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萝藤铁矿床为全隐伏矿床,产于泰山岩群山草峪组地层中,发育两个铁矿体。矿体呈层状产出,矿床埋深530m。利用物探高精度磁测,结合矿床地质特征,两者结合的综合式找矿方法。是当前寻找隐伏沉积变质型"鞍山式"铁矿的有效方法。  相似文献   

本金矿找矿战略选区以成矿地质理论为指导,在充分利用以往地质、物探、化探、遥感、科研等资料的基础上,通过地质、物探、化探、钻探等找矿方法和手段开展勘查工作,充分利用找矿战略选区基础地质测量和以往矿产勘查工作成果资料,收集黔西南微细浸染型金矿区代表性典型矿床资料进行综合类比和研究,总结相关典型矿床成(控)矿地质条件和规律,...  相似文献   

二道河铜铅锌银矿床的成矿地质条件和产出的大地构造背景优越,其矿区及外围存在隐伏矿体的可能性较大。为深入研究外围的找矿潜力,2014年中国地质调查局组织进行整装勘查,在矿区开展了物探工作。首先在已知矿区进行了地面高精度磁测、激电中梯剖面和音频大地电磁测量等物探方法对比,总结物探异常的找矿标志,建立了矿床地质—地球物理找矿模型;然后按照从已知到未知的原则,在工作区矿体外围开展了相同方法的物探工作,新发现异常(与矿致异常对比)重现性良好,显示在主矿带的外围具有很好的找矿前景。  相似文献   

铜陵大成山地区金矿通过区域地质背景分析以及相邻矿区成矿模式,结合本区的物探和化探成果,总结本区成矿类型,矿床地质特征以及未来找矿的前景。  相似文献   

通过对收集的地质、水文、物探资料进行研究分析,对矿区及周边进行详细的水文地质调查,查明矿区地下水类型及含水层特征;地下水的补给、径流、排泄条件;矿坑充水水源及其途径;通过一系列水文地质试验,确定各含水层的渗透系数,结合矿床开采预测矿床矿坑涌水量。  相似文献   

为了解我国金刚石原生矿找矿情况,更好地服务于新一轮金刚石找矿工作,介绍了金刚石原生矿成矿类型、指示矿物及相关岩石,编制了金刚石原生矿或与金刚石有关岩体的分布图,梳理了地质、物探、化探、遥感等多种金刚石原生矿找矿方法。我国金刚石原生矿分布地区广、找矿方法多,但金刚石资源稀少,通常矿床规模不大,找矿难度大,应以已知矿为突破口,研究成矿规律、找矿模型,合理选择金刚石找矿方法。  相似文献   

徐勇  陈林  管文慧 《西部资源》2012,(4):190-191
频率域交流电法广泛运用找矿勘查中,是一种具有不需大电流,轻便、经济等特点的物探勘查方法。该方法在野外抗电磁耦合干扰能力较差,在干扰条件较强的地方难以得到理想数据,给推断解释造成困难。本文作者论述了交流电法中视频散率的电磁耦合效应校正原理,并用实例证明此方法的有效性,最后作者提出了减少电磁耦合的一些方法,对类似项目具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

本文结合铅锌多金属矿床的矿物组成及岩、矿石的电性参数分析了那佰铅锌多金属矿利用电法勘探圈定成矿靶区的可行性,根据已知矿体上的视电阻率、视极化率特征,总结出那佰铅锌多金属矿不同类型矿床的激发极化和电阻率异常的规律。利用这些规律推断的异常基本得到证实。激发极化法勘探的效果表明,在矿区采用物探方法圈定找矿靶区可以得到较好的地质效果。  相似文献   

文章通过介绍大地电磁测深方法,初步查明了湘西工作区晚震旦—早寒武世古地理古构造格局及同生断裂分布与有利成矿的沉积相,对同生断裂与喷流-沉积型铀矿进行了初步探讨,通过野外调查,以构造解析及深部钻孔资料为主,首次发现了沅陵荔枝溪矿床台阶—倍叠式逆掩推覆构造,并初步论证了其基本特征、形成机制及与深部铀矿勘查关系。综合分析了区域铀成矿规律,建立了综合物探方法预测模型。  相似文献   

贵州省仁(怀)赤(水)高速公路K77-K78+800路段从采煤区、岩溶区及破碎带穿过,对工程存在较大的潜在危害性。工程勘查前期采用物探方法先行查清不良地质体的基本赋存状态,根据岩溶、破碎带、煤矿采空区及塌陷区表现的地球物理特征,选择了综合物探方法进行勘探,解释判定了岩溶区、破碎带、采空区空间赋存状态及塌陷状态,经钻探工程验证,证实了物探解释正确,综合物探方法有效,避免了单一物探方法的多解性和不确定性,实现了优势互补,提高了物探解释的可靠性,为工程勘查提供了准确、可靠的信息,为在复杂地质条件下工程勘查提供了有效的物探技术手段。  相似文献   

钾盐资源全球分布和我国找钾实践及方法探究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
世界各国大型古代海相固体钾盐矿床多数是在石油、盐岩矿、盐泉卤水等资源的勘查过程中被发现的。国内几十年的找钾实践证实,我国缺乏大型海相固体钾盐矿床,近年来在新生代陆相沉积盆地中寻找大型固体钾盐矿床的努力也没有取得明显进展。我国已探明的钾盐储量主要分布在青海柴达木盆地和新疆罗布泊的11个盐湖及其晶间卤水中,约占资源总量的90%以上;以固体钾矿赋存的资源量少且品位不高,仅占己知总量的2.6%。从1958年察尔汗盐滩生产出第一批953吨钾肥填补我国钾肥生产的空白,到年产150万吨KCl的卤水钾盐开发规模的形成;从1995年在罗布泊发现大型卤水钾矿,到2008年预期生产120万吨K2SO4,显示了我国干旱区盐湖卤水钾盐资源的重要位置。有专家建议,今后的工作应在深入研究成盐盆地基底构造和岩相古地理的基础上,进一步划分可能成钾的次级盆地并进行重点勘探和研究。借鉴世界各国找钾经验,将地质观察分析、地球物理探测、地球化学与水化学等方法综合运用,我国的探盐找钾工作有可能取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

司宏奋  刘雨涛  刘俊友 《西部资源》2013,(3):147-148,172
地震勘探收费标准的改进往往能够对地震勘探技术的发展起到重要的作用,而每次新技术的出现及推广又会促使收费标准的改进及优化,两者之间即能互相制约,又可以互相推动。  相似文献   

The working group Mathematical Geology of the Freie Universität Berlin was formed in 1971. We review quantitative methods used by the working group since 1983 to treat mineral exploration problems. The methods applied vary from elementary statistical analysis of multivariate exploration data to optimal strategies for selecting favorable targets, and from multiobjective decision-making for additional drill hole locations to expert systems in exploration.The methods applied are directly related to the level of information at each stage of the exploration process. Special emphasis was placed on the relationship between and evaluation of subjective and objective data. Case studies illustrating the various methods are presented for different kinds of mineral deposits and exploration environments.  相似文献   

陈璋  刘章捷  王云安 《山地学报》2004,22(3):347-351
以沪蓉国道主干线湖北宜昌至恩施公路隧道初勘过程中工程物探运用实例为基础,探讨了在公路隧道勘察中工程物探勘察工作运用的有效性、存在问题和地质可对比性等。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of discovered resources may not fully mimic the distribution of all such resources, discovered and undiscovered, because the process of discovery is biased by accessibility factors (e.g., outcrops, roads, and lakes) and by exploration criteria. In data-driven predictive models, the use of training sites (resource occurrences) biased by exploration criteria and accessibility does not necessarily translate to a biased predictive map. However, problems occur when evidence layers correlate with these same exploration factors. These biases then can produce a data-driven model that predicts known occurrences well, but poorly predicts undiscovered resources. Statistical assessment of correlation between evidence layers and map-based exploration factors is difficult because it is difficult to quantify the “degree of exploration.” However, if such a degree-of-exploration map can be produced, the benefits can be enormous. Not only does it become possible to assess this correlation, but it becomes possible to predict undiscovered, instead of discovered, resources. Using geothermal systems in Nevada, USA, as an example, a degree-of-exploration model is created, which then is resolved into purely explored and unexplored equivalents, each occurring within coextensive study areas. A weights-of-evidence (WofE) model is built first without regard to the degree of exploration, and then a revised WofE model is calculated for the “explored fraction” only. Differences in the weights between the two models provide a correlation measure between the evidence and the degree of exploration. The data used to build the geothermal evidence layers are perceived to be independent of degree of exploration. Nevertheless, the evidence layers correlate with exploration because exploration has preferred the same favorable areas identified by the evidence patterns. In this circumstance, however, the weights for the “explored” WofE model minimize this bias. Using these revised weights, posterior probability is extrapolated into unexplored areas to estimate undiscovered deposits.  相似文献   

汪侠  顾朝林  刘晋媛  梅虎 《地理研究》2007,26(3):625-635
旅游资源开发潜力评价,是对旅游资源是否具备发展旅游业的条件并进而获取经济、社会和环境效益的能力的衡量。其评价不仅着眼于旅游资源的本体价值,还关注对旅游资源开发不可或缺的环境条件和开发效益等。文章在旅游资源开发潜力评价方法上进行创新,将灰色理论和层次分析法相结合,以洪泽县老子山风景区为例,对其六个景区的旅游资源开发潜力进行了评价和排序。研究表明,旅游资源开发潜力的多层次灰色评价方法所需样本量小,灰色评价过程有助于解决层次分析法评价中出现的信息不完备和不确切问题,使评价结果更加客观可信。与传统的旅游资源评价方法相比,此方法能够有效解决旅游资源等级与开发潜力之间的错位问题,从而对旅游开发实践更具科学指导意义。  相似文献   

人类对月球进行科学探测的半个多世纪以来,经历了第一次探月高潮、探月相对宁静期和第二次探月高潮3个阶段,对月探测技术也经历了飞越月球、环绕月球、硬着陆、软着陆、无人采样返回以及载人登月的发展,水平不断提高。在全月地形探测、构造特征认识以及资源探测上有了许多重大进步,但仍主要集中在月球表层及次表层。从对月探测技术和研究两方面回顾了月球探测的发展历程,并根据目前中国"嫦娥一号"和"嫦娥二号"绕月探测的新技术和其他国家的月球探测情况,在探测手段和研究内容等方面对未来月球探测进行了展望。  相似文献   

Oil exploration in Israel began in 1953. Until 1991 a total of 263 exploration wells and 122 development wells were drilled, 3 oil fields and 5 gas fields were discovered, and 4 noncommercial oil discoveries and 1 noncommercial gas discovery were made. Proven in-place reserves amount to 70 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE). Exploration focused on six main plays: Syrian Arc anticlines; Mesozoic platform-edge, structural-stratigraphic traps; the Dead Sea graben; Early Mesozoic structures; Saqiye Group biogenic gas; and Hula Group biogenic gas. The more significant discoveries are associated with the first two plays. Ninety percent of the proven reserves were discovered by the first 71 wildcats, which constitute 27 percent of all wildcats drilled to date. During this phase of exploration, the average success was 7 percent, and the average discovery rate was 0.88 MMBOE per wildcat. Most of the following 192 wildcats were dry holes. If, as experts claim, significant reserves are still undiscovered, previous exploration must be deemed inefficient. The quantitative model of the discovery process also leads to such an assessment.  相似文献   

极地天然气水合物分布于南北极大陆及其毗邻海域的沉积物(岩)中,与广泛分布的永久冻土带密切相关,资源潜力巨大。极地天然气水合物储层类型主要为富砂沉积物储层,能提供天然气水合物高浓度聚集所需的储集渗透性,最可能实现远景勘探和商业利用。随着全球气候变暖,北冰洋海冰加速融化和航道开通,北极地区蕴藏的丰富资源都将从潜在利益变成现实利益,各国的权益纷争也将愈演愈烈。本文综述了极地天然气水合物勘探开发现状和相关国家的水合物开发政策,依据中国海陆域天然气水合物勘查开发现状,提出了中国参与极地天然气水合物研究和开发的思路和途径,为中国极地资源开发利用战略提供参考。  相似文献   

The Salina Basin historically has been an exploration desert—a home of dryholes. Although this basin, which underlies much of north-central Kansas, may never be a prolific source of hydrocarbons, recent research into the maturation and geochemistry of organic matter and oils in Kansas can provide guidelines for a new exploration strategy. The Salina Basin is similar to the oil-productive Forest City Basin in northeastern Kansas in many ways. Both basins originated as a single large basin (i.e., the North Kansas Basin) prior to the rise of the Nemaha Uplift in Late Mississippian-Early Pennsylvanian time. Their Paleozoic stratigraphy thus is similar and the axes of both basins are presently at approximately the same depth. Thermal maturation modeling and available organic-matter maturation data indicate that the lower Paleozoic rocks in the axes of both basins are in the early stages of oil generation. In the Forest City Basin the Ordovician Simpson Group is the deepest known hydrocarbon source-rock—oil-reservoir interval, and by analogy, exploration tests in the Salina Basin, at a minimum, should penetrate through this stratigraphic interval. Ordovician Simpson Group shales in the Forest City Basin are the source rocks for a geochemically distinct oil, which also occurs in Ordovician reservoirs in the extreme southern end of the Salina Basin. To increase the odds of success in an exploration program in the Salina Basin, wildcat wells should be drilled where thermal maturation is greatest. The broad NW–SE-trending basin axis is the most logical area. Exploration tests along this axis in the northern end of the basin may have an extra advantage as organic matter in the Simpson Group may be more thermally mature because of greater burial depth during the Cretaceous. Along the eastern margin of the nearby Central Kansas Uplift and Pratt Anticline, several Paleozoic geologic structures, some of which contain major oil fields, are attributable to tectonic reactivation along the western margin of the Precambrian Central North American Rift System (CNARS). Prospective structural trends in the Paleozoic section of the Salina Basin are anticipated to be associated with this underlying tectonic boundary. The western margin of the CNARS trends NNE–SSW where it passes under the axis of the Salina Basin in northeastern Lincoln and southeastern Mitchell counties. This area is sparsely drilled, with less than two tests per township. If an exploration program can define lower Paleozoic structural closures in this region, these structures may represent the best chance for future petroleum discoveries.  相似文献   

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