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城市地下管网是城市地下空间表达不可或缺的一部分。然而,传统基于CPU的大规模地下管线实时建模再送入显卡进行绘制的模式,效率非常低,并且在管线精细建模时,绘制帧率往往达不到实时渲染的需求。对此,本文提出了一种基于GPU的三维地下管网实时构建与可视化策略,该策略以传统二维矢量管线为数据基础,对CPU端进行实时切块,把需要实时构建的管网的管径和管线节点坐标传入GPU,利用GPU提供的几何着色器完成顶点坐标的计算、管线顶点数据自动生成及管线三角网的自动构建。实验结果表明,该策略能够在保证管网拟合逼真度的基础上达到实时构建及多尺度的表达。  相似文献   

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) collects dense 3D topographic information in the form of points. LiDAR data can be displayed either through direct rendering of the point cloud or by generalizing features extracted through classification or segmentation. We are working in the domain of visualizing LiDAR data sets and have developed certain pipelines for visualization. These pipelines have been presented elsewhere. We present a technique for the evaluation of visualization schemes for LiDAR data, by conducting a visualization experience survey for 13 pre-processing and visualization schemes where 60 participants rated these schemes on a 10 point scale on a questionnaire. The paper establishes a ranking for the different visualization schemes described herein. Finally, this paper establishes that our heuristic-based algorithm (presented elsewhere) performs almost equal to a classification-based visualization pipeline made using professional software. We believe that the presented technique can be used to assess other geospatial visualization schemes.  相似文献   

Spatial analysis, including viewshed analysis, is an important aspect of the Digital Earth system. Viewshed analysis is usually performed on a large scale, so efficiency is important in any Digital Earth application making these calculations. In this paper, a real-time algorithm for viewshed analysis in 3D scenes is presented by using the parallel computing capabilities of a graphics processing unit (GPU). In contrast to traditional algorithms based on line-of-sight, this algorithm runs completely within the programmable 3D visualization pipeline to render 3D terrains with viewshed analysis. The most important difference is its integration of the viewshed calculation with the rendering module. Invisible areas are rendered as shadows in the 3D scene. The algorithm process is paralleled by rasterizer units in the graphics card and by vertex and pixel shaders executed on the GPU. We have implemented this method in our 3D Digital Earth system with the DirectX 9.0c API and tested on some consumer-level PC platforms with interactive frame-rates and high image quality. Our algorithm has been widely used in related systems based on Digital Earth.  相似文献   

Adaptive rendering of large urban building models has become an important research issue in three-dimensional (3D) geographic information system (GIS) applications. This study explores a way for rendering web-based 3D urban building models. A client–server hybrid rendering approach is presented for large 3D city models, stored on a remote server through a network. The approach combines an efficient multi-hierarchical building representation with a novel image-based method, 3D image impostor generated on demand by a remote server. This approach allows transferring complex scenes progressively while keeping high visualization quality. We also evaluated the rendering and data transferring performance of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

三维城市模型作为城市三维地理信息系统的重要组成部分,已广泛应用于城市规划、城市建设、建筑设计等领域。随着计算机图形学技术以及虚拟现实技术的不断发展,为快速、自动化生成高精度的三维城市模型提供了条件。本文基于OGRE引擎,阐述了三维城市建模技术的整体架构及关键技术,开发了自动化建模工具及三维可视化平台,实现了城市建筑自动建模及模型实时渲染显示。  相似文献   

3D city models, which are important items of content on the virtual globe, are characterized by complicated structures and large amounts of data. These factors make the visualization of 3D city models highly dependent upon the performance of computer hardware. Thus, achieving the efficient rendering of 3D city models using different hardware performance levels represents one of the key problems currently facing researchers. This paper proposes a time-critical adaptive visualization method that first estimates the possible rendering time for each model according to the data structure of the model in addition to the CPU/GPU performance of the computer. It then dynamically adjusts the rendering level for each model based on the results of an estimation of the rendering time to ensure that the final scene can be completed within a given time. To verify the effectiveness and flexibility of this method, it is applied using different computers. The results show that the adaptive visualization method presented in this paper not only can adapt to computers with different levels of performances but also demonstrates an obvious improvement in the time estimation precision, visual effects, and optimization speed relative to existing adaptive visualization methods.  相似文献   

提出了一种面向海量实时模型数据的三维可视化方法.通过多线程技术实现实时数据的传输、加载和显存写入;通过GPU实现模型的平滑变化和反抖动处理;通过建立多层LOD简化和实例化技术实现海量数据的渲染性能优化.实验证明,采用本文提出的方法可以有效地提升海量实时数据的渲染性能和渲染效果.  相似文献   

三维管线的显示问题已取得了不少进展,直线部分已经成熟,但弯管的显示还不够光滑。从三维管线衔接处的光滑出发,借助OpenGL中的几何转换技术及剪切变换技术,巧妙地利用四串同直线上的圆台衔接两直线管。该方法不仅实现起来比较简单,而且视觉效果较好,不论从哪个角度观察,衔接处都很光滑。  相似文献   

In economy, society and personal life map-based interactive geospatial visualization becomes a natural element of a growing number of applications and systems. The visualization of 3D geospatial information, however, raises the question how to represent the information in an effective way. Considerable research has been done in technology-driven directions in the fields of cartography and computer graphics (e.g., design principles, visualization techniques). Here, non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) represents a promising visualization category – situated between both fields – that offers a large number of degrees for the cartography-oriented visual design of complex 2D and 3D geospatial information for a given application context. Still today, however, specifications and techniques for mapping cartographic design principles to the state-of-the-art rendering pipeline of 3D computer graphics remain to be explored. This paper revisits cartographic design principles for 3D geospatial visualization and introduces an extended 3D semiotic model that complies with the general, interactive visualization pipeline. Based on this model, we propose NPR techniques to interactively synthesize cartographic renditions of basic feature types, such as terrain, water, and buildings. In particular, it includes a novel iconification concept to seamlessly interpolate between photorealistic and cartographic representations of 3D landmarks. Our work concludes with a discussion of open challenges in this field of research, including topics, such as user interaction and evaluation.  相似文献   

对城市空间三维地图相关的关键技术进行了系统梳理,结合深圳市拟建设的"数字政府"基础时空平台——"深圳市可视化城市空间数字平台"开展实例研究。结果表明,从二维地图可视化提升到城市空间的三维地图可视化,需要从现有的空间数据模型、数据组织与调度逻辑、地图可视化表达方法等方面开展研究,形成城市级的三维数据可视化表达核心框架,满足各类城市应用可视化渲染与仿真需求。  相似文献   

李玉东  张军 《测绘工程》2010,19(6):43-47
地形数据的三维可视化技术一直是3DGIS领域一项重要的研究技术。从地形实时渲染的需求出发,提出大地坐标系下的多分辨率地形组织模型,并对可视化过程中的坐标空间变换方法进行研究,提出一种适合大区域地形可视化的坐标空间变换方案,使可视化的三维地形场景尽可能真实反映其自然的分布形态,使影像纹理、地物与地形之间进行精确的映射与匹配。  相似文献   

针对城市地下管网空间复杂性及其部分管道水质监控信息化程度的不足,基于三维GIS软件SuperMap强大的图形数据处理能力,开发了城市地下管网水质可视化预警系统。将三维可视化场景、管道模型和监测成果与SuperMap软件系统有机地融合,建立直观、有效的城市地下管网三维可视化场景,能够动态展示和实时交互式地查询可视化模型信息;同时通过对水质监控指标的阈值进行设置,系统能够自动识别异常监控指标值,并将异常信息推送给监控人员,从而达到监控预警的目的。该系统为城市地下管网水质监控提供了一个直观交互式的信息可视化管理平台及监控预警平台,具有一定的实际意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

地学信息体视化中3维交互技术的研究与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地学信息的3维可视化是当前地球信息科学研究的热点之一.体视化技术主要研究包含物体内部信息的体数据的表示、变换、操作和显示等,是实现地学信息3维可视化的理想技术与手段.主要研究地学信息体视化中3维交互技术的理论、技术与方法,并采用面向对象的程序开发语言VC 6.0和3维可视化开发工具包VTK(The Visualization Toolkit)来实现这些算法,开发体视化3维交互功能控件.  相似文献   

基于OpenGL城市大规模管网三维建模   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘维敏  姚志强  王峰  卢战伟 《测绘科学》2010,35(3):185-186,189
城市管网是城市建设的重要组成部分。本文讨论了基于OpenGL的大规模城市管网三维建模技术,从介绍世界坐标系和局部坐标系的转换关系出发,重点介绍了管网的直线部分建模和管网衔接处的建模,提出了一种基于顶点混合技术来绘制管网衔接处的新算法,该算法方便高效,能产生逼真的效果,并给出了加快三维显示速度的方法,实现了城市管网的大规模实时建模。  相似文献   

结合昆明管线管理系统研发实践,提出并实现一种三维在线市政管线审批系统,以更好地辅助城市管线的规划管理部门进行高效、快速的在线审批和科学的管线管理,并且对实现系统的管网精细化三维建模、海量三维模型数据可视化等关键技术进行详细的论述。研究表明:系统可以在精细的三维视角下查看和分析管线,具有较好的可行性和实用性,为相关三维在线的规划审批系统建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

月面形貌的3维可视化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于大范围地形可视化算法研究的基础上,对平面geometry clipmaps算法进行改进,利用GPU的顶点着色器实现平面地形向球面地形的投影变换,并综合利用球面视域裁剪、球面视点控制等技术,使geometry clipmaps算法适用于球面海量地形数据的3维可视化;收集处理月球全球影像和形貌高程数据,对算法进行验证,实现月球表面形貌的实时动态3维可视化.试验表明:绘制算法可不受数据量大小的限制、绘制效率高、效果逼真,但存在两极变形较大的缺点.
Based on the study of visualization arithmetic of large area terrain, plane geometry clipmaps algorithm is improved. Projection transformation from plane landform to sphere landform was realized by using GPU vertex shader. In that improved algorithm, methods such as sphere vision field culling and sphere viewpoint control are used.That makes geometry clipmops algorithm more effective in 3D visualization of massive sphere terrain data. The whole moon image and DEM data are collected and disposed, which are used to verify the capability of that algorithm, realizing dynamic and real time 3D visualization of moon surface. The experiments show that the graphic algorithm isn't limited by data quantity, which is of high efficiency and reality simulation, but the two-pole distortion is serious.  相似文献   

地下管线是城市基础设施的重要组成部分,是城市的“生命线”,本文深入分析了地下综合管线三维可视化应用过程中涉及的各类问题,并以青浦区地下管线三维可视化的应用为导向,提出了一整套管线三维可视化系统建设的流程和方法,实现了地下管线空间和属性数据的专业化、科学化管理,有效提高了管线规划的管理水平.  相似文献   

吕蓬  李磊  谢三德 《东北测绘》2012,(10):74-76
3维地形可视化是科学计算可视化、计算机动画和3维地理信息系统的核心。Java 3D是Java语言的标准扩展,是跨平台的3维可视化编程接口。本文讨论了基于Java 3D技术实现地形的3维可视化及旨在提高渲染速度和提高绘图效率的几种关键技术。  相似文献   

城市地下管线对城市的正常运转发挥了重要作用。隐蔽管线是城市地下管网的重要组成部分。本文根据莱州市城市隐蔽管线探查的特点,探讨了多源探查方法的理念及其在莱州市地下管线探查中的应用,并对其地下管线探测精度进行了验证。  相似文献   

基于GIS的供水管网管理与服务系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现有的大多数管网信息系统仅仅局限于管网信息管理或者是管网信息服务,同时管网的三维可视化能力较弱。为了实现管网信息的综合管理和服务,作者提出一个基于C/S与B/S相结合的供水管网管理与服务的计算机应用解决方案,该方案以组件式G IS实现管网信息管理,以W ebG IS实现管网信息服务,同时基于Java3D实现管网信息的三维浏览和信息查询,实现了管网信息的综合管理和服务。本文以某园区供水管网管理与服务系统的建设为例,对系统的结构与功能,数据库设计、空间数据组织以及系统开发与集成模式等方面进行了探讨。该系统从应用角度为城市地下管网的管理和服务提供了一个可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

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