节点,外围发育的旅游节点较分散且规模能级提升空间较大。城市旅游流拥有显著的赋能效应、倒逼效应和联通效应。  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: USA, Eine Geographische Landeskunde , Vol. I, Der Grossraum in Strukturellem, Wandel, 3rd Ed. Helmut Blume . Introduction to Remote Sensing . James B. Campbell . The Sounds of People and Places: Readings in the Geography of American Folk and Popular Music . George O. Carney , ED. Development and Underdevelopment . John Cole . Mobility and Employment in Urban Southeast Asia: Example from Indonesia and the Philippines . Michael A. Costello , Thomas R. Leinbach , AND Richard Ulack . Soviet Asia: Economic Development and National Policy Choices . Leslie Dienes . The Third World City . David Drakakis -Smith . Scholars' Guide to Washington, DC for Cartography and Remote Sensing Imagery (maps, charts, aerial photographs, satellite images, cartographic literature and geographic information systems). Ralph E. Ehrenberg . Population and Development in the Third World . Allan AND Anne Findlay . The Early Mapping of Hawaii . Gary L. Fitzpatrick . Energetics of Physical Environment: Energetic Approaches to Physical Geography . K. J. Gregory , ED. Wildland Recreation: Ecology and Management . William E. Hammitt and David N. Cole . Agricultural Commercialization and Government Policy in Africa . J. Hinderink AND J. J. Sterkenburg . The Dynamics of American Housing . James W. Hughes AND George Sternlieb . Thailand: Buddhist Kingdom as Modern Nation State . Charles F. Keyes . Resolving Locational Conflict . Robert W. Lake , ED. Lands at Risk in the Third World: Local-level Perspectives . Peter D. Little and Michael M. Horowitz , EDS. Nathaniel Southgate Shaler and the Culture of American Science . David N. Livingstone . Regions: The Economics and Politics of Territory . Ann R. Markusen . Wetlands . William J. Mitsch and James G. Gosselink . Historical Geography: Progress and Prospect . Michael Pacione , ED. Loess and Periglacial Phenomena . Marton P$eacsi and Hugh M. French , EDS. Regional Management of Metropolitan Floodplains, Experience in the United States and Abroad . Rutherford H. Platt , ED. Human Cartography: Mapping the World of Man . Janos Szegö . Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History . Helen H. Tanner , ED. The Botany of Mangroves . P. B. Tomlinson . Urban Spatial Traffic Patterns . Rodney Vaughan . The Night After … Climatic and Biological Consequences of a Nuclear War . Yevgeni Velikhov , ED. Industrial Geography . H. D. Watts . Dictionary of Quotations in Geography . James O. Wheeler and Francis M. Sibley . Vermont Townscape . Norman Wiliams , Jr. , Edmund K. Kellogg and Peter M. Lavigne .  相似文献   

A palaeoecological study of an oligotrophic alpine lake, Paione Superiore (Italy), provided a record of historical changes in water quality. Historical trends in lake acidification were reconstructed by means of calibration and regression equations from diatoms, chrysophycean scales and pigment ratios. The historical pH was inferred by using two different diatom calibration data sets, one specific to the alpine region. These pH trends, together with the record of sedimentary carbonaceous particles and chironomid remains, indicate a recent acidification of this low alkalinity lake.Concentration of total organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen, biogenic silica (BSiO2), chlorophyll derivatives (CD), fucoxanthin, diatom cell concentration and number of chironomid head capsules increased during the last 2–3 decades. When expressed as accumulation rates, most of these parameters tended to decrease from the past century to c. 1950, then all except P increased to the present day. A marked increase in sedimentary nitrogen may be related to atmospheric pollution and to the general increases in output of N in Europe. High C/N ratios indicate a prevailing allochthonous source of organic matter.Finally, the increase in measured air temperature from the mid-1800's appeared to be related to lake water pH before industrialization: cold periods generally led to lower pH and vice-versa. The more recent phenomenon of anthropogenic acidification has apparently decoupled this climatic-water chemistry relationship.  相似文献   

Quinghai Hu is a large, high-altitude, saline lake in north-western China, and supports a fishery based on an endemic species of naked carp (snow trout). The fish take seven years to attain maturity and a marketable weight of 300 g, and have a lifespan of 14–21 years under the present fishery regime. They seasonally migrate from the lake to spawn over the gravel beds of inflowing rivers, but these areas have been reduced by weirs and irrigation diversions and recruitment may have declined. The population may have been affected also by a 1.85-m fall in the lake level over the past 30 years, and by associated changes in salinity. The fishery was opened to large-scale exploitation in 1958. Yields declined sharply (max. 28,523 tonnes, 1960) as the larger, older fish were removed, and then more slowly (min. 2523 tonnes, 1983). Since 1987 the fish factory has been limited to an annual quota of 1200 tonnes, taken by a fleet of four pair trawlers. Another 800 tonnes are taken by licensed fishermen, mainly using gill nets, and perhaps 1000 tonnes are taken illegally. The estimated total catch in 1992 was 3000 tonnes. New trawlers introduced in 1989–90 substantially increased the factory's catch per unit effort, and in 1990 the quota was virtually filled in one month in a zone within 20 km of the factory. Although this could suggest that the stocks will be conserved if the quota is retained, at least half of the catch in 1989–92 consisted of immature individuals. Trawling operations recently were suspended following a further decline in the catch after 1992. While the new trawlers are capable of a major increase in effort, neither the changing environment, the fish stocks or the present markets favour intensified pressure. Gillnets may provide better control over the minimum size limit and may cause less damage than trawling. Other options to improve the viability and profitability of the fishery include improvements in handling, processing and marketing. Failure to develop the fishery may encourage attempts to introduce exotic fish, at some risk to survival of the local species.  相似文献   

The altitudinal distribution of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the southern Canadian Cordillera was analyzed by means of head capsules preserved in surficial sediments of 30 lakes. Taxa characteristic of late-glacial deposits of southern, coastal British Columbia are extant at high elevations, particularly in the Rocky Mountains, and in large, deep, low-elevation lakes. Many chironomid taxa common at low elevations in the southern Canadian Cordillera were not found in alpine and upper subalpine lakes. These faunal differences are probably climatically related. The differences in fauna between high and low-elevation lakes parallel differences between arctic and temperate lakes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Narratives concerning Pacific Ocean territories are often historically derived from European and American mainland visions of great, empty oceans dotted with deserted and uninhabited islands. However, research by indigenous and outlander scholars, along with struggles for political and cultural autonomy in the Pacific, has brought attention to vital island communities and 6has raised questions about a Pacific‐island way of understanding the world. This understanding is traced through scholarly and artistic engagements with history, island‐community studies, and navigational philosophies and is framed by a growing theoretical literature on epistemologies of place from the disciplines of geography and oceanography.  相似文献   

Precipitation is an important component of global water and energy transport and a major aspect of climate change. Due to the scarcity of meteorological observations, the precipitation climate over Tibet has been insufficiently documented. In this study, the distribution of precipitation during the rainy season over Tibet from 1980 to 2013 is described on monthly to annual time scales with meteorological observations. Furthermore, four precipitation products are compared to observations over Tibet. These datasets include products derived from the Asian Precipitation-Highly-Resolved Observational Data(APHRO), the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre(GPCC), the University of Delaware(UDel), and the China Meteorological Administration(CMA). The error, relative error, standard deviation, root-mean-square error, correlations and trends between these products for the same period are analyzed with in situ precipitation during the rainy season from May to September. The results indicate that these datasets can broadly capture the temporal and spatial precipitation distribution over Tibet. The precipitation gradually increases from northwest to southeast. The spatial precipitation in GPCC and CMA are similar and positively correlated to observations. Areas with the largest deviations are located in southwestern Tibet along the Himalayas. The APHRO product underestimates, while the UDel, GPCC, and CMA datasets overestimates precipitation on the basis of monthly and inter-annual variation. The biases in GPCC and CMA are smaller than those in APHRO and UDel with a mean relative error lower than 10% during the same periods. The linear trend of precipitation indicates that the increase in precipitation has accelerated extensively during the last 30 years in most regions of Tibet. The CMA generally achieves the best performance of these four precipitation products. Data uncertainty in Tibet might be caused by the low density of stations, complex topography between the grid points and stations, and the interpolation methods, which can also produce an obvious difference between the gridded data and observations.  相似文献   

Potamids generally live in estuaries, lagoons, and along protected sea shores. However, their ability to colonize intracontinental lakes has been underestimated due to non- or misidentifications. Potamides conicus, the only present lacustrine Potamid currently found in North Africa, belongs to a lagoon-type (thalassoid) malacofauna, dominated by the Cardium Cerastoderma glaucum: this fauna occurs in association with Foraminifera (especially Ammonia beccarii) and Ostracoda (Cyprideis gr. Torosa). Potamids have been found 250 to 900 km from the nearest sea shore: passive dispersal (probably through birds) is the primary dispersal mechanism. Shell morphology and ornamentation can be used to characterize life environment (lacustrine versus marine) but not distance from sea shore. The presence of Potamid-Foraminifera fauna in the fossil record has been interpreted as providing evidence for a sea connection (e.g., gulfs, lagoons). However, more recent paleoecological studies have demonstrated that such assemblages span an ecological gradient from freshwater to hypersaline lacustrine environments. Thus, the occurrence of modern Potamids in lacustrine (in addition to maritime) environments has important implications for Quaternary and Tertiary paleogeographic investigations. Lacustrine Potamids have been recorded from the European Tertiary (France, Spain) and from the Sahara Holocene. More research is required for the better understanding of the distribution and ecology of Potamids in modern and fossil lakes of other continents.This publication is the fifth of a series of papers presented at the Conference on Sedimentary and Paleolimnological Records of Saline Lakes. This Conference was held August 13–16, 1991 at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. Dr Evans is serving as Guest Editor.  相似文献   

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