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正确提取坐标时间序列中的特征信息是非线性变化分析的前提.根据傅里叶变换和小波变换各自的特点,提出将两种方法结合起来对时间序列在时域和频域上进行分析的算法.首先采用小波函数db4对坐标时间序列分解5层得到高频和低频部分,进而分析各次谐波的时域波形以及可能存在的突变信息和区间,再在快速傅里叶变换的基础上求得各次谐波的准确频率和幅值.研究结果表明,低频分析可以直观地得到“周年项”和“两年周期项”,而高频分析能够较准确提取“半周年项”、“一季项”等短周期.与单独采用傅里叶变换或小波变换相比,基于小波变换与傅里叶变换相结合的方法能够有效地提取坐标时间序列中的特征信息,具有较高的研究价值.   相似文献   

MODIS植被指数时间序列Savitzky-Golay滤波算法重构   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
利用Savitzky-Golay(S-G)滤波方法对若尔盖高原湿地区2000—2009年MODIS16d最大值合成的NDVI时间序列数据进行了重构,并与中值迭代滤波法、傅里叶变换法进行了比较。结果表明,基于S-G滤波的时间序列重构方法重构后的NDVI时间序列在直观及像元的时间序列曲线上均取得了较好的效果,对提高该数据产品质量有很大帮助,通过该方法重构后的高质量的NDVI时间序列对利用该数据源对若尔盖湿地生态系统监测提供了良好的基础。  相似文献   

基于MODIS的LAI时间序列谱的地物分类方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用MODIS数据所反演的每8d一景,全年共46景的时间序列叶面积指数(LAI)图像,分析江西省不同类型地物的LAI时间序列谱,并对地物进行分类。首先,利用最小噪声比变换技术(MNF)将噪声从数据中分离;然后,通过纯净像元指数(PPI)从LAI时间序列谱中提取5类主要地物类型终端单元(Endmember),从而对地物进行分类并制图;最后,结合2000年江西省兴国县1 10万比例尺的土地利用/覆盖矢量图对本研究分类结果进行检验。结果表明,该方法的地物分类精度达到74.45%,其分类方法是有效可行的。  相似文献   

利用傅里叶级数对GPS测站坐标残差序列进行模型建立与分析,通过傅里叶频域变换将GPS测站坐标残差序列分解到不同频域,然后对不同频域的规律进行傅里叶级数拟合,从而建立残差序列的拟合模型。实验表明傅里叶变换可以有效地分析研究GPS测站坐标残差序列中各种高频周期规律,并能够利用傅里叶级数实现高精度的拟合。  相似文献   

谐波改进的植被指数时间序列重建算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张霞  李儒  岳跃民  刘波  刘海霞 《遥感学报》2010,14(3):442-453
提出一种基于傅里叶谐波分析的改进算法,引入异常值检测算法,检测拟合过程中的异常值,增加数据拟合的真实性;迭代前动态估算出待处理序列点的峰值个数(即频数),解决整个区域预设单一频数的不合理性;引入拟合影响因子,自动控制迭代终止条件,避免传统方法中人为设置阈值导致的不确定性。利用2003年华北平原MODIS_EVI时间序列图像验证表明,较之HANTS算法,改进算法能够有效修正噪声污染像元值,修正后的EVI时序曲线更能反映地物内在的物候变化规律,并能够更好地保真原始曲线上的特征(点),如作物EVI最大值、最小值出现的时间和大小关系。  相似文献   

针对如何在时间序列尺度上利用多源时空融合方法高精度地重构高分辨率遥感影像的问题,该文提出了一种基于增强字典学习样本空间的单数据对稀疏学习融合算法,并利用现有稀疏学习算法、STARFM算法以及半物理模型对Landsat与MODIS卫星数据进行双向融合实验。结果表明:随着样本尺寸及空间的拓展,改进后的稀疏学习算法能够获得比原始算法、STARFM、半物理模型等算法更优的融合结果,其中ERGAS可达15.0以内、SSIM可达84%以上,并且融合质量对高、低分辨率图像间的空间尺度差异性不敏感。通过采用更高效的在线字典学习算法,该融合方法的处理效率与应用价值有望得到极大提升。  相似文献   

以北京昌平地区为研究区域,获取了2007年该试验区C波段ENVISAT/ASAR数据和L波段ALOS/PALSAR数据,并提取了地物的后向散射系数。首先,利用MIMICS模型对该地区的春玉米、夏玉米和果木的后向散射特性进行模拟和分析;然后,将模拟结果同雷达实际观测数据进行对比;最后,利用不同作物之间的后向散射系数数值大小关系,建立分类二叉树,很好地区分了春玉米和夏玉米,总分类精度达86.66%。研究结果表明:双频多极化雷达数据能够提供有利于作物类型识别的多方面信息,对农作物遥感具有较大的优势和潜力。  相似文献   

利用Landsat时序NDVI数据进行新疆石河子垦区灌溉作物分类   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
精确的农作物分类信息对于农业环境评估、水资源利用规划非常重要,尤其是在干旱、半干旱地区。本文利用30 m分辨率的Landsat NDVI时间序列数据进行了新疆石河子垦区混合农作物精确区分的潜力研究。首先利用S-G滤波重构了Landsat NDVI时间序列,然后基于SVM模型对研究区域农业类型进行了精确分类。在SVM分类模型作用下,S-G重构后的时间序列有效地将该地区棉花、玉米、小麦等主要作物区分开来,精度高于0.86,Kappa系数大于0.82。结果表明,S-G滤波能够有效提高NDVI时间序列数据质量;TM影像时间序列在监测干旱、半干旱地区的作物类型和种植方式随时间的变化方面存在巨大潜力。  相似文献   

遥感估算叶面积指数(LAI)时空动态变化对全球气候变化研究具有重要的意义,为了提高遥感估算时间序列叶面积指数的精度,需要耦合遥感观测数据与LAI动态过程模型。本文提出一种基于双集合卡尔曼滤波(Dual EnKF)的时间序列LAI反演方法,同时更新LAI估计值和LAI动态过程模型中的敏感性参数,得到LAI和动态过程模型敏感参数的最优估计值来优化动态过程模型。一方面使得动态过程模型可以更好地描述LAI随时间的变化过程,降低模型预测误差,从而提高LAI动态过程模型的预测能力;另一方面通过耦合动态过程模型和辐射传输模型,集成遥感观测数据与动态过程模型的预测值,进而得到优化的LAI估计值。为检验算法,分别选取作物、草地和林地等典型植被验证站点进行Dual EnKF LAI时间序列估算,并分别与MODIS LAI产品及其SG滤波曲线、集合卡尔曼滤波方法反演LAI、未优化的动态过程模型模拟LAI结果进行比较,并配以一些站点地面实测点数据作为参考。结果表明,采用Dual EnKF方法得到的LAI不但保持了时间上的连续性,而且通过改善动态过程模型的预测能力,即使在缺乏高质量遥感观测数据时,也能够获得符合LAI发展趋势的估算值,没有出现跳跃、波动现象,时间序列曲线较稳定,更符合植被LAI变化规律,表明基于Dual EnKF的时间序列LAI遥感估算方法是提取LAI时间廓线的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

徐大卫  张荣  吴倩 《遥感学报》2015,19(2):263-272
结合小波变换及字典学习提出了一种针对高光谱图像的压缩算法。该算法首先通过小波变换构建多尺度样本集,在小波域使用K-均值奇异值分解(K-SVD)方法学习得到原子尺寸不同的多尺度字典,然后在稀疏表示的过程中,定义一个原子使用频次筛选因子,通过统计局部最优波段稀疏表示时原子使用情况,结合筛选因子对字典原子进行优化筛选,使用精简后的字典对其余波段进行稀疏求解,最后针对不同尺度的表示系数采用自适应的量化编码。实验结果表明,与目前常用的3D-SPIHT和其他的多尺度字典学习算法相比,本文算法在中低比特率下,具有更好的重建性能。  相似文献   

全国作物种植结构快速调查技术与应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
现有种植结构的分析都是基于统计数据 ,时效性低及精度差 ,难以及时为各级政府部门提供决策支持。以“中国农情遥感速报系统”使用的GVG农情采样系统和样条采样框架为基础 ,提出了快速获取全国农作物种植结构的技术方法 ,并以 2 0 0 2年为例 ,开展全国夏粮和秋粮种植结构的调查与现状分析。全国夏粮的粮经比例为 5 8%∶2 1% ,秋粮的粮经比例为 79%∶14 % ,粮食作物仍然占有较大的比例。调查表明 ,全国范围的种植结构在时间和空间上变化很大。黑龙江省的大豆种植成数最高 ,达到38% ,是中国的大豆主产区 ;吉林和辽宁两省的春玉米种植成数相差不大 ,高达 71% ;黄淮海地区夏粮以种植冬小麦为主 ,种植成数高达 97% (河北省 ) ,秋粮以夏玉米为主 ,种植成数高达 82 % (河南 ) ;以长江为界 ,冬小麦和油料在长江南北的种植成数变化很大 ,长江以北冬小麦与油料并重 ,以南以油料为主。秋粮则以中晚稻为主 ,种植成数均超过 6 6 % ;华南夏粮和秋粮均以水稻为主 ,其中广东的蔬菜瓜果的种植成数高达 2 9% ;西南地区的秋粮以中稻和夏玉米为主 ,其中云南省的棉麻糖的种植成数高达19% ,说明云南省仍然是中国的烟草大省。经济发达或邻近经济发达地区的省份的蔬菜瓜果的种植成数较大 ,如天津市高达 34%。  相似文献   

统计数据总量约束下全局优化阈值的冬小麦分布制图   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大范围、长时间和高精度农作物空间分布基础农业科学数据的准确获取对资源、环境、生态、气候变化和国家粮食安全等问题研究具有重要现实意义和科学意义。本文针对传统阈值法农作物识别过程中阈值设置存在灵巧性差和自动化程度低等弱点,以中国粮食主产区黄淮海平原内河北省衡水市景县为典型实验区,首次将全局优化算法应用于阈值模型中阈值优化选取,开展了利用全局优化算法改进基于阈值检测的农作物分布制图方法创新研究。以冬小麦为研究对象,国产高分一号(GF-1)为主要遥感数据源,在作物面积统计数据为总量控制参考标准和全局参数优化的复合型混合演化算法SCE-UA (Shuffled Complex Evolution-University of Arizona)支持下,提出利用时序NDVI数据开展阈值模型阈值参数自动优化的冬小麦空间分布制图方法。最终,获得实验区冬小麦阈值模型最优参数,并利用优化后的阈值参数对冬小麦空间分布进行提取。通过地面验证表明,利用本研究所提方法获取的冬小麦识别结果分类精度均达到较高水平。其中冬小麦识别结果总量精度达到了99.99%,证明本研究所提阈值模型参数优化方法冬小麦提取分类结果总量控制效果良好;同时,与传统的阈值法、最大似然和支持向量机等分类方法相比,本研究所提阈值模型参数优化法区域冬小麦作物分类总体精度和Kappa系数分别都有所提高,其中,总体精度分别提高4.55%、2.43%和0.15%,Kappa系数分别提高0.12、0.06和0.01,这体现出SCE-UA全局优化算法对提高阈值模型冬小麦空间分布识别精度具有一定优势。以上研究结果证明了利用本研究所提基于作物面积统计数据总量控制以及SCE-UA全局优化算法支持下阈值模型参数优化作物分布制图方法的有效性和可行性,可获得高精度冬小麦作物空间分布制图结果,这对提高中国冬小麦空间分布制图精度和自动化水平具有一定意义,也可为农作物面积农业统计数据降尺度恢复重建和大范围区域作物空间分布制图研究提供一定技术参考。  相似文献   

Monitoring phenological change in agricultural land improves our understanding of the adaptation of crops to a warmer climate. Winter wheat–maize and winter wheat–cotton double-cropping are practised in most agricultural areas in the North China Plain. A curve-fitting method is presented to derive winter wheat phenology from SPOT-VEGETATION S10 normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data products. The method uses a double-Gaussian model to extract two phenological metrics, the start of season (SOS) and the time of maximum NDVI (MAXT). The results are compared with phenological records at local agrometeorological stations. The SOS and MAXT have close agreement with in situ observations of the jointing date and milk-in-kernel date respectively. The phenological metrics detected show spatial variations that are consistent with known phenological characteristics. This study indicates that time-series analysis with satellite data could be an effective tool for monitoring the phenology of crops and its spatial distribution in a large agricultural region.  相似文献   

Crop identification is the basis of crop monitoring using remote sensing. Remote sensing the extent and distribution of individual crop types has proven useful to a wide range of users, including policy-makers, farmers, and scientists. Northern China is not merely the political, economic, and cultural centre of China, but also an important base for grain production. Its main grains are wheat, maize, and cotton. By employing the Fourier analysis method, we studied crop planting patterns in the Northern China plain. Then, using time-series EOS-MODIS NDVI data, we extracted the key parameters to discriminate crop types. The results showed that the estimated area and the statistics were correlated well at the county-level. Furthermore, there was little difference between the crop area estimated by the MODIS data and the statistics at province-level. Our study shows that the method we designed is promising for use in regional spatial scale crop mapping in Northern China using the MODIS NDVI time-series.  相似文献   

The present study has been carried out to delineate the existing cropping systems in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) using 10 day composite SPOT VEGETATION (VGT) NDVI data acquired over a crop year (June–May). Results showed that it is feasible to identify the major crops like rice, wheat, sugarcane, potato, and cotton in the dominant growing areas with good accuracy. Double cropping pattern is the most prevalent. Rice-wheat, sugarcane based, cotton-wheat, rice-potato, rice-rice, maize/millet-wheat are some of the major rotations followed. Rice-wheat is the dominant rotation accounting for around 40% of the net sown area. Triple crop rotations was less than 5% of the area and observed in some parts of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. Single crop rotation of rice-fallow is significant only in West Bengal.  相似文献   


The leaf area index (LAI) is an important parameter to quantitatively describe the structure of vegetation and crops. Uncertainty in the relationship between the LAI and polarimetric parameters is the key problem for LAI estimation from polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (POLSAR) data. However, the existing POLSAR data have difficulties meeting the demand of the aforementioned research. This paper analyses the correlations between the LAI and the polarimetric parameters derived from Cloude and Freeman decompositions using simulated POLSAR data based on a coherent scattering model for maize and wheat. The results show: (1) The POLSAR data at C-band with a large incidence angle (40 degrees) are very suitable for finding the LAI for maize and wheat. (2) For maize there is a strong correlation between the scattering type angle and the LAI at C-band with a large incidence angle, and the coherency entropy, anisotropy, and the power of the double-bounce scattering power component also have significant correlations with the LAI. (3) For wheat at C-band with a high incidence angle, although the correlation coefficient is low, there is still a correlation between the entropy, anisotropy and LAI. Besides, the volume scattering is suitable for extracting the LAI for wheat at X-band.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高冬小麦产量估测的精度,基于集合卡尔曼滤波算法和粒子滤波(particle filter, PF)算法,对CERES–Wheat模型模拟的冬小麦主要生育期条件植被温度指数(vegetation temperature condition index,VTCI)、叶面积指数(leaf area index, LAI)和中分辨率成像光谱仪(moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer, MODIS)数据反演的VTCI、LAI进行同化,利用主成分分析与Copula函数结合的方法构建单变量和双变量的综合长势监测指标,建立冬小麦单产估测模型,并通过对比分析选择最优模型,对2017—2020年关中平原的冬小麦单产进行估测。结果表明,单点尺度的同化VTCI、同化LAI均能综合反映MODIS观测值和模型模拟值的变化特征,且PF算法具有更好的同化效果;区域尺度下利用PF算法得到的同化VTCI和LAI所构建的双变量估产模型精度最高,与未同化VTCI和LAI构建的估产模型精度相比,研究区各县(区)的冬小麦估测单产与实际单产的均方根误差降低了56.25 kg/hm2,平均相对误差降低了1.51%,表明该模型能有效提高产量估测的精度,应用该模型进行大范围的冬小麦产量估测具有较好的适用性。  相似文献   

利用遥感技术进行农作物识别和监测是遥感应用领域的重要研究内容之一。以2006—2007年两个时相的CBERS-02 CCD影像为主要遥感数据源,对山东省某市的主要农作物的种植分布情况进行监测。将农作物的物候特征、光谱特征和纹理特征及GIS辅助信息等多源信息融合,建立识别知识规则,通过知识推理,逐步识别出冬小麦、夏玉米和棉花。最后,利用混淆矩阵对实验结果进行验证。通过分析比较,证明上述方法在监测作物空间分布方面具有较高精度。  相似文献   

Human diets strongly rely on wheat, maize, rice and soybean; research on the potential crop productivity of these four main crops could provide the basis for increasing global crop yields. The evaluation model of realistic potential crop productivity based on remote sensing and agro-ecological zones was proposed in this study to provide reliable reference data for world food security. The statistical data on these four main crops yields were obtained from the FAO. The model was used to investigate the potential production of four staple crops in the world. The distributions of the realistic potential productivity of four staple crops (winter wheat, maize, rice and soybean) were produced. In the main producing countries of the four staple crops, statistical analysis was conducted on the realistic potential productivity (RPP) of the four staple crops, the highest productivity (HP) during the period 1983–2011 and the gap between RPP and HP.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to conduct an initial investigation into whether a time-series NDVI reference curve library for crops over a growing season for one year could be used to map crops for a different year. Time-series NDVI libraries of curves for 2001 and 2005 were investigated to ascertain whether or not the 2001 dataset could be used to map crops for 2005. The 2005 16-day composite MODIS 250 m NDVI data were used to extract NDVI values from 1,615 field sites representing alfalfa, corn, sorghum, soybeans, and winter wheat. A k-means cluster analysis of NDVI values from the field sites was performed to identify validation sites with time-series NDVI spectral profiles characteristic of the major crop types grown in Kansas. After completing the field site refinement process, there were 1,254 field sites retained for further analysis, referred to as "final" field sites. The methods employed to evaluate whether the MODIS-based NDVI profiles for major crops in Kansas are stable from year-to-year involved both graphical and statistical analyses. First, the time-series NDVI values for 2005 from the final field sites were aggregated by crop type and the crop NDVI profiles were then visually assessed and compared to the profiles of 2001 to ascertain if each crop's unique phenological pattern was consistent between the two years. Second, separability within each crop class in the time-series NDVI data between 2001 and 2005 was investigated numerically using the Jeffries-Matusita (JM) distance statistic. The results seem to suggest that time-series NDVI response curves for crops over a growing period for one year of valid ground reference data may be useful for mapping crops for a different year when minor temporal shifts in the NDVI values (resulting from inter-annual climate variations or changes in agricultural management practices) are taken into account.  相似文献   

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