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潜江盐湖盆地层序地层特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
盐湖沉积不仅是一种重要化工矿产沉积建造 ,还是一种重要的含油气沉积组合 ,其中常常蕴藏有十分丰富的油气资源。但是 ,此类盆地的层序地层学研究起步较晚 ,尤其是对于陆相盐湖盆地更是如此 ,其关键在于国内外的专家学者对盐湖层序的划分与特征了解较少 ,层序地层划分标准不统一。在充分吸收和消化前人研究成果的基础上 ,从当今的盐湖形成理论出发 ,以潜江古盐湖为研究对象 ,讨论了盐湖盆地沉积的层序地层划分标准 ,及层序地层单元基本特征。认为从层序地层的基本控制因素———可容纳空间 (Accommo dationSpace)出发 ,可将盐岩沉积作为盆地水体浓缩的产物———水面下降阶段的沉积代表 ,从而建立起盐湖的层序地层划分标准。  相似文献   

洞穴石笋δ^18O与δ^13C气候意义研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用洞穴次生化学沉积物进行古环境重建是第四纪全球变化研究的一个热点,而碳氧稳定同位素是最重要的气候替代性指标.不少研究者利用洞穴次生沉积物如石笋中碳氧稳定同位素的记录已恢复了部分地区不同时间尺度古气候.同时,研究人员也面临着合理解释一系列机理性问题的挑战,如氧稳定同位素气候意义的多解性、碳氧稳定同位素在定量重建古气候方面存在一定程度失真现象等诸多问题.文中全面论述碳氧稳定同位素在古气候重建中定性与定量研究上存在的局限性,并在此基础上指出:要分别探究石笋中δ18O与δ13C各种来源进入洞穴石笋的地球物理化学全过程及其控制机制;研究现代大气降水同位素组成的各种效应在不同时空的组合规律;尽快建立更为科学的大陆矿物-水地质温标.  相似文献   

利用潜江凹陷大量井筒及试水资料,研究古盐湖深层卤水赋存方式及成矿规律,开展卤水资源评价,为深层卤水开发利用提供建议。研究表明潜江凹陷潜江组卤水赋存于砂岩孔隙中,纵向上划分为5个卤水组,平面上受砂岩物源影响由北向南矿体厚度逐渐变薄直至尖灭;卤水总矿化度垂向分带平面分异明显,垂向上随着深度增加而增加,平面上凹陷中心矿化度高,向四周逐渐降低;卤水中的钾、锂、硼、溴、碘、铷、铯等元素含量与总矿化度呈正比,平面上与总矿化度规律一致,均呈环带状分布。通过对该区资源量进行测算和评价,得出潜江凹陷潜江组砂岩卤水为中孔、中渗、中产能、中深层、氯化钠型,含锂、溴、硼、钾大型工业卤水矿床;由此提出利用油田钻井和油田伴生卤水采卤并进行综合利用,提取食盐、碘、溴、氨水、氯化钾、硼砂、碳酸锂、氯化铷、氯化铯等产品,具有良好的开发前景。  相似文献   

洞穴化学沉积物的古气候记录与古生态环境意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
洞穴化学沉积物由于其特有的微层结构及其内的稳定氧、碳同位素和微量元素所蕴含的古气候与古生态环境信息 ,并且具有分布广、时间长、信息保存完整等特点 ,因此 ,它是研究地球环境变化极好的自然环境历史档案。几十年来 ,国内外这一领域的研究工作有了长足的发展 ,并已经取得了很大的成就 ,本文分别从氧同位素对气候变化的反映、碳同位素应用于重建地表植被生态环境以及石笋微层和微量元素的高分辨率气候环境指示意义几个方面对此作了较为综合的论述 ,同时 ,对这一领域现今所存在的问题及未来的发展趋势 ,也提出了一些自己的看法。  相似文献   

长江口潮滩有机质来源的C、N稳定同位素示踪   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
依据长江河口潮滩自然环境特征和受人文活动影响的差异性,沿长江河口南岸潮滩选取了12个典型的监测站位,并分别于洪水季节(7月份)和枯水季节(2月份)在各监测站位进行了表层(0~2cm)沉积物样品的采集。对表层沉积物有机质中稳定碳、氮同位素进行分析与测试发现,7月份稳定碳同位素值普遍低于2月份的稳定碳同位素值,其变化范围分别为-29.8‰~-23.7‰和-27.3‰~-25.6‰;7月份和2月份稳定氮同位素分别为1.0‰~5.5‰和1.7‰~7.8‰。研究区域内,稳定碳、氮同位素的地区分布和季节变化特征揭示,有机质中的稳定碳、氮同位素组成不仅受陆源和海源有机质输入量之间消长变化的影响,同时一系列的生物地球化学过程、人为有机质的输入和沉积物粒度与叶绿素对碳、氮同位素组成均存在不同程度的改造作用。此外,利用稳定碳同位素质量平衡混合模型,还对陆源有机质输入量的贡献率进行了初步定量估算  相似文献   

黄土碳酸盐的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
黄土是过去气候变化研究的重要对象之一。黄土中的碳酸盐则是黄土研究的一个重要内容。黄土碳酸盐的研究涉及了对次生碳酸盐的辨识、碳酸盐的含量、碳酸盐中的碳氧同位素以及碳酸盐的Sr同位素及其它微量元素等内容。对前人在这几个方面的研究作一初步的归纳总结,包括次生碳酸盐的辨识和提取对解释古气候环境有重要意义;碳酸盐的含量可反映出黄土和古土壤之间的不同气候状况;根据碳酸盐中的碳氧同位素则能大体定量得到古温度以及古植被状况进而反映古降水情况;而Sr同位素及其它微量元素则能反映出当时的化学风化程度,指示季风的强弱变化。  相似文献   

兹格塘错是位于藏北高原腹地的封闭型湖泊,其变化过程可直接反映区域气候变化。对一支深727 cm沉积岩芯中介形虫进行了壳体同位素分析,发现介形虫壳体氧同位素变化主要取决于壳体形成时的湖水氧同位素组成和湖水温度的变化;封闭湖泊湖水的氧同位素组成主要取决于降水和蒸发比值的变化。兹格塘错介形虫壳体碳、氧同位素变化特征表明两者可能受控于不同的环境因子。介形虫壳体同位素记录反映了全新世气候环境变化的整体特征,同时对晚第四纪特征气候事件都有明确记录,包括8.2 ka冷事件、Roman暖期、中世纪暖期以及小冰期等,在响应全球气候变化的过程中又记录了区域间的差异响应。  相似文献   

深层卤水是我国重要的液体矿产资源,其中含有钾、锂、铷、铯、溴、碘、硼等高价值元素,具有广阔的综合利用开发前景。通过研究江汉盆地潜江凹陷北部地区潜江组卤水矿床的储层以及水化学特征,对该地区卤水成因及其成藏条件进行了分析。深层卤水赋存于潜江凹陷古近系潜江组砂岩中,水化学类型以硫酸钠亚型为主,其次为碳酸盐型、氯化钙型和硫酸镁亚型。总矿化度在221.3~323.5 g/L之间,平均值为274.08 g/L,酸碱度为4.5~6.5。潜江组卤水浓缩程度不高,变质程度低,体系较为开放。结合卤水矿床的水化学和储层特征,盆地卤水来源主要有火山—地热水的补给、基性火山岩的水—岩反应和蒸发岩的地下溶解。位于潜江凹陷北缘的钟西地区砂岩厚度大,具有巨大的储集空间,在构造—岩相作用下可能储藏了来自潜江凹陷南部古盐湖的卤水,因此潜江凹陷北部钟西地区砂岩具有较好的成藏条件。  相似文献   

层序地层学理论是在研究海相地层的基础上发展起来的,它注重的是地层的沉积成因和周期性的旋回变化。准层序是层序的基本组成单元,代表一个水体向上变浅的沉积过程,在开展层序地层学研究工作时加强对准层序的分析非常重要。通过应用岩心、测井等资料开展高分辨层序地层学研究发现,陆相地层中准层序的发育特征与海相明显不同,表现为以向上变细的正韵律为主。通过深入分析影响陆相地层层序发育的主要控制因素,指出构造是决定湖盆有无的先决条件,气候和沉积物供给是层序发育的决定性因素。研究成果进一步丰富了陆相层序地层学理论,使得层序边界的划分和识别更趋合理和可操作性,使等时性地层对比和岩性对比趋于统一,从而也可以更好地开展沉积相和沉积微相描述。通过实际应用,进一步明确了东濮凹陷深水成盐观点,指出砂岩与盐岩属于夹在稳定泥页岩中的同时异相的沉积体,这种认识为东濮凹陷深层低渗透储层地震预测提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

稳定氯同位素及其应用地球化学研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
稳定氯同位素的分馏作用有限,同位素比值变化小,测定精度要求高。在很长一段时期内,人们一直未能发现自然界稳定氯同位素组成的变化。随着测定技术的不断发展,氯同位素的分馏效应逐渐得到证实,并引起了人们的广泛关注。国内外学者已将氯同位素应用于海水、地表河流水、地下水、盐湖、古代蒸发岩(盐)和热液矿床等方面的地球化学研究中,对水体演化和矿床成因进行了较为深入的探讨和分析,并取得了一定的研究进展。这些研究工作充分表明氯同位素在水体演化和成矿理论研究以及矿产勘查等方面有着独特优势,尤其在我国开展蒸发岩(盐)氯同位素地球化学研究具有很大的发展潜力和广阔的应用前景。但氯同位素的应用地球化学研究目前尚处于发展时期,更深入的研究还有待于测定方法的进一步完善以及对不同地球化学体系氯同位素的系统测定和研究。  相似文献   

Five 3rd-order depositional sequences are interpreted from the early Albian to late Campanian interval in the Potiguar Basin. An integrated analysis of seismic interpretations, well logs, cores and biostratigraphic data provides a stratigraphic framework composed by stratigraphic surfaces, systems tracts and sequences. Depositional Sequence 1 and 2 are, respectively, Albian and early to mid-Cenomanian aged and are composed by the falling stage, low stand, transgressive and high stand systems tracts. Depositional Sequence 3 is late Cenomanian to mid-Turonian aged and is composed by the transgressive and high stand systems tracts. Depositional sequences 4 and 5 are, respectively, late Turonian to mid-Santonian and late Santonian to mid-Campanian aged and are composed only by transgressive and high stand systems tracts. The lack of falling stage and low stand systems tracts in depositional sequences 3, 4 and 5, as well the increasing in transgressive and highstand systems tracts thickness as depositional sequences get younger, are reflection of an overall transgressive trend of a 2nd-order sequence. The interpretation proposed in this paper correlates onshore with offshore deposits within a seismic scale (3rd-order) sequence stratigraphy framework. This approach allows a better understanding of the Açu Formation, the primary oil-bearing formation of the Potiguar Basin. The Açu Formation is part of depositional sequences 1, 2 and 3 and is characterized by lateral and vertical variations of depositional systems instead of being associated to a specific depositional system. This sequence stratigraphy analysis can be used as a low-resolution framework for future high-resolution (4th-order scale) studies.  相似文献   

The post-glacial history of the Great Lakes has involved changes in lake levels that are equivalent in vertical extent to the Pleistocene changes in global sea level and changes in sediment accumulation by at least two orders of magnitude. In the sediments of the northern Lake Michigan basin, these radical changes in base level and sediment supply are preserved in detailed records of changing depositional environment and the impact of these changes on depositional architecture. The seismic sequences of the sediment fill previously described in Lake Huron have been carried into northern Lake Michigan and used to map the history and architecture of basinal deposition. As the Laurentide Ice Sheet retreated northward in the early Holocene, it opened progressively deeper channels to the east that allowed the larger lakes to drain through the North Channel, Huron, and Georgian Bay basins. At the end of the Main Algonquin highstand, about 10,200 (radiocarbon) yrs ago, the eastern drainage passage deepened in a series of steps that defined four seismic sequences and lowered lake levels by over 100 m. Near the same time a new source of sediment and meltwaters poured across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and into the northern Lake Michigan basin from the Superior basin ice lobe. A marked increase in deposition is seen first in the northern part of the study area, and slightly later in the Whitefish Fan area at the southern end of the study area. Accumulation rates in the area gradually decreased even as lake levels continued to fall. Drainage directly from the Superior basin ended before the beginning of the main Mattawa phase about 9,200 (radiocarbon) yrs ago.Although individual lowstand systems tracts are at the most a few hundred yrs in duration, their geometries and seismic character are comparable to marine systems tracts associated with sea level falls of similar magnitudes. In some of the thicker lowstand deposits a second order cyclicity in sedimentation can be detected in the high resolution seismic records.  相似文献   

选择位于江汉平原的JZ-2010湖相沉积剖面为研究对象,利用AMS14C测年建立江汉平原12.76 cal.ka B.P.以来环境演变的时间序列。对湖相沉积物中元素Rb和Sr的差异分布、Rb/Sr值、Ti元素含量以及磁化率等多项环境代用指标的综合分析表明:江汉平原12.76 cal.ka B.P.以来环境干湿变化经历了晚冰期由偏干转向偏湿波动、全新世开始湿度增强、全新世中期偏湿到湿润再至干湿波动,全新世晚期至现代偏湿到偏干的过程。磁化率波动与江汉平原新石器时代各文化类型出现或转型相关。江汉平原环境干湿变化体现东亚季风环流影响,驱动机制主要是北半球夏季太阳辐射变化;还受到东北、北、西三面环山而东南面向夏季风倾斜开放的地势影响。  相似文献   

江陵凹陷深层富钾卤水井内降温析盐情况探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
江陵凹陷位于湖北省江汉盆地西南部,其赋存有高温高压深层富钾卤水,该卤水资源在开发过程中遇到的主要问题是采卤过程中的结盐堵井。不考虑压力等其它因素,只探讨单一因素温度对氯化钠溶解度的影响,资料分析显示在50~150℃之间时,温度与溶解度线性关系较好;探索了岗钾1井井内析盐规律,发现在井深为1 600~2 400 m时析盐量最大。根据此规律,建议采用注入淡水法,使井内卤水得到稀释,以达到防止结盐的目的;建议稀释到对氯化钠溶液浓度略小于28.3%,注水井深2 400 m。  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略的实施亟需提炼不同乡村地域类型的发展路径。论文构建了乡村地域生产、生活、生态功能测度指标体系,刻画江汉平原乡村地域功能演化特征;基于空间计量模型探析了江汉平原乡村地域功能演变的影响因素及作用机理。研究结果发现:① 江汉平原各县域乡村地域功能指数均呈现出不同程度的增长趋势,生产、生活、生态功能指数分别增长78.26%、34.25%、9.68%;生产功能增长主导和生活功能增长主导是乡村地域综合功能提升的主要类型。② 江汉平原乡村地域功能存在显著的空间非均衡分布格局,生态功能主导型县域主要分布于北部边缘地区,生活功能主导型县域集中分布于中部和南部地区,生产功能主导型县域分布相对零散;生态功能和生活功能主导江汉平原乡村地域功能的空间变化。③ 外源驱动对江汉平原乡村地域功能变化主要表现为负向作用,内生响应主要表现为正向作用;乡村生产功能受外源驱动和内生响应的影响程度最高,乡村地域综合功能被影响程度次于乡村生产和生活功能;乡村地域综合功能和生产、生活功能具有正向的空间溢出效应。探寻农产品主产区乡村地域功能演变的影响因素及作用机理,有助于识别差异化的乡村发展路径,为乡村振兴战略实施提供参考依据。  相似文献   

42 samples (sediments and crude oils) from 5 different saline/hypersaline basins of China were examined using variety of geochemical techniques. A pronounced even over odd distribution ofn-alkanes is observed for the Ejinur, Jianghan samples. Abundance of isoprenoid alkanes, dominated by phytane (C20 up to 20 per cent in EOM), and C25 and C30 components is another outstanding feature of these studied lacustrine hypersaline settings, indicating important contributuions from archaebacteria. Gammacerane is a major component of some Eocene Jiangham samples and Cretaceous Taian sediments. Absolute concentration of phytane and gammacerane appears to be linearly related to chlorine and residual (reduced) sulfur contents of sediments from Jianghan basin, suggesting sulfur incoporation might have played an important role in the enhacement of these biomarkers in the anoxic hypersaline, alkaline settings. Wide range of organic sulfur compounds in immature samples of Jianghan Basin reflects a significant pathway for sulfur incorporation under hypersaline, extremely anoxic/reducing conditions, although for some structures a direct origin from some sulfur archaebacteria can not be excluded. Brackish salt marsh sediment and oil from Lenghu depression contain abundant lupane, strong OEP inn-alkane series, and predominance of C29 steranes, suggesting a markedly input from vascular higher plants. The marginal marine evaporate sediments from the hypersaline Triassic Yangtze Platform is unique for its predominant, complete series of isoprenoid alkanes up to C36 (abundant) and C40 (trace). These long-chain isoprenoids are probably derived from phytoplanktons in addition to archaebacteria. The marked difference in biomarker distributions from the various suites of samples support that application of these biomarkers to help effectively characterize different saline basins. The molecular variation is, however, not only due to their discrepancy in biological sources, but also the extension of sulfate reduction and the availability of metal ions during early diagenesis.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(4):783-798
When we model fluvial sedimentation and the resultant alluvial stratigraphy, we typically focus on the effects of local parameters (e.g., sediment flux, water discharge, grain size) and the effects of regional changes in boundary conditions applied in the source region (i.e., climate, tectonics) and at the shoreline (i.e., sea level). In recent years this viewpoint has been codified into the “source‐to‐sink” paradigm, wherein major shifts in sediment flux, grain‐size fining trends, channel‐stacking patterns, floodplain deposition and larger stratigraphic systems tracts are interpreted in terms of (1) tectonic and climatic signals originating in the hinterland that propagate downstream; and (2) eustatic fluctuation, which affects the position of the shoreline and dictates the generation of accommodation. Within this paradigm, eustasy represents the sole means by which downstream processes may affect terrestrial depositional systems. Here, we detail three experimental cases in which coastal rivers are strongly influenced by offshore and slope transport systems via the clinoform geometries typical of prograding sedimentary bodies. These examples illustrate an underdeveloped, but potentially important “sink‐to‐source” influence on the evolution of fluvial‐deltaic systems. The experiments illustrate the effects of (1) submarine hyperpycnal flows, (2) submarine delta front failure events, and (3) deformable substrates within prodelta and offshore settings. These submarine processes generate (1) erosional knickpoints in coastal rivers, (2) increased river channel occupancy times, (3) rapid rates of shoreline movement, and (4) localized zones of significant offshore sediment accumulation. Ramifications for coastal plain and deltaic stratigraphic patterns include changes in the hierarchy of scour surfaces, fluvial sand‐body geometries, reconstruction of sea‐level variability and large‐scale stratal geometries, all of which are linked to the identification and interpretation of sequences and systems tracts.  相似文献   

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