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黑河上游生态建设的模式与效益   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
在黑河上游实施的以牛羊育肥、退化草原的植被恢复、人工草地建设为主要内容的生态建设, 通过技术集成和试验示范, 效果显著。混播一年生草地平均产干草9.6t·hm2, 每公顷约可为400只羊提供冬春季节补饲用草, 补饲措施可降低牲畜越冬死亡率50%以上, 提高仔畜成活率10%; 围栏封育增加草地水源涵养功能, 可使土壤含水量提高20%左右。绵羊育肥可使示范区农牧民人均增加收入300元。农业结构已经呈现明显的"山地河谷绿洲"一体化发展的系统耦合新结构, 系统耦合的效应对植被的保护起到了很好的作用。  相似文献   

中国草原牧区和半牧区草畜平衡状况监测与评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
草原超载过牧是造成我国草原大面积退化、沙化的主要原因之一,草畜平衡监测、评价和管理是实现我国草原植被恢复和重建的关键,也是研究的热点和难点。本文采用遥感和地面调查相结合的方法从宏观上监测和评价了农业部认定的264个牧区和半牧区县的草畜平衡状况,主要结论如下:(1)2008年监测区平均草畜平衡指数为33.58%,总体处于超载状态;(2)120个牧区县草畜平衡指数为27.37%,144个半牧业县为42.07%,半牧区县是我国实行草畜平衡管理的重点和难点;(3)六大牧区中牧区县2008年超载程度排序为:甘肃>四川>新疆>青海>西藏>内蒙古,半牧区县超载程度排序为青海>西藏>内蒙古>新疆>四川>甘肃。本文所得结论可为我国草原资源管理和保护提供参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁河流域草地类型特征及其生态服务价值研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以新疆伊犁河流域为研究对象,采用Costanza生态系统服务价值计算公式,参照谢高地等人的中国草地生态系统服务单位面积价值,分析了伊犁河流域草地类型特征和生态系统服务价值。研究结果表明,新疆伊犁河流域草地资源丰富,草地面积占土地总面积的60.88%以上,草地产草量及载畜能力均处于全疆最好水平,其中山地草甸类草地面积最大,占草地可利用面积的27.91%。草地生态系统每年的服务价值为200.47亿元,山地草甸类草地、温性草甸草原类以及温性草原类草地生态服务价值达145.3亿元,占到全流域草地总生态服务价值的72.48%,是草地生态服务价值的主体部分,流域生态系统服务性功能远大于生产性功能。总体看来,伊犁河流域草地生态服务价值山间盆地、丘陵区较高;而平原区相对较低。草地存在退化现象,1985—2005年间草地生态服务价值有所下降。  相似文献   

以农牧交错带宁夏盐池县草地为研究对象,综合集成草地植被与土壤调查、草地信息提取、遥感反演、空间分析等技术方法,基于本地化的InVEST模型,选取碳储存、土壤保持和水源涵养3项关键生态系统服务类型,对禁牧前后(2000年,2015年)草地生态系统服务物质量进行精准评估,在此基础上,采用市场价值法对其价值化,测算禁牧前后草地生态系统服务价值变化量,以此确定生态补偿标准,并借助冷热点、三维趋势分析对生态补偿标准进行不同尺度的空间识别。结果显示:① 禁牧以来,盐池县草地生态系统服务显著增强,其中碳储量增加45.66×104 t、强度增加0.42 t/hm2,水源涵养量增加9 351×104 t、强度增加211.14 t/hm2,土壤保持量增加2 091×104 t,强度增加44.93 t/hm2;② 草地生态补偿标准县域为309.21元/hm2、乡镇尺度介于7.25~1 146.36元/hm2、村级介于3.04~2 074.56元/hm2,村级尺度更能体现草地的生态贡献;③ 补偿标准的三维趋势呈现由西向东提高、南北向呈“U”型分异的特征,补偿热点区集中于盐池县东南部和东北部。  相似文献   

江河源区的草地资源特征与草地生态变化   总被引:83,自引:12,他引:83  
王根绪 《中国沙漠》2001,21(2):101-107
通过对江河源区草地生态类型与分布、草地资源特征及其利用现状的研究和生产力的评价,并根据70年代以来3期遥感资料和区域调查结果,分析了江河源区草地生态变化态势,结果表明:现状江河源区草地以高寒草原化草甸为主要草地类型,其分布面积占江河源区总草地面积的53.78%。组成草地牧草的主要植物种类的粗蛋白含量超过10%,粗脂肪含量在2%以上,能值储量在9.34KJ.g^-1以上;自70年代以来,由于区域畜牧业的迅速发展,江河源区冷季草场严重过牧,超载牲畜量达理论载畜量的1-5倍,大部分地区夏季草场亦超载,导致江河源区草地生态严重退化,年退化速度达6.64%-34.35%。合理利用草地资源,保护该区域脆弱生态环境已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

退化草地封育后土壤细颗粒增加机理探讨及研究展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
闫玉春  王旭  杨桂霞  辛晓平 《中国沙漠》2011,31(5):1162-1166
土壤的恢复是退化草地生态系统恢复的难点和关键。土壤细颗粒物质的增加对退化的土壤系统恢复具有重要意义,不但可以改善土壤质地、也能输入土壤养分。通过综述退化草地封育后土壤细颗粒增加的研究案例,从植物有机体的归还、植物覆盖增加及其抑制风蚀作用和截存降尘的作用分析细颗粒增加的机理;重点总结了降尘对生态系统作用的研究进展;并从降尘对退化草地封育后土壤细颗粒增加的贡献以及草地植被对降尘的截存作用两个方面做了研究展望。  相似文献   

三江源地区草地生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三江源地区的草地生态系统对于维持区域生态平衡和保障社会经济可持续发展具有重要意义。本文基于千年生态系统评估(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, MA)的生态系统服务分类体系, 采用多种方法对三江源草地生态系统的9 项服务价值逐项进行了评估, 得出2000 年三江源草地生态系统服务价值为562.60 亿元, 其中价值最高的两种服务类型依次为气候调节和食物生产, 分别达259.09 亿元和111.68 亿元, 贡献率分别为46.05%、19.85%。按照草地类型划分, 高寒草甸和高寒草原服务价值分别为490.95 亿元、64.68 亿元, 占总服务价值的87.42%和11.52%。虽然沼泽单位面积服务价值最高, 为4230.77 元/hm2, 但在草地生态系统面积中所占比例较低, 总价值相对很低。本文关于三江源草地生态系统的评估结果可以为制定区域生态保护和生态补偿政策提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

 依据草地退化国家标准和黄河源区草地退化的实际情况,选取草地覆盖度、植株高度、地上生物量、牧草可食率、土壤有机质5个重要指标建立黄河源区玛多县草地植被退化监测和评价指标体系。利用遥感影像和GIS技术,结合实地调查和采样测定,对5个评价指标在遥感影像上进行反演,并进行图层的加权叠加,得出玛多县草地退化的时空特征。结果表明:玛多县草地在1994年已经出现了较为严重的退化现象,退化草地的空间分布格局已经基本形成,并且草地的退化过程一直在继续。2009年草地退化空间特征显示在气候变化较为敏感区域、河道两侧、鼠害严重以及靠近居民点等区域草地退化较为严重。通过对4期草地退化情况进行对比分析,发现1994-2001年间玛多草地植被退化情况最严重,重度退化面积高达1 355 943.30 hm2,占草地面积的86.53%。2001-2006年间和2006-2009年间重度退化、较大退化和中度退化草地的面积都下降较大,同时退化的速度已经有了较大缓和,黄河源头地区草地生态系统得到初步恢复  相似文献   

基于SPOT NDVI的祁连山草地植被覆盖时变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于RS、GIS技术和SPOT VGT-NDVI数据,运用累积平均法、均值法、趋势线分析法和影像差异法,分析了祁连山草地植被覆盖在时问和空间上的变化特征,并用Hurst指数动态预测祁连山草地植被覆盖未来变化趋势.结果表明:①1999-2007年祁连山草地植被NDVI呈缓慢增加趋势.典型草原和平原草地植被年均NDVIv和生长期NDVIg增加速率高于高寒草甸草地和沙漠草地.祁连山草地植被NDVI增加和减少的面积分别为69776 km2和15928 km2,植被NDVI增加的区域分布在冷龙岭、拉脊山、大通山、达坂山、青海南山、走廊南山、托来山、托来南山等地区,减少的区域分布在乌鞘岭、大通河、石羊河、黑河、北大河、疏勒河等河流河谷以及青海湖周边地区.②祁连山草地植被NDVI年内月和旬变化曲线均呈单峰型.③冷龙岭、宗务隆山、青海南山、镜铁山、拉脊山、乌鞘岭、大通河、黑河、北大河、疏勒河等河流河谷以及青海湖周边等地区未来草地植被覆盖有改善的趋势:走廊南山、托来山、托来南山、大通山以及湟水、石羊河等河流河谷地区未来草地植被覆盖有退化的趋势.沙漠草地、高寒草甸草地未来有改善的趋势;而典型草原和平原草地未来则有退化的趋势.  相似文献   

三江源区草地生态系统综合评估指标体系   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
基于联合国新千年全球生态系统评估 (MA)概念框架,提出了系统完整的三江源区草地生态系统评估指标体系,包括生态系统结构、支持功能、调节功能和供给功能的4大类15个一级指标、75个二级指标。针对位于青藏高原东部江河源区的草地生态系统的区域特点和人类对其功能的需求分析 ,设计了以土地覆盖结构和草地退化结构为核心的生态系统结构指标群;以初级生产力为核心的支持功能指标群;以水、碳调节为核心的调节功能指标群,以及以水供给和草地承载力为核心的供给功能指标群。在该指标体系中,设计了草地退化遥感分类系统,以实现年代际时间尺度草地生态系统退化过程的动态分析评估;提出了退化草地态势遥感分类系统,以实现大型生态工程实施后年际时间尺度草地生态系统退化态势的分析和评估。  相似文献   

Being a key ecological security barrier and production base for grassland animal husbandry in China,the balance between grassland forage supply and livestock-carrying pressure in North China directly affects grassland degradation and restoration,thereby impacting grassland ecosystem services.This paper analyzes the spatiotemporal variation in grassland vegetation coverage,forage supply,and the balance between grassland forage supply and livestock-carrying pressure from 2000 to 2015 in North China.We then discuss the spatial pattern of grassland ecological conservation under the impacts of grassland degradation and restoration,and livestock-carrying pressure.Over the last 16 years,the total grassland area in North China decreased by about 16,000 km2,with vegetation coverage degraded by 6.7% of the grasslands but significantly restored by another 5.4% of grasslands.The provisioning of forage by natural grassland mainly increased over time,with an annual growth rate of approximately 0.3 kg/ha,but livestock-carrying pressure also increased continuously.The livestock-carrying pressure index without any supplementary feeding reached as high as 3.8.Apart from the potential livestock-carrying capacity in northeastern Inner Mongolia and the central Tibetan Plateau,most regions in North China are currently overloaded.Considering the actual supplementary feeding during the cold season,the livestock-carrying pressure index is about 3.1,with the livestock-carrying pressure mitigated in central and eastern Inner Mongolia.Assuming full supplementary feeding in the cold season,livestock-carrying pressure index will fall to 1.9,with the livestock-carrying pressure alleviated significantly in Inner Mongolia and on the Tibetan Plateau.Finally,we propose different conservation and development strategies to balance grassland ecological conservation and animal husbandry production in different regions of protected areas,pastoral areas,farming-pastoral ecotone,and farming areas,according to the grassland ecological protection patterns.  相似文献   

甘宁蒙陕农牧交错区不宜大规模开垦   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
通过对甘宁蒙陕农牧交错区的自然特征和生态功能、人类活动对该区环境的影响、水资源状况、国内外开垦草原的教训等方面的分析、论证,说明该区不宜大规模开垦,并提出该区生态保护与建设的对策。  相似文献   

Livestock grazing is one of primary way to use grasslands throughout the world, and the forage-livestock balance of grasslands is a core issue determining animal husbandry sustainability. However, there are few methods for assessing the forage-livestock balance and none of those consider the dynamics of external abiotic factors that influence forage yields. In this study, we combine long-term field observations with remote sensing data and meteorological records of temperature and precipitation to quantify the impacts of climate change and human activities on the forage-livestock balance of alpine grasslands on the northern Tibetan Plateau for the years 2000 to 2016. We developed two methods: one is statical method based on equilibrium theory and the other is dynamic method based on non-equilibrium theory. We also examined the uncertainties and shortcomings of using these two methods as a basis for formulating policies for sustainable grassland management. Our results from the statical method showed severe overgrazing in the grasslands of all counties observed except Nyima (including Shuanghu) for the entire period from 2000 to 2016. In contrast, the results from the dynamic method showed overgrazing in only eight years of the study period 2000-2016, while in the other nine years alpine grasslands throughout the northern Tibetan Plateau were less grazed and had forage surpluses. Additionally, the dynamic method found that the alpine grasslands of counties in the northeastern and southwestern areas of the northern Tibetan Plateau were overgrazed, and that alpine grasslands in the central area of the plateau were less grazed with forage surpluses. The latter finding is consistent with field surveys. Therefore, we suggest that the dynamic method is more appropriate for assessment of forage-livestock management efforts in alpine grasslands on the northern Tibetan Plateau. However, the statical method is still recommended for assessments of alpine grasslands profoundly disturbed by irrational human activities.  相似文献   

乌兰图雅 《地理学报》2021,76(7):1722-1731
内蒙古草原是蒙古高原草原带的南部组成部分,是我国北方重要的生态屏障,草原生态修复任务重、压力大。本文以蒙古高原典型草原乌珠穆沁—温都尔汗样带为例,以1988—2016年5期TM数据为信息源,获取2016年样带草地利用信息基础上,按国别和年限对样带草地利用特征进行分析,揭示草地主要干扰因素,探寻有效的修复途径和可借鉴的国际经验。研究发现:① 草地面积占样带95.05%,均匀覆盖于整个样带;其他用地类型占比均不大,但分布相对集中,其中耕地集中于样带西北部蒙古国段,工矿用地、沙地、盐碱地集中于样带东南部内蒙古段。② 1988—2016年样带耕地面积减幅最大,为35.71%,集中位于蒙古国段;草地、水域面积逐年减少,在中国境内、境外变化趋势相同,但内蒙古段草地减幅大于蒙古国段且多转为未利用地;工矿用地面积增幅最大,为初期的近367倍,集中分布于内蒙古段;盐碱地、沙地面积逐年增加,在中国境内、境外的变化幅度相当。③ 草地是高原主要土地利用类型,放牧是草地主要利用方式,开矿是除放牧以外中国草地的主要干扰因子,蒙古国则为垦殖,内蒙古的草地干扰远大于蒙古国。草地退化与干旱化是蒙古高原面临的主要生态环境问题,在中国境内尤为突出。  相似文献   

祁连山区草原畜牧业的可持续发展问题与发展模式   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
以祁连山区的肃南县为实验基地,通过对山区生态保护和经济发展之间现存问题的分析,提出了以草原管理、牲畜繁育和产业发展为主要内容的山区草原畜牧业发展模式。它突破了山区的地域限制,将山区与山下绿洲作为一个完整的生态-经济耦合系统,使用跨学科的方法,将山区草原的生态保护与农户的经济增长兼容起来,从而成为山区草原畜牧业的一个可持续发展模式。  相似文献   

Animal husbandry and crop farming are specialized for development in separate areas on the Tibetan Plateau. Such a pattern of isolation has led to current concerns of rangeland and farming system degradation due to intensive land use. The crop-livestock integration, however, has been proven to increase food and feed productivity thorough niche complementarity, and is thereby especially effective for promoting ecosystem resilience. Regional synergy has emerged as an integrated approach to reconcile rangeland livestock with forage crop production. It moves beyond the specialized sectors of animal husbandry and intensive agriculture to coordinate them through regional coupling. Therefore, crop-livestock integration (CLI) has been suggested as one of the effective solutions to forage deficit and livestock production in grazing systems. But it is imperative that CLI moves forward from the farm level to the regional scale, in order to secure regional synergism during agro-pastoral development. The national key R & D program, Technology and Demonstration of Recovery and Restoration of Degraded Alpine Ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau, aims to solve the problems of alpine grassland degradation by building up a grass-based animal husbandry technology system that includes synergizing forage production and ecological functioning, reconciling the relationship between ecology, forage production and animal husbandry, and achieving the win-win goals of curbing grassland degradation and changing the development mode of animal husbandry. It is imperative to call for regional synergy through integrating ecological functioning with ecosystem services, given the alarming threat of rangeland degradation on the Tibetan Plateau. The series of papers in this issue, together with those published previously, provide a collection of rangeland ecology and management studies in an effort to ensure the sustainable use and management of the alpine ecosystems.  相似文献   

甘南草地类型的生态经济价值与功能及其分类经营   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据山区景观所具有的3层次功能和指标体系选取的原则,从美学、社会、生态3个方面,初步构建了4个层次的评价指标体系。在此基础上建立综合评判模型,应用于北京市怀柔区9个乡镇,得到如下结果:景观功能评价综合指数处在"较好"标准的有宝山镇和怀北镇;在"一般"标准的有喇叭沟门乡、雁栖镇、九渡河镇、长哨营乡;处在"较差"标准的有渤海镇、玻璃庙镇、汤河口镇。评价结果基本与实际相符,说明建立的评价指标体系与模型是可行的。  相似文献   

Grasslands have critically important ecological and economic values while most of them have been suffering from various degrees of degradation in China due to overgrazing. The “Forage-Livestock Balance” (FLB) policy has been implemented for more than a decade, aims to balance the relationship between forage productivity and grazing consumption of grasslands by livestock. According to the review of statistical data and literatures on policy evaluation, FLB-dominated subsidies for grassland ecological conservation policies are ineffective on grassland restoration, livestock reduction in some overloaded areas and improvement on herdsmen livelihood. To deal with the dilemma, we suggest a fundamental shift of strategy from controlling livestock numbers to maintaining and improving grassland health (MIGH) based on ecological theories, and promote the sustainable development of grassland in China. The results show that, FLB policy failed to obtain expected benefits mainly because it interfered with the herders' autonomous use of contracted grasslands along with the defects of its underlying theory and methodologies. Implementing reward and punishment based on ecosystem health will not only motivate herders to manage their grassland autonomously, but also be more scientific and feasible than FLB.  相似文献   

Although several previous studies in Inner Mongolia examined the effects of ecological conservation on the delivery of ecosystem services, they were often limited in scope (few ecosystem services were assessed) and often suffered from confounding by spatial variation. In this study, we examined the impact of conservation measures (changes in grassland utilization patterns) on the provision of selected ecosystem services in three types of grasslands (meadow steppe in Hulun Buir, typical steppe in Xilin Gol, and semi-desert steppe in Ordos) in Inner Mongolia. We examined five utilization patterns: no use (natural grasslands), light use, moderate use, intensive use, and recovery sites (degraded sites protected from further use). Through household surveys and vegetation and soil surveys, we measured the differences in ecosystem services among the different grassland utilization patterns. We also identified spatial factors that confounded the quantification of ecosystem services in different types of grasslands. We found that light use generally provided high levels of ecosystem services in meadow steppe and typical steppe, with the main differences in the supporting ecosystem services. Surprisingly, we found no consistently positive impacts of strict conservation activities across the sites, since the results varied spatially and with respect to differences in the land-use patterns. Our study suggests that appropriate grassland utilization patterns can enhance the supply of ecosystem services and reduce negative effects on both household livelihoods and the environment.  相似文献   

Although several previous studies in Inner Mongolia examined the effects of ecological conservation on the delivery of ecosystem services, they were often limited in scope(few ecosystem services were assessed) and often suffered from confounding by spatial variation. In this study, we examined the impact of conservation measures(changes in grassland utilization patterns) on the provision of selected ecosystem services in three types of grasslands(meadow steppe in Hulun Buir, typical steppe in Xilin Gol, and semi-desert steppe in Ordos) in Inner Mongolia. We examined five utilization patterns: no use(natural grasslands), light use, moderate use, intensive use, and recovery sites(degraded sites protected from further use). Through household surveys and vegetation and soil surveys, we measured the differences in ecosystem services among the different grassland utilization patterns. We also identified spatial factors that confounded the quantification of ecosystem services in different types of grasslands. We found that light use generally provided high levels of ecosystem services in meadow steppe and typical steppe, with the main differences in the supporting ecosystem services. Surprisingly, we found no consistently positive impacts of strict conservation activities across the sites, since the results varied spatially and with respect to differences in the land-use patterns. Our study suggests that appropriate grassland utilization patterns can enhance the supply of ecosystem services and reduce negative effects on both household livelihoods and the environment.  相似文献   

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