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基于MGS测图段部分弧段的精密定轨及火星重力场模型解算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄢建国  李斐  平劲松 《测绘学报》2010,39(5):484-490
火星探测器精密定轨关联到火星探测任务的成功实施并为其科学目标的顺利完成提供保障,火星重力场研究除了为精密定轨服务外,还是进行火星内部结构、火星表面质量迁移及火星形成和演化的重要约束条件。基于火星探测器精密定轨及火星重力场研究的重要意义,本文利用MGS(Mars Global Surveyor)测图任务阶段近两个月的轨道跟踪数据进行了解算分析,对精密定轨结果进行了精度评价。在此基础上,进行了火星重力场模型解算,通过轨道残差、火星自由空气重力异常等方式对解算模型进行了精度评价,结果表明解算模型合理。这一研究为我国即将发射的火星探测计划“萤火一号”轨道跟踪数据用于火星重力场研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

研发了一套具有自主知识产权的火星探测器精密定轨及动力学参数解算软件系统,介绍了软件的设计思路与基本结构。对2009年8月中国甚长基线干涉测量网跟踪的火星快车号三程多谱勒数据和相同弧段欧洲空间局的双程多谱勒数据进行了处理。结果表明,对于三程多谱勒数据,精密定轨后的残差处于0.079 mm/s的水平,轨道与比利时皇家天文台发布的火星快车精密轨道(精度20~25 m)最大差距小于100 m;对于欧洲空间局双程多谱勒数据,精密定轨后的残差处于0.067 mm/s的水平,轨道与精密轨道最大差距小于10 m。对火星快车跟踪数据的处理结果表明该软件可靠。  相似文献   

定轨是地球探测卫星任务顺利执行的关键。星载GPS技术提供了大量、连续的高低卫星跟踪观测,为低轨卫星精密定轨提供了技术支撑。为了确定CHAMP卫星的轨道,并分析定轨精度,利用CHAMP卫星星载GPS数据,运用零差简动力法进行精密定轨,给出了精密定轨流程。利用实际数据进行了精密定轨实验,结果与德国地学研究中心(GFZ)公布的CHAMP卫星快速轨道(RSO)进行了对比,结果显示:求解轨道可以达到厘米量级。  相似文献   

杨轩 《测绘学报》2023,(6):1043-1043
论文详细地研究了火星探测器精密定轨定位理论与方法。从火星轨道器精密定轨问题入手,重点对欧空局火星快车号探测器进行了相关研究。通过梳理定轨策略,全面处理了火星快车多普勒跟踪数据,获得了高精度的火星快车重建轨道。同时在国际上首次融合处理多次火星快车飞掠火卫一期间的观测数据,提高了火卫一低阶重力场模型的精度。  相似文献   

WUDOGS是武汉大学自主研发的深空探测器精密定轨与重力场解算软件系统。该软件目前已经具备月球、火星探测器的高精度定轨能力。本文首先简要介绍了WUDOGS设计思路及其主要功能,然后重点介绍了WUDOGS与国际上领先水平的行星探测器精密定轨软件系统GEODYN-Ⅱ的交叉验证测试过程。结果表明:对于探测器的轨道预报,WUDOGS与GEODYN-Ⅱ的1个月位置差异小于0.3mm,2d位置差值小于5×10-3 mm;双程测距、双程测速的理论计算值和GEODYN-Ⅱ的差值分别在0.06 mm、0.002 mm/s的水平;对月球探测器"嫦娥一号"的精密定轨显示WUDOGS和GEODYN-Ⅱ符合在2cm水平,对火星探测器MEX的精密定轨显示WUDOGS和欧空局精密轨道符合在25m水平。该软件目前的研发情况及其与国外研究水平的对比表明WUDOGS具有良好的应用前景,对满足我国后续深空探测发展的需求以及深空探测器精密定轨软件的研发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

结合中国航天局2019-04-19拟定的第1个小行星探测任务规划,针对任务目标之一的主带彗星133P/Elst-Pizarro(7968)自主研制了小行星光学定轨软件。使用1979-07-24—2019-10-28发布的133P/Elst-Pizarro地面光学观测数据进行精密定轨,与国际知名小行星光学定轨软件OrbFit进行对比分析。对比发现,解算结果残差分布一致,两软件生成的残差均方根的差值小于0.01″,定轨的内符合精度相互吻合。该结果初步表明,自主研制的小行星光学定轨程序可靠。在此基础上,对133P/Elst-Pizarro开展光学数据仿真定轨分析,研究地面光学数据的定轨精度。结果表明,模拟中国云南站和智利站每月一次联测,在只考虑观测噪声影响的情况下,添加接近目前实际观测水平的高斯白噪声,使用20 a光学观测资料定轨,小行星光学定轨精度在50 km量级。同时验证, 增加观测数据或降低观测噪声均可有效提高小行星光学定轨精度。  相似文献   

针对中国天问一号火星探测任务中的火星车定位问题,进行了相关方法的研究和精度分析。根据现有测控条件,考虑到火星车无地面测距数据,提出了利用轨道器和火星车的同波束甚长基线干涉测量(same-beam very long baseline interferometry,SBI)数据对火星车进行定位的方法。由于利用SBI联合轨道器测距数据无法在定轨定位的同时解算差分相时延模糊度,分析了在固定轨道器的轨道情况下,仅利用SBI数据进行火星车定位。结果表明,火星车定位误差随着轨道器的轨道精度提高而减小,如果轨道器的轨道精度从1 km提升到100 m或10 m,6 h SBI数据可以将火星车定位精度提高到数百米,同时,增加数据弧段可进一步提高定位精度,当对着陆器高程方向进行约束时,定位精度会有明显改善。  相似文献   

采用MGEX和IGS跟踪网数据,基于PANDA软件实现了同一时空基准框架下的GPS/GLONASS/BDS/Galileo四系统融合精密定轨,采用单天解边界不符值评定轨道精度。对2014年7月至12月6个多月的GNSS融合精密定轨精度、各单系统独立定轨精度进行比较,结果表明:GPS轨道精度与单系统定轨精度基本相当;GLONASS和BDS轨道精度均优于各单系统定轨精度,尤其是BDS卫星,其GEO、IGSO、MEO卫星平均三维轨道精度分别提高了24%、42%、63%;在多GNSS融合精密定轨中,Galileo卫星径向、法向、切向平均精度分别为9.53、8.20、20.17 cm。动态PPP验证结果表明:相比于单系统解算,多系统组合解可以显著加快收敛速度,同时提高了定位精度。  相似文献   

GNSS卫星精密轨道是高精度GNSS应用的基础与前提,GNSS卫星精密定轨技术也一直都是卫星导航领域的研究重点与热点。本文首先介绍了GNSS星座与跟踪数据概况,梳理了精密定轨函数模型、动力学模型及随机模型构建过程中的关键问题,归纳了低轨星载观测和星间链路观测等多源数据增强GNSS精密定轨的研究进展;然后,从应用的角度总结了当前GNSS精密轨道产品的基本状态,并进行了精度评估;最后,讨论了GNSS精密定轨在大网快速解算、多层次观测数据融合、太阳光压模型精化及高精度实时定轨等方面所面临的挑战,并展望了低轨星座、光钟、激光链路等新技术给GNSS精密定轨带来的机遇。  相似文献   

重力卫星的星载GPS精密定轨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用CHAMP和GRACE卫星的实测数据,研究了重力卫星的精密定轨问题,并针对几何法精密定轨方法给出了一种有效的星载数据编辑策略;在PANDA软件的基础上,处理了101 d的实测数据;通过与不同机构卫星轨道的比较、激光测距观测值检验以及重力场模型恢复等外部检核的方式,分析了卫星轨道的精度.结果显示,本文的简化动力学轨道的精度为2~3 cm;几何学轨道的定轨精度为3~4 cm,适用于重力场模型的解算.  相似文献   

北斗三号卫星导航系统(BeiDou-3 navigation satellite system,BDS-3)在BDS-2基础上,设计实现了高速宽带星间链路网络,以期实现导航和通信的一体化建设,并为卫星自主定轨(autonomous orbit determina-tion,AOD)技术的实现积累宝贵的实测数据.首先,利...  相似文献   

Single-epoch point positioning with the global positioning system (GPS) is as accurate in low orbit as it is on the ground: typically a three-dimensional rms accuracy of 20 to 30 m as the selective availability turns to zero. This is achieved at any observation epoch without orbit dynamic information. With sophisticated models and filtering techniques onboard the spacecraft, the orbit accuracy of a Low Earth Orbiter (LEO) can be improved to a few meters using the civilian broadcast GPS signals. To achieve this accuracy autonomously in real time, an efficient onboard computing processor is required to carry out the sophisticated orbit integration and filtering process. In this paper, a new orbit integrator is presented that computes the nominal orbit states (the position and velocity) and the state transition equations with numerical methods of integral equation, instead of differential equation usually used for orbit computation. The algorithm is simple, and can be easily embedded in an onboard processor. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method of the integral equation provides precise orbit predictions over several orbits. The sequential filter based on the above integrator allows the use of simple orbit state equations to efficiently correct dynamical model errors with precise GPS measurements or improve the orbits using GPS navigaion solutions from the 3D rms accuracy of 26 m to 3.7 m within a few hours of tracking. ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

在噪声环境中,运动目标发生稳态突变会降低卡尔曼滤波器的滤波性能,进而导致组合导航的可靠性降低,导航系统抗干扰能力下降,影响导航的精确度。为了提高卡尔曼滤波器性能,提高抗干扰能力和导航精度,在采用基于卡尔曼滤波器的超紧耦合同时,提出一种新型的基于渐消因子的区间卡尔曼滤波器算法。该算法通过引入渐消因子和区间矩阵对滤波器增益矩阵进行实时调整,并利用区间运算中的交集运算将各种误差源约束到交集区间,进而保证在区间运算中保真集合映射的完备性并取得最优化。结果显示,该算法能够克服原有滤波器算法的缺陷,在噪声环境中提升对稳态突变目标的跟踪能力,且在噪声中滤波器效果提高,算法计算量没有明显增加。  相似文献   

传统卡尔曼滤波算法要求噪声模型符合高斯分布,在UWB室内定位中,由于载体本身的机制等干扰,观测噪声不仅仅是白噪声,也存在有色噪声的情况,而粒子滤波可以处理有色噪声的问题。本文通过增加似然分布自适应调整来改进粒子滤波用于目标跟踪的精度,同时研究在白噪声、有色噪声下似然分布自适应调整粒子滤波和拓展卡尔曼滤波在UWB中的优势与不同。试验结果表明:观测噪声为白噪声时,拓展卡尔曼滤波和粒子滤波均可以较好地实现对行人的定位跟踪;观测噪声为有色噪声时,自适应粒子滤波定位效果优于粒子滤波、拓展卡尔曼滤波。  相似文献   

天问一号是中国首次独立开展的行星际探测任务,实现了对火星的环绕、着陆、巡视探测。天问一号正常科学任务阶段环绕以极轨设计为主,与历史火星任务类似,对当前火星重力场模型精度改进有限,因此其拓展任务轨道选取至关重要。通过对极轨圆轨道和近赤道大偏心率轨道进行仿真模拟,分析两种典型轨道构型对现有火星重力场模型改进的可能性,基于不同误差考量仿真解算了对应6个重力场模型。借助重力场功率谱分析,发现在测量噪声为0.1 mm/s的情况下,不论采用极轨还是近赤道轨道,一个月的跟踪数据均可较好地反演出42阶次的火星重力场模型;考虑综合误差影响之后,发现两种轨道对于重力场解算精度类似,其中实施近赤道大偏心率轨道对35阶次以上约束略强。  相似文献   

Repeatable satellite orbits can be used for multipath mitigation in GPS-based deformation monitoring and other high-precision GPS applications that involve continuous observation with static antennas. Multipath signals at a static station repeat when the GPS constellation repeats given the same site environment. Repeat-time multipath filtering techniques need noise reduction methods to remove the white noise in carrier phase measurement residuals in order to retrieve the carrier phase multipath corrections for the next day. We propose a generic and robust three-level wavelet packets based denoising method for repeat-time-based carrier phase multipath filtering in relative positioning; the method does not need tuning to work with different data sets. The proposed denoising method is tested rigorously and compared with two other denoising methods. Three rooftop data sets collected at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China and two data sets collected at three Southern California Integrated GPS Network high-rate stations are used in the performance assessment. Test results of the wavelet packets denoising method are compared with the results of the resistor–capacitor (RC) low-pass filter and the single-level discrete wavelet transform (DWT) denoising method. Multipath mitigation efficiency in carrier phase measurement domain is shown by spectrum analysis of two selected satellites in two data sets. The positioning performance of the repeat-time-based multipath filtering techniques is assessed. The results show that the performance of the three noise reduction techniques is about 1–46 % improvement on positioning accuracy when compared with no multipath filtering. The statistical results show that the wavelet packets based denoising method is always better than the RC filter by 2–4 %, and better than the DWT method by 6–15 %. These results suggest that the proposed wavelet packets based denoising method is better than both the DWT method and the relatively simple RC low-pass filter for noise reduction in multipath filtering. However, the wavelet packets based denoising method is not significantly better than the RC filter.  相似文献   

(Near-)real-time orbit determination for GNSS radio occultation processing   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The processing of GPS radio occultation measurements for use in numerical weather predictions requires a precise orbit determination (POD) of the host satellite in near-real-time. Making use of data from the GRAS instrument on Metop-A, the performance of different GPS ephemeris products and processing concepts for near-real-time and real-time POD is compared. While previous analyses have focused on the achievable along-track velocity accuracy, this study contributes a systematic comparison of the resulting estimated bending angles. This enables a more rigorous trade-off of different orbit determination methodologies in relation to the end-user needs for atmospheric science products. It is demonstrated that near-real-time GPS orbit and clock products have reached a sufficient quality to determine the Metop-A along-track velocity with an accuracy of better than 0.05 mm/s that was formerly only accessible in post-processing. The resulting bending angles are shown to exhibit standard deviation and bias differences of less than 0.3 % compared with post-processed products up to altitudes of at least 40 km, which is notably better than 1 % accuracy typically assumed for numerical weather predictions in this height regime. Complementary to the analysis of ground-based processing schemes, the potential of autonomous on-board orbit determination is investigated for the first time. Using actual GRAS flight data, it is shown that a 0.5 m 3D rms position accuracy and a 0.2 mm/s along-track velocity accuracy can in fact be obtained in real-time with the currently available GPS broadcast ephemeris quality. Bending angles derived from the simulated real-time processing exhibit a minor performance degradation above tangent point heights of 40 km but negligible differences with respect to ground-based products below this altitude. Onboard orbit determination and, if desired, bending angle computation, can thus enable a further simplification of the ground segment in future radio occultation missions and contribute to reduced product latencies for radio occultation data assimilation in numerical weather predictions.  相似文献   

针对北斗卫星姿轨控后的轨道快速确定难题,系统地研究了基于多项式拟合和基于星历拟合两种运动学定轨方法,推导建立了相应的运动学定轨模型。同时针对接收机系统差和顽固多径问题,利用基于并置比对的接收机系统差解算方法和CNMC的多径削弱方法,实现了超短弧跟踪条件下接收机数据质量的有效控制。利用北斗GEO/IGSO/MEO卫星的实测伪距数据进行了试验验证,结果表明在10min超短弧跟踪条件下,GEO、IGSO和MEO卫星的运动学定轨位置精度分别为3.27m、8.19m和5.90m,实现了超短弧跟踪条件下的北斗卫星快速定轨,满足了卫星机动期间的北斗RDSS服务对轨道精度的需求,为北斗RDSS服务走向全球提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

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