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张永毅  张兴福 《测绘科学》2016,41(6):162-167
针对GNSS接收机检定费用较高、检定机构数量少且检定周期长的问题,该文提出了一种简易快速的GNSS接收机检定方法。该方法根据GNSS接收机天线相位中心的几何关系,通过自设简易检定场,利用相对定位法及超短基线法分别检测接收机天线的相位中心偏差和内部噪声水平,并编写了相应的计算程序对检测数据进行快速的处理。4次独立实验结果表明:该文实验方案具有较高的精度和可靠性,适用于快速对GNSS接收机天线相位中心偏差和内部噪声水平进行自检。  相似文献   

天线相位中心是指微波天线的电气中心,其设计中心与天线几何中心不一致。天线相位中心最大平均偏差可达数厘米,为此,需对GNSS测量型接收机天线相位中心偏差进行标定。目前国内GNSS测量型接收机的检定规程中,天线相位中心采用室外天线旋转法进行标定,并以GNSS测量型接收机标称精度中所谓的“固定标准差”作为阈值进行判定。笔者认为GNSS测量型接收机标称精度中的固定标准差与星历类型、数据处理软件、观测时间长度、天线相位中心偏差等因素相关,不能作为天线相位中心偏差的检测门限;天线相位中心偏差有独立的指标要求,也有独立的精确检测方法,因此建议按照天线相位中心偏差的指标要求作为检测门限。  相似文献   

GPS接收机天线相位中心偏差的三维检定研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
根据GPS接收机天线相位中心的几何关系,在超短基线相对定位法的基础上,利用旋转天线,结合精密水准测量,给出了一种天线相位中心偏差三雏检验的方法。实例表明,该方法具有较高的精度和可靠性,适合于在野外对GPS接收机天线相位中心偏差进行实际检定。  相似文献   

GNSS接收机天线相位中心偏差是仪器的一项重要指标,在日常检测、校准过程中往往会遇到相位中心误差超限情况,究竟是仪器本身问题还是测量数据问题?现主要分析GLONASS信号在GNSS接收机天线相位中心检测、校准过程中,由于数据的稳定性对检测、校准结果带来的误差和影响.  相似文献   

通过GNSS天线相位中心偏差差值实验,对不同天线类型、不同机构的天线相位中心偏差进行组合,通过对数据比较分析,采用统一机构的天线相位中心偏差参数可有效降低天线相位中心偏差对GNSS点位精度的影响.  相似文献   

利用完全旋转法检测GPS接收机天线相位中心三维偏差   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍用完全旋转法测定GPS接收机天线相位中心偏差的原理方法.根据天线相位中心的几何关系,在超短基线相对定位法的基础上,利用三台GPS接收机天线的完全旋转,测定天线的水平相位中心偏差;将天线倾斜45°角,测定天线的垂直相位偏差.利用此种方法求得的天线相位偏差,水平分量精度大约在±0.5 mm左右,垂直分量精度约±0.7 mm,与传统方法相当,但观测时段却大大减少.  相似文献   

通过对顾及天线相位中心改正的基线解算技术的研究,开发了GNSS系统接收机天线相位中心改正软件,并应用于高精度GPS施工控制测量中,提高了基线解算精度。  相似文献   

GPS接收机天线相位中心与其几何中心不重合性构成了GPS接收机天线相位中心误差,如何减少相位中心偏移是天线设计和GPS数据处理中的重要问题。本文在分析GPS接收机天线相位中心在垂直方向上偏差的检测原理的基础上,讨论GPS天线相位中心垂直分量偏差对GPS高程精度的影响,应用实例得出一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

介绍了GNSS天线相位中心改正的基本概念和定义,分析了相位中心偏差(PCO)和变化(PCV)的改正公式,以及天线相位中心改正从相对相位中心模型到绝对相位中心模型的演变,最后结合软件对相位中心改正的实现方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

江峻毅  尹潇  李东  马超 《测绘工程》2021,30(1):14-19
针对接收机天线相位中心与天线参考点ARP不一致引起的测量误差,从距离域和位置域分析其对定位精度的影响.同时,顾及IGS未提供接收机端Galileo天线相位中心改正,采用GPS的天线相位中心改正近似替代,并进行精密单点定位和静态相对定位.结果表明,天线相位中心偏差引起测距的误差可达1 dm,应当改正;采用近似PCO与PCV改正后,PPP垂向偏差由dm-cm级提高到mm级,不同接收机天线相对定位的垂向偏差由cm级提高到mm级,近似替代策略可明显改善Galileo精密定位的精度.  相似文献   

We further developed a new approach using GNSS reflectometry to determine the leveling connection between a tide gauge and a GNSS antenna. This approach includes the optimization of the unknown receiver bandwidth and the estimation of frequency changes in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) oscillation through an extended Kalman filter/smoother algorithm. We also corrected the geometric bending of the GNSS signals due to tropospheric refraction using local meteorological observations. Using 3 weeks of SNR data in Spring Bay, Australia, from a GNSS antenna placed sideways (i.e., ground plane orientated vertically and directed in azimuth toward the sea surface) to improve the SNR interference near the horizon, we obtained mean leveling differences of approximately 5 mm, with an RMS of approximately 3 cm level with respect to the nominal leveling from classical surveying techniques. SNR data from three different receiver manufacturers, coupled to the same antenna, provided similar leveling results. With a second antenna in the usual upright configuration, we obtained mean leveling differences of 1–2 cm and a RMS of about 10 cm. In the upright configuration, the leveling differences may include errors in the GNSS antenna phase center calibration, which are avoided in our technique but not in the classical surveying techniques. These results demonstrate the usefulness of the reflectometry technique to obtain precisely and remotely the leveling between a GNSS antenna and a tide gauge. In addition, this technique can be applied continuously, providing an independent and economical means to monitor the stability of the tide gauge zero.  相似文献   

在高精度GNSS定位中,接收机天线相位中心偏差(PCO)和天线相位中心变化(PCV)的影响不可忽略。目前,IGS发布的绝对天线相位模型文件中包含了GPS/GLONASS系统的标定值,但是没有发布北斗系统(BDS)的标定值。本文借助机械臂可以控制天线自由旋转,在数小时内实现全方位GNSS观测的特性,采用历元间差分的方法对接收机天线包括GPS L1/L2和BDSB1I/B2I/B3I等多个频点的PCO和PCV分别进行标定和拟合。标定结果表明,比较最小二乘估计的GPS PCO与IGS发布值,其STD和RMS在L1/L2上均小于1 mm;BDS PCO估计值的STD在B1I/B2I/B3I上分别为0.5、0.3、0.3 mm。利用球谐函数拟合的GPS PCV格网值与IGS发布值相比,其偏差在天顶距小于75°时均小于1.5 mm。BDS PCV拟合值范围均在-5~8 mm,且随天顶距变化曲线呈现波谷状。BDS PCV在低高度角处拟合值波动较大,随方位角变化曲线峰值-峰值最大达到了5.6 mm。  相似文献   

王清华 《北京测绘》2020,(2):167-171
对于高精度的GNSS数据处理,特别是当多种品牌的GNSS接收机共同作业时,对天线进行相位中心改正是非常有必要的。当采用TBC处理非天宝类型GNSS接收机数据时,在导入数据时,有时会出现不识别接收机和天线类型的错误或警告。通过修改Rinex格式文件头的接收机及天线类型,使其与TBC软件中接收机及天线配置文件中信息一致,问题得到解决。本文还对此类问题做了一些引申,结语给出了若干条建议。  相似文献   

通过研究通用GNSS软件接收机软件的建模方法,提出了一种适用于GPS/Galileo软件接收机的架构设计方法以及一套通用的模块设计方法。为今后实现实时的多模软件接收机打下了基础,而且其中的各类算法模块、处理模块、图形模块具有很强的通用性,可复用于其他接收机系统。软件运行结果达到各项指标要求和具有硬件接收机数字中频信号采样后的所有功能。  相似文献   

戴伟 《全球定位系统》2022,47(1):111-114
智慧城市建设需要城市基础点位的准确坐标,往往采用与当地的连续运行参考站系统(CORS)联测方式进行静态解算.?通常采用徕卡LGO数据处理软件进行静态解算,而LGO软件有时无法识别南方测绘公司生产的全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)接收机的天线类型,使用LGO解算该设备获得的静态观测数据时会遇到天线未定义的情况,从而导致天线高...  相似文献   

GNSS receivers estimate 3D antenna position and receiver clock bias when at least four satellites are tracked. If only three satellites are available, a 2D antenna position solution is still possible. We derive an almost exact algorithm for the determination of two possible antenna positions and the corresponding receiver clock biases based on pseudorange measurements to three GNSS satellites and a height measurement. The two ambiguous solutions exactly reflect the same height measurement. One of the solutions can be eliminated if some prior knowledge of the user position, for example, near the Earth, is available. In general, a less accurate height measurement gives a less accurate 2D GNSS solution, and vice versa. The determination of the receiver antenna position is based upon the intersection of two confocal hyperboloid sheets and the ellipsoid, resulting in a hyperbola along which the user is located. The algorithm is verified by numerical computations.  相似文献   

在精密单点定位技术中,外部提供给接收机更多的先验信息能使其定位精度和实时性得到提高。依靠增强站网内插出流动站的电离层延迟进行非差非组合精密单点定位时,其提供的改正达到精度要求势必使待估参数减少,模型强度变强,定位精度高。本文对比了内插电离层改正的精度,探讨了内插模型,提出了平面双样条内插模型。实验结果表明:在内插模型合适的情况下,电离层延迟精度可达到精密单点定位的要求。   相似文献   

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is widely used nowadays in variety of applications. The observation file for the near real time estimation of Integrated Precipitable Water Vapour (IPWV) received at the ground-based receiver is mixed with ambiguities. Multi-path effects affect the positional accuracy as well as range from satellite to ground based receiver of the system. The designing of the antenna suppress the effect of multi-path, cycle slips, number of observations, and signal strength and data gaps within the data streams. This paper presents the preliminary data quality control findings of the Patch antenna (LeicaX1202), 3D Choke ring antenna (LeicaAR25 GNSS) and Trimble Zephyr antenna (TRM 39105.00). The results shows that choke ring antenna have least gaps in the data, cycle slips and multi-path effects along with improvement in IPWV. The signal strength and the number of observations are more in case 3D choke ring antenna.  相似文献   

Most satellites in a low-Earth orbit (LEO) with demanding requirements on precise orbit determination (POD) are equipped with on-board receivers to collect the observations from Global Navigation Satellite systems (GNSS), such as the Global Positioning System (GPS). Limiting factors for LEO POD are nowadays mainly encountered with the modeling of the carrier phase observations, where a precise knowledge of the phase center location of the GNSS antennas is a prerequisite for high-precision orbit analyses. Since 5 November 2006 (GPS week 1400), absolute instead of relative values for the phase center location of GNSS receiver and transmitter antennas are adopted in the processing standards of the International GNSS Service (IGS). The absolute phase center modeling is based on robot calibrations for a number of terrestrial receiver antennas, whereas compatible antenna models were subsequently derived for the remaining terrestrial receiver antennas by conversion (from relative corrections), and for the GNSS transmitter antennas by estimation. However, consistent receiver antenna models for space missions such as GRACE and TerraSAR-X, which are equipped with non-geodetic receiver antennas, are only available since a short time from robot calibrations. We use GPS data of the aforementioned LEOs of the year 2007 together with the absolute antenna modeling to assess the presently achieved accuracy from state-of-the-art reduced-dynamic LEO POD strategies for absolute and relative navigation. Near-field multipath and cross-talk with active GPS occultation antennas turn out to be important and significant sources for systematic carrier phase measurement errors that are encountered in the actual spacecraft environments. We assess different methodologies for the in-flight determination of empirical phase pattern corrections for LEO receiver antennas and discuss their impact on POD. By means of independent K-band measurements, we show that zero-difference GRACE orbits can be significantly improved from about 10 to 6 mm K-band standard deviation when taking empirical phase corrections into account, and assess the impact of the corrections on precise baseline estimates and further applications such as gravity field recovery from kinematic LEO positions.  相似文献   

针对难以通过全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)直接测量的目标点位动态标定问题,讨论了GNSS双天线姿态确定的方法,且对存在的由安装误差等因素引起的姿态不一致做了推导分析,提出了一种基于GNSS双天线的点位动态标定原理和试验验证方法,并对点位动态标定的精度进行了分析.通过飞行试验算例分析得出:该方法可实现优于3 cm的动态标定精度,为载体目标点位动态标定提供了一种新的解决方案.   相似文献   

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