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为探索GF-1 PMS多光谱数据影像在低山丘陵地貌破碎地区主要农作物遥感识别中的信息有效性,以重庆市永川区卫星湖街道为例,利用研究区多时相、多光谱特征影像,对研究区油菜、玉米、水稻等主要作物进行信息提取。提取结果显示,利用GF-1多时相多特影像,水稻作物信息提取生产精度与用户精度均达到90%以上,提取精度较低的旱地作物玉米提取效果也得到了提升,油菜作物信息提取生产精度大幅度高于用户精度,主要作物提取总体精度OA为80.93%,Kappa系数0.635,分类质量达到较好水平。基于多时相GF-1影像光谱、纹理等特征的面向对象分类方法,能够有效地提取南方低山丘陵破碎地貌地区主要农作物空间分布信息,提高主要农作物的遥感识别精度,为山地农作物遥感信息提取提供参考。  相似文献   

连续多年的高强度耕作会导致耕地层土壤养分、土壤有机质等逐渐下降,在作物收获之后作物秸秆还田量较少的情况下尤其突出,而对耕地利用状况动态变化(种植耕地与未种植耕地的动态变化)的识别,能够有效地反映出不同作物的轮作模式以及耕地种植强度的变化。本文以阿根廷3大农业主产省份(布宜诺斯艾利斯省、科尔多瓦省以及圣太菲省)为研究区,利用中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)16天合成的归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据产品,在分析不同地物类型、不同耕作模式下的NDVI动态变化过程的基础上,结合地面样本数据统计获得有作物种植农田与无作物种植农田的识别阈值,综合利用阈值法和植被指数动态变化过程分析法对阿根廷3大主产省份开展了耕地利用状况动态变化遥感识别,实现了不同年份的耕地利用状况动态变化识别。地面观测数据验证结果表明,在阿根廷3大主产省内有作物种植耕地和未种植耕地的总体识别精度高于97%,但在不同的作物生长阶段,未种植耕地识别结果的精度差异较明显,在作物生长季内作物生长较为茂盛的时期,有作物种植耕地和未种植耕地的识别精度几乎达到99%,但在双季或多季作物种植区,作物轮作期间的耕地利用状况识别精度相对偏低,总体精度在95%左右,主要是受16天合成NDVI数据的最大值合成法限制。  相似文献   

在水稻反射光谱特性与水稻生物参数关系的支持下 ,以吉林省德惠市夏家点镇为研究区 ,探讨了一条基于TM遥感影像反演得到的归一化植被指数 (NDVI)与地面观测数据叶面积指数 (LAI)的水稻生长状况的研究途径 ,并利用NDVI以及LAI对该区 2 0 0 0年和 2 0 0 1年的水稻生长状况进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

构建时空融合模型进行水稻遥感识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统变化检测手段进行水稻遥感识别受"云污染"和影像间配准误差导致的变化检测误差累积及"椒盐"现象的影响,水稻遥感识别精度低。本文提出时空融合模型(Temporal-Spatial-Fusion Model,TSFM)进行水稻遥感识别,旨在综合像元在时间、空间维度上的信息定义像元的水稻时空归属度,根据时空归属度划分阈值提取水稻。实验结果表明:在不同窗口尺度下,TSFM在整体和"云污染"区域对水稻提取均达到了较高精度。当窗口尺度为3×3时,水稻提取的用户精度、制图精度和总体精度分别达到93.4%、83.5%和87.9%。在不同窗口尺度下水稻提取的用户精度、制图精度、总体精度均高于分类后比较PCC(Post-Classification Comparison)和多数投票法(Majority Voting,MV);在"云污染"区域,水稻识别总体精度均在92.0%以上,水稻制图精度比PCC、MV分别至少提高了14.0%、7.6%。有效地解决了传统变化检测作物遥感识别存在的误差累积问题,在一定程度上避免了"云污染"和"椒盐"现象对识别结果的影响。另外,初步探讨了TSFM水稻提取精度与景观特征关系,发现在景观规整区域适宜采用较小的窗口,在破碎区域适宜采用较大的窗口。该方法的成功实施,为大范围开展秋粮作物遥感识别,消除"云"影响进行了前期实验探讨。  相似文献   

基于NDVI与LAI的水稻生长状况研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
彭虓  张树文 《东北测绘》2002,25(4):16-19
在水稻反射光谱特性与水稻生物参数关系的支持下,以吉林省德惠市夏家点镇为研究区,探讨了一条基于TM遥感影像反演得到的归一化植被指数(NDVI)与地面观测数据叶面积指数(LAI)的水稻生长状况的研究途径,并利用NDVI以及LAI对该区2000年和2001年的水稻生长状况进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

复杂地形DSM的地面点识别及DEM提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,基于数字地表模型(DSM)提取数字高程模型(DEM)的研究多以平坦地区为研究对象,且精度较低。本文提出了一种基于区域生长的DEM提取算法,该算法以区域生长算法为基础,采用最大类间方差法(OTSU)实现区域生长中种子点、生长准则和终止条件的自适应选择。该方法不仅可从平坦地区和地形复杂的山区的DSM中识别地面点和提取DEM,且能有效解决区域生长算法将地面和地面附着物(本文中地面附着物以高架道路为例)识别为同一类的问题。与附近最小值法进行试验对比,结果表明,本文算法能够较好地提高DEM提取精度,识别地面点的制图精度达90%以上,可靠性和稳定性较强。  相似文献   

基于土地利用现状图与经验观测,提取标准水稻NDVI时序曲线,利用傅立叶形状描述子计算MODIS-NDVI时序曲线与标准的水稻NDVI时序曲线形状相似性距离,通过样例数据探测未知像元与样本的相似性距离阈值,从而判别双季水稻种植区域。以江汉平原2010年的数据进行实验,证明此方法识别的双季水稻种植区域面积误差为8.6%,总体精度为80%,较为理想。该方法将遥感光谱信息与几何形状的识别相结合,有效减少了个别时段光谱信息误差引起的识别错误,提高了识别水稻种植区域的有效性。  相似文献   

根据NOAA气象卫星具有周期短、覆盖面积大、对绿色植被及水份温度反应比较灵敏等特点,作者利用AVHRR甚高分辨率辐射计资料,结合同时期地面样方光谱和有关生物物理指标观测,对山西省运城盆地冬小麦长势进行了监测,并利用中比例尺的MSS彩色合成图像,分区分类测算面积和估算产量。在产量估算精度上有了新的提高。 首先采用多时相陆地卫星像片,按相同的生产条件及生产水平进行分类划区,然后分区设立地面样方,并与气象卫星接收同时进行光谱及生物物理指标观测。资料分析结果表明:地面光谱计算指数与小麦产量有较好的直线相关;地面光谱与卫星光谱指数(NVI),以及卫星光谱指数与小麦产量均具有较好的相关关系。 资料还证明了植冠红外温度与土壤水分即作物需水状况的相关性,以及气象卫星红外温度值与小麦产量的相关性。 利用上述遥感方法对冬小麦长势进行监测和估产,计算可靠,方法简便、快速,适宜于中小区域农业生产管理应用。  相似文献   

WOFOST模型与遥感数据同化的土壤速效养分反演   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
土壤速效养分是作物生长的必要条件,合理控制土壤速效养分含量对粮食增产、农民增收以及环境保护都有重要意义。随着现代农业技术的发展,可以通过变量施肥将土壤速效养分含量控制在最佳状态,这也对土壤养分的获取精度提出了更高的要求。当前的主要土壤速效养分遥感监测方法在监测精度、稳定性、成本控制和可推广性依然存在一定不足,甚至限制对变量施肥的指导作用。本文针对传统土壤速效养分估算方法的不足,提出了利用作物模型与时间序列遥感数据相结合实现耕层土壤速效养分反演的新思路,该思路以养分缺失引起的作物长势参数的变化为切入点,在数据同化算法设计和养分模块优化改造的基础上,利用作物长势参数遥感监测结果与模型模拟结果的差异设计了土壤速效养分反演算法,实现速效养分含量信息的有效获取。设计地面观测实验并利用地面观测数据对反演精度进行评价,结果表明该方法可以对土壤中的速效养分进行实时、高精度的稳定反演,3种主要的速效养分速效氮、有效磷和速效钾的R2分别达到了0.68、0.74和0.52,平均相对误差分别为7.45%、6.17%和9.97%。  相似文献   

黑河流域遥感物候产品验证与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植被物候遥感产品对全球变化响应、农业生产管理、生态学的应用等多领域研究具有重要意义。但现有植被物候遥感产品还有较多问题,主要包括一方面使用不同参数的时间序列数据以及不同提取算法导致的产品结果差异较大,另一方面在地面验证中地面观测数据与遥感反演数据的物理含义不一致导致的验证方法的系统性误差。本文以黑河流域为研究区,对比验证基于EVI(Enhanced Vegetation Index)时间序列数据提取的MLCD(MODIS global land cover dynamics product)植被遥感物候产品和基于LAI(Leaf Area Index)时间序列数据提取的UMPM(product by universal multi-life-cycle phenology monitoring method)植被遥感物候产品的有效性及精度等。同时,通过验证分析进一步评估基于EVI和LAI时间序列提取的物候特征的差异及特点,探讨由于地面观测植被物候与遥感提取植被物候的物理意义的不一致问题导致的直接验证结果偏差。结果表明:UMPM产品有效性整体高于MLCD产品,但在以草地和灌木为主的稀疏植被区,由于LAI取值精度的原因,UMPM产品存在较多缺失数据,且时空稳定性较低;基于玉米地面观测数据表明,EVI对植被开始生长的信号比LAI更加敏感,更适合提取生长起点,但植被指数易饱和,峰值起点普遍提前,基于LAI提取的峰值起点更加合理。由于地面观测的物候期在后期更加关注果实生长,遥感观测仅关注叶片的生长,遥感定义的峰值终点和生长终点与玉米的乳熟期和成熟期差异较大。  相似文献   

多时相MODIS影像水田信息提取研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水稻种植及其分布信息是土地覆被变化、作物估产、甲烷排放、粮食安全和水资源管理分析的重要数据源。基于遥感的水田利用监测中,通常采用时序NDVI植被指数法和影像分类法分别进行AVHRR和TM影像的水田信息获取。针对8天合成MODIS陆地表面反射比数据的特点和水稻生长特征,选取水稻种植前的休耕期、秧苗移植期、秧苗生长期和成熟期等多时相MODIS地表反射率影像数据,通过归一化植被指数、增强植被指数及利用对土壤湿度和植被水分含量较敏感的短波红外波段计算得到的陆表水指数进行水田信息获取。将提取结果与基于ETM+影像的国土资源调查水田数据,通过网格化计算处理并进行对比分析,结果表明,利用MODIS影像的8天合成地表反射率数据,进行区域甚至全国的水田利用监测是可行的。  相似文献   

In this paper, we developed a more sophisticated method for detection and estimation of mixed paddy rice agriculture from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data. Previous research demonstrated that MODIS data can be used to map paddy rice fields and to distinguish rice from other crops at large, continental scales with combined Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Land Surface Water Index (LSWI) analysis during the flooding and rice transplanting stage. Our approach improves upon this methodology by incorporating mixed rice cropping patterns that include single-season rice crops, early-season rice, and late-season rice cropping systems. A variable EVI/LSWI threshold function, calibrated to more local rice management practices, was used to recognize rice fields at the flooding stage. We developed our approach with MODIS data in Hunan Province, China, an area with significant flooded paddy rice agriculture and mixed rice cropping patterns. We further mapped the aerial coverage and distribution of early, late, and single paddy rice crops for several years from 2000 to 2007 in order to quantify temporal trends in rice crop coverage, growth and management systems. Our results were validated with finer resolution (2.5 m) Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre 5 High Resolution Geometric (SPOT 5 HRG) data, land-use data at the scale of 1/10,000 and with county-level rice area statistical data. The results showed that all three paddy rice crop patterns could be discriminated and their spatial distribution quantified. We show the area of single crop rice to have increased annually and almost doubling in extent from 2000 to 2007, with simultaneous, but unique declines in the extent of early and late paddy rice. These results were significantly positive correlated and consistent with agricultural statistical data at the county level (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

Accurate and up-to-date information on the spatial distribution of paddy rice fields is necessary for the studies of trace gas emissions, water source management, and food security. The phenology-based paddy rice mapping algorithm, which identifies the unique flooding stage of paddy rice, has been widely used. However, identification and mapping of paddy rice in rice-wetland coexistent areas is still a challenging task. In this study, we found that the flooding/transplanting periods of paddy rice and natural wetlands were different. The natural wetlands flood earlier and have a shorter duration than paddy rice in the Panjin Plain, a temperate region in China. We used this asynchronous flooding stage to extract the paddy rice planting area from the rice-wetland coexistent area. MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST) data was used to derive the temperature-defined plant growing season. Landsat 8 OLI imagery was used to detect the flooding signal and then paddy rice was extracted using the difference in flooding stages between paddy rice and natural wetlands. The resultant paddy rice map was evaluated with in-situ ground-truth data and Google Earth images. The estimated overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient were 95% and 0.90, respectively. The spatial pattern of OLI-derived paddy rice map agrees well with the paddy rice layer from the National Land Cover Dataset from 2010 (NLCD-2010). The differences between RiceLandsat and RiceNLCD are in the range of ±20% for most 1-km grid cell. The results of this study demonstrate the potential of the phenology-based paddy rice mapping algorithm, via integrating MODIS and Landsat 8 OLI images, to map paddy rice fields in complex landscapes of paddy rice and natural wetland in the temperate region.  相似文献   


Rice mapping with remote sensing imagery provides an alternative means for estimating crop-yield and performing land management due to the large geographical coverage and low cost of remotely sensed data. Rice mapping in Southern China, however, is very difficult as rice paddies are patchy and fragmented, reflecting the undulating and varied topography. In addition, abandoned lands widely exist in Southern China due to rapid urbanization. Abandoned lands are easily confused with paddy fields, thereby degrading the classification accuracy of rice paddies in such complex landscape regions. To address this problem, the present study proposes an innovative method for rice mapping through combining a convolutional neural network (CNN) model and a decision tree (DT) method with phenological metrics. First, a pre-trained LeNet-5 Model using the UC Merced Dataset was developed to classify the cropland class from other land cover types, i.e. built-up, rivers, forests. Then, paddy rice field was separated from abandoned land in the cropland class using a DT model with phenological metrics derived from the time-series data of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The accuracy of the proposed classification methods was compared with three other classification techniques, namely, back propagation neural network (BPNN), original CNN, pre-trained CNN applied to HJ-1 A/B charge-coupled device (CCD) images of Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, China. Results suggest that the proposed method achieved an overall accuracy of 93.56%, much higher than those of other methods. This indicates that the proposed method can efficiently accommodate the challenges of rice mapping in regions with complex landscapes.  相似文献   

Vegetation图像植被指数与实测水稻叶面积指数的关系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
水稻的叶面积指数 (LAI)是水稻生长的一项重要参数 ,与水稻的生物量与产量直接相关。利用 1999年在江苏省江宁县实测的水稻叶面积指数与同期Vegetation/SPOT的植被指数作了对比分析 ,结果发现同期的LAI与植被指数表现相近的变化特征 ,两者具有良好的相关关系。  相似文献   

Satellite data holds considerable potential as a source of information on rice crop growth which can be used to inform agronomy. However, given the typical field sizes in many rice-growing countries such as China, data from coarse spatial resolution satellite systems such as the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) are inadequate for resolving crop growth variability at the field scale. Nevertheless, systems such as MODIS do provide images with sufficient frequency to be able to capture the detail of rice crop growth trajectories throughout a growing season. In order to generate high spatial and temporal resolution data suitable for mapping rice crop phenology, this study fused MODIS data with lower frequency, higher spatial resolution Landsat data. An overall workflow was developed which began with image preprocessing, calculation of multi-temporal normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) images, and spatiotemporal fusion of data from the two sensors. The Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model was used to effectively downscale the MODIS data to deliver a time-series of 30 m spatial resolution NDVI data at 8-day intervals throughout the rice-growing season. Zonal statistical analysis was used to extract NDVI time-series for individual fields and signal filtering was applied to the time-series to generate rice phenology curves. The downscaled MODIS NDVI products were able to characterize the development of paddy rice at fine spatial and temporal resolutions, across wide spatial extents over multiple growing seasons. These data permitted the extraction of key crop seasonality parameters that quantified inter-annual growth variability for a whole agricultural region and enabled mapping of the variability in crop performance between and within fields. Hence, this approach can provide rice crop growth data that is suitable for informing agronomic policy and practice across a wide range of scales.  相似文献   

Improved rice crop and water management practices that make the sustainable use of resources more efficient are important interventions towards a more food secure future. A remote sensing-based detection of different rice crop management practices, such as crop establishment method (transplanting or direct seeding), can provide timely and cost-effective information on which practices are used as well as their spread and change over time as different management practices are adopted. Establishment method cannot be easily observed since it is a rapid event, but it can be inferred from resulting observable differences in land surface characteristics (i.e. field condition) and crop development (i.e. delayed or prolonged stages) that take place over a longer time. To examine this, we used temporal information from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) backscatter to detect differences in field condition and rice growth, then related those to crop establishment practices in Nueva Ecija (Philippines). Specifically, multi-temporal, dual-polarised, C-band backscatter data at 20m spatial resolution was acquired from Sentinel-1A every 12 days over the study area during the dry season, from November 2016 to May 2017. Farmer surveys and field observations were conducted in four selected municipalities across the study area in 2017, providing information on field boundaries and crop management practices for 61 fields. Mean backscatter values were generated per rice field per SAR acquisition date. We matched the SAR acquisition dates with the reported dates for land management activities and with the estimated dates for when the crop growth stages occurred. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to identify significant differences in backscatter between the two practices during the land management activities and crop growth stages. Significant differences in cross-polarised, co-polarised and band ratio backscatter values were observed in the early growing season, specifically during land preparation, crop establishment, rice tillering and stem elongation. These findings indicate the possibility to discriminate crop establishment methods by SAR at those stages, suggesting that there is more opportunity for discrimination than has been presented in previous studies. Further testing in a wider range of environments, seasons, and management practices should be done to determine how reliably rice establishment methods can be detected. The increased use of dry and wet direct seeding has implications for many remote sensing-based rice detection methods that rely on a strong water signal (typical of transplanting) during the early season.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to select the most sensitive wavelengths for the discrimination of the imperceptible spectral variations of paddy rice under different cultivation conditions. The paddy rice was cultivated under four different nitrogen cultivation levels and three water irrigation levels. There are 2151 hyperspectral wavelengths available, both in hyperspectral reflectance and energy space transformed spectral data. Based on these two data sets, the principal component analysis (PCA) and band-band correlation methods were used to select significant wavelengths with no reference to leaf biochemical properties, while the partial least squares (PLS) method assessed the contribution of each narrow band to leaf biochemical content associated with each loading weight across the nitrogen and water stresses. Moreover, several significant narrow bands and other broad bands were selected to establish eight kinds of wavelength (broad-band) combinations, focusing on comparing the performance of the narrow-band combinations instead of broad-band combinations for rice supervising applications. Finally, to investigate the capability of the selected wavelengths to diagnose the stress conditions across the different cultivation levels, four selected narrow bands (552, 675, 705 and 776 nm) were calculated and compared between nitrogen-stressed and non-stressed rice leaves using linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Also, wavelengths of 1158, 1378 and 1965 nm were identified as the most useful bands to diagnose the stress condition across three irrigation levels. Results indicated that good discrimination was achieved. Overall, the narrow bands based on hyperspectral reflectance data appear to have great potential for discriminating rice of differing cultivation conditions and for detecting stress in rice vegetation; these selected wavelengths also have great potential use for the designing of future sensors.  相似文献   

水稻生长期微波介电特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用植被介电常数的Debye-Cole双频色散模型,模拟计算了广东肇庆水稻试验区1996年晚稻和1997年早稻人插秧期、发蘖期、扬花期到成熟期各生长期的介电常数值,并根据计算结果,探讨了电磁波频率、水稻含水量、温度、含盐度及水稻冠层干体密度对介电常数的影响。其中,不同生长期水稻的介电常数各不相同,不同水稻类型(早稻和晚稻),介电常数的变化趋势不尽相同。电磁波频率、水稻含水量、温度和水稻冠层干体密度均对介电常数有不同程度的影响,而含盐度却对介电常数影响不大。  相似文献   


Researchers, policy makers, and farmers currently rely on remote sensing technology to monitor crops. Although data processing methods can be different among different remote sensing methods, little work has been done on studying these differences. In order for potential users to have confidence in remote sensing products, an analysis of mapping accuracies and their associated uncertainties with different data processing methods is required. This study used the MOD09A1 and MYD09A1 products of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite, from which the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and the two-band EVI (EVI2) images were obtained. The objective of this study was to analyze the accuracy of different data processing combinations for multi-year rice area mapping. Sixteen combinations of EVI and EVI2 with two cloudy pixel removal methods (QA/BLUE) and four pixel replacement methods (MO/MY/MOY/MYO) were investigated over the Jiangsu Province of southeast China from 2006 to 2016. Different accuracy results were obtained with different data processing combinations for multi-year rice field mapping. Based on a comparison of the relative performance of different MODIS products and processing method combinations, EVI2_BLUE_MYO was proposed to be the optimal processing method, and was applied to forecasting the rice-planted area of 2017. Study results from 2006 to 2017 were validated against reference data and showed accuracies of rice area extraction of greater than 95%. The mean absolute error of transplanting, heading, and maturity dates were 11.55, 8.10, and 7.78 days, respectively. In 2017, two sample regions (A and B) were selected from places where rice fractional cover was greater than 75%. Rice area extraction accuracies of 85.0% (A) and 92.3% (B) were obtained. These results demonstrated the complementarity of MOD09A1 and MYD09A1 datasets in enhancing pixel spatial coverage and improving rice area mapping when atmospheric influences are significant. The optimal data processing combination indentified in this study is promising for accurate multi-year and large-area paddy rice information extraction and forecasting.  相似文献   

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