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以达拉特旗西南部的高头窑镇为研究区域,以达拉特旗1987、1995、2000和2003年四期遥感影像为信息源,在3S技术支持下,对遥感影像进行解译,获得1987-2003年来四个时期的沙漠化动态变化数据,分析了高头窑镇20世纪80年代中期到21世纪初的沙漠化变化情况。结果表明:该地区近20年来,沙漠化土地处于发展-发展-逆转的过程中。研究区是典型的荒漠草原区,草原在各土地利用类型中始终占有绝对优势,农田、林地和高盖度草原的面积变化较大,各种土地利用类型之间的转化主要表现为各种沙丘类型之间的转化、各种草原类型之间的转化和草原与固定沙丘之间的转化。1987-2000年期间,草原和林地的退化是导致沙漠化严重发展的主要原因。2000-2003年间,土地类型之间的转化表现为固定沙丘、半固定沙丘和林地向草原的转化,这种转化有利于沙漠化的逆转。可见,在高头窑地区,草原的退化是导致沙漠化的主要原因,因此,在沙漠化的治理方面,应该合理利用草原,防止过度放牧,大力倡导退林还草。  相似文献   

库布齐沙漠典型地区沙漠化动态分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 以库布齐沙漠东部达拉特旗的农牧交错区为研究区域,以达拉特旗1987年、1995年、2000年和2003年四期遥感影像为信息源,在3S技术支持下,对遥感影像进行解译,获得1987—2003年来沙漠化动态变化数据,分析了该地区20世纪80年代中期到21世纪初的沙漠化变化情况,从土地流向角度探讨了沙漠化发展演变的动力机制。结果表明:该地区近20 a来,四个时期的沙漠化土地面积处于减少—增加—再增加的过程中,而沙漠化程度呈现减少—减少—增加的趋势,且2000—2003年间,是该地区沙漠化程度动态变化最大的时期。从土地流向看,各种土地类型向沙漠化土地之间的转化是导致沙漠化的一个重要原因之一,而土地利用类型之间的转化主要是由人类不合理的土地利用方式造成的。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地不同尺度上沙丘景观格局动态变化分析   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3  
研究了科尔沁沙地过去30 a不同尺度上沙丘景观格局及其动态变化。结果表明,大尺度研究区(892.74 km2)从1975—1995年流动沙丘面积、斑块数、景观面积百分比和最大斑块指数逐渐增加;1995—2005年流动和半流动沙丘面积减小,半固定沙丘和固定沙丘面积增加。中尺度(110.42 km2)和小尺度(14.14 km2和14.10 km2)研究区从1975—1985年流动沙丘面积、斑块数增加,1985年后流沙面积减小。通过沙漠化过程指数计算表明,大尺度上沙漠化经历了发展(1975—1995年)—逆转(1995—2005年)的过程,中尺度和小尺度上,沙漠化经历了发展(1975—1985年)—逆转(1985—2005年)的过程。科尔沁沙地不同尺度上景观结构变化具有差异性,显示出景观空间格局变化存在尺度效应;景观格局变化主要受流动沙丘斑块变化的影响,而这一变化的主要原因是人类生产活动引起的。  相似文献   

若尔盖盆地沙漠化及其景观格局变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用1975年的MSS数据、1990年和2005年的TM数据、以及2000年的ETM数据,通过遥感与地理信息系统技术,获得了若尔盖盆地在1975-2005年间的沙漠化发展特征,并采用景观指数运算软件FRAGSTATS3.3对该地区沙漠化土地的景观格局变化进行了分析。研究发现,在1975-1990年间,若尔盖盆地的沙漠化土地面积大幅增加;在1990-2000年间,沙漠化土地面积保持稳定;在2000-2005年间,沙漠化土地面积出现了小幅度的减小趋势。对若尔盖盆地沙漠化土地的景观格局变化进行研究发现,固定沙丘(地)和半固定沙丘(地)是若尔盖盆地主要的沙漠化土地景观类型。在1975-1990年间,沙漠化土地斑块数量和斑块平均面积均大幅增加,是该地区沙漠化快速发展时期;在1990-2000年间,沙漠化土地斑块数量下降,斑块平均面积增加,沙漠化景观破碎度有所降低;在2000-2005年间,沙漠化土地斑块数量增加,斑块平均面积减小,沙漠化景观破碎度增强。  相似文献   

中国北方地区沙漠化的现状与趋势之窥见   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
吴正  钟德才 《中国沙漠》1993,13(1):21-27
近30年来,我国北方地区沙漠的面积有所扩大,但扩大不多;而主要表现为固定沙丘植被遭受破坏,面积减少,半固定沙丘和流动沙丘的面积相应大大增加,沙漠化程度明显加剧。沙漠的演变趋势主要受控于未来气候的变化,随着人类活动导致的CO_2等温室效应气体浓度的增加,全球气候变暖,我国北方地区的东部大部分(除华北地区外)沙区降水可能增多,有利于沙漠化过程减缓甚至逆转;西部沙区干旱加强,将促使沙漠化的进一步发展。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地典型地区人工造林对沙漠化过程的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在3S技术的支持下,以奈曼旗1975年、1985年、1995年和2005年的遥感影像为信息源,分析了研究区近30 a人工造林对沙漠化过程的影响。结果表明,在持续的人工造林过程影响下,沙地面积呈现出持续减少的趋势,其中固定沙丘面积减少幅度尤为显著,面积净减量为39 545.77 hm2;沙漠化程度指数呈现出线性减少的变化趋势,自1985年以来,减少幅度尤为明显,由1985年的0.21下降到2005年的0.03;土地沙漠化正、逆过程同时存在,但逆转趋势远大于发展趋势,土地沙漠化过程总体上正处于全面逆转期;斑块数和景观形状指数均呈现出先增后减的变化趋势,斑块形状经历简单—复杂—简单的变化过程。  相似文献   

半干旱区不同类型沙丘风沙流结构特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用两种阶梯式集沙仪和小型气象站于2017年4—5月对科尔沁沙地流动沙丘、半固定沙丘和固定沙丘0~75 cm气流层风沙流的总输沙量、输沙率、粒径组成分布和风蚀特征值进行了观测。结果表明:(1)随着高度增加,总输沙量下降,随着风速增加,总输沙量上升;92.20%~95.60%的输沙量发生在0~21 cm高度。(2)总输沙率(Q)流动沙丘>半固定沙丘>固定沙丘,将Q与地上200 cm风速进行函数拟合,流动沙丘幂函数最佳(R2=0.986),半固定(R2=0.990)和固定沙丘(R2=0.956)指数函数最佳。(3)将各高度的输沙率与地上200 cm风速进行函数拟合,流动沙丘(R2≥0.905)和半固定沙丘(R2≥0.968)拟合度幂函数好于指数函数,固定沙丘(R2≥0.923)指数函数优于幂函数。(4)在一定高度下,3类沙丘输沙率均随着风速的增加而增加;在一定风速下,输沙率随着高度的增加而逐渐递减。(5)3类沙丘的特征值随着风速的增加呈现出逐渐递增的趋势;流动沙丘以λ>1为主,表现出持续侵蚀输送沙粒的能力;半固定沙丘当风速>9.0 m·s-1时逐渐出现侵蚀状态;固定沙丘以λ<1为主,近地表风沙以堆积状态为主。(6)3类沙丘主要由粒径为0.1~0.25 mm的细沙构成,在0~30 cm高度,细沙占输沙量的50.09%~85.11%,在30~75 cm高度,细沙占输沙量的43.53%~75.53%。  相似文献   

阿里地区狮泉河谷、日喀则江当河谷阶地和安多错那湖东侧是西藏自治区沙漠化土地分布比较集中的3个典型区,并代表了西藏高原3个不同的生物气候带。为确定沙漠化对植被生产力和物种多样性的影响,选择这3个典型区内代表沙漠化发展过程的不同地貌类型为调查样地。结果表明:沙漠化造成3个典型区植被盖度显著降低,尤其从潜在沙漠化土地到固定沙丘或半固定沙丘,植被盖度下降幅度最大;3个典型区的现存生物量同样随着沙漠化过程显著降低。同时,沙漠化造成狮泉河谷和江当河谷阶地多年生灌木物种消失,流动沙丘仅有少数一年生植物分布;沙漠化造成原有物种的数量和分布发生变化,尤其在固定沙丘逐渐活化,形成流动沙丘的过程中,丰富度指数显著下降。3个典型区的Shannon-Wiener指数在沙漠化前期和后期表现不同,但从固定沙丘至半流动沙丘均为显著性下降趋势。总体而言,从潜在沙漠化土地到流动沙丘,Shannon-Wiener指数显著降低。  相似文献   

以典型沙漠化逆转区宁夏盐池县为例,对2003-2013年城镇化与沙漠化逆转趋势进行综合测度,利用ADF单位根检验、Granger因果检验、脉冲响应函数及方差分解模型就城镇化进程对沙漠化逆转趋势的动态影响进行分析。结果表明:(1)2003年以来,盐池县城镇化水平逐步提高,沙漠化逆转综合指数基本保持在0.3以上。(2)作为人文驱动因素,城镇化综合水平虽不直接对沙漠化逆转趋势产生作用,但其分量指标却对沙漠化逆转趋势及逆转压力的产生、状态的表现和响应的形成产生冲击。(3)从长期预测来看,沙漠化逆转趋势及分量指标受自身冲击的影响随时间的推移而逐渐减小,城镇化对沙漠化逆转的解释能力正在逐步提升,人口迁移、经济增长、社会进步和城镇化发展对逆转趋势、压力、响应和状态的冲击影响分别维持在78%、58%、13%和9%的水平上。未来盐池县城镇化的发展应当以人口城镇化、经济城镇化作为关键突破点,以促进农户非农生计的可持续性,提高城镇化对生态环境的促进作用。  相似文献   

以内蒙古多伦县1960、1975、1987、1995、2000、2005年的土地沙漠化矢量数据及2010年2015年的遥感影像、地形图为主要数据来源,运用NEVI5.0和ArcGIS10.2软件提取8个时期土地沙漠化空间信息,划分为轻度沙漠化、中度沙漠化、重度沙漠化、严重沙漠化等不同类型进行时空分异特征分析。结合研究区实际情况,选取海拔高程、年均气温、降水量、平均风速、牲畜数量、第一产业、居民点距离等统计数据,运用Logistic回归模型定量分析了土地沙漠化动力机制,为京津风沙源区防治土地沙漠化,改善生态环境提供科学理论依据。结果表明:1960-2015年间多伦县土地沙漠化面积呈减少趋势,其中1960年到1995年间呈发展趋势,1995-2015年间呈减少趋势;1960-1995年间各类土地沙漠化增长的主导因子是第一产业和居民点距离;而在1995-2015年间影响各类土地沙漠化的主导因子是降水量、牲畜数量、第一产业和居民点距离。今后,继续控制牲畜数量、实施土地沙漠化治理政策来逆转土地沙漠化发展。  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: USA, Eine Geographische Landeskunde , Vol. I, Der Grossraum in Strukturellem, Wandel, 3rd Ed. Helmut Blume . Introduction to Remote Sensing . James B. Campbell . The Sounds of People and Places: Readings in the Geography of American Folk and Popular Music . George O. Carney , ED. Development and Underdevelopment . John Cole . Mobility and Employment in Urban Southeast Asia: Example from Indonesia and the Philippines . Michael A. Costello , Thomas R. Leinbach , AND Richard Ulack . Soviet Asia: Economic Development and National Policy Choices . Leslie Dienes . The Third World City . David Drakakis -Smith . Scholars' Guide to Washington, DC for Cartography and Remote Sensing Imagery (maps, charts, aerial photographs, satellite images, cartographic literature and geographic information systems). Ralph E. Ehrenberg . Population and Development in the Third World . Allan AND Anne Findlay . The Early Mapping of Hawaii . Gary L. Fitzpatrick . Energetics of Physical Environment: Energetic Approaches to Physical Geography . K. J. Gregory , ED. Wildland Recreation: Ecology and Management . William E. Hammitt and David N. Cole . Agricultural Commercialization and Government Policy in Africa . J. Hinderink AND J. J. Sterkenburg . The Dynamics of American Housing . James W. Hughes AND George Sternlieb . Thailand: Buddhist Kingdom as Modern Nation State . Charles F. Keyes . Resolving Locational Conflict . Robert W. Lake , ED. Lands at Risk in the Third World: Local-level Perspectives . Peter D. Little and Michael M. Horowitz , EDS. Nathaniel Southgate Shaler and the Culture of American Science . David N. Livingstone . Regions: The Economics and Politics of Territory . Ann R. Markusen . Wetlands . William J. Mitsch and James G. Gosselink . Historical Geography: Progress and Prospect . Michael Pacione , ED. Loess and Periglacial Phenomena . Marton P$eacsi and Hugh M. French , EDS. Regional Management of Metropolitan Floodplains, Experience in the United States and Abroad . Rutherford H. Platt , ED. Human Cartography: Mapping the World of Man . Janos Szegö . Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History . Helen H. Tanner , ED. The Botany of Mangroves . P. B. Tomlinson . Urban Spatial Traffic Patterns . Rodney Vaughan . The Night After … Climatic and Biological Consequences of a Nuclear War . Yevgeni Velikhov , ED. Industrial Geography . H. D. Watts . Dictionary of Quotations in Geography . James O. Wheeler and Francis M. Sibley . Vermont Townscape . Norman Wiliams , Jr. , Edmund K. Kellogg and Peter M. Lavigne .  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:

Main Street: Northeastern Oregon: The Founding and Development of Small Towns. Barbara Ruth Bailey.

Food Politics: The Regional Conflict. David N. Balaam and Michael J. Carey, eds.

The International Economy and Industrial Development: Trade and Investment in the Third World. R. Ballance, J. Ansari and H. Singer.

Neighborhoods in Urban America. Ronald H. Bayor, ed.

The English Heartland. By Robert Beckinsale and Monica Beckinsale.

Regional Dimensions of Industrial Policy. Michael E. Bell and Paul S. Lande, eds.

Tension Areas of the World. D. Gordon Bennett, ed.

Latin America: an Introductory Survey. B. W. Blouet and O. M. Blouet, eds.

Integration and Division: Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem. Frederick W. Boal and J. Neville H. Douglas, eds.

Energy and Land Use. Robert W. Burchell and David Listokin, eds.

Slopes and Weathering. Michael Clarke and John Small.

Alaska's Rural Development. Peter G. Cornwall and Gerald McBeath, eds.

The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in America. Galen Cranz.

World Congress on Land Policy, 1980, Proceedings. Matthew Cullen and Sharon Woolery, eds.

Oregon Divided: A Regional Geography. Samuel N. Dicken and Emily F. Dicken.

Urban Food Marketing and Third World Rural Development. T. Scarlett Epstein.

South Africa: Spatial Frameworks for Development. T. J. D. Fair.

Institutions and Geographical Patterns. Robin Flowerdew, ed.

Industrialization of U.S. Agriculture, An Interpretive Atlas. Howard F. Gregor.

Planning Theory: Prospects for the 1980s. Patsy Healy, Glen McDougall and Michael J. Thomas, eds.

Neighborhood Mobilization: Redevelopment and Response. Jeffrey R. Henig.

The American Urban System: A Geographical Perspective. R. J. Johnston.

Climate, History and the Modern World. Hubert H. Lamb.

Climate and History: Studies in Past Climates and Their Impact on Man. T. M. L. Wigley, M. J. Ingram and G. Farmer.

China: Railways and Agricultural Development, 1875–1935. Ernest P. Liang.

A Desirable Energy Future—A National Perspective. Robert S. Livingston, T. D. Anderson, T. M. Besmann, M. Olszewski, A. M. Perry, and C. D. West.

Topothesia: Essays Presented to T. S. Ó Máille. B. S. Mac Aodha, ed.

Transportation for the Poor: Research in Rural Mobility. Hal S. Maggied.

Land Uses in American Cities. Harold M. Mayer and Charles R. Haves.

Industrial Organisation and Location. Philip McDermott and Michael Taylor.

Human Adaptability: an Introduction to Ecological Anthropology. Emilio F. Moran.

Regional Analysis and the New International Division of Labor. Frank Moulaert and Patricia W. Salinas, eds.

The Nuclear War Atlas. Victoriaville, Quebec, Canada:

Urbanization and Environmental Quality. Isao Orishimo.

The Garden of Eden: The Botanic Garden and the Re-Creation of Paradise. John Prest.

Earthfire, The Eruption of Mount St. Helens. Charles Rosenfeld and Robert Cooke.

Contest for the South China Sea. Marwyn S. Samuels.

The Future of the Wetlands: Assessing Visual-Cultural Values. Richard C. Smardon, ed.

Tucson: the Life and Times of An American City. C. L. Sonnichsen.

The Geography of Multinationals. Michael Taylor and Nigel Thrift, eds.

Impact of Marine Pollution on Society. Virginia Tippie and Dana Kester.

Reviving the Industrial City: the Politics of Urban Renewal in Lyon and Birmingham. Jerry A. Webman.

Andean Reflections: Letters from Carl O. Sauer While on a South American Trip under a Grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, 1942. Robert C. West, ed.

Cartographic Drawing with Computers. P. Yoeli.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Main Street: Northeastern Oregon: The Founding and Development of Small Towns . Barbara Ruth Bailey . Food Politics: The Regional Conflict . David N. Balaam and Michael J. Carey , eds. The International Economy and Industrial Development: Trade and Investment in the Third World . R. Ballance , J. Ansari and H. Singer . Neighborhoods in Urban America . Ronald H. Bayor , ed. The English Heartland . By Robert Beckinsale and Monica Beckinsale . Regional Dimensions of Industrial Policy . Michael E. Bell and Paul S. Lande , eds. Tension Areas of the World . D. Gordon Bennett , ed. Latin America: an Introductory Survey . B. W. Blouet and O. M. Blouet , eds. Integration and Division: Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem . Frederick W. Boal and J. Neville H. Douglas , eds. Energy and Land Use . Robert W. Burchell and David Listokin , eds. Slopes and Weathering . Michael Clarke and John Small . Alaska's Rural Development . Peter G. Cornwall and Gerald Mc Beath , eds. The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in America . Galen Cranz . World Congress on Land Policy, 1980, Proceedings . Matthew Cullen and Sharon Woolery , eds. Oregon Divided: A Regional Geography . Samuel N. Dicken and Emily F. Dicken . Urban Food Marketing and Third World Rural Development . T. Scarlett Epstein . South Africa: Spatial Frameworks for Development . T. J. D. Fair . Institutions and Geographical Patterns . Robin Flowerdew , ed. Industrialization of U.S. Agriculture, An Interpretive Atlas . Howard F. Gregor . Planning Theory: Prospects for the 1980s . Patsy Healy , Glen Mc Dougall and Michael J. Thomas , eds. Neighborhood Mobilization: Redevelopment and Response . Jeffrey R. Henig . The American Urban System: A Geographical Perspective . R. J. Johnston . Climate, History and the Modern World . Hubert H. Lamb . Climate and History: Studies in Past Climates and Their Impact on Man . T. M. L. Wigley , M. J. Ingram and G. Farmer . China: Railways and Agricultural Development, 1875–1935 . Ernest P. Liang . A Desirable Energy Future—A National Perspective . Robert S. Livingston , T. D. Anderson , T. M. Besmann , M. Olszewski , A. M. Perry , and C. D. West . Topothesia: Essays Presented to T. S. Ó Máille . B. S. Mac Aodha , ed. Transportation for the Poor: Research in Rural Mobility . Hal S. Maggied . Land Uses in American Cities . Harold M. Mayer and Charles R. Haves . Industrial Organisation and Location . Philip Mc Dermott and Michael Taylor . Human Adaptability: an Introduction to Ecological Anthropology . Emilio F. Moran . Regional Analysis and the New International Division of Labor . Frank Moulaert and Patricia W. Salinas , eds. The Nuclear War Atlas. Victoriaville, Quebec, Canada : Urbanization and Environmental Quality . Isao Orishimo . The Garden of Eden: The Botanic Garden and the Re-Creation of Paradise . John Prest . Earthfire, The Eruption of Mount St. Helens . Charles Rosenfeld and Robert Cooke . Contest for the South China Sea . Marwyn S. Samuels . The Future of the Wetlands: Assessing Visual-Cultural Values . Richard C. Smardon , ed. Tucson: the Life and Times of An American City. C. L. Sonnichsen . The Geography of Multinationals . Michael Taylor and Nigel Thrift , eds. Impact of Marine Pollution on Society . Virginia Tippie and Dana Kester . Reviving the Industrial City: the Politics of Urban Renewal in Lyon and Birmingham . Jerry A. Webman . Andean Reflections: Letters from Carl O. Sauer While on a South American Trip under a Grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, 1942 . Robert C. West , ed. Cartographic Drawing with Computers . P. Yoeli .  相似文献   

Permafrost engineering has been developing rapidly in recent years. Many projects have been undertaken with the latest technologies and show their importance in supporting regional social and economical development. For example, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has been a milestone project in permafrost engineering. However, when designing and building infrastructures in cold regions,  相似文献   

<正>1 Characteristics of Kunisaki GIAS and aims of this research Kunisaki GIAHS in the Kunisaki peninsula and Usa area,Oita,Japan,is a system where forestry,agricultural production,and fisheries are sustained by the strong connection between Sawtooth Oak forest,multiple interlinked irriga tion ponds,and Seto Inland Sea(Vafadari 2013a;2013b;Hayashi 2013).This area receive around 1,500 mm of annual precipitation with a  相似文献   

A palaeoecological study of an oligotrophic alpine lake, Paione Superiore (Italy), provided a record of historical changes in water quality. Historical trends in lake acidification were reconstructed by means of calibration and regression equations from diatoms, chrysophycean scales and pigment ratios. The historical pH was inferred by using two different diatom calibration data sets, one specific to the alpine region. These pH trends, together with the record of sedimentary carbonaceous particles and chironomid remains, indicate a recent acidification of this low alkalinity lake.Concentration of total organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen, biogenic silica (BSiO2), chlorophyll derivatives (CD), fucoxanthin, diatom cell concentration and number of chironomid head capsules increased during the last 2–3 decades. When expressed as accumulation rates, most of these parameters tended to decrease from the past century to c. 1950, then all except P increased to the present day. A marked increase in sedimentary nitrogen may be related to atmospheric pollution and to the general increases in output of N in Europe. High C/N ratios indicate a prevailing allochthonous source of organic matter.Finally, the increase in measured air temperature from the mid-1800's appeared to be related to lake water pH before industrialization: cold periods generally led to lower pH and vice-versa. The more recent phenomenon of anthropogenic acidification has apparently decoupled this climatic-water chemistry relationship.  相似文献   

Quinghai Hu is a large, high-altitude, saline lake in north-western China, and supports a fishery based on an endemic species of naked carp (snow trout). The fish take seven years to attain maturity and a marketable weight of 300 g, and have a lifespan of 14–21 years under the present fishery regime. They seasonally migrate from the lake to spawn over the gravel beds of inflowing rivers, but these areas have been reduced by weirs and irrigation diversions and recruitment may have declined. The population may have been affected also by a 1.85-m fall in the lake level over the past 30 years, and by associated changes in salinity. The fishery was opened to large-scale exploitation in 1958. Yields declined sharply (max. 28,523 tonnes, 1960) as the larger, older fish were removed, and then more slowly (min. 2523 tonnes, 1983). Since 1987 the fish factory has been limited to an annual quota of 1200 tonnes, taken by a fleet of four pair trawlers. Another 800 tonnes are taken by licensed fishermen, mainly using gill nets, and perhaps 1000 tonnes are taken illegally. The estimated total catch in 1992 was 3000 tonnes. New trawlers introduced in 1989–90 substantially increased the factory's catch per unit effort, and in 1990 the quota was virtually filled in one month in a zone within 20 km of the factory. Although this could suggest that the stocks will be conserved if the quota is retained, at least half of the catch in 1989–92 consisted of immature individuals. Trawling operations recently were suspended following a further decline in the catch after 1992. While the new trawlers are capable of a major increase in effort, neither the changing environment, the fish stocks or the present markets favour intensified pressure. Gillnets may provide better control over the minimum size limit and may cause less damage than trawling. Other options to improve the viability and profitability of the fishery include improvements in handling, processing and marketing. Failure to develop the fishery may encourage attempts to introduce exotic fish, at some risk to survival of the local species.  相似文献   

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