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应用定量地貌学的原理和方法,对天水市南北两山已有黄土滑坡进行了自动识别研究。首先,引入地形可视性辅助遥感影像目视解译,以选择滑坡和非滑坡样本;其次,综合滑坡的地形特征和遥感特征,通过采取SEaTH算法遴选出能有效区分滑坡与非滑坡的特征差异指标建立滑坡有效识别指标体系;最后,基于滑坡有效识别指标特征集进行面向对象分割,通过建立多层感知器的滑坡自动识别模型对分割后的对象进行识别,并作精度评价。结果表明:1)针对该研究区的已有黄土滑坡,粗糙度、高程变异、切割度、起伏度、坡度、可视性6种地形指标具有识别价值;2)该模型对滑坡的识别精度达71.03%,非滑坡的识别精度达92.02%,较好地识别出了该区域的滑坡范围。  相似文献   

滑坡灾害评价原理和方法研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
唐川  JorgGrunert 《地理学报》1998,53(B12):149-157
本文论述了用于建立判别和定量划分滑坡危险性和灾害地理信息系统的原理和方法。滑坡灾害评价程序包括四个层次:①基础信息分析;②精坡危险体评价;③滑坡危险性评价;④滑坡灾害评价。研究区选择在德国渡恩地区,评价结果表明大量复杂的信息能有效地通过GIS集成和分析,确定研究医滑坡危险性和灾害的等级并作出其分区图。本文由地貌学家提出的滑坡灾害评价为规划者和工程师提供了对区域规划和建筑工程非常有价值的拄术方法。  相似文献   

三峡库区山地灾害基本特征及滑坡与降水关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马占山  张强  朱蓉  江志红 《山地学报》2005,23(3):319-326
分析三峡库区山地灾害的基本特征,着重讨论库区滑坡灾害与前期降水量的相关关系,运用Fisher判别法则建立该区滑坡发生的降水预报方程。结果表明,三峡库区山地灾害主要出现在雨季,7月发生最为频繁,灾害种类多样,主要以滑坡为主,降水是诱发山地灾害的主要因素;当日和前5d的暴雨日数、当日和前10d降水量与滑坡发生的关系最为密切,诱发库区滑坡灾害的主要降水类型为暴雨诱发型和多日中大雨诱发型;通过Fisher判别方法,以两个降水因子建立起的滑坡发生的预报方程,对于三峡库区滑坡发生具有一定的判别能力,为库区山地灾害的预防提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于多尺度融合的高分辨率影像城市用地分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于面向对象的信息提取技术,针对高空间分辨率遥感影像进行城市用地分类。首先针对不同城市地物,选择适宜的提取尺度;然后探讨不同城市地物类型提取的适宜特征,充分利用光谱、空间结构、上下文关系、纹理等信息描述地物;最后融合不同地物多尺度下的提取结果。以北京市部分地区QuickBird影像为例,实现城市用地类型的自动分类,结果表明:该方法应用于城市用地分类的精度高达86.74%,为高空间分辨率遥感影像城市用地分类研究提供了新思路。  相似文献   

基于光谱和纹理特征的ALOS影像土地利用信息提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高分辨率遥感影像易于反映地物纹理特征的特点,综合利用地物的光谱和纹理特征进行分类,探讨适用于ALOS影像的土地利用信息提取方法。以川东丘陵地区影像为例,基于GLCM提取纹理信息,将提取的纹理特征向量采用赋权值法融合为一个综合纹理信息波段,然后采用面向对象法将其与光谱特征信息共同参与分类。与最大似然法的提取结果对比表明,考虑了纹理特征的面向对象分类方法能明显提高分类精度,Kappa精度提高了0.12;避免了椒盐现象,分割的地类边界具有更好的语义表达,更贴合地物实际分布特征;建筑用地和林地具有明显的纹理特征,而旱地纹理特征不明显。该方法不仅分出了6个基本地物类型,而且对于林地、建筑用地等类型还能进一步细分。  相似文献   

针对面向对象分类方法进行图像处理时出现大量冗余多边形及其分类结果出现斑点等不足,提出基于纹理特征的分割方法。先对原始图像进行纹理增强、主成分分析、低通滤波和图像分割等预处理,得到原始图像的纹理特征二值图;将二值图作为独立波段与其他波段进行假彩色合成,得到纹理增强图,再对其进行多尺度分割和模糊分类。以南京市浦口区2002年9月SPOT图像为例,分别利用上述两种方法提取图像中的水田信息,基于纹理特征的分割方法克服了面向对象分类方法的不足,并且由于在进行模糊分类时分割出的对象大量减少,一定程度上减小了确定模糊区间的难度,较好地提取出水田信息,提高了图像的分类精度。  相似文献   

面向对象的湿地景观遥感分类——以杭州湾南岸地区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
莫利江  曹宇  胡远满  刘淼  夏栋 《湿地科学》2012,10(2):206-213
在ENVIEX软件的Feature Extraction平台上,利用LandsatTM影像数据,采用面向对象方法对杭州湾南岸地区湿地景观进行遥感影像分类;通过与基于最大似然法、人工神经网络法、支持向量机法等传统像元方法的相应分类结果进行比较,系统分析了面向对象方法在中低分辨率遥感影像的湿地景观生态分类中的有效性。研究结果表明:①较之单一依据像元光谱值进行分类的传统方法,面向对象方法综合考虑了对象的光谱、空间、纹理、色彩等多种属性特征,因而对于类型复杂多样、分布界限模糊、光谱混淆与混合像元现象严重的沿海滩涂、湖泊、河流等湿地景观具有更好的鉴别能力,也因此获得更高的分类精度(研究区景观分类总精度为88.80%,Kappa系数为0.8765);②面向对象方法在分类中提取的是由同质性像元组成的"对象",且在合理的影像分割下得到的对象破碎化程度较低,因而能在较大程度上减小分类结果中的"椒盐噪声"干扰;而基于像元方法提取的景观类型以离散像元形式组成,难以清晰表征景观的边界、形状等信息,所以分类结果中会有明显的噪声现象;③影像分割在运用面向对象方法进行遥感影像分类过程中具有重要影响,实验结果表明,60%的分割尺度和归并尺度组合较有利于中低分辨率影像的遥感分类;④面向对象分类过程中诸如影像分割精度的评价、最优分割尺度的选取、特征空间的优化等问题,则有待今后进一步探讨。  相似文献   

快速、精确地识别地震后滑坡、泥石流沟的空间分布与覆盖范围,对于认识滑坡、泥石流灾害机理和震后灾区治理至关重要。目前提取滑坡、泥石流沟分布的方法主要是基于光谱信息与纹理信息,人为因素影响大,训练过程繁琐。该文提出一种基于半方差函数(semi-variance)模型与高空间分辨率影像实现少光谱信息、无训练样本条件下自动提取滑坡、泥石流沟的方法。以汶川重灾区四川省平武县洪溪河流域为例进行实验研究,结果表明:在滑坡以裸土、岩石出露为主,且具有数字高程模型(DEM)地形信息的情况下,该方法可以很好地识别典型滑坡与泥石流沟,并能勾画其边界范围;研究区内48.21%的滑坡与泥石流沟覆盖面积得以正确识别,特大型滑坡与大型滑坡识别数量比例分别为100%与80%,泥石流沟识别数量比例为70%。  相似文献   

传统聚落景观基因的识别与提取方法研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
胡最  刘沛林  邓运员  郑文武 《地理科学》2015,35(12):1518-1524
近年来,由中国学者提出的传统聚落景观基因理论在传统聚落区划、特征识别和旅游规划等领域得到了广泛的应用。然而,该理论还缺乏有效的景观基因识别方法。针对前述问题,结合实践探讨了传统聚落景观基因的特征解构提取方法和识别模式。首先,分析了传统聚落景观基因的分类方法并结合面向对象的思想提出了面向对象的景观基因分类模式(OOCPLG),这为构建特征解构提取方法奠定了理论基础。其次,通过分析景观识别的要求,结合现有的元素提取、图案提取、结构提取和含义提取的不足与优点,建立了特征解构的基因提取方法。最后,总结了景观基因的识别模式和基本操作流程。  相似文献   

西藏灌木林遥感分类方法对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以西藏主要类型灌木林为对象,开展外业遥感调查,分别应用非监督分类、监督分类、基于空间分布特征的辅助分类和基于光谱特征再分类4种方法,对灌木林类型进行了遥感分类识别,并对各种分类方法所得到的分类结果进行对比评价.研究表明,非监督分类和监督分类的总体精度分别为42.20%和46.79%,除了对沙棘灌木林分类精度较高外,对其他灌木林类型分类精度均较低;基于空间分布特征的辅助分类精度为86.24%,其分类结果未能识别到具体灌木林类型;基于光谱特征的再分类精度为70.64%,对沙棘、红柳能较准确的识别,而对个别灌木林类型(如杜鹃和小檗)的识别精度不高.  相似文献   

滑坡负样本在统计型滑坡危险度制图中具有重要作用,能抑制统计模型对滑坡危险度的高估。当前滑坡负样本采样方法采集的负样本可信度未知,在负样本采样过程中,极有可能将那些潜在滑坡点错选为负样本,这些假的负样本会降低负样本集的质量和训练样本集的质量,进而影响统计模型的精度。本文基于“地理环境越相似、地理特征越相似”的地理学常识,认为与正样本有着相似地理环境的点极有可能是未来发生滑坡的点;与正样本的地理环境越不相似的点,则越有可能是负样本。基于此假设提出一种基于地理环境相似度的负样本可信度度量方法,将该方法应用于滑坡灾害频发的陇南山区油房沟流域,对油房沟进行滑坡负样本可信度评价制图;使用油房沟流域的滑坡发生初始面来验证该方法的有效性。结果发现:滑坡发生初始面上所有栅格点的负样本可信度平均值为0.26,超过95%的栅格点的负样本可信度都小于0.5,说明本文提出的负样本可信度度量方法合理。  相似文献   

Complex landslides, capable of reactivation, are typical slope movements in high relief areas. Due to their distribution, size and kinematics, these landforms represent a major hazard, posing a high risk to populations, settlements and infrastructures. This paper integrates geomorphological analyses, instrumental measurements and dendrochronological approaches in assessing a large, reactivated landslide system on the southern piedmont of Monte Sirino (southern Italy). The landslide system is associated with weak geological structures, earthquake activity, and rapid recent incision of the mid-Pleistocene Noce lake deposits. Potential reactivation triggers include a higher regional annual rainfall, one of the highest in southern Italy, and more frequent heavy snowfalls in recent decades. Reactivation of the Sirino landslide system has important implications for the motorway connecting Salerno and Reggio Calabria, which crosses it. The results of our study show that the slide is reactivated with an almost decadal frequency and that major reactivations are correlated to prolonged snowfall, which occurs with increasing frequency in the southern Apennines. The last observation suggests the need for similar studies on the behaviour of other landslide systems in the southern Apennines, performing integrated approaches such as geotechnical and dendrogeomorphological analysis.  相似文献   

Haiti and other developing countries have increasingly turned to emigrant remittances as a potential source of development capital. There is a vigorous debate in the development community about the impacts of remittances, however, with concerns about dependence challenging the optimism about a potential new development engine. Based on interviews with forty-two remittance recipients in Haiti and forty-five corresponding senders in New York State, we find that the remittance economy in Haiti is indeed productive and has the potential to generate employment and other important development benefits. That said, there are important limitations created by broader political–economic conditions and deeply entrenched inequalities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Newspaper articles in the United States paint a picture of Haiti as a failed state, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. These articles place the blame of the country's problems entirely on Haiti itself, with little regard for the outside forces that also contributed to the country's present‐day state. This study is a critical geopolitical analysis of Haitian representation in U.S. newspapers. I empirically examine a year's worth of articles from 2004 written in five major U.S. newspapers. From these articles I analyze both the words used to describe Haiti and the emerging media frames. Critical studies have shown that representation in the media can greatly impact the conventional wisdom surrounding a place and legitimize social inequalities. By understanding the images used to describe Haiti, I hope to develop a means of rethinking popular perceptions of the country. I argue that only then can the problems of Haiti be more effectively addressed and a new dialogue created, one that encompasses the entire story of this Caribbean country.  相似文献   

Probability maps of landslide reactivation are presented for the Pra Bellon landslide located in the southern French Alps based on results obtained with dendrogeomorphic analysis. Spatiotemporal patterns of past landslide activity was derived from tree-ring series of 403 disturbed mountain pine trees growing in the landslide body. In total, 704 growth disturbances were identified in the samples indicating 22 reactivation phases of the landslide body between 1910 and 2011. The mean return period was 4.5 years. Given the spatiotemporal completeness of the reconstruction, probabilities of landslide reactivation were computed and illustrated using a Poisson distribution model and for 5, 20, 50, and 100 years. Probability of landslide reactivation is highest in the central part of the landslide body and increases from 0.13 for a 5-year period to 0.94 for a 100-year period. Conversely, probabilities of reactivation are lower at its margins. The proposed method differs from conventional approaches based on statistical analyses or physical modeling that have demonstrated to have limitations in the prediction of spatiotemporal reactivation of landslides. Our approach is, in contrast, based on extensive data on past landslides and therefore allowed determination of quantitative probability maps of reactivation derived directly from the frequency of past events. This approach is considered a valuable tool for land managers in charge of protecting and forecasting people and their assets from the negative effects of landslides as well as for those responsible for land use planning and management. It demonstrates the reliability of dendrogeomorphic mapping that should be used systematically in forested shallow landslides.  相似文献   

Spatial pattern and influencing factors of landslide casualty events   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Analysis of casualties due to landslides from 2000 to 2012 revealed that their spatial pattern was affected by terrain and other natural environmental factors, which resulted in a higher distribution of landslide casualty events in southern China than in northern China. Hotspots of landslide-generated casualties were in the western Sichuan mountainous area and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau region, southeast hilly area, northern part of the loess hilly area, and Tianshan and Qilian Mountains. However, local distribution patterns indicated that landslide casualty events were also influenced by economic activity factors. To quantitatively analyse the influence of natural environment and human-economic activity factors, the Probability Model for Landslide Casualty Events in China (LCEC) was built based on logistic regression analysis. The results showed that relative relief, GDP growth rate, mean annual precipitation, fault zones, and population density were positively correlated with casualties caused by landslides. Notably, GDP growth rate ranked only second to relative relief as the primary factors in the probability of casualties due to landslides. The occurrence probability of a landslide casualty event increased 2.706 times with a GDP growth rate increase of 2.72%. In contrast, vegetation coverage was negatively correlated with casualties caused by landslides. The LCEC model was then applied to calculate the occurrence probability of landslide casualty events for each county in China. The results showed that there are 27 counties with high occurrence probability but zero casualty events. The 27 counties were divided into three categories: poverty-stricken counties, mineral-rich counties, and real-estate overexploited counties; these are key areas that should be emphasized in reducing landslide risk.  相似文献   

Analysis of casualties due to landslides from 2000 to 2012 revealed that their spatial pattern was affected by terrain and other natural environmental factors, which resulted in a higher distribution of landslide casualty events in southern China than in northern China. Hotspots of landslide-generated casualties were in the western Sichuan mountainous area and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau region, southeast hilly area, northern part of the loess hilly area, and Tianshan and Qilian Mountains. However, local distribution patterns indicated that landslide casualty events were also influenced by economic activity factors. To quantitatively analyse the influence of natural environment and human-economic activity factors, the Probability Model for Landslide Casualty Events in China(LCEC) was built based on logistic regression analysis. The results showed that relative relief, GDP growth rate, mean annual precipitation, fault zones, and population density were positively correlated with casualties caused by landslides. Notably, GDP growth rate ranked only second to relative relief as the primary factors in the probability of casualties due to landslides. The occurrence probability of a landslide casualty event increased 2.706 times with a GDP growth rate increase of 2.72%. In contrast, vegetation coverage was negatively correlated with casualties caused by landslides. The LCEC model was then applied to calculate the occurrence probability of landslide casualty events for each county in China. The results showed that there are 27 counties with high occurrence probability but zero casualty events. The 27 counties were divided into three categories: poverty-stricken counties, mineral-rich counties, and real-estate overexploited counties; these are key areas that should be emphasized in reducing landslide risk.  相似文献   

Sanjit K. Deb  Aly I. El-Kadi   《Geomorphology》2009,108(3-4):219-233
The deterministic Stability INdex MAPping (SINMAP) model, which integrates a mechanistic infinite-slope stability model and a hydrological model, was applied to assess susceptibility of slopes in 32 shallow-landslide-prone watersheds of the eastern to southern areas of Oahu, Hawaii, USA. Input to the model includes a 10-m Digital Elevation Model (DEM), an inventory of storm-induced landslides that occurred from 1949 to 2006, and listings of soil-strength and hydrological parameters including transmissivity and steady-state recharge. The study area of ca. 384 km2 was divided into four calibration regions with different geotechnical and hydrological characteristics. All parameter values were separately calibrated using observed landslides as references. The study used a quasi-dynamic scenario of soil wetness resulting from extreme daily rainfall events with a return period of 50 years. The return period was based on almost-90-year-long (1919–2007) daily rainfall records from 26 raingauge stations in the study area. Output of the SINMAP model includes slope-stability-index-distribution maps, slope-versus-specific-catchment-area charts, and statistical summaries for each region.The SINMAP model assessed susceptibility at the locations of all 226 observed shallow landslides and classified these susceptible areas as unstable. About 55% of the study area was predicted as highly unstable, highlighting a critical island problem. The SINMAP predictions were compared to an existing debris-flow-hazard map. Areas classified as unstable in the current study were classified as low-to-moderate and moderate-to-high debris-flow hazard risks by the prior mapping. The slope-stability maps provided by this study will aid in explaining the causes of known landslides, making emergency decisions, and, ultimately mitigating future landslide risks. The maps may be further improved by incorporating heterogeneous and anisotropic soil properties and spatial and temporal variation of rainfalls as well as by improving the accuracy of the DEM and the locations of shallow landslide initiation.  相似文献   

Landslides can be caused by storms and earthquakes. Most logistic regression models proposed in recent years have been targeted at rainfall-induced landslides. In areas such as Taiwan, where landslides can be triggered by typhoons (tropical cyclones) and earthquakes, a rainfall-induced model is insufficient because it provides only a partial explanation of landslide occurrence and overlooks the potential effect of earthquakes on typhoon-triggered landslides. This study used landslides triggered by a major earthquake and a typhoon prior to the earthquake to develop an earthquake-induced model and a typhoon-induced model. The models were then validated by using landslides triggered by three typhoons after the earthquake. According to the results, typhoon-triggered landslides tended to be near stream channels and earthquake-triggered landslides were more likely to be near ridge lines. Moreover, a major earthquake could still affect the locations of typhoon-triggered landslides 6 years after the earthquake. This study therefore demonstrates that an earthquake-induced model both sheds light on the environmental factors for triggering landslides, and augments a rainfall-induced model in its predictive capability in areas such as Taiwan.  相似文献   

Giant landslides, which usually have volumes up to several tens of km3, tend to be related to mountainous reliefs such as fault scarps or thrust fronts. The western flank of the Precordillera in southern Peru and northern Chile is characterized by the presence of such mega-landslides. A good example is the Latagualla Landslide (19°15′S), composed of ~ 5.4 km3 of Miocene ignimbritic rock blocks located next to the Moquella Flexure, a structure resulting from the propagation of a west-vergent thrust blind fault that borders the Precordillera of the Central Depression. The landslide mass is very well preserved, allowing reconstitution of its movement and evolution in three main stages. The geomorphology of the landslide indicates that it preceded the incision of the present-day valleys during the late Miocene. Given the local geomorphological conditions 8–9 Ma ago (morphology, slopes and probably a high water table), large-magnitude earthquakes could have provided destabilization forces enough to cause the landslide. On the other hand, present seismic forces would not be sufficient to trigger such landslides; therefore the hazard related to them in the region is low.  相似文献   

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