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枯水径流是构成河川径流年内分配的重要组成部分,在水资源评价、生态环境及工程水文分析计算中是必不可少的,它是河川径流的一种特殊形态。研究区域地处新疆经济社会发展的中心地带—天山北坡经济带,是水资源紧缺地区,对其枯季径流进行较深入的分析研究,有其重要的现实意义。对天山北坡中段主要河流的冬季、枯水期、最小月和最小日平均流量作了初步分析,并提出某些区域性的基本规律。  相似文献   

根据1970—2004年的实测水文资料,采用水文学及统计方法分析了汾河水库控制流域的径流量变化及其原因,同时还计算了不同重现期的控制站的洪峰设计值。结果表明,入库控制站静乐和上静游站丰、平和枯水水平年不同步,在20世纪70和80年代发生丰水和平水年份比较多,在90年代后枯水年份比较多,多干旱年份。水库控制流域洪水主要集中在7月、8月,同时极端洪涝和干旱事件出现的频次增多。以静乐站为代表分析降水对径流变化的结果表明,高强度降水在量级和次数上存在波动变化的态势,年径流的时序变化主要是受年降水量的变化影响。  相似文献   

据加拿大Carnation Creek生态试验站20a的森林水文观测资料,应用回归分析和协方差检验,研究了森林砍伐以前、道路修筑、砍伐中和砍伐后各时期洪水参数的变化,统计结果表明,森林砍伐后,洪峰和洪量有显著的增大,一般增幅在20%~30%之间,年径流量增长15%~20%,但洪峰滞时和洪水形态变化不大。  相似文献   

策勒河出山径流特征及其趋势   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
根据策勒河近50年水文及气象资料,利用经验频率、Mann-Kendall非参数检验和非线性回归分析等方法,分析策勒河径流量的变化特征、变化趋势及其对气候的响应.结果表明:策勒河径流年内分配不均,夏、秋季偏丰,5~9月径流量占全年88.70%;冬、春季偏枯,10月到次年4月径流量占全年11.30%,策勒河变差系数为0.21,径流最大值与最小值之比为2.53,河流年际变化相对稳定;Mann-Kendall检验得出近十年出山径流量有减少的趋势;月平均流量与月平均降水量、月平均蒸发量和月平均气温之间存在复杂的非线性关系,非线性回归模型模拟的月平均流量与实测值对比,确定系数为0.73,模拟效果较好,月平均蒸发量与月平均流量呈负相关.  相似文献   

基于落水洞的岩溶半分布式水文模型的构建及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以贵州省普定县后寨河流域为例,设计1个分单元计算产流和引入落水洞计算汇流过程的半分布式水文模型,先采用不同计算方法分单元模拟产流,后引入落水洞,计算落水洞的汇流路径,在单元区间和落水洞注入汇流中采用水箱模型和在地下管道和河道汇流中引入Nash瞬时单位线进行汇流演算,利用1988、1989年的资料对该模型进行参数率定和检验.结果表明:该模型在后寨河流域有良好的适用性,流量总量上趋于平衡,径流趋势一致,对洪峰、洪量控制较好.  相似文献   

采用M ann-Kendall法和最小方差法,对大沽夹河流域1966~2004年逐月实测径流数据进行均值变点分析。根据分析结果,将径流划分为水文变化特征相似的A(1966~1971年)、B(1972~1981年)、C(1982~1996年)、D(1997~2004年)4个时段。在此基础上借鉴年降水年内分配的向量法,提出了量化径流年内分配的集中度和集中期。结果表明:1.大沽夹河的不同水文年,其径流年内分配的特征不同。时段A集中度最小,时段D最大,4个时段变差系数为0.12。时段A和时段C的集中期比较接近,最大径流出现的时间均在7月下旬,时段B和时段D的集中期比较相似,最大径流出现的时间在8月中下旬。径流年内分配与降水年内分配两者呈显著正相关。2.用月径流量计算的集中度比径流年内不均匀系数具有更高的分辨能力和有效性,用月径流量计算的集中期对应的月份与月径流最大值出现的实际月份完全一致,径流集中度、集中期能够充分定量地表征径流在年内分配的非均匀性。  相似文献   

新疆水文水资源变化及对区域气候变化的响应   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
基于全疆8条代表性河流近50年的地表径流、气温和降水数据,采用Mann-Kendall趋势检验和突变检测法,对各条河流地表径流、年均气温和年降水进行了长期趋势检验和突变滗分析,同时对径流与气温、降水之间的变化关系以及水文极端事件洪水的发生频次和洪峰流量进行了分析.结果表明,20世纪80年代中期以来伞疆各地气候一致表现为气温升高和降水增多,其中北疆地区变化最为显著,南疆其次,东疆最小.受气温、降水变化影响,河流径流发生年际和年内分布变化.大部分河流自20世纪90年代初水量显著增多,有春汛提前、夏汛推后和洪峰流量增大的现象,其变化特征与河流补给类型密切相关.全疆洪水发生频次增多、洪峰流最增大.气候变暖已对区域水文循环产生重要影响.  相似文献   

通天河是长江源区最大干流,其径流与基流的变化基本上反映了整个源区的水文与水文地质特征.根据长江源区通天河流域的径流变化及区域水文地质条件等特征,首次选用改进加里宁方法计算了通天河直门达水文站1957-2009年实测径流量的基流;分析了该流域基流量的多年变化,研究了拐点流量Q0、退水指数α值及比例系数B值与基流量的关系....  相似文献   

青藏高原年楚河流域径流变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于青藏高原河流年楚河1961-2000年天然径流量资料,选用Mann-Kendal分析方法和小波分析等方法对年楚河径流变化特征进行研究。结果表明:年楚河流域径流量年际变化相对平稳,年内分配极不均衡。丰水季节与枯水季节径流量相差悬殊,6-9月径流量占全年65%,最大月径流量占全年百分比达24.56%;在1961-2000年中,年楚河径流量呈现显著增加趋势,在1985年左右径流量发生突变性增加;日喀则和江孜两站5-8年左右时间尺度的周期震荡最显著,其次10-15年左右时间尺度的周期震荡也较为显著,两站径流量变化的主周期分别为5年和7年,次周期分别为13和12年。年楚河流域气温升高引起冰川融水增加可能是年楚河径流量增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

利用明月江水文站网观测资料,采用5个森林水文评价指标,检验9个对比年与1个对比时段共计50个评价项目表明:明月江随着森林生态环境的改善及森林覆盖率的提高,枯水流量、年径流与径流年内的均匀程度均有较大增加,而河川含沙量则有所减少,反应了森林涵养水源、保持水土、调节径流年内分配的森林水文效应。  相似文献   

黄河下游河川径流的变化趋势与对策   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
吴凯  唐登银  谢贤群 《地理研究》2000,19(4):377-382
黄河下游河川年径流量有逐年减少的趋势,花园口站90年代实测年径流量为80年代的65.1%,这与上中游年降水量减少、用水量增加有关。河川年最大流量逐年减少,花园口站90年代平均最大流量为80年代的68.6%,并出现了“小流量、高水位、大漫滩”的发展态势。河川小流量或断流日趋严重,利津站90年代累计断流天数为80年代的8.2倍,文中分析了缓解其影响的可行对策。  相似文献   

新疆水文水资源变化及对区域气候变化的响应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Based on the surface runoff, temperature and precipitation data over the last 50 years from eight representative rivers in Xinjiang, using Mann-Kendall trend and jump detection method, the paper investigated the long-term trend and jump point of time series, the surface runoff, mean annual temperature and annual precipitation. Meanwhile, the paper analyzed the relationship between runoff and temperature and precipitation, and the flood frequency and peak flow. Results showed that climate of all parts of Xinjiang conformably has experienced an increase in temperature and precipitation since the mid-1980s. Northern Xinjiang was the area that changed most significantly followed by southern and eastern Xinjiang. Affected by temperature and precipitation variation, river runoff had changed both inter-annually and intra-annually. The surface runoff of most rivers has increased significantly since the early 1990s, and some of them have even witnessed the earlier spring floods, later summer floods and increasing flood peaks. The variation characteristics were closely related with the replenishment types of rivers. Flood frequency and peak flow increased all over Xinjiang. Climate warming has had an effect on the regional hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

Studying the response to warming of hydrological systems in China’s temperate glacier region is essential in order to provide information required for sustainable development.The results indicated the warming climate has had an impact on the hydrological cycle.As the glacier area subject to melting has increased and the ablation season has become longer,the contribution of meltwater to annual river discharge has increased.The earlier onset of ablation at higher elevation glaciers has resulted in the period of minimum discharge occurring earlier in the year.Seasonal runoff variations are dominated by snow and glacier melt,and an increase of meltwater has resulted in changes of the annual water cycle in the Lijiang Basin and Hailuogou Basin.The increase amplitude of runoff in the downstream region of the glacial area is much stronger than that of precipitation,resulting from the prominent increase of meltwater from glacier region in two basins.Continued observations in the glacierized basins should be undertaken in order to monitor changes,to reveal the relationships between climate,glaciers,hydrology and water supplies,and to assist in maintaining sustainable regional development.  相似文献   

This is the second of two papers examining the surface hydrology of the Lake Eyre Basin (LEB) (1,140,000 km2) in Australia. The streams are unregulated and are characterised by extreme discharge variation. The analyses reported cover only surface hydrology and include comparisons with arid zone catchments globally. The paper discusses spatial runoff and annual streamflow characteristics, flow duration and baseflow index (BFI) analyses, annual flood frequency analysis and flood transmission losses, a water balance study, wet and dry run length analysis and, finally, yield from hypothetical reservoirs located across the LEB. There are 12 conclusions listed at the end of the paper. We identify two highlights as follows:
• The coefficient of variation of annual flows, Cv, varies from 0.98 to 2.62. Compared with 45 arid zone rivers world-wide excluding Australian rivers, the annual Cv of the LEB streams are approximately double the average variability found world-wide.
• Large transmission losses occur as flood flows move down the middle reaches of the major river systems. The transmission losses vary non-linearly with flood size as a result of differing transmission efficiencies between primary channels and the floodplain, and varying floodplain utilisation.
Keywords: Hydrology; Lake Eyre; Runoff; Surface hydrology; Yield  相似文献   

气候变化和人类活动对信江流域径流影响模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓晓宇  张强  孙鹏  方朝阳 《热带地理》2014,34(3):293-301
以1960―1990年为基准期、1991―2005年为影响期,使用HSPF(Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran)水文模型定量分析了影响期气候变化和人类活动对信江流域径流的影响及其各自的贡献率。结果表明:1)相对于1960―1990年,1991―1995、1996―2000年的年平均径流深分别增加了271.9和246.3 mm,2001―2005年的年平均径流深减少64.1 mm。其中,气候变化对径流的影响分量在65.6%~88.0%之间,人类活动对径流的影响分量在12.0%~34.4%之间。2)人类活动对极值流量有影响。在影响期,年最大7 d平均流量和最大15 d平均流量模拟值大于对应的实测极值流量。3)在气候变化因子中,流域降水量的增加,是引起20世纪90年代信江流域径流显著增大的主要原因,其次是蒸发量的下降;人类活动包括植树造林、城市化以及水利工程修建,是影响流域径流变化的次要原因。  相似文献   

类比合成算法是一种多维模式搜索法,它具有适用范围广、对资料要求低等优点,可用于单变量及多变量时间序列的延拓预测。通过介绍类比合成算法,并把它应用于塔里木河源流叶尔羌河、和田河年、月径流量预报,其中重点分析了模式长度和合成预报的模式个数等因素对预报结果的影响。通过实测径流资料对预报结果的检验和分析表明,类比合成算法可以较好地挖掘径流序列中隐藏的信息,在中长期水文预报中是一种行之有效的计算方法。  相似文献   

Based on the surface runoff, temperature and precipitation data over the last 50 years from eight representative rivers in Xinjiang, using Mann-Kendall trend and jump detection method, the paper investigated the long-term trend and jump point of time series, the surface runoff, mean annual temperature and annual precipitation. Meanwhile, the paper analyzed the relationship between runoff and temperature and precipitation, and the flood frequency and peak flow. Results showed that climate of all parts of Xinjiang conformably has experienced an increase in temperature and precipitation since the mid-1980s. Northern Xinjiang was the area that changed most significantly followed by southern and eastern Xinjiang. Affected by temperature and precipitation variation, river runoff had changed both inter- annually and intra-annually. The surface runoff of most rivers has increased significantly since the early 1990s, and some of them have even witnessed the earlier spring floods, later summer floods and increasing flood peaks. The variation characteristics were closely related with the replenishment types of rivers. Flood frequency and peak flow increased all over Xinjiang. Climate warming has had an effect on the regional hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

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