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董光荣 《中国沙漠》2007,27(3):528-528
施雅风先生主编的《中国第四纪冰川与环境变化》专著及其所附的《中国第四纪冰川图》于2006年3月在河北省科学技术出版社首次出版至今仅有一年多,该书已经传播到全国和世界各主要地区,得到了国内外冰川、地貌、第四纪和气象学界很多学者的高度评价与热烈欢迎。为了让更多人对该书有所了解,现作如下简要介绍。该著作是作者等几代学者,在前后历经近50年考察研究,取得大量第一手考察、观测和实验资料的基础上,对中国第四纪冰川与环境变化所作的最新总结。全书洋洋洒洒近百万字,共分19章,由两大部分组成。其中1~5章为综合论述部分。综述了中国第四纪冰川研究的教训、进展与展望,冰芯研究的贡献,第四纪冰川、冰期间冰期旋回与环境变化,冰川沉积和测年评估,小冰期以来的冰川变化及其对水资源与灾害的影响。6~19章为分区论述部分。分别对喜马拉雅山系、喀喇昆仑山系、帕米尔高原、羌塘高原、唐古拉山系、昆仑山系、祁连山系、念青唐古拉山系、横断山系、天山山系、阿尔泰山系和中国东部高山区等第四纪不同时期的冰川做了论述。其时间跨度之长(约距今80万年以来)、空间范围之广(包括中国大陆东西部和台湾山地)是前所未有的,为目前惟一全面论述中国第四纪冰川与环境的首部力作,也是我国第四纪冰川研究史上一座新的里程碑。它的问世,无论对国内外的冰川学还是第四纪科学都有很重要的意义。书中的特色与创新点较多,在此略举三点:第一,比较全面系统的论述了前述各山系的第四纪冰川作用遗迹(包括冰川侵蚀地貌,冰川沉积地貌及其冰水地貌),重建了古冰川类型、规模、变化幅度和有关冰川环境(包括雪线高度、气温与降水等)。同时对长期以来关于我国东部低于海拔2 500 m以下存在山地冰川和青藏高原存在统一大冰盖的两个观点给予了否定与扬弃。由此证明,我国在第四纪期间既不是无冰川作用,也不存在泛冰川作用,冰川作用仅出现在我国西部高山、高原以及东部少数海拔超过2 500 m以上的山地(102°~104° E以东的东部地区有确切古冰川作用遗迹的只有台湾的雪山和玉山,东北吉林与朝鲜接壤的长白山和陕西的太白山),古冰川类型属于山地冰川,在海拔低于2 500 m的东部山地从未发育过山地冰川,青藏高原上更无统一大冰盖发育。这与西北欧、北美和西伯利亚在第四纪期间曾经发育大冰盖明显有别,可能与我国地处中低纬度,山地和高原分布范围最大,高度最高等等因素有关\.正是我国第四纪冰川作用的这个区域特色,使我国第四纪冰川与环境变化研究在国内外第四纪科学和过去全球变化研究中具有不可或缺、无可替代的特殊重要地位和作用。第二,运用多种测年方法,对不同时期不同研究地点的冰碛物特别是冰芯进行了较精确的定年,通过与深海氧同位素阶段对比,首次建立了中国第四纪冰期间冰期年表。并以此为基础,综合相邻学科的研究资料和成果,第一次较完整地建立了自早更新世希夏邦马冰期以来历次冰期间冰期旋回与环境变化序列。其中80~60万年前的最大冰期(昆仑冰期)、48~42万年前的中梁赣冰期(或高望峰冰期)和13万年前的倒数第二次冰期是首创。对7.5万年以来的末次冰期进行了更详细的划分,而且对相当于深海氧同位素3阶段间冰阶的中国特殊的气候与环境变化提出了独到的见解。对末次冰期的消失过程和历时1万年的全新世,特别是小冰期和全球变暖以来的冰川与环境变化也做了较充分的论述。这样,就将距今80万年以来我国第四纪冰川作用和冰期间冰期环境变化的时空轮廓生动地展示在人们面前。因有精确的测年数据,又有深海氧同位素以及其他相邻学科资料相互印证,所提出的中国第四纪冰期间冰期年表以及冰期间冰期的环境变化更有说服力,可信度也更高。这有助于消除欧洲阿尔卑斯学派研究第四纪冰川得出的经典理念和模式对我国学术界的不良影响,为研究我国第四纪冰川和环境变化提供了一个可资参考对比的新标尺。第三,根据15~19世纪小冰期特别是气候变暖以来,我国海洋型、亚大陆型和极大陆型冰川衰退情景的研究,结合前人在全球变暖条件下中国未来气温和降水的预测结果,预估了我国21世纪(主要是2030和2050年)前述三类冰川分布区未来的升温和冰川后退幅度。进而在分析影响冰川融水径流主要因素的基础上,对21世纪上半叶祁连山北麓河西地区、天山北麓准噶尔盆地南缘、东天山南麓吐鲁番—哈密盆地、塔里木内陆水系、柴达木内陆水系、青藏高原内陆水系、西藏南部与西部外流水系亚大陆—极大陆型冰川区、西藏东南部和横断山系海洋型冰川区等八个地区,冰川萎缩状况及其对河流水量变化的影响进行了科学的评估。尽管这种研究尚属首次,加之受复杂因素制约,预估值和评估结果还具有较大的不确定性,有待通过今后加强监测、模拟等研究予以验证和补充完善,但其定性的总趋势是可以肯定的。这为有关政府部门和科技机构研究、制定适应对策和措施,趋利避害,实现人与自然和谐发展,全面建设小康社会提供了重要的科学依据。总之,本书资料关翔实,内容丰富,论述系统全面,学术思想新颖,有许多新发现、新观点和新结论,既有理论价值,又有应用价值。可供冰川学、地貌学、第四纪研究乃至地质、地理、气候、水文、环境、区域规划、农牧业、水利、交通、旅游等方面科技工作人员参考,也可作为高等院校有关专业师生的教材和重要的参考书。  相似文献   

近年来,随着绝对年代的不断增加,第四纪冰川作用的启动时间以及演化特点日益明确,为探讨中纬度地区的冰川的形成机制提供了重要依据,同时也为研究中国第四纪冰川发育的构造与气候耦合关系奠定了重要基础。亚洲中纬度地区山地第四纪冰川的冰进时序、冰期历史和冰川规模显示出不同特点。总体来说,西部山地的冰川规模随时间逐渐缩小,冰川历史较为完整,冰川规模大于亚洲东部,东部山地的冰期历史较短,冰川作用的阶段性明显;不同地区的最大冰川扩展规模在时间上不一致,尤其是在末次冰期旋回中,MIS3/4阶段的冰川规模大于传统意义上的末次冰盛期(LGM),冰进时序和规模演化指示了不同的大气环流尤其是西风环流和季风环流对冰川发育的重要影响。此外,构造因素深刻影响着不同地区的冰期系列。  相似文献   

中国第四纪冰川作用与深海氧同位素阶段的对比和厘定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着冰期(阶)与间冰期(阶)旋回的不断细化,第四纪冰期系列与深海氧同位素阶段(MIS)对比之间所反映的问题开始逐步显现。通过中国第四纪冰期与MIS阶段对比,结合分析气候旋回与构造运动对地貌演化的控制作用,研究表明:①冰期(阶)或者间冰期(阶)发生的时段应尽可能对应于MIS的偶数或奇数阶段,有助于MIS框架下新的冰期(阶)的发现;②中更新世以来,中国第四纪冰期-间冰期旋回可能受控于100 ka轨道偏心率变化的气候大背景,昆仑冰期-倒数第二次冰期的冰川规模总体上与全球冰量变化一致。然而,末次冰期早、中期的冰川规模却与MIS所记录的全球冰量变化不尽一致,强烈显示气候与构造环境对冰川作用的影响;③目前在中国第四纪冰期划分方案中,存在着冰期系列由时间和地点双重命名的现象,建议用大理冰期、古乡冰期分别代替末次冰期和倒数第二次冰期。  相似文献   

气候和地貌对晚第四纪冰川发育差异性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国第四纪冰川作用极大地推动了高亚洲乃至全球冰川形成机制的探讨。青藏高原以及喜马拉雅山地冰川作用的时限和规模研究得到了广泛关注,为西风带与西南季风带对晚第四纪冰川作用差异性问题的解决提供了有利条件。然而,对于中亚西风环流与东亚季风环流影响下的冰川演化差异性关系不甚明确,两大气候系统控制下的山地第四纪冰川的冰进时序、冰期历史和冰川规模显示出不同特点,其差异性主要体现在:西部山地的冰期启动时间早,冰川规模随时间而逐渐缩小,冰川历史较为完整,绝对年代证据显示冰川作用的启动时间是450 ka 左右的中梁赣冰期(MIS12);东部山地的冰期历史较短,仅保留末次冰期(~75 ka)的冰川遗迹,冰川作用的阶段性明显;冰川演化时间与空间的差异性表明,影响冰川发育的因素不仅仅是区域气候,构造因素也起着相当重要的作用。  相似文献   

张威  刘锐  刘亮 《地理科学进展》2015,34(7):871-882
东亚季风气候控制下的山地与岛屿冰期历史、冰川规模及其分布规律对深入探讨中国第四纪冰川的发生机制以及全球变化具有重要的科学意义。最新的绝对年代结果显示,中国东部及东亚沿海岛屿山地(包括中国台湾岛,日本本州岛、北海道,朝鲜盖马高原,俄罗斯远东山地等)的冰期启动与消亡时间存在显著差异,但均严格控制在末次冰期范围之内,相当于深海氧同位素阶段(MIS)4至2,冰川的发育规模在末次冰期早中期(MIS3/4)大于末次冰盛期(MIS2)。对研究区各山地和岛屿末次冰期冰川发育的基本特点进行比较后,明确了影响东亚季风影响区冰川作用的主要控制性因素有:气候因素、构造因素、纬度因素和海陆位置等,它们控制着末次冰期冰川的发生、分布与期次。在此控制性因素影响下,东亚低海拔山地不会出现比末次冰期更早的冰川作用。  相似文献   

陇西六盘山黄土及最近1.8 Ma B.P.以来的构造运动气候变化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
对陇西盆地六盘山西侧山麓剥蚀面上断岘剖面的古地磁、磁化率和粒度分析表明,该剖面具有1.8 Ma B.P.以来完整的黄土-古土壤沉积序列.断岘剖面以下7级黄河阶地的发育形成以及在1.1和0.8 Ma B.P.前后所指示的腾格里沙漠扩张变化,反映了第四纪早更新世以来青藏高原阶段性隆升对黄土高原西部环境变化影响,以及在青藏高原隆升过程中构造与气候的变化与耦合响应.  相似文献   

对陇西盆地六盘山西侧山麓剥蚀面上断岘剖面的古地磁、磁化率和粒度分析表明,该剖面具有1.8 M a B.P.以来完整的黄土-古土壤沉积序列。断岘剖面以下7级黄河阶地的发育形成以及在1.1和0.8 M a B.P.前后所指示的腾格里沙漠扩张变化,反映了第四纪早更新世以来青藏高原阶段性隆升对黄土高原西部环境变化影响,以及在青藏高原隆升过程中构造与气候的变化与耦合响应。  相似文献   

南京下蜀黄土红外释光地层年代学   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
下蜀黄土地层年代学对于理解季风环流时空格局演化及其与青藏高原阶段性隆升的关系十分重要。作者基于下蜀黄土红外释光测年和下蜀黄土及黄土高原洛川;剖面磁化率序列的对比分析,认为下蜀黄土第一层黄土层形成于末次冰期,最底部的黄土层与洛川的 L5相当。因而下蜀黄土应相当于黄土高原LS以来的风成堆积,其底界年代约为 500 ka。也就是说,在 500 ka左右黄土堆积的南界已达长江下游地区。这可能是因为其时青藏高原的隆升已到达一特殊高度,对东亚季风演化的影响成为一个转折点,加强了东亚季风的强度。  相似文献   

摆浪河流域的ESR年代学与祁连山第四纪冰期新认识   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
摆浪河发源于走廊南山北坡,是黑河的一条支流。在河源区保存有六条完整的冰碛和较为完整的阶地序列。应用ESR技术对采自该处较老的第三、第五、第六套冰碛和冰水成因的主阶地上的砾石层与上覆黄土进行了测年研究,测试结果分别为13.4ka、135.3ka、462.9ka、130.1ka、130.2ka。根据测试的结果并结合地貌地层学得出:3800m以上“U”型谷中的第一、第二套冰碛为全新世中小冰期、新冰期沉积的冰碛;第三套冰碛物是末次冰期晚期沉积的,与深海氧同位素2阶段相对应;第五套冰碛物是与深海氧同位素6阶段相对应的冰期沉积的;第六套冰碛物是与深海氧同位素12阶段相对应冰期沉积的;由此推断介于第三套与第五套冰碛之间的第四套冰碛是末次冰期早期沉积的,即可与深海氧同位素4阶段相对应。主阶地与第五套冰碛是同一时期形成的,这也与地貌地层学的推断相一致,从此处完整的冰川沉积序列还可以得出:在更新世中,祁连山地区至少存在三次冰期,经历四次冰川作用。祁连山部分地段或是整体至少在463ka前就已经抬升到当时冰期气候相耦合的高度。ESR可以用于河流、冰川沉积物的测年。  相似文献   

青藏高原湖泊沉积研究及其进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青藏高原湖泊沉积研究主要围绕青藏高原隆升和全球变化响应开展的。研究揭示了青藏高原隆升具有整体性、阶段性和后期加速性。中晚更新世以来和末次间冰期-冰期气候演化过程得到重建,并能够与冰芯和深海氧同位素记录对比;同时也存在M IS3阶段强烈暖湿和末次冰盛期冷湿等区域特征;新仙女木事件在湖泊沉积物也有明显记录。全新世研究表明青藏高原早期暖湿并经历冷事件,大暖期普遍出现高水位,后期气候向干冷化方向发展。湖泊沉积环境定量化重建也得到研究。青藏高原湖泊沉积应在高分辨率纹层沉积和环境指标定量分析基础理论方面加强研究。  相似文献   

The past decade has seen the development and application of over a dozen new methods for quantitative age-determinations of geomorphic surfaces. Some surface exposure dating methods are numerical, including the accumulation of cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 36Cl, and 41Ca, accumulation of cosmogenic stable nuclides 3He and 21Ne, 14C dating of organic matter encapsulated in rock coatings, and dendrogeomorphology. Calendar ages are obtained by dendrogeomorphological analysis. Calibrated ages can be obtained by analysis of rock-varnish chemistry, lichenometry, weathering, and soils. Various methods can be used in combination to overcome individual limitations. Whereas conventional methods provide age control on stratigraphic profiles, surface-exposure dating methods are especially suitable for geographic problems, such as analyzing not only temporal, but also spatial variations in the rates of geomorphic processes. [Key words: geomorphology, process, geochronology, cosmogenic nuclides, Quaternary, surface exposure dating, rock varnish, weathering, soils.]  相似文献   

The overall pattern of deglaciation of the southern part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet has been considered established, although details of the chronology and ice sheet dynamics are less well known. Even less is known for the south Swedish Upland because the area was deglaciated mostly by stagnation. Within this area lies the conspicuous Vimmerby moraine, for which we have used the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (10Be) exposure dating technique to derive the exposure age of six glacially transported boulders. The six 10Be cosmogenic ages are internally consistent, ranging from 14.9 ± 1.5 to 12.4 ± 1.3 ka with a mean of 13.6 ±0.9 ka. Adjusting for the effects of surface erosion, snow burial and glacio-isostatic rebound causes the mean age to increase only by c. 6% to c. 14.4± 0.9 ka. The 10Be derived age for the Vimmerby moraine is in agreement with previous estimates forthe timing of deglaciation based on radiocarbon dating and varve chronology. This result shows promise for further terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide exposure studies in southern Sweden.  相似文献   

利用原地生宇生核素测定暴露年代时,通常会假设地貌体侵蚀速率为0。研究表明,该假设会低估地貌体的真实暴露年代。搜集2009~2012年全球不同区域56个岩石样品的宇生核素10Be测年数据,探讨侵蚀速率为0对于侵蚀速率为0.5、1以及2 mm/ka的样品,在不同暴露尺度上对暴露年代计算的影响幅度。结果表明,对于1×104a尺度的样品暴露年代可能低估约0.5%,1%,2%;对于10×104a尺度的样品可能低估约5%,7%,20%;对于50×104a尺度的样品可能低估约40%,70%甚至100%以上。  相似文献   

The European Alps is the birthplace of glaciology and in particular Quaternary glaciology and for over one hundred years has been a model region for studying mountain glaciations. In this paper, we review the achievements from this region, which will benefit glaciological studies of the Tibetan Plateau, China. According to new evidences of glaciofluvial de- posits discovered in valleys and forelands of the Alps, researchers have progressed from an original four Pleistocene gla- ciations to seven glaciations: Biber, Donua, Gtinz, Haslach, Mindel, Riss and WOrm. The earliest one Biber possibly oc- curred between the Pliocene and Pleistocene, but the chronology before Riss is still in doubt. Recent years, Riss and Wtirm glaciations have been supported by a large numbers of cosmogenic exposure dating. In particular, cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating has been carried out for different moraine boulders in numerous valleys, which reveals a series of climatic change events, and they are comparable to post-glacial age records of northern Europe. The advancement of glaciological studies in the Alps is important in promoting glaciological research in the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Geo-electrical resistivity surveys have been carried out at recently deglaciated sites in front of three glaciers in southern Iceland: Skeiðarájökull, Hrútárjökull, and Virkisjökull. The results show the presence of old glacier ice beneath debris mantles of various thickness. We conclude that buried glacier ice has survived for at least 50 years at Virkisjökull and Hrútárjökull, and probably for over 200 years at Skeiðarájökull. Additional data from a further site have identified a discontinuous ice core within 18th-century jökulhlaup deposits. Photographic and lichenometric evidence show that the overlying debris has been relatively stable, and hence melting of the ice at all four sites is proceeding slowly due to the heat-shielding properties of the overburden. The geomorphic implications are pertinent when considering the potential longevity of buried ice. The possible implications for dating techniques, such as lichenometry, radiocarbon dating and cosmogenic surface-exposure dating are also important, as long-term readjustments of surface forms may lead to dating inaccuracy. Finally, it is recognised that landscape development in areas of stagnant ice topography may post-date initial deglaciation by a considerable degree.  相似文献   

东南极内陆格罗夫山地区基岩暴露年龄研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采自东南极内陆格罗夫山地区两个冰原岛峰的五个基岩样品的原地生成宇宙成因核素1 0 Be和2 6Al测试结果表明 ,这五个样品的最小暴露年龄都在 2Ma左右 ,远远早于末次冰期极盛期 (LGM )。结合野外工作表明 ,格罗夫山地区中晚上新世以来至今冰盖厚度至少下降了 2 0 0m ,从那时起到现在 ,包括末次冰期极盛期 (LGM)在内 ,东南极冰盖表面高程都未曾再达到中晚上新世以前的冰盖表面高度  相似文献   

One of the major goals of geomorphology is to understand the rate of landscape evolution and the constraints that erosion sets on the longevity of land surfaces. The latter has also turned out to be vital in modern applications of cosmogenic exposure dating and interpretation of lichenometric data from unconsolidated landforms. Because the effects of landform degradation have not been well documented, disagreements exist among researchers regarding the importance of degradation processes in the dating techniques applied to exposures. Here, we show that all existing qualitative data and quantitative markers of landform degradation collectively suggest considerable lowering of the surface of unconsolidated landforms over the typical life span of Quaternary moraines or fault scarps. Degradation is ubiquitous and considerable even on short time scales of hundreds of years on steeply sloping landforms. These conservative analyses are based entirely on field observations of decreasing slope angles of landforms over the typical range of ages in western North America and widely accepted modeling of landscape degradation. We found that the maximum depth of erosion on fault scarps and moraines is on average 34% of the initial height of the scarp and 25% of the final height of the moraine. Although our observations are limited to fault scarps and moraines, the results apply to any sloping unconsolidated landform in the western North America. These results invalidate the prevailing assumption of no or little surface lowering on sloping unconsolidated landforms over the Quaternary Period and affirm that accurate interpretations of lichen ages and cosmogenically dated boulder ages require keen understanding of the ever-present erosion. In our view, the most important results are twofold: 1) to show with a large data set that degradation affects universally all sloping unconsolidated landforms, and 2) to unambiguously show that even conservative estimates of the total lowering of the surface operate at time and depth scales that significantly interfere with cosmogenic exposure and lichen dating.  相似文献   

Snow cover reduces cosmogenic nuclide production rates in bedrock. Corrections for snow cover can be more than 10% in mountainous, mid-latitude regions where many glacial chronologies have been constructed using cosmogenic nuclide surface dating of landforms. Most published snow corrections use historic climate data of limited duration that are not likely to reflect adequately the full range of snow conditions over the time of exposure. We present a model for describing the impact of snow burial on long-term exposure histories of landforms. The model applies an energy balance approach to snowpack evolution and incorporates both historic and long-term climate proxy data. Attenuation of cosmogenic fast neutrons is modeled alternatively as a simple exponential decrease with increased shielding or as a thin surface layer with constant production followed by an exponential decrease with increasing depth. The choice of attenuation model has little effect on the modeled results for the Cairngorms but will have a more significant effect in regions characterized by thinner, less dense snowpacks. Spatial variability in snow cover is modeled as a function of elevation only, ignoring local variability in snow accumulation as a result of slope aspect, wind redistribution and local topography. Thus, model results reveal general spatial and temporal trends in snow shielding effects, rather than site-specific corrections.Applications to data from the Cairngorm Mountains of Scotland show that the constant-plus-exponential (CPE) production rate-depth profile reduces but does not eliminate snow-shielding effects. Under present-day conditions, snow at 900 m in the Cairngorm Mountains reduces average production rates by 6% using the CPE profile and 9% with the exponential profile (EP). Long-term climate simulations from 15.5 ka through today produce larger snow shielding effects, mainly because they predict an increased proportion of precipitation as snowfall during the Younger Dryas. At 900 m, this long-term simulation reduces average cosmogenic isotope production rates by 12% (CPE) and 14% (EP). These results indicate that snow-shielding corrections based on historic climate records may be a potential source of systematic error in midlatitude mountainous regions.  相似文献   

The extent of Late Quaternary glaciation in the northwest Nelson region of New Zealand has traditionally been regarded as minor, with small‐scale valley glaciation in confined upland reaches. New geomorphological evidence, including moraines, kame terraces, till‐mantled bedrock and outwash terraces, indicate that greatly expanded valley glaciers flowed into the lowland valley system at the mouths of the Cobb‐Takaka and Anatoki drainages. The timing for this ice advance into lowland valleys is constrained by lowland landform characteristics and a single cosmogenic exposure age, suggesting Late and Middle Pleistocene ice expansion, respectively. Evidence for expanded upland ice on the Mount Arthur Tableland and adjacent areas includes trimlines, boulder trains and roche moutonées. Two cosmogenic exposure ages on upland bedrock surfaces suggest that major ice expansion occurred during MIS 3 and/or 4, while previously published exposure dating from Cobb Valley suggests large MIS 2 ice expansion as well. The inferred, markedly expanded ice left little or no clear geomorphic imprint on the Cobb–Takaka Gorge, and required temperature depression of 4–6°C with near‐modern precipitation levels.  相似文献   

Based on research from slopes on rhyolite domes of known age formed over a million‐year continuum in eastern California, a classic geomorphic debate is reconsidered and a general model of desert slope development proposed. This study examines steep (~25° to ~35°) boulder‐dominated slopes that include well, varnished, vertically oriented colluvial deposits. Such deposits are common throughout the arid southwestern United States. Basic field and isotopic dating methods are combined with two surface‐dating techniques, cosmogenic chlorine‐36 and rock varnish microlaminae, to produce a detailed slope development history with broad implications for geomorphic theory that includes the unresolved geomorphic debate between Walther Penck and William Morris Davis. Slopes in this study are dominated by the on‐going desert slope processes of debris flows and in‐situ grain disintegration as evidenced by active debris flow features, terminal Pleistocene ages of microlaminae, and chlorine‐36 ages progressively younger than potassium‐argon ages for slope genesis. Results also indicate that slopes retreat in a parallel fashion as postulated by Penck. Furthermore, the deposits do not exhibit significant changes in grain size, shape, or angularity from genesis to ~0.6 Ma but change markedly after that time possibly indicating a geomorphic threshold between ~0.6 and ~1 Ma, or episodic erosional events throughout the mid to late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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