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硅循环与碳循环密切相关,生物硅作为硅的重要载体,在全球硅循环中占有十分重要的地位。目前,人们对陆地生态系统的硅循环做了大量研究,但对极地地区硅的研究却极为少见。利用中国第五次北极考察获得的土壤与植物样品,对北极新奥尔松地区中国黄河站站基表层土壤中生物硅的含量及土壤和植被中生物硅(主要为植硅体)的形态进行了初步研究。主要结论为:北极新奥尔松地区中国黄河站站基附近表层土壤中颗粒有机碳的含量为1.00—69.3 mg·g-1,平均值为13.7 mg·g-1;颗粒有机氮含量为0.11—9.84 mg·g-1,平均值为1.43 mg·g-1;可溶态硅含量为3.90—26.3μg·g-1,平均值为10.7μg·g-1;生物硅含量为5.60—9.97 mg·g-1,平均值为7.56 mg·g-1,且其含量与土壤颗粒态有机碳和颗粒有机氮呈正相关关系,表明三者具有相似来源。北极表层土壤生物硅比温带、热带地区生物硅含量要高。植物样品中植硅体形态以帽形、圆形、平滑棒形、齿形、刺棒形和哑铃形等形态为主,大小在10—100μm之间。土壤样品中的植硅体主要来源于植物,形态分别为平滑棒形、刺棒形、圆形、哑铃形、鞍形、尖形和帽形,另外硅藻也是北极土壤中生物硅的组成部分,其中裸露土壤中藻类(羽纹纲硅藻)占生物硅的多数(93.3%)。对比发现,有植被覆盖的土壤中,土壤有机碳、可溶出态硅、生物硅含量和植硅体形态丰富度往往比无植被覆盖或寡植被区土壤高,这表明尽管该地区植被稀少,但植物生长对该地区土壤硅循环存在显著影响,值得进一步关注。  相似文献   

典型喀斯特石漠化地区表土孢粉与现代植被关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
喀斯特石漠化地区6个不同植被类型的25个表土和苔藓样品的孢粉分析表明:(1)研究区植物孢粉共由47科属组成,以草本和蕨类植物占据优势,含量为23.62%~76.47%,其次是乔木[主要为马尾松(Pinus masso-niana)],含量为17.73%~74.05%,灌木植物花粉含量最低,为0~12.50%,显示该区植被退化严重;(2)研究区不同植被类型的表土孢粉组合差别明显,与其相应的实际植被情况大致相同,基本反映了石漠化地区现代植被的基本状况,表明孢粉可以为该区恢复和重建自然生态环境提供参考性依据。  相似文献   

贺兰山西坡4个植被类型(荒漠草原、榆树疏林、青海云杉林、高山灌丛草甸)的18个表土样品和12个捕捉器样品花粉组合与周围植被对比研究表明,表土和捕捉器样品花粉组合能较好地代表当地的植被类型,但荒漠草原带、榆树疏林带和高山灌丛草甸带捕捉器样品花粉组合表现植物建群种比表土样品好,青海云杉林植被带表土样品花粉组合表现植物建群种比捕捉器样品好。松属、蒿属和藜科花粉表土样品花粉组合百分比高于捕捉器样品,表明这4种花粉类型易于在表土环境保存,蔷薇科、豆科和杨属捕捉器样品花粉组合百分比高于表土样品,表明这3种花粉类型不易在表土环境保存。捕捉器样品花粉组合反映植物多样性比表土样品好,绣线菊、百合科、毛茛科和石竹科花粉在捕捉器样品花粉组合出现,而在表土样品花粉组合均未发现。捕捉器样品花粉组合聚类分析结果显示不同植被带花粉组合差异明显,而表土样品花粉组合聚类分析只可区分荒漠草原植被和高山灌丛草甸植被。  相似文献   

空气花粉被认为是空气污染物之一,可引起人群过敏反应,导致一系列过敏性疾病的发生或加重。但由于不同地区气候条件、植被和植物种类的差异,空气中的植物花粉种类和数量亦有所不同,所以空气花粉研究需要不同区域进行研究。通过对北京市北部2020年3月1日至10月15日的空气花粉监测,分析了空气花粉种类和浓度变化特征。结果显示,(1) 2020年北京市北部的花粉季从3月15日至9月5日,共172 d,占全年总天数的47.0%。(2)不同植物花粉传播峰值有差异。(3)花粉总浓度变化呈双峰型,即3—5月为第一高峰,主要是树木花粉(如柏科、杨属、柳属、榆属);8—9月为第二高峰,主要是草本花粉(如蒿属、藜/苋科、禾本科)。(4)春季花粉数量显著高于秋季花粉数量,峰值出现在3月中下旬。  相似文献   

中国蓼科花粉类型的地理分布格局及其与生态因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
从蓼科植物的孢粉类型角度,研究了中国蓼科花粉类型的地理分布格局及其与生态因子的关系。根据中国蓼科植物赖以生存的生态因子,得出中国蓼科花粉类型分布区的主要生态因子,包括地理位置(分布中心)、海拔高度、年降水量、年积温及生境数量。在此基础上,根据同一区域内相同或相似的生态环境条件下分布的现代蓼科各种花粉类型,确定一定花粉类型组合所指示的现代气候和环境,为利用地层中蓼科化石花粉重建古气候、古环境及气候变迁提供了现代孢粉学证据。  相似文献   

北冰洋加拿大海盆南缘的管水母类及其分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张金标  林茂 《极地研究》2001,13(4):253-263
本文分析了 1 999年夏季我国首次北极科学考察楚科奇海及邻近的北冰洋加拿大海盆南缘海域管水母类的种类组成、丰度和垂直分布。仅在加拿大海盆南缘出现 2种管水母 ,而楚科奇海未发现管水母类。对柔弱五角水母和北极单板水母多营养体期 (无性 )和单营养体期 (有性 )的主要形态特征作了较完整的记述和作图 ,并讨论了它们的形态类型及生态习性。加拿大海盆南缘海域北极单板水母的丰度 (平均 42× 1 0 - 3 个 m3 )大于柔弱五角水母 (2 4× 1 0 - 3 个 m3 )。这 2种管水母均仅出现在水深 1 0 0~ 80 0m ,而且最大丰度也都在 3 0 0— 2 0 0m层 ,即刚好聚集于强盐度跃层中和跃层下面  相似文献   

北极地区碳循环研究意义和展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
全球变暖引发了北极地区的快速变化。北极地区苔原冻土带退化、海冰面积退缩和厚度变薄将使北极生态系发生重要变化 ,因而引起碳的生物地球化学循环过程变异。为精确评估北极地区对人为大气CO2 的吸收通量 ,围绕北极苔原、边缘海和极区海域的碳循环研究引起了重视。调查表明 ,北冰洋和亚北冰洋海冰区是海洋吸收大气CO2 的重要汇区 ,北冰洋具有吸收大气CO2 约 1×GtC/a的能力 ,北冰洋夏季冰缘区的长光照和高生产力促进了对大气CO2 的吸收能力 ,北冰洋深水环流和通风作用也有利于表层碳向深水转移。最近有些调查表明 ,如温度继续升高 ,北极苔原有可能从碳汇转变成大气碳源。国际上正加强北极地区碳循环研究的规划和计划 ,企图通过改进现场调查观测手段以及研究方法 ,来定量研究和模式预测变化中北极地区的碳汇潜力及其对地球气候的影响。  相似文献   

北极地区区域经济特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以环北极国家的北极行政区域为统计范围.利用环北极国家2001年和2005年的官方经济统计数据,对北极地区的经济状况、资源潜力和发展趋势作了统计和初步分析,结果表明:(1)2005年。北极地区国内生产总值(GDP)为2322亿美元,比2001年的1194亿美元几乎翻了一倍。相对于北美、北欧、俄罗斯其他地区,环北极国家的北极地区GDP对于全国的贡献不大.大部分不到1/10。(2)大部分北极地区以油气、矿物、木材、捕鱼等自然资源开采为第一经济支柱产业:在为数不多的民族自冶区或原住民居住地区保留了采撷、狩猎、毛皮加工等传统农业;金融、贸易、旅游等服务业在北欧和北美的少数北极地区有所发展。  相似文献   

新疆藜科花粉形态研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对新疆分布的14属25种藜科植物花粉形态进行了观察和测量,记录了鉴定特征。为了适应当前孢粉分析研究的需要,根据花粉的大小,孔径等特征,将藜科花粉分为4个型态属型。  相似文献   

楚科奇海的水螅水母类及其分布   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张金  标林茂 《极地研究》2000,12(3):169-182
本文报道 1 999年 7月至 8月我国首次北极科学考察期间“雪龙”号破冰船在楚科奇海采集的浮游水螅水母类及其分布。分析鉴定了 8种水螅水母 ,其中 4种属于花水母目 ,2种属于软水母目 ,1种属于硬水母目 ,1种属于筐水母目。短新塔水母在楚科奇海是首次记录。简要记述了这些种类的形态特征并附图。楚科奇海这 8种水螅水母都是冷水种 ,其中 6种为近岸性的 ,2种是大洋性的。根据其地理分布可分为北极种、北极 -北方种和北方寒温带种等 3个类型 ,从动物地理观点看 ,楚科奇海的水螅水母类应属于北极区系。楚科奇海水螅水母类的丰度一般较低 ,其平均丰度为 1 0 8个 /1 0 0 m3,水平分布状况主要由优势种所左右 ,八斑腕唇水母和指腺华丽水母为优势种。垂直分层采样结果表明 ,指腺华丽水母分布于 0~ 30 0 m,其中以 50~ 1 0 0 m居多  相似文献   

闽江口潮汐盐沼湿地土壤碳氮磷的空间变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
仝川  贾瑞霞  王维奇  曾从盛 《地理研究》2010,29(7):1203-1212
以闽江口区最大的鳝鱼滩潮汐盐沼湿地为研究对象,选择远、近潮沟区2个不同潮水水淹地段设置样线,采集3种优势植物芦苇(Phragmites australis)、咸草(Cyperus malac-censisvar.bervifolius)和藨草(Scirpus triqueter)下18个土壤剖面分层样品,分析土壤中DOC、TN和TP等含量和储量的空间分布规律及土壤物理特征对其的影响。结果表明:远、近潮沟区3种植物下土壤表层(0~10 cm)TN浓度范围为0.24~1.91g kg-1,TP为0.21~1.34 g kg-1,DOC为13.68~93.73 mg kg-1,无论是近潮沟区还是远潮沟区,芦苇和咸草下土壤DOC、TN和TP含量十分接近,且均大于藨草下土壤DOC、TN含量,藨草下土壤TN和TP含量和储量在近潮沟区均明显大于远潮沟区,而芦苇和咸草下土壤TN和TP含量在远、近潮沟区差距不大;土壤DOC、TN和TP含量与土壤粒径、容重和含水量呈显著相关,盐度对土壤中NH4+-N和NO3--N含量影响显著,与NH4+-N为正相关关系,与NO3--N为负相关关系。  相似文献   

北极阿拉斯加巴罗地区现代环境的地球化学特征研究*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以北极阿拉斯加巴罗地区样品分析为依据,研究泻湖、淡水湖、河流、沼泽、土壤等的环境地球化学特征。结果表明,巴罗地区融冻物理风化作用强烈,化学风化和生物地球化学作用较弱,物质以机械搬运为主,H+为地带性标型元素。地表水化学类型阴离子以Cl-为主,阳离子以K+Na+为主。现代沉积物、地表土壤、沼泽泥炭层有机质含量丰富,最高可达50.07%.大量元素SiO2含量极高,稀有稀土元素、微量元素含量偏低,但Hg、Cd、Cr的含量相对较高。  相似文献   

北极新奥尔松地区现代污染源及其指示植物研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
分析了采自北极新奥尔松(Ny-lesund)(78°55′N,11°56′E)煤矿开采区水平剖面12个点位上的三种苔原植物Dicranumangustum(苔藓类植物)、Puccinelliaphryganodes(穗状植物)和Salixpolaris(管状植物)及土壤中10种重金属(Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn、Ni、Fe、Mn、As、Se)及S、TOC的含量。结果显示采矿过程中煤层的暴露是本地区的Hg、Cd、S污染的主要来源。三种分布最广泛、数量最多的苔原植物中苔藓植物Dicranumangustum对重金属元素具有最大的富集能力,位于矿区的Dicranumangustu体内污染元素含量显著高于非矿区部分,这也说明该水平剖面上的元素污染是由当地煤矿开采导致的。同时发现,Dicranumangustum体内元素积累和土壤中元素浓度之间沿水平剖面的变化趋势较一致,能较好地反映本地区的污染状况,可以作为污染监测和指示植物。从全球区域对比来看,北极新奥尔松苔藓体内污染水平显著低于邻近的北欧等工业区,但却是北极地区Hg、Cd和S污染最严重地区,同时也比南极地区高。  相似文献   

Primary production of the northern Barents Sea   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The majority of the arctic waters are only seasonally ice covered; the northern Barents Sea, where freezing starts at 80 to 81°N in September, is one such area. In March, the ice cover reaches its greatest extension (74-75°N). Melting is particularly rapid in June and July, and by August the Barents Sea may be ice free. The pelagic productive season is rather short, 3 to 3.5 months in the northern part of the Barents Sea (north of the Polar Front, 75°N), and is able to sustain an open water production during only half of this time when a substantial part of the area is free of ice. Ice algal production starts in March and terminates during the rapid melting season in June and July, thus equalling the pelagic production season in duration.
This paper presents the first in situ measurements of both pelagic and ice-related production in the northern Barents Sea: pelagic production in summer after melting has started and more open water has become accessible, and ice production in spring before the ice cover melts. Judged by the developmental stage of the plankton populations, the northern Barents Sea consists of several sub-areas with different phytoplankton situations. Estimates of both daily and annual carbon production have been based on in situ measurements. Although there are few sampling stations (6 phytoplankton stations and 8 ice-algae stations), the measurements represent both pelagic bloom and non-bloom conditions and ice algal day and night production. The annual production in ice was estimated to 5.3 g Cm-2, compared to the pelagic production of 25 to 30 g Cm-2 south of Kvitøya and 12 to 15 g Cm-2 further north. According to these estimates ice production thus constitutes 16% to 22% of the total primary production of the northern Barents Sea, depending on the extent of ice-free areas.  相似文献   

沙冬青是我国珍稀濒危物种,掌握其地理分布范围及生境特征,有助于分析其所处境况以及展开相应的研究与保护工作。通过搜集历史文献资料与野外实地调查相结合的方法,对我国沙冬青属植物的地理分布范围、时空动态以及生境特征进行了研究,并从地形、气候、土壤三个方面探讨了限制沙冬青属植物生长分布的主要因子。结果表明:(1)新疆沙冬青分布范围为38°55'~40°09'N,74°42'~76°43'E;蒙古沙冬青分布范围为36°27'~42°01'N,102°36'~108°49'E,两种沙冬青在地理分布上不连续,以条带或块状方式呈现小聚集分布状态。(2)两种沙冬青的生境特征存在显著差异,其中限制新疆沙冬青分布的生态因子主要包括气候指标中的热量因子以及土壤指标中的pH、盐分和全磷,限制蒙古沙冬青分布的生态因子主要包括气候指标中的水分因子和土壤指标中的有机质、全氮。  相似文献   

1IntroductionThepurposeofthisstudyis,byinverselydeducingsedimentaryenvironmentfromsedimentaryresult,torecovertherecordofrecen...  相似文献   

The Gulf of Aqaba earthquake swarm of 1983 January-April   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. In the period 1983 January 21 -April 20, more than 500 local earthquakes ( M L≤ 4.85) occurred in the Gulf of Aqaba area between latitudes 29°00'and 29°25'and longitudes 34°30'and 34°45'. Most of the activity including the largest shocks was restricted to the area between latitudes 29°07'and 29° 15'and longitudes 34°33'and 34°42'where the NW Atiya regional dyke crosses the area and is horizontally displaced by NE strike-slip faults. The first-motion directions of four large shocks, including the largest, at both UNJ and HLW stations are in agreement with a strike-slip mechanism at a NE-trending fault in this area. The b value showed a temporal increase with time from 0.43 to 0.69. This, together with other geological and geophysical observations may indicate that subsurface magmatic activity has affected the stressed crustal rocks, thus triggering earthquake activity.
This swarm and historical information indicate that the Gulf of Aqaba-Dead Sea Jordan transform is characterized by both swarm and foreshock-aftershock types of seismic activity and therefore the relatively large proportion of non-seismic slip along the southern part of this transform may actually be higher if swarm-type activities are considered.  相似文献   

Soil distribution in high mountains reflects the impact of several soil-forming factors. Soil geomorphologists use key pedological properties to estimate ages of Quaternary deposits of various depositional environments, estimate long-term stability and instability of landscapes, and make inferences on past climatic change. Once the influence of the soil-forming factors is known, soils can be used to help interpret some aspects of landscape evolution that otherwise might go undetected.The Front Range of Colorado rises from the plains of the Colorado Piedmont at about 1700 m past a widespread, dissected Tertiary erosion surface between 2300 and 2800 m up to an alpine Continental Divide at 3600 to over 4000 m. Pleistocene valley glaciers reached the western edge of the erosion surface. Parent rocks are broadly uniform (granitic and gneissic). Climate varies from 46 cm mean annual precipitation (MAP) and 11 °C mean annual temperature (MAT) in the plains to 102 cm and −4 °C, respectively, near the range crest. Vegetation follows climate with grassland in the plains, forest in the mountains, and tundra above 3450 m. Soils reflect the bioclimatic transect from plains to divide: A/Bw or Bt/Bk or K (grassland) to A/E/Bw or Bt/C (forest) to A/Bw/C (tundra). Corresponding soil pH values decrease from 8 to less than 5 with increasing elevation. The pedogenic clay minerals dominant in each major vegetation zone are: smectite (grassland), vermiculite (forest), and 1.0–1.8 nm mixed-layer clays (tundra). Within the lower forested zone, the topographic factor (aspect) results in more leached, colder soils, with relatively thin O horizons, well-expressed E horizons and Bt horizons (Alfisols) on N-facing slopes, whereas soils with thicker A horizons, less developed or no E horizons, and Bw or Bt horizons (Mollisols) are more common on S-facing slopes. The topographic factor in the tundra results in soil patterns as a consequence of wind-redistributed snow and the amount of time it lingers on the landscape. An important parent material factor is airborne dust, which results in fine-grained surface horizons and, if infiltrated, contributes to clay accumulation in some Bt horizons. The time factor is evaluated by soil chronosequence studies of Quaternary deposits in tundra, upper forest, and plains grassland. Few soils in the study area are >10,000 years old in the tundra, >100,000 years old in the forest, and >2 million years old in the grassland. Stages of granite weathering vary with distance from the Continental Divide and the best developed is grus near the sedimentary/granitic rock contact just west of the mountain front. Grus takes a minimum of 100,000 years to form.Some of the relations indicated by the soil map patterns are: (1) parts of the erosion surface have been stable for 100,000 years or more; (2) development of grus near the mountain front could be due in part to pre-Pennsylvanian weathering; (3) a few soil properties reflect Quaternary paleoclimate; and (4) a correlation between soil development in the canyons and stream incision rates.  相似文献   

关于澜沧江正源问题   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
通过对澜沧江源头地区的水文、气候、地貌及河流特征等实地考察后确认,澜沧江正源应为扎阿曲,发源于青海省玉树藏族自治州杂多县阿青乡拉赛贡玛山南面的冰川末端。  相似文献   

Formation of turbid ice during autumn freeze-up in the Kara Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A one-dimensional (vertical) model is used to estimate the mass of ice-rafted sediment in turbid sea ice on the shallow Kara Sea shelf during autumn freeze-up. Sediment is entrained into the ice through aggregation with frazil ice crystals that are diffused downwards by wind-generated turbulence. Data from local meteorological stations are used to force the model, while water stratification and sediment concentrations from the area are used to initiate the model. Model results indicate a 0.2 m thick layer of slush ice created during 48 h with a mean wind of 6 m/s and an air temperature of −10°C. This ice contains ca. 20 mg/1 of sediment, or in total ca. 2% of the annual sediment discharge by nearby rivers. In shallow areas (<20 m depth) the process is very effective with winds of ca. 12 m/s, and the process can incorporate many years of sediment discharge. In the deeper areas (>20 m depth), the strong salinity stratification implies that winds above 18 m/s are needed for the process to be effective. For the rest of the winter months the same process may lead to additional sediment incorporated in a coastal polynya, but the freeze-up alone has the capacity to incorporate the total summer discharge of sediment into the surface ice. Calculated sediment concentrations in the surface ice cover are in the range 3 mg/1-19 g/1, in good agreement with available field data.  相似文献   

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