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基于Bayes决策的机载全极化SAR图像滑坡信息提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将雷达遥感技术应用于滑坡灾害调查是地学应用的一个重要方向,特别是在多云多雨地区。由中国科学院电子学研究所研发的高效能机载SAR系统(high–performance airborne synthetic aperture Radar system,HASARS)具备X波段双基线干涉和P波段全极化观测的能力,是国内首家多频段多模式机载SAR系统。从多极化机载SAR数据的特征选择和信息提取等角度,评估了不同极化模式组合对滑坡信息提取精度的影响;并基于Bayes决策理论,提出了多极化SAR图像分类的特征选择方法。利用不同研究样区的特征选择结果提取了多个滑坡的范围,提取精度均在90%以上。HASARS的高空间分辨率及其获取的高精度DEM和P波段全极化观测,可以近实时、高精度地获取地表滑坡灾害专题信息,在滑坡等减灾救灾领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

研究了相关的地空一体化监测技术,以获取矿区地表灾害的特征信息,通过综合运用多源监测数据,建立分析模型,进行预警预报与防治。煤矿开采引起的重要地表煤矿灾害包括地表沉陷、滑坡与煤火灾害等。给出了利用遥感、GPS、无人机、三维激光扫描、热红外成像、GIS等对地观测与数据处理技术对3种灾害进行监测、分析、预警预报等方面的研究成果,介绍了D-In SAR矿区形变灾害监测技术、多源集成地表形变灾害监测技术、GPS/3D SCANNER滑坡监测技术、矿区滑坡灾害风险评估技术、煤火灾害多源监测与防治技术,及其在大同、皖北、淮南等矿区的应用效果。  相似文献   

赵骞  张锦 《测绘科学》2012,37(5):129-131
滑坡灾害是危险性和破坏力均非常严重的地面灾害之一,滑坡发生后如何快速、高效和高精度地获取滑坡体的几何特征数据是滑坡应急处置重要的测绘保障工作内容。本文应用地面三维激光扫描仪(TLS)进行了快速获取滑坡区域数据和几何特征提取的科学试验,通过ILRIS_36D地面三维激光扫描仪和PolyWorks软件获取和处理数据,提取了滑坡几何特征,数据可供相关部门对滑坡灾害进行快速科学处置。该方法速度快、精度高、信息全,与常规测量方式相比具有多方面的优势。  相似文献   

WebGIS支持下的浙江省高速路沿线滑坡灾害预测系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓岳川 《北京测绘》2007,(1):34-36,18
随着WebGIS技术和计算机技术的发展,它们的应用领域也进一步得到拓展。本文结合浙江省高速路沿线滑坡灾害预测系统的开发实例,提出了将万维网地理信息系统(WebGIS)技术应用到滑坡灾害预测系统中,实现其预测数据的实时更新和可视化管理的解决方案。文章首先指出开发滑坡灾害预测系统的实际意义以及传统预测系统的不足,然后,通过阐述WebGIS技术的优势,提出其解决方案。最后,通过系统结构设计、功能设计、开发环境以及设施步骤等几部分的叙述,探讨了构建浙江省高速路沿线滑坡灾害预测系统的具体过程。  相似文献   

滑坡灾害监测和防治依旧是目前国内外学者研究的重点。多数地质滑坡监测不能做到集成化的实时监控,只能进行人工进行监测。通过精确的数学模型来进行预报分析,可以大大减少人力、物力和财力。据此,将RBF神经网络与改进云模型进行对比,总结两者在结构上的相似性,并结合两者的优点对RBF神经网络进行算法改进。最后通过实例数据分析预报,得出相应结论:基于云模型的神经网络方法在预测精度上要优于RBF神经网络,改进的算法模型更能实现定量与定性之间的相互转换,使监测数据更加真实可靠,预报数据更加精确。基于云模型的神经网络在滑坡变形监测预报中有较高的可行性。  相似文献   

滑坡是人类面临的主要地质灾害之一,而滑坡监测是减少滑坡灾害的有效方法之一,其中外观监测具有能监测滑坡体的运动特征等优势,在滑坡监测系统中占据了重要的地位。从滑坡监测控制网布设、监测点布置以及观测频率和周期的确定3个方面,结合滑坡的等级、变形阶段、滑坡类型以及变形特征等方面进行针对性布设实施,使其滑坡监测不仅经济合理且同时能较好地反映滑坡变形趋势,为后期预测预报分析提供可靠数据支撑。  相似文献   

陈俊杰  郭延涛 《测绘通报》2012,(Z1):116-118,122
针对灰色系统理论对地表移动变形的原始数据进行挖掘的特点,根据潞安矿区司马矿地表移动观测站的实测资料,通过建立灰色预测GM(1,1)模型,利用Matlab对观测数据进行插值,获取等间隔数据。运用灰色系统理论对概率积分法参数进行求取,进行相关的精度分析,得到运用该方法求取的概率积分法参数的方法是可靠的结论,体现了动态预测的特点。同时,将灰色系统预测方法与曲线拟合方法求取参数的结果进行对比分析,指出二者预测结果存在误差的影响因素,提出可以通过定期等间隔的观测和加大对衰退期的观测次数等措施,提高概率积分法参数的精度。  相似文献   

地质灾害时刻威胁人民的生命与财产安全,因此实现对灾害的实时监测与预警十分必要。本文所开发的地质灾害实时监测与预警系统针对滑坡灾害发生特点,综合运用GNSS技术、传感器技术、现代通信及计算机等先进技术,实现了对地质灾害体全天候、全方位、高精度、自动化的实时监测与预警。结合多年开发与研究的成果,主要从系统总体设计、各功能模块、数据存储方式、数据中心软件设计与实现、系统关键技术等方面进行了介绍。该系统已用于铁路路基变形及矿区灾害监测与预警,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

InSAR技术作为重要的对地观测技术之一,已在城市、矿山、地质灾害等地表形变监测领域得到广泛应用与探索,特别是在滑坡灾害形变监测中具有很强的实用性。为全面、准确及深入认识和梳理InSAR技术在滑坡灾害应用中的前沿科学问题、局限性、面临挑战及未来发展趋势,以期更好地服务于滑坡灾害的防治与监测。以InSAR技术滑坡灾害应用研究为主要脉络,系统阐述其研究进展:(1)以滑坡监测中应用的主要InSAR方法概述为切入点,系统梳理了各类主要方法的适用范围、优缺点及内在联系;(2)基于早期识别探测、不同量级形变监测、活动模式与三维信息获取、形变与诱因耦合4个视角,深入探析InSAR技术在滑坡应用中的最新进展、趋势及目前应用中存在的关键问题与挑战;(3)针对InSAR技术系统的局限性、滑坡灾害的特点,剖析了InSAR滑坡监测中存在的几何畸变、密集植被覆盖、大气干扰、三维形变信息获取、精度评定、滑坡形变的复杂性和非线性等问题,并对相应问题的解决提供了可行性的方案与建议措施;(4)基于InSAR滑坡行业体系构建的视角,结合人工智能(AI)、机器学习、无人机遥感及地学领域地震台网等其他观测技术,从数据处理、与其他新型技术融合对未来InSAR在滑坡应用研究进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

基于GM(1,1)数据融合算法的滑坡预测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滑坡会对人类生命和财产造成巨大损失,预测预报是预知滑坡灾害发生并减少其影响的重要手段。GM(1,1)算法在滑坡预测中得到普遍应用,该算法具有较少数据量建模的优点。对于滑坡不需要了解各种影响因子的具体状态,但存在建模数据量选取不确定性和长时距预测精度降低的问题,以GM(1,1)模型为基础,引用数据融合技术,对滑坡变形量进行预测,并用实测数据进行验算,结果表明该方法能提高滑坡的预测精度。  相似文献   

Landslide hazard assessment at the Mu Cang Chai district; Yen Bai province (Viet Nam) has been done using Random SubSpace fuzzy rules based Classifier Ensemble (RSSCE) method and probability analysis of rainfall data. RSSCE which is a novel classifier ensemble method has been applied to predict spatially landslide occurrences in the area. Prediction of temporally landslide occurrences in the present study has been done using rainfall data for the period 2008–2013. A total of fifteen landslide influencing factors namely slope, aspect, curvature, plan curvature, profile curvature, elevation, land use, lithology, rainfall, distance to faults, fault density, distance to roads, road density, distance to rivers, and river density have been utilized. The result of the analysis shows that RSSCE and probability analysis of rainfall data are promising methods for landslide hazard assessment. Finally, landslide hazard map has been generated by integrating spatial prediction and temporal probability analysis of landslides for the land use planning and landslide hazard management.  相似文献   

赵彬如  陈恩泽  戴强  朱少楠  张君 《测绘学报》2022,51(10):2216-2225
目前区域降雨型滑坡预测主要依赖降雨阈值开展,然而从降雨诱发滑坡机理可知,除降雨入渗导致的土壤含水量变化外,降雨入渗前的土壤含水量也是影响边坡失稳的重要因素,无法考虑降雨入渗前的土壤湿度情况,被认为是降雨阈值在滑坡预测中表现差的主要原因。针对这一问题,本文以四川省都江堰地区作为试验区域,提出考虑前期土壤湿度的区域降雨型滑坡预测思路,通过统计分析历史滑坡数据,构建了基于前期土壤湿度和近期降雨情况的水文-气象阈值模型,其中前期土壤湿度情况由改进的前期有效降雨指数刻画,近期降雨情况由最近的累积降雨量表示。试验结果表明:在试验区域的降雨型滑坡预测中,水文-气象阈值模型表现出较好的命中率和较低的误报率。本文构建的水文-气象阈值模型,可同时考虑前期土壤湿度和近期降雨对滑坡发生的影响,模型所需数据少、所用方法简单易操作且预测性能较优,适合在区域降雨型滑坡预测中推广应用。  相似文献   

利用Savitzky-Golay滤波对覆盖江西省范围的SPOT VGT NDVI时间序列数据进行平滑处理的基础上,结合坡度数据,通过非监督分类的方法提取了江西省2000、2005和2010年水稻种植范围,并根据NDVI的年内动态变化,从水稻种植范围、水稻生长季起始时间、水稻复种指数和NDVI最大振幅等分析了江西省水稻种植和生长情况,探讨2000~2010年江西省水稻生产的变化。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to apply, verify and compare a frequency ratio model for landslide hazards, considering future climate change and using a geographic information system in Inje, Korea. Data for the future climate change scenario (A1B), topography, soil, forest, land cover and geology were collected, processed and compiled in a spatial database. The probability of landslides in the study area in target years in the future was then calculated assuming that landslides are triggered by a daily rainfall threshold. Landslide hazard maps were developed for the two study areas, and the frequency ratio for one area was applied to the other area as a cross-check of methodological validity. Verification results for the target years in the future were 82.32–84.69%. The study results, showing landslide hazards in future years, can be used to help develop landslide management plans.  相似文献   

Rainfall-triggered shallow landslide is very common in Korean mountains and the socioeconomic impact is much higher than in the past due to population pressure in hazardous zones. Present study is an attempt toward the development of a methodology for the integration of shallow landslide susceptibility zones and runout zones that could be reached by mobilized mass. Landslide occurrence areas in Yongin were determined based on the interpretation of aerial photographs and extensive field surveys. Nineteen landslide-related factors maps were collected and analysed in geographic information system environment. Among 109 identified landslides, about 85% randomly selected training landslide data from inventory map was used to generate an evidential belief function model and remaining 15% landslides were used to validate the shallow landslide susceptibility map. The resulting susceptibility map had a success rate of 89.2% and a predictive accuracy of 92.1%. A runout propagation from high susceptible area was obtained from the modified multiple-flow direction algorithm. A matrix was used to integrate the shallow landslide susceptibility classes and the runout probable zone. Thus, each pixel had a susceptibility class in relation to its failure probability and runout susceptibility class. The study of landslide potential and its propagation can be used to obtain a spatial prediction for landslides, which could contribute to landslide risk mitigation.  相似文献   

郭忻怡  郭擎  冯钟葵 《遥感学报》2020,24(6):776-786
以滑坡蠕变阶段坡体的蠕变会引起环境条件的改变,进而影响植被生长状况的野外考察客观现实为依据,提出一种间接监测滑坡变化的新方法。利用高分辨率光学遥感技术,对滑坡蠕变阶段遥感影像上坡体上覆植被的异常特征进行判识,建立遥感影像上植被异常与滑坡蠕变的关系,反映滑坡的演化过程,弥补GPS技术、InSAR技术及部分地面监测手段在地势高、地形陡峭、植被茂盛等条件下监测工作的不足,为后续的滑坡预测研究提供帮助。以植被覆盖度较高的新磨村山体高位滑坡为例,首先,对研究区域进行分区;其次,计算各分区的植被覆盖度;最后,利用植被覆盖度分析遥感影像上的植被异常与滑坡蠕变的关系,并根据滑后遥感影像和实地考察情况进行验证。结果显示,2014年—2016年,滑坡的主要物源区、变形体上方细长局部崩滑区和泉眼及冲沟周边的植被覆盖度出现明显的下降,即随着滑坡发生时间的临近,植被受滑坡蠕变的影响变大,植被生长状况变差;而且随着距裸地等滑坡风险较大区域的距离增大,植被受滑坡蠕变的影响变小,植被生长状况变好。这表明,植被异常与滑坡蠕变存在明显的时空相关性,体现了滑坡蠕变阶段遥感影像上植被异常与滑坡蠕变的内在联系,反映了滑坡逐步失稳的演化过程,为进一步预测滑坡的发生提供依据。  相似文献   

翁昌凯  朱习朋 《测绘通报》2021,(6):61-66,92
云南省作为我国西南地区与西藏相连的省份,其地势由西北向东南逐渐降低且山峦众多,山区面积占全省面积的88%。除此之外,云南省还位于印度洋板块和亚欧板块交界处附近,其地震带众多,地质运动频繁,经常出现地震、滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害。因此,本文选取覆盖地势较高的云南西北部地区的哨兵数据,利用SBAS-InSAR技术进行数据处理,针对云南西北部地区的地表形变进行监测,发现地质灾害隐患区域,为地质灾害预警提供数据支持。  相似文献   

2022-09-05,四川省甘孜州泸定县发生Ms 6.8地震。地震在山区诱发了大量的地质灾害,造成了严重的人员伤亡。快速准确地获取地震诱发地质灾害的空间分布范围对震后应急决策和救援抢险至关重要。基于全球同震滑坡数据库与深度学习算法,构建了地震诱发滑坡空间分布概率近实时预测模型,在震后2 h内获取了泸定地震诱发地质灾害的预测结果。通过震后无人机与卫星遥感影像,采用机器学习与深度学习算法实现了震后大范围地质灾害的智能识别,共解译地震诱发滑坡3 633处,总面积13.78 km2。利用遥感解译的泸定地震滑坡数据,对地震诱发地质灾害预测模型进行了优化,获得了震区范围更广、准确性更高的同震滑坡预测结果。结果表明,同震滑坡预测模型能够快速获取震后地质灾害的空间分布情况,填补震后遥感影像获取前的空窗期,为灾后应急救援提供支撑;基于无人机与卫星遥感影像的智能识别技术是快速获取大范围地质灾害信息的有效手段。所取得的研究成果在泸定地震震后应急救援工作中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

The landslide hazard occurred in Taibai County has the characteristics of the typical landslides in mountain hinterland. The slopes mainly consist of residual sediments and locate along the highway. Most of them are in the less stable state and in high risk during rainfall in flood season especially. The main purpose of this paper is to produce landslide susceptibility maps for Taibai County (China). In the first stage, a landslide inventory map and the input layers of the landslide conditioning factors were prepared in the geographic information system supported by field investigations and remote sensing data. The landslides conditioning factors considered for the study area were slope angle, altitude, slope aspect, plan curvature, profile curvature, distance to faults, distance to rivers, distance to roads, normalized difference vegetation index, lithological unit, rainfall and land use. Subsequently, the thematic data layers of conditioning factors were integrated by frequency ratio (FR), weights of evidence (WOE) and evidential belief function (EBF) models. As a result, landslide susceptibility maps were obtained. In order to compare the predictive ability of these three models, a validation procedure was conducted. The curves of cumulative area percentage of ordered index values vs. the cumulative percentage of landslide numbers were plotted and the values of area under the curve (AUC) were calculated. The predictive ability was characterized by the AUC values and it indicates that all these models considered have relatively similar and high accuracies. The success rate of FR, WOE and EBF models was 0.9161, 0.9132 and 0.9129, while the prediction rate of the three models was 0.9061, 0.9052 and 0.9007, respectively. Considering the accuracy and simplicity comprehensively, the FR model is the optimum method. These landslide susceptibility maps can be used for preliminary land use planning and hazard mitigation purpose.  相似文献   

A GIS-based statistical methodology for landslide susceptibility zonation is described and its application to a study area in the Western Ghats of Kerala (India) is presented. The study area was approximately 218.44 km2 and 129 landslides were identified in this area. The environmental attributes used for the landslide susceptibility analysis include geomorphology, slope, aspect, slope length, plan curvature, profile curvature, elevation, drainage density, distance from drainages, lineament density, distance from lineaments and land use. The quantitative relationship between landslides and factors affecting landslides are established by the data driven-Information Value (InfoVal) — method. By applying and integrating the InfoVal weights using ArcGIS software, a continuous scale of numerical indices (susceptibility index) is obtained with which the study area is divided into five classes of landslide susceptibility. In order to validate the results of the susceptibility analysis, a success rate curve was prepared. The map obtained shows that a great majority of the landslides (74.42%) identified in the field were located in susceptible and highly susceptible zones (27.29%). The area ratio calculated by the area under curve (AUC) method shows a prediction accuracy of 80.45%. The area having a high scale of susceptibility lies on side slope plateaus and denudational hills with high slopes where drainage density is relatively low and terrain modification is relatively intense.  相似文献   

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