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遥感监测土壤湿度综述及其在新疆的应用展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
土壤湿度在全球水循环运动中扮演着非常重要的角色,是水文、气象和农业研究中的重要参数,国内外都极为重视对土壤湿度的研究。国外利用可见光、红外、热红外、微波遥感监测土壤水分已有三、四十年的历史,随着研究的深入和技术的发展,现已形成地面、航空、航天、多星的立体干旱遥感监测格局。国内遥感监测土壤湿度的方法主要有微波遥感、热红外遥感、距平植被指数法、植被供水指数、作物缺水指数等方法。本文通过对国内外已有的土壤湿度遥感监测方法的介绍和总结,对比分析了各种方法的原理、适用领域及其研究进展,并针对新疆的具体情况,认为借助Mod is影像进行新疆地区土壤湿度的监测是较为可行的一种方法。  相似文献   

Numerous efforts have been made to develop various indices using remote sensing data such as normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), vegetation condition index (VCI) and temperature condition index (TCI) for mapping and monitoring of drought and assessment of vegetation health and productivity. NDVI, soil moisture, surface temperature and rainfall are valuable sources of information for the estimation and prediction of crop conditions. In the present paper, we have considered NDVI, soil moisture, surface temperature and rainfall data of Iowa state, US, for 19 years for crop yield assessment and prediction using piecewise linear regression method with breakpoint. Crop production environment consists of inherent sources of heterogeneity and their non-linear behavior. A non-linear Quasi-Newton multi-variate optimization method is utilized, which reasonably minimizes inconsistency and errors in yield prediction.  相似文献   

目前国内外学者提出了各种植被指数来进行作物遥感估产的定量研究。这些指数多是基于“土壤线”的存在来进行土壤背景消除的。但它们只消除了土壤背景中的含水量(沿“土壤线”方向)对遥感数据的影响,而没有消除由于不同土壤质地的变化(垂直于“土壤线”方向,如红壤、棕壤等不同的土壤类型)所造成的遥感数据的偏移。本文首次提出了能基本上完全消除土壤背景影响(包括土壤含水量、土壤类型等)的二轴土壤背景纠正的植被指数(TWVI)模型。该指数比目前使用的其它植被指数更适合于作为进行全球监测的植被指数。已成功地应用于华南地区的水稻遥感估产试验。  相似文献   

Both of crop growth simulation models and remote sensing method have a high potential in crop growth monitoring and yield prediction. However, crop models have limitations in regional application and remote sensing in describing the growth process. Therefore, many researchers try to combine those two approaches for estimating the regional crop yields. In this paper, the WOFOST model was adjusted and regionalized for winter wheat in North China and coupled through the LAI to the SAIL–PROSPECT model in order to simulate soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI). Using the optimization software (FSEOPT), the crop model was then re-initialized by minimizing the differences between simulated and synthesized SAVI from remote sensing data to monitor winter wheat growth at the potential production level. Initial conditions, which strongly impact phenological development and growth, and which are hardly known at the regional scale (such as emergence date or biomass at turn-green stage), were chosen to be re-initialized. It was shown that re-initializing emergence date by using remote sensing data brought simulated anthesis and maturity date closer to measured values than without remote sensing data. Also the re-initialization of regional biomass weight at turn-green stage led that the spatial distribution of simulated weight of storage organ was more consistent to official yields. This approach has some potential to aid in scaling local simulation of crop phenological development and growth to the regional scale but requires further validation.  相似文献   

土壤水分的遥感监测方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文讨论了用雷达图像散射系数法、NOAA-AVHRR数字图像热惯量法和作物缺水指数法监测土壤水分的结果,并将这些方法与常规气象方法、绿度指数法和温差法监测土壤水分的效果进行了比较和评价。结果表明,微波遥感监测土壤水分有广阔的应用前景,但必须深入开展基础研究。在我国目前情况下,采用NOAA-AVHRR数字图像及有关气象数据计算热惯量、作物蒸散和缺水指数,从而估算土壤水分的方法是一种比较切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

本文以新疆焉耆盆地为研究区,首先利用实测数据和Landsat 8 OLI遥感数据获取土壤调查植被指数(MSAVI)和地表温度(Ts),构建Ts-MSAVI特征空间,拟合特征空间的干湿方程;然后利用该特征空间计算温度植被干旱指数(TVDIm),反演9-11月的土壤湿度,探讨土壤湿度时空分布特征。试验结果表明:①遥感影像反演的TVDI与实地考察的土壤湿度显著相关(a=0.05);不同土层中,TVDIm与10~20 cm土层湿度相关性最高(R=0.588);②焉耆盆地湿度总体以半干旱为主(0.60.8);土壤湿度空间分布上,焉耆盆地南侧为干旱区,西部和北部地区偏干旱,中部为湿润区域,对于该地区滨湖湿地和博斯腾湖附近小湖土壤湿度最高,博斯腾湖南部的沙地区土壤湿度最低,Ts与土壤湿度呈负相关;③10月湿地的TVDIm值最低,9月沙地的TVDIm值最高。TVDI模型应用于焉耆盆地取得较好的结果,可用于正确地估算土壤湿度,研究结果可为焉耆盆地生态环境和水资源提供重要的参数。  相似文献   

In recent years, special attention has been given to the long-term effects of biochar on the performance of agro-ecosystems owing to its potential for improving soil fertility, harvested crop yields, and aboveground biomass production. The present experiment was set up to identify the effects on soil-plant systems of biochar produced more than 150 years ago in charcoal mound kiln sites in Wallonia (Belgium). Although the impacts of biochar on soil-plant systems are being increasingly discussed, a detailed monitoring of the crop dynamics throughout the growing season has not yet been well addressed. At present there is considerable interest in applying remote sensing for crop growth monitoring in order to improve sustainable agricultural practices. However, studies using high-resolution remote sensing data to focus on century-old biochar effects are not yet available. For the first time, the impacts of century-old biochar on crop growth were investigated at canopy level using high-resolution airborne remote sensing data over a cultivated field. High-resolution RGB, multispectral and thermal sensors mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were used to generate high frequency remote sensing information on the crop dynamics. UAVs were flown over 11 century-old charcoal-enriched soil patches and the adjacent reference soils of a chicory field. We retrieved crucial crop parameters such as canopy cover, vegetation indices and crop water stress from the UAV imageries. In addition, our study also provides in-situ measurements of soil properties and crop traits. Both UAV-based RGB imagery and in-situ measurements demonstrated that the presence of century-old biochar significantly improved chicory canopy cover, with greater leaf lengths in biochar patches. Weighted difference vegetation index imagery showed a negative influence of biochar presence on plant greenness at the end of the growing season. Chicory crop stress was significantly increased by biochar presence, whereas the harvested crop yield was not affected. The main significant variations observed between reference and century-old biochar patches using in situ measurements of crop traits concerned leaf length. Hence, the output from the present study will be of great interest to help developing climate-smart agriculture practices allowing for adaptation and mitigation to climate.  相似文献   

多光谱多角度遥感数据综合反演叶面积指数方法研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
叶面积指数是陆地生态系统的一个十分重要的结构参数。用遥感数据求取叶面积指数可以利用光谱的信息,比如通过植被指数来拟合一个经验关系,但很多植被指数明显受土壤背景的影响,对于有明显行结构的农作物,土壤的影响很难消除,植被指数的方法误差较大。多角度遥感包含了大量的地面目标的立体结构信息,具备求解植被特征参数的潜力,但通常多角度遥感反演对光谱信息的利用不足。与以往的反演方法相区别,该文利用行播作物二向反射模型,将多角度与多光谱数据结合进行行播作物LAI反演实验,并对反演算法进行了详细的敏感性分析实验,结果表明采用多角度、多光谱遥感数据相结合的方法可以有效反演行播作物的叶面积指数。  相似文献   


Agricultural drought threatens food security. Numerous remote-sensing drought indices have been developed, but their different principles, assumptions and physical quantities make it necessary to compare their suitability for drought monitoring over large areas. Here, we analyzed the performance of three typical remote sensing-based drought indices for monitoring agricultural drought in two major agricultural production regions in Shaanxi and Henan provinces, northern China (predominantly rain-fed and irrigated agriculture, respectively): vegetation health index (VHI), temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI) and drought severity index (DSI). We compared the agreement between these indices and the standardized precipitation index (SPI), soil moisture, winter wheat yield and National Meteorological Drought Monitoring (NMDM) maps. On average, DSI outperformed the other indices, with stronger correlations with SPI and soil moisture. DSI also corresponded better with soil moisture and NMDM maps. The jointing and grain-filling stages of winter wheat are more sensitive to water stress, indicating that winter wheat required more water during these stages. Moreover, the correlations between the drought indices and SPI, soil moisture, and winter wheat yield were generally stronger in Shaanxi province than in Henan province, suggesting that remote-sensing drought indices provide more accurate predictions of the impacts of drought in predominantly rain-fed agricultural areas.  相似文献   

With the availability of high frequent satellite data, crop phenology could be accurately mapped using time-series remote sensing data. Vegetation index time-series data derived from AVHRR, MODIS, and SPOT-VEGETATION images usually have coarse spatial resolution. Mapping crop phenology parameters using higher spatial resolution images (e.g., Landsat TM-like) is unprecedented. Recently launched HJ-1 A/B CCD sensors boarded on China Environment Satellite provided a feasible and ideal data source for the construction of high spatio-temporal resolution vegetation index time-series. This paper presented a comprehensive method to construct NDVI time-series dataset derived from HJ-1 A/B CCD and demonstrated its application in cropland areas. The procedures of time-series data construction included image preprocessing, signal filtering, and interpolation for daily NDVI images then the NDVI time-series could present a smooth and complete phenological cycle. To demonstrate its application, TIMESAT program was employed to extract phenology parameters of crop lands located in Guanzhong Plain, China. The small-scale test showed that the crop season start/end derived from HJ-1 A/B NDVI time-series was comparable with local agro-metrological observation. The methodology for reconstructing time-series remote sensing data had been proved feasible, though forgoing researches will improve this a lot in mapping crop phenology. Last but not least, further studies should be focused on field-data collection, smoothing method and phenology definitions using time-series remote sensing data.  相似文献   

以徐州市为例,以TM影像为主要信息源,利用ERDAS IMAGINE遥感图像处理软件,将1987年,1995年及2000年徐州市的遥感图像进行一系列的校正与降噪处理,SAVI植被指数的提取,波段的合成与非监督分类,最后与降雨数据相结合,对徐州市的土壤水分与降雨的时空相关性进行分析。这种土壤水分与降雨的时空相关性分析,可以通过降雨数据,预测一段时期内的土壤中水分的变化,有利于对城市小气候的变化、泥石流灾害的预测,也有利于城市的生态建设。  相似文献   

土壤湿度信息遥感研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤湿度是农业生产与应用过程中非常重要的因素,决定农作物的水分供应状况.本文利用MODIS产品数据获取的归一化植被指数(NDVI)和陆面地表温度(Ts)构建Ts-NDVI特征空间,根据温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)的研究原理与方法,对研究区2010年5~8月份土壤湿度分布情况进行遥感监测.结合气象数据与土壤墒情资料对局部...  相似文献   

光学与微波数据协同反演农田区土壤水分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光学和微波协同遥感反演对于提高农田土壤水分遥感反演精度十分重要。本文采用SMEX02数据集,研究了L波段土壤发射率与地表土壤水分之间的关系,分析了地面植被覆盖对L波段土壤发射率与地表水分之关系的影响规律,推导了以L波段土壤发射率和归一化植被指数NDVI为自变量的土壤水分反演模型。研究表明:L波段土壤发射率与地表土壤水分之间的相关性随NDVI的增加而下降。验证结果表明,本文算法相对常规经验算法,土壤水分反演精度明显提高,H极化条件下,土壤水分的反演精度RMSE由0.0553提高到0.0407,相关系数R2由0.70提高到0.81;V极化条件下,反演精度RMSE由0.0452提高到0.0348,相关系数R2由0.79提高到0.86。  相似文献   

This paper reports acreage, yield and production forecasting of wheat crop using remote sensing and agrometeorological data for the 1998–99 rabi season. Wheat crop identification and discrimination using Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) ID LISS III satellite data was carried out by supervised maximum likelihood classification. Three types of wheat crop viz. wheat-1 (high vigour-normal sown), wheat-2 (moderate vigour-late sown) and wheat-3 (low vigour-very late sown) have been identified and discriminated from each other. Before final classification of satellite data spectral separability between classes were evaluated. For yield prediction of wheat crop spectral vegetation indices (RVI and NDVI), agrometeorological parameters (ETmax and TD) and historical crop yield (actual yield) trend analysis based linear and multiple linear regression models were developed. The estimated wheat crop area was 75928.0 ha. for the year 1998–99, which sowed ?2.59% underestimation with land record commissioners estimates. The yield prediction through vegetation index based and vegetation index with agrometeorological indices based models were 1753 kg/ha and 1754 kg/ha, respectively and have shown relative deviation of 0.17% and 0.22%, the production estimates from above models when compared with observed production show relative deviation of ?2.4% and ?2.3% underestimations, respectively.  相似文献   

准确地获取作物空间分布是作物生长监测和产量预测的前提。目前,遥感图像处理需要足够的人工采集的训练样本,因此,大规模作物分布的自动获取仍然是一个挑战。以高效、经济的方式获得足够的训练样本成为作物制图的关键因素之一。因此,本文结合冬季作物物候特征与Sentinel-2时间序列影像,提出了一种自动化样本生成策略用于冬季作物制图。首先,利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)时间序列曲线进行冬季作物的判别;然后,通过时间序列曲线相似性度量的方法,判断样本点与标准的绿色叶绿素植被指数(GCVI)时间序列曲线的差距,从而为未知样本赋予正确的标签;最后,利用获取的样本训练随机森林模型,实现研究区域的冬季作物提取。最终精度评定结果:总体精度(OA)为98.46%,Kappa为0.973,表明该方法对于快速实现冬季作物自动制图的有效性。  相似文献   

Large-scale crop yield prediction is critical for early warning of food insecurity, agricultural supply chain management, and economic market. Satellite-based Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) products have revealed hot spots of photosynthesis over global croplands, such as in the U.S. Midwest. However, to what extent these satellite-based SIF products can enhance the performance of crop yield prediction when benchmarking against other existing satellite data remains unclear. Here we assessed the benefits of using three satellite-based SIF products in yield prediction for maize and soybean in the U.S. Midwest: gap-filled SIF from Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2), new SIF retrievals from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), and the coarse-resolution SIF retrievals from the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2). The yield prediction performances of using SIF data were benchmarked with those using satellite-based vegetation indices (VIs), including normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and near-infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRv), and land surface temperature (LST). Five machine-learning algorithms were used to build yield prediction models with both remote-sensing-only and climate-remote-sensing-combined variables. We found that high-resolution SIF products from OCO-2 and TROPOMI outperformed coarse-resolution GOME-2 SIF product in crop yield prediction. Using high-resolution SIF products gave the best forward predictions for both maize and soybean yields in 2018, indicating the great potential of using satellite-based high-resolution SIF products for crop yield prediction. However, using currently available high-resolution SIF products did not guarantee consistently better yield prediction performances than using other satellite-based remote sensing variables in all the evaluated cases. The relative performances of using different remote sensing variables in yield prediction depended on crop types (maize or soybean), out-of-sample testing methods (five-fold-cross-validation or forward), and record length of training data. We also found that using NIRv could generally lead to better yield prediction performance than using NDVI, EVI, or LST, and using NIRv could achieve similar or even better yield prediction performance than using OCO-2 or TROPOMI SIF products. We concluded that satellite-based SIF products could be beneficial in crop yield prediction with more high-resolution and good-quality SIF products accumulated in the future.  相似文献   

一种改进的融合多指标荒漠化等级分类方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地荒漠化等级分类是荒漠化监测的重要内容,也是土地荒漠化综合治理、科学防护的基础。针对植被稀疏及干旱区土地荒漠化提取异常的问题,本文选择干旱/半干旱的科尔沁区为试验区,以2005、2010和2015年3期的中高分辨率Landsat遥感影像为数据源,基于大量的样本统计分析,提出了一种融合植被覆盖度(FVC)、去土壤植被指数(MSAVI)、增强性植被指数(EVI)3种指标的荒漠化提取模型,并将之与传统植被覆盖度指标提取结果进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,相较于单一植被指数反演方法,本文提出的算法分类精度更高,尤其针对干旱/半干旱地区,该融合植被指数法具有更好的适用性和稳健性。该方法为荒漠化评价体系的建立提供了新的思路,为土地荒漠化防护与治理提供了辅助决策支撑。  相似文献   

面向对象与卷积神经网络模型的GF-6 WFV影像作物分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李前景  刘珺  米晓飞  杨健  余涛 《遥感学报》2021,25(2):549-558
GF-6 WFV影像是中国首颗带有红边波段的中高分辨率8波段多光谱卫星的遥感影像,对于其影像及红边波段对作物分类影响的研究利用亟待展开。本文结合面向对象和深度学习提出一种适用于GF-6 WFV红边波段的卷积神经网络(RE-CNN)遥感影像作物分类方法。首先采用多尺度分割和ESP工具选择最佳分割参数完成影像分割,通过面向对象的CART决策树消除椒盐现象的同时提取植被区域,并转化为卷积神经网络的输入数据,最后基于Python和Numpy库构建的卷积神经网络模型(RE-CNN)用于影像作物分类及精度验证。有无红边波段的两组分类实验结果表明:在红边波段组,卷积神经网络(RE-CNN)作物分类识别取得了较好的效果,总体精度高达94.38%,相比无红边波段组分类精度提高了2.83%,验证了GF-6 WFV红边波段对作物分类的有效性。为GF-6 WFV红边波段影像用于作物的分类研究提供技术参考和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Gap probability theory provides a theoretical equation to calculate fractional vegetation cover (FVC). However, the main algorithms used in present FVC products generation are still the linear mixture model and machine learning methods. The reason to limit the gap probability theory applied in the product algorithm is the availability and accuracy of leaf area index (LAI) and clumping index (CI) products. With the improvement of the LAI and CI products, it is necessary to assess whether the algorithm based on gap probability theory using the present products can improve the accuracy of FVC products. In this study, we generated the FVC estimates based on the gap probability theory (FVCgap) with a resolution of 500 m every 8 days for Europe. FVCgap estimates were validated with field FVC measurements of ImagineS from 2013 to 2015 for crop types. Two existing FVC products, Geoland2 Version1 (GEOV1) and Multisource data Synergized Quantitative remote sensing production system (MuSyQ), were used to inter-compare with the FVCgap estimates. FVCgap estimates showed a better agreement with field FVC measurements, with lowest root mean square error (RMSE) (0.1211) and bias (0.0224), than GEOV1 and MuSyQ FVC products. The inter-annual and seasonal variations of FVCgap estimates were also showed the most consistent with field measurements.  相似文献   

基于东亚飞蝗生育周期的遥感蝗灾监测新模式   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
当前 ,国际遥感蝗灾监测的技术路线一般是爆发蝗灾后受损面积、程度的监测与评价 ,研究灾害的有效预警与预测方法 ,对防灾减灾更具有现实意义。通过连续 2 0 0 1、2 0 0 2年连续实地对渤海湾夏蝗孵化期、生长期和成虫期等 7个阶段的野外观测 ,对蝗虫生境物理和生物依赖条件样方统计、光谱测试和遥感机理实验 ,提出了“飞蝗生育周期遥感三段监测”的论点 ,根据这个论点将遥感监测设计为 3个阶段 :(1 )孵化期水热条件遥感反演 ;(2 )生长期食量猛增遥感监测芦苇叶面积指数和植被盖度变化 ;(3)成虫期寻找新食源对芦苇盖度 (温度 )和地表水条件 ,进而对聚集条件和迁移方向的分析指导灭蝗。有效发挥了遥感连续动态观测的技术特点 ,为建立环渤海湾东亚飞蝗遥感监测体系提供了基本技术路线 ,介绍的思路与方法也可以对森林病虫害等大规模突发病虫灾害起到借鉴作用  相似文献   

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