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Investigating the influence of international events on global maritime networks is a challenging task that must comprehensively incorporate geographical, political, and maritime sciences. Understanding global maritime network dynamics is an initial and critical step in this investigation. This study proposes an automatic identification system(AIS)-based approach to understanding maritime network dynamics before and after international events. In this approach, a spatiotemporal modeling method is introduced to measure the similarity in shipping trends before and after international events. Then, a spatiotemporal analytic framework is proposed to understand the maritime network dynamics by grouping similar situation, and assessing possible indirect effects within a network. Finally, three case studies of international events, military conflict, lifted economic sanctions, and government elections, were used to investigate the observed network dynamics possibly affected by international events. The results indicate that container, tanker, and bulk shipping between India and its connected countries all declined more than 69% after military conflicts between India and Pakistan in August 2015. Tanker shipping between Iran and the United Arab Emirates increased 51% after economic sanctions on Iran were lifted. Container shipping between Sri Lanka and Singapore, Malaysia, and India increased more than 74% after the general election in Sri Lanka. These investigations demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach in assessing the possible effects of international events on maritime network dynamics.  相似文献   

The study objective was to gain a better understanding of the transboundary fishing conflict between Indian trawl fishers and Sri Lankan small-scale fishers in Palk Bay using a relational approach to territoriality. The authors employed different ethnographic methods, including open, structured, and semi-structured interviews, and performed a media analysis in order to understand the everyday practices of Indian trawl fishers within the wider geopolitical context of a 30-year war in neighbouring Sri Lanka. The relational approach moves away from seeing cross-border fishing merely as an act of counter-territorialisation. The results revealed that the cross-border fishing underlying the crisis has largely resulted from a complex network of changing relationships between on the one hand Indian trawl fishers and India, and on the other hand Sri Lankan state agencies and Sri Lankan fishers, resulting in a porous international maritime boundary. The authors conclude that this in turn has resulted in a fluid international maritime boundary line.  相似文献   

发展高端航运服务业是港口城市产业转型的重要着力点。基于劳合社海事企业名录,利用连锁网络、回归模型等,研究1982—2018年全球高端航运服务业节点城市和城际联系的空间演变及影响因素。结果表明:① 全球高端航运服务业骨架由“T”字型向“大三角形”转变,网络重心不断东移,欧洲、地中海和亚太地区构成的东西向市场是其发展主线。② 节点城市的网络地位提升与该城市和前序城市建立的联系强度有密切关系,与覆盖的市场范围联系不大。③ 高端航运服务业的区位选择主要受资本、技术和市场的共同影响,其布局临近客户和市场,倾向于知识密集型的产业集聚。④ 集装箱吞吐量和地区宏观经济对高端航运服务业布局的显著性增强,人口数量、港口和行政中心的显著性消失。  相似文献   

The International Workshop on "Expanding Transboundary Cooperation for Water and Environment Security in Asia's International Rivers" was held on December 10-14, 2005, Dali, Yunnan, China. It was organized by Tsinghua University, the World Bank Institute (WBI), the United Nations University (UNU) and Asian International Rivers Center (AIRC). A total of over 60 scholars from the USA, Canada, Australia, Finland, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, India, Sri Lanka, Iran and China participated in this workshop. The topics include seeking reasonable utilization and sustainable conflict resolutions related to transboundary water resources, and transboundary eco-security maintenance; expanding cooperation between Asia and the rest of the world on international river issues, identifying potential opportunities; and possibility of a common research agenda for addressing environment changes in Mekong River Basin.  相似文献   

全球集装箱海运网络层次体系与派系划分对深入了解全球集装箱港口布局和分工及港口投资建设等具有重要的参考价值。基于全球10 大集装箱班轮公司的航运数据,以海运国家为节点构建全球集装箱航运网络,运用社会网络分析方法,采用“核心-边缘”模型,从国家间海运联系广度和国家间海运联系强度两个角度对全球集装箱海运网络进行层次体系划分,并且应用社会网络分析中的C 层次派系法对全球集装箱海运联系网络进行派系划分。结果表明:根据联系广度和联系强度划分出的全球集装箱海运网络“核心-边缘”结构并不相同。但是,中国、荷兰、新加坡、德国、巴西、阿联酋和法国这7 个国家在两种层次划分方法中都处于核心区,可见这7 个国家在全球集装箱海运网络中不仅在连通性上处于核心枢纽位置,在功能性上也处于核心地位。在C层次派系法中,从区域性上看,跨区域派系较少。  相似文献   

“丝路”海运网络的脆弱性及风险控制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴迪  王诺  于安琪  关雷 《地理学报》2018,73(6):1133-1148
为研究海上丝绸之路集装箱海运网络的脆弱性,对沿线集装箱港口及挂靠航线进行了统计,构建了海上丝绸之路集装箱海运网络,以随机攻击和蓄意攻击两种方式分别对网络的平均度、孤立节点比例、聚类系数、平均路径长度、网络效率和最大连通子图相对大小等反映网络连通性特征值的变化进行了研究。结果表明“丝路”海运网络在受到随机攻击时较为“强壮”,在受到蓄意攻击时相对脆弱。经进一步挖掘,揭示了蓄意攻击下网络开始崩溃和完全崩溃的临界点,并据此指出了需重点保护的枢纽干线港;结合地理特征,分析了“丝路”中主要海上通道通航受阻时网络连通性的变化,发现马六甲海峡、台湾海峡、曼德海峡及苏伊士运河对网络的脆弱性影响最为显著。为进行风险评价,分析了“丝路”网络脆弱性形成因素和抗毁性机制,并提出了相应的抗毁性评价方法,经计算得出南亚为“丝路”网络中抗毁性最薄弱的区域。最后,结合地缘风险分析,提出了相应的对策和建议。本研究对于认清“丝路”海运网络的脆弱性及风险控制方法,保障其互联互通,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

2018年6月美国针对伊朗启动了史上最严厉的石油禁运政策,要求所有国家于11月停止从伊朗进口石油,否则相关国家和企业都将面临美国的经济制裁,并无意给予任何国家豁免权。当前,中国、日本、韩国、印度和欧盟等世界重要的石油进口国已经做出回应,除中国明确拒绝美国的单边制裁继续保持与伊朗的石油贸易外,其他主要石油进口国都大量削减从伊朗的石油进口。沙特阿拉伯等石油生产国也承诺通过石油增产来维护全球能源市场的稳定,以支持美国对伊朗的制裁。在经济全球化的大趋势下,美国对伊朗的石油禁运,势必引发全球能源市场的动荡,改变全球石油政治格局以及相关利益方的石油权益。这些方面会涉及到全球油价的波动、不同国家的石油安全与应对政策、世界能源贸易稳定与地缘政治格局的变动等。长期关注能源地缘政治的专家学者围绕美国对伊朗的石油禁运可能产生的影响发表观点,专家们认为美国此举是战略两难的困境,短期内对将会引起世界石油短缺及油价波动,甚至可能导致OPEC减产协议崩溃,改变世界主要进口国的进口规模以及来源结构,但对世界石油市场的长期影响有限。伊朗将寻求打折出售原油、替代港口出口以及多元化出口3条生存路径,目前最大的隐患是伊朗或将封锁霍尔木兹海峡,但是此举目前可能性不大。伊朗石油禁运具有长期性和复杂性,对中国既是机遇也是挑战,中国在“一带一路”倡议下与伊朗保持正常的石油贸易是双赢的选择,但需要谨慎对待由此引发的能源地缘政治的风险,提升能源安全应对的措施。期待各方观点对伊朗石油禁运引发的能源地缘政治格局以及中国的能源安全的解析,能够为相关政策制定者提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

“21世纪海上丝绸之路”航运服务业网络格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王列辉  张楠翌  朱艳 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1663-1670
在“一带一路”倡议下,发展航运服务业对于巩固与提升中国在全球航运网络中的地位具有重要意义。构建103家跨国公司在“21世纪海上丝绸之路(海丝之路)”沿线1 054个城市的分布数据库,分析7种航运服务业在“海丝之路”沿线的网络特征。研究表明:① “海丝之路”沿线航运服务业网络的层级分布特征明显,处于第一层级的均为亚洲城市,说明亚洲航运服务业在航运服务业网络中地位重要。② 在“海丝之路”这一层面,伦敦、香港、新加坡等城市和地区构成大的联系三角,在中国层面,上海、香港、北京构成小的联系三角。③ 高端航运服务业主要分布在欧洲城市,亚洲城市在中端航运服务业方面占据重要地位,在低端航运服务业方面,非洲城市在仓储服务业表现突出,亚洲和欧洲城市则在船舶修造业实力雄厚。④ 高端航运服务业往往受城市的历史、文化、语言、法律、制度影响较大,对地方的根植性较强,倾向于首都等内陆城市,而中低端航运服务业主要依托于货物运输,受自然条件和区位条件等因素的影响较大,往往随货物运输转移而转移,倾向于分布在港口城市。  相似文献   

蓄意攻击下全球集装箱海运网络脆弱性变化   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
王诺  董玲玲  吴暖  颜华锟 《地理学报》2016,71(2):293-1525
为探究近年来全球集装箱海运网络脆弱性的变化趋势,提出了研究网络脆弱性变化度的分析思路和量化方法.基于2004和2014年两个年度的世界主要集装箱班轮公司航线分布数据,将相关港口按节点度大小排序后以1%~10%的比例逐步删除,选择删除前后的网络平均度,网络聚类系数,网络孤立节点比例,网络平均距离和网络效率等特征值的变化率作为量化指标;提出了网络压力测试方法,由此求出各特征值对网络脆弱性的影响权重及贡献值,进而得到了在设定攻击规模内集装箱海运网络脆弱性变化的量化值.研究结果表明:在蓄意攻击下,近10年的全球集装箱海运网络的脆弱性呈变差趋势;当攻击规模为整体网络的10%以内时,网络脆弱性的变差幅度约为6.1%.研究成果对于深化港口地理学研究具有重要意义,其分析思路和方法对其他领域的网络脆弱性变化趋势研究也可提供借鉴.  相似文献   

基于“海上丝绸之路”通道安全的海外港口战略布局研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了“海上丝绸之路”通道网络安全的海外港口布局,对沿线集装箱港口及航线挂靠情况进行统计分析,探讨了“海上丝绸之路”主要通道通航受阻时网络连通性的变化。根据地缘特点,对“海上丝绸之路”所覆盖海域的通道安全进行了风险分析;为加强“海上丝绸之路”运输网络的风险控制,保障其互联互通,结合地缘风险探讨了近年来我国对“海上丝绸之路”沿线港口投资的分布状况。研究表明,为加强“海上丝绸之路”的畅通性,应在保障本国港口和周边海域海上通行安全的同时,积极参与全球不稳定因素的治理,进一步加强“海上丝绸之路”各个国家间的友好往来;重点加强在莫桑比克海峡和英吉利海峡周围的港口布点;在主动布局各海上通道投资港口的同时,还应不断加强海上军事力量建设,建立海外军事基地,提升海军的远洋能力,增加我国在重要海上通道周边海域的军事存在;积极推动沿线国家的政治互信,促进区域的和平发展。本文成果对于科学规划我国在“海上丝绸之路”的海外港口布局具有重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   

泛南海经济圈是全球经济要素最活跃的地区之一。加强海南自贸港与周边国家的地缘经济联系有利于推进海南自贸港的建设,提升区域经贸合作层次与水平。本文基于贸易、投资、产业、金融等方面的综合考虑,构建地缘经济关系指标体系,并通过熵值法和灰色关联法探究海南自贸港与泛南海国家的地缘经济关系演变及其影响因素。研究发现:(1)2005—2019年,海南自贸港与泛南海国家的地缘经济关系一直相对较弱,且未出现显著提升。其中,贸易联系相对紧密,投资、产业、金融联系有待进一步加强。(2)2005—2019年,海南自贸港与泛南海国家地缘经济关系的时空格局变动明显,缅甸、新加坡波动幅度较大。总体来看,海南自贸港与新加坡、越南、文莱、印尼的经济联系最强,与老挝、印度、孟加拉国、斯里兰卡的经济联系最弱。(3)市场是海南自贸港地缘经济关系的首要影响因素,成本约束对地缘经济具有一定影响,而生产要素的影响相对有限。  相似文献   


The Kandyan homegardens, or forest gardens, of central Sri Lanka are diverse, smallholder agroforestry ecosystems that for 2000 years have reflected evolving environmental, economic, and social livelihood needs. An ecosystem services approach interrogated homegarden changes over the last 10 years in 31 Kandyan households. Livelihood strategies favouring homegardens were found to have broader benefits across household, national, and global scales than those favouring commercial simplification or those abandoning cultivation for alternative incomes. Livelihood benefits beyond income included resilience to economic and environmental shocks; food security; and higher stocks of biological and agricultural diversity. This revealed overlooked socio-ecological feedbacks between drivers that frustrated interventions to sustain homegarden livelihoods, including increased wild animal incursions thwarting household climate adaptation and disaster recovery; global organic and fair trade incentives reducing food security and livelihood resilience; and national seed and animal regulations counteracting homegarden sustainability programs. Despite these pressures, households maintained homegarden systems for their cultural, aesthetic and eating preferences. An ecosystem services approach can complement sustainable livelihood approaches by identifying overlooked environmental and cultural benefits; reveal livelihood feedbacks from drivers of ecosystem change; avoid unintended consequences from interventions; and capitalise on synergies between stakeholder priorities.  相似文献   

北极航线的世界航运网络格局影响分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
北冰洋冰层的加速融化,引发了世界对北极航线相关问题的关注和思考,尤其是北极航线全线贯通之后,将会对当今世界航运网络格局产生更加深远的影响。本文分析了世界航运网络格局的内涵和现状,随后讨论了世界航运网络格局的要素,并以此为基础,分析了北极航线通航后对世界航运网络格局的影响,进而提出北极航线通航后我国的应对策略。  相似文献   

中国周边地缘影响力的建模与测算——以南亚为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今国际社会已经进入了大规模实力转移的时代,如何顺应当代国际关系中实力结构变化的趋势,科学合理地测度一国在周边地缘环境中的影响力,成为国家外交政策和周边战略研究的重要内容。本文基于权力理论、硬实力和软实力理论、相互依赖理论,在突出主导因素和可操作原则的基础上,构建了国家地缘影响力的指标体系,定量测算了近10 年来中国在南亚各国和南亚地区的地缘影响力。结果表明:①2012 年中国与南亚七国的综合实力比较,按照差距从小到大排序,分别为印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、斯里兰卡、尼泊尔、不丹和马尔代夫。说明国家本身的地缘重量,尤其是硬实力依旧是综合实力的重要支撑。②近10 年来,中国在南亚地区的地缘影响力呈逐年上升趋势。其中,中国在不丹、孟加拉国和尼泊尔的地缘影响力最大,而在斯里兰卡和马尔代夫最小。表明地缘影响力受国家间地理位置的制约,呈距离衰减的空间分布。③国家的实力和地缘影响力并非成正比关系。国家实力强大并不能代表其对外的影响力就强大。④无论在政策制度、国家形象还是文化交流方面,中国与南亚各国间的软实力差距不大。  相似文献   

地缘位势视角下中美俄与伊朗的地缘关系解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在厘清空间视角下权力作用机制的基础上,构建地缘位势模型,刻画“9·11”事件后中美俄在伊朗的地缘位势演化特征,结合国别研究尝试解读中美俄与伊朗的地缘关系,主要得出以下结论:1)美国在伊朗的地缘位势在负向高位区间频繁波动,俄罗斯的位势在正向中位区间小幅波动,美国和俄罗斯的波动呈现“强-强”机制,中国的位势变化则与其较为剥离,呈“S”型曲线大幅增长。2)中美俄在伊朗的地缘位势是地理位置、地缘外交、地缘经济和地缘文化各要素共同作用的结果,其中地理位置是基底要素,地缘外交是决定要素,地缘经济是驱动要素,地缘文化是协作要素。3)中伊的地缘战略空间互补性重叠,中国综合国力的增强和双边经贸依赖的加深提升着地缘关系的强度和密度;美伊的地缘关系偶有缓和但总体较差,呈现出的波动性是国内政治生态和国际政治环境下的双重应答;俄伊地缘关系紧密缘于传统地理空间邻近和地缘战略考量,两国间存在着由经济利益、政治选择、安全保障等各种因素构成的稳定却复杂的地缘关系网络。  相似文献   

王成  王茂军  王艺 《地理科学进展》2018,37(11):1485-1498
共建“21世纪海上丝绸之路”重大倡议的提出,疏通了东西方经由航运往来,实现全要素“流动”的海上通道,拓展了中国连接世界经济的新型贸易之路。本文基于航运往来关系,引入社会网络分析方法,分析中外整体航运网络空间结构及核心—边缘构局,结合嵌入广度、嵌入深度和网络中介功能,类比不同地区航运网络嵌入模式差异;综合考量中外港口节点的网络中心地位和现实航运能力,识别航运网络中的功能节点。研究发现:①沿线航运网络呈现以中国—东南亚地区紧密关联为重心的“镐头”状空间格局,上海、深圳、新加坡、巴生港共同架构起沿线港口低耗高效的轴辐式关联网络结构;②过滤得到关联骨干网络和核心网络,并识别出关联广度和强度差异的海外港口特殊节点和核心节点;③港口嵌入航运网络的方式大致可分为以中国和东南亚港口为代表的(广度、深度、中介功能)层级嵌入模式和以非洲、南西亚—中东、南亚和欧洲地区为代表的均质嵌入模式;④中国港口外向关联强度层级特征明显,识别出潜在复合型枢纽港、外向干线港、内向直挂港、中介支线港和边缘喂给港五种类型的港口节点,并明确分工提出发展建议,以期有效协调港口组织格局和节点功能互补共进,强化“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的通道价值。  相似文献   

南海周边航运网络脆弱性及对中国集装箱运输的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国对外贸易的发展,南海在中国对外运输中的重要性不断提升,评估南海周边航运网络失效对中国不同港口的影响程度十分必要。以2018年前18强船公司的集装箱航线数据为基础,构建南海周边港口的集装箱航运网络,通过网络节点指标、最短路径模拟等方法测度网络的脆弱性,并分析南海周边港口失效对中国的影响。全文主要结论如下:南海航运的抗毁性较弱,15%~25%的头部港口失效对整体航运网络组织会产生实质性的毁坏;釜山和新加坡是本区域最重要的港口,海防、上海、青岛、东京、泗水、横滨、神户等在区域中具有高脆弱性;评估港口失效后的替代港口方案,发现替代集装箱港口的可选择范围很小,很少有港口失效后能同时满足地理临近、介数增长和能力相当三大条件,在海上航运网络中港口失效带来的影响是难以修补的;以最短路径模拟中国港口对南海周边其他港口的挂靠情况,发现新加坡、巴生和釜山是对中国具有全局影响力的三大港口,林查班、马尼拉、宿务、圣费尔南多、海防等对其他港口具有点对点的局域影响。  相似文献   

In concert with developments in global trade and energy resource transportation, there has been a marked increase in reliance on overseas shipping. Unimpeded marine transportation has therefore become a key issue which influences national maritime interests including the security of trade and energy resources. A strategic shipping pivot thus performs a vital controlling function for global shipping networks. In this study strategic shipping pivots are defined and subdivided into sea hubs, channels and areas. We then develop a model to identify strategic shipping pivots on a global scale. The results show that, depending on differences in location, function, and type, the concept of strategic shipping pivot permits the identification of both spatial and structural differentiation with respect to strategic hubs, corridors, and seas. Now 44 strategic hubs have formed across the globe. These hubs have become the control centers of local shipping network organization. At the same time, seven strategic corridors containing most shipping routes and transportation capacity connect important sea areas, and permit a high-degree of control over the transport of strategic materials. The strategic seas, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific provide vital import and export pathways, so that the formation of strategic shipping pivots is mainly influenced by factors such as physical geographical conditions, the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities, business organization, technical progress, geopolitical patterns and geopolitical disputes. Physical geographical conditions provide the potential foundations for strategic shipping pivots, while the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities and communications determine the strategic value of these points. Finally, business organization, technical progress, and geopolitical disputes all function to strengthen the strategic mechanisms and the mutagenicity of strategic shipping pivots.  相似文献   

In concert with developments in global trade and energy resource transportation, there has been a marked increase in reliance on overseas shipping. Unimpeded marine transportation has therefore become a key issue which influences national maritime interests including the security of trade and energy resources. A strategic shipping pivot thus performs a vital controlling function for global shipping networks. In this study strategic shipping pivots are defined and subdivided into sea hubs, channels and areas. We then develop a model to identify strategic shipping pivots on a global scale. The results show that, depending on differences in location, function, and type, the concept of strategic shipping pivot permits the identification of both spatial and structural differentiation with respect to strategic hubs, corridors, and seas. Now 44 strategic hubs have formed across the globe. These hubs have become the control centers of local shipping network organization. At the same time, seven strategic corridors containing most shipping routes and transportation capacity connect important sea areas, and permit a high-degree of control over the transport of strategic materials. The strategic seas, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific provide vital import and export pathways, so that the formation of strategic shipping pivots is mainly influenced by factors such as physical geographical conditions, the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities, business organization, technical progress, geopolitical patterns and geopolitical disputes. Physical geographical conditions provide the potential foundations for strategic shipping pivots, while the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities and communications determine the strategic value of these points. Finally, business organization, technical progress, and geopolitical disputes all function to strengthen the strategic mechanisms and the mutagenicity of strategic shipping pivots.  相似文献   

This paper provides insights into the dynamic linkages between the ongoing construction of houses for people displaced by war and disaster, conceptions of homemaking and processes of recovery and reconstruction in the post‐tsunami context in Sri Lanka. In so doing, it also uncovers the dilemmas and ambiguities that are embedded in the recovery process. A case from Eastern Province, Sri Lanka illustrates how recovery works in local areas are driven by various stakeholders from outside, whose negotiations and power, voices and preferences, both independently and collectively, define the scope for homemaking processes. Our findings recommend that debates of ‘building back better’ following such disasters should embody an understanding of houses as political, cultural, social and economic constructs, and be cognizant of the wider processes of homemaking.  相似文献   

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