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为解决卫星重力梯度大尺度密度反演存在的平面模型误差、病态矩阵正则化、大型矩阵求逆、先验数据融合等问题,依托Tesseroid单元体模型,分别采用广义岭估计、代数重建(ART)、遗传算法完成了附加高斯白噪声的模拟异常体密度反演实验,并将反演结果与原始设定模型进行比较分析。  相似文献   

Large-scale gravity 3D interpretation depends on efficient and high-resolution 3D inversion processing of massive data.The authors applied the conjugate gradient method with minimum support function and prior model constraint to reduce multi-solutions in gravity inversion.Based on the parallel programming and compu-ting platform NVIDIA CUDA with C++language, we achieve fast 3D gravity inversion by adopting GPU parallel technique into the most time consuming part relating to sensitivity matrix.The results of theoretical model show that the abnormal body can be clearly located and the inversion speed is improved greatly.Comparing with in-version speed of the Matlab program, speed of inversion with GPU parallel technique has improved more than 100 times under the hardware condition of Geforce GTX 1060 graphics card.  相似文献   

针对剩磁条件下铁磁物质反演中存在的问题,提出基于归一化磁源强度的聚焦反演方法。首先,利用归一化磁源强度作为实测数据对磁性目标进行反演,减弱剩余磁化对反演结果的影响;然后,利用深度加权矩阵和最小支撑矩阵对经典Tikhonov正则化理论框架下的反演模型进行约束得到目标函数,并有效解决了核函数随深度增大而快速衰减的问题;最后,通过对目标函数进行迭代奇异值分解获得最佳物性参数,并根据Morozov偏差原则自适应地确定目标函数在迭代过程中的正则化参数,提高了迭代速度和求解精度。  相似文献   

In this paper, according to the method of electrical constraint inversion, we can improve the accuracy of inversion interpretation using the constraint of electrical logging data in the inversion process, which is conducive to obtain more abundant geoelectric information. On the basis of the conventional OCCAM inversion algorithm, the model roughness in the objective function is improved, and the formula of the electrical constraint inversion iterative algorithm is derived in detail based on the modified objective function. Taking the geothermal exploration in Changbai Mountain area as an example, the measured CSAMT data are used as the resistivity model for inversion, and the electrical property is constrained by the actual data from wells drilled in the section. It can be found that the method of electrical constraint inversion can improve the accuracy of inversion interpretation and guide the development of constrained inversion methods in different ways.  相似文献   

 遥感反演场数据会由于云雾、地物的遮挡,传感器性能等原因造成部分区域数据的缺失而影响遥感反演场数据的应用。矩阵填充理论针对低秩矩阵,利用矩阵的低秩性,即数据的高相关性,可以高精度地对低秩矩阵中的缺值数值进行恢复,其中矩阵填充理论中的SVT(Singular Value Thresholding)算法可以对矩阵中缺失数值进行快速、高精度的估计,应用广泛。本文应用矩阵填充理论的SVT算法,以缺值点为中心,方差最小作为窗口尺度选择的标准,这样可以保证区域数据的高相关性,建立局部窗口,对窗口进行SVT算法填充。本文也针对相同缺值区域进行了距离反比加权插值、Kriging插值法插值和整体SVT算法插值,整体SVT算法插值即并未对缺值点进行相关性窗口判断,而是直接对整个区域进行SVT填充。并对这几种方法的精度进行比较,得到局部SVT算法的精度相比整体SVT算法和距离反比加权插值算法的精度要高,与Kriging算法相比,其精度变化趋势相似,在锋面区域局部SVT算法精度比Kriging方法要高。  相似文献   

提出一种综合GNSS及探空仪数据的对流层折射指数剖面反演模型新方法,利用GNSS观测数据直接采用参数估计计算测站高精度ZTD(zenith troposphere delay)值,结合探空数据构建测站上空折射指数分层剖面反演模型。通过BJFS(北京站)、WUHN(武汉站)、WIND(Windhoek站)和DARW(Darwin站)的实测数据进行相应计算与验证。结果表明,该反演模型与基于探空数据的反演模型精度相当,二者均优于Hopfield模型。同时该方法计算简便,且在模型建立后可以大大减少探空仪观测。  相似文献   

With the development of gravity gradient full tensor measurement technique , three-dimensional (3D) inversion based on gravity gradient tensor can provide more accurate information .But the forward calcula-tion of 3D full tensor sensitivity matrix is very time-consuming, which restricts its development and application . According to the symmetry of the kernel function , the authors reconstruct the underground source of geological body to avoid repeat computation of the same value , and work out the corresponding relationship between the re-sponse of geological body to the observation point and the response of reconstructed geological body to the obser -vation point .According to the relationship , rapid calculation of full tensor gravity sensitivity matrix can be achieved .The model calculation shows that this method can increase the speed of 30-45 times compared with the traditional calculation method .The sensitivity matrix is applied to the multi-component inversion of gravity gradient .The application of this method on the measured data provides the basis for the promotion of the meth -od.  相似文献   

为提高Bernese GNSS software数据处理效率,将英特尔数学核心函数库(math kernel library,MKL)应用于Bernese 精密定轨数据处理,对比分析多个MKL矩阵求逆函数与Bernese 原有程序的计算效率。使用2019-03全球200个测站北斗/GNSS数据进行实验分析,结果表明,采用参数预消除策略时,参数预消除步骤消耗时间明显大于矩阵求逆,使用MKL处理数据效率提升不明显;而未采用参数预消除策略时,使用MKL矩阵求逆函数可显著提高矩阵求逆效率,其中dpotri函数矩阵求逆计算效率最高,消耗时间平均值为133 s,相比Bernese 原有程序计算速度可提高13倍。  相似文献   

本文以SOA开放式架构与OGC标准规范,提出了极地海冰-海洋参数遥感反演模型分布式共享服务体系。服务体系以"模型服务"为核心,探讨了模型服务接口和模型服务的互操作问题。为了简化极地海冰-海洋参数遥感反演模型的分布式共享过程,提出了极地海冰-海洋参数遥感反演模型共享服务平台的概念。共享服务平台处于模型与模型应用客户端之间,可以实现两者之间的数据转化和功能协同,以及实现模型算法与其他功能的分离,使模型开发者可以专注于模型算法的设计和实现。最后,以海冰密集度遥感反演模型和冰间湖识别模型为例,实现了极地海冰-海洋参数遥感反演模型分布式共享方法。  相似文献   

在FPGA平台上,实现了RMMSE快速算法中三维矩阵的求逆。求逆功能模块基于并行、高效的心动阵列结构,采用上下三角(LU)分解求逆法。它由LU分解模块、三角矩阵求逆模块和矩阵乘积模块串联组成。矩阵数据顺序流过阵列,便得到求逆结果,仅花费19个时钟周期,具有很高的计算效率。将QuartusII仿真结果,与MATLAB计算结果进行了比较,验证了算法的正确性。  相似文献   

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