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Diatom analyses from a 40 cm sediment core from Water Supply Lake, northeastern Baffin Island, reveal 67 taxa of primarily benthic forms, strongly dominated by small Fragilaria spp. No major stratigraphic changes are noted in the diatom floral record, which encompasses the last 7000 years. In the uppermost 2 cm, there are increases in: a) F. virescens var. subsalina, b) the ratio of symmetric: asymmetric valves of F. construens, and c) species richness. These are interpreted as reflecting anthropogenic modifications of the lake (chlorination and deepening) associated with its use as a source of water for the community of Pond Inlet since 1979.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(8):413-415

环嵩山地区9000 aB.P.-3000 aB.P.聚落规模等级   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
鲁鹏  田燕  杨瑞霞 《地理学报》2012,67(10):1375-1382
选取遗址面积、文化层厚度、重要遗物、重要遗迹4 个变量, 利用SOFM网络对环嵩山地区9000 aB.P.-3000 aB.P.聚落按照裴李岗、仰韶、龙山、夏商4 个阶段分别进行聚类分析, 以此对区域不同时期早期聚落的规模等级进行划分, 其中裴李岗时期聚落划分为2 个级别, 仰韶、龙山时期聚落均划分为3 个级别, 夏商时期聚落划分为4 个级别。结果表明, 裴李岗时期区域聚落等级规模之间的差异不明显, 大致在距今5000 年左右的仰韶文化中晚期, 区域聚落规模等级出现分异, 这种分异在龙山时期得以延续, 并于夏商时期最终形成。此外, 规模等级划分结果还对于特定时期文化面貌的区域差异有所反映, 具体表现在裴李岗时期3 个区域所属的不同文化系统与夏、商文化不同的空间分布特征。通过环嵩山地区9000 aB.P.-3000 aB.P.聚落规模等级研究发现, SOFM网络具有的邻近单元相互竞争、相互学习特征可以降低遗址面积不准确性对于分类结果的影响, 非常适合于早期聚落规模等级的划分。  相似文献   

As they increase in popularity, social media are regarded as important sources of information on geographical phenomena. Studies have also shown that people rely on social media to communicate during disasters and emergency situation, and that the exchanged messages can be used to get an insight into the situation. Spatial data mining techniques are one way to extract relevant information from social media. In this article, our aim is to contribute to this field by investigating how graph clustering can be applied to support the detection of geo-located communities in Twitter in disaster situations. For this purpose, we have enhanced the fast-greedy optimization of modularity (FGM) clustering algorithm with semantic similarity so that it can deal with the complex social graphs extracted from Twitter. Then, we have coupled the enhanced FGM with the varied density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise spatial clustering algorithm to obtain spatial clusters at different temporal snapshots. The method was experimented with a case study on typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, and Twitter’s different interaction modes were compared to create the graph of users and to detect communities. The experiments show that communities that are relevant to identify areas where disaster-related incidents were reported can be extracted, and that the enhanced algorithm outperforms the generic one in this task.  相似文献   

善于追踪地理学最新信息的人总是经常见到一个赫然的名字A.G.Wilson。A.G.Wilson以其在现代地理学中的巨大成就引起了愈来愈多的地理学工作者的关注。一、A.G.Wilson是一个数学地理学家A.G.Wilson早年就读于剑桥大学数学专业,而后任职于英国中心科学研究所,同时受聘于牛津大学的经济学院和统计学院,并出任英国输运大臣的数学顾问和环境研究中心副主任,现任英国里兹大学区域地理和城市地理教授。其主要著作有《城市区域模型的熵》、《地理规划中的城市区域模型》、《城市区域模型:理论和经验进展》、《地理和规划的数  相似文献   

应中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所邀请 ,国际著名生态学家、美国前白宫科学顾问、伍兹霍尔海洋生物实验室生态系统研究中心主任J .M .Melillo教授和该中心田汉勤博士、美国农业部林务局潘愉德博士等一行 4人 ,于 5月 10 - 2 3日来华进行学术交流与考察。Melillo教授访问期间 ,作了题为“美国气候变异与变化潜在影响的国家评价”的学术报告。刘纪远所长向Melillo教授颁发了地理科学与资源研究所特聘名誉研究员的聘书 ,赠送了由地理所主编并荣获中科院科技进步特等奖的《中华人民共和国国家自然地图集》(英文版 )。M…  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore migration aspects of the 1995 Quebec Sovereignty Referendum with data from a survey administered to non-francophones in Montreal two weeks prior to the Referendum. While the Quebec sovereignty issue has been around for some time and earlier exodus from the province, particularly among anglophones, is largely regarded as “forced” in some way, this study neither confirms the 1995 Sovereignty Referendum as a paramount factor in explaining outmigration from Quebec nor points to a real reluctance to leave Montreal. The decision to move is influenced by the interplay of a multitude of factors. The political influence is only an added factor to longstanding economic decline and cultural clash. Moreover, if there is any impulsion, the degree varies among different cultural and socioeconomic groups.  相似文献   

选择位于江汉平原的JZ-2010湖相沉积剖面为研究对象,利用AMS14C测年建立江汉平原12.76 cal.ka B.P.以来环境演变的时间序列。对湖相沉积物中元素Rb和Sr的差异分布、Rb/Sr值、Ti元素含量以及磁化率等多项环境代用指标的综合分析表明:江汉平原12.76 cal.ka B.P.以来环境干湿变化经历了晚冰期由偏干转向偏湿波动、全新世开始湿度增强、全新世中期偏湿到湿润再至干湿波动,全新世晚期至现代偏湿到偏干的过程。磁化率波动与江汉平原新石器时代各文化类型出现或转型相关。江汉平原环境干湿变化体现东亚季风环流影响,驱动机制主要是北半球夏季太阳辐射变化;还受到东北、北、西三面环山而东南面向夏季风倾斜开放的地势影响。  相似文献   

土地变更调查对保持土地调查数据的现实性具有重要意义。自"3S"技术应用于土地变更调查以来,效率有了大幅度提高,但是仍然面临着"3S"集成程度不高与数据共享程度不高的问题。为此,四川省国土勘测规划研究院研制了S.P.M.平台,旨在提高数据共享程度,深度集成"3S"技术。本文基于S.P.M.平台,提出一种变更调查的内外业一体化工作思路。  相似文献   

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