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搜集并整理武汉主城区地震安全性评价控制性钻孔SPT-N资料,配合武汉市地震动参数小区划成果,采用规范法对各场地土层在罕遇地震作用下液化可能性进行判别。以液化指数作为分区指标并结合各场地坐标,绘制武汉主城区液化潜能分区图。分区图初步预测了罕遇地震发生以后,可能发生液化的区域及其严重性,且表明无论是分布面积还是液化潜能,长江右岸均大于长江左岸。通过与4次历史大震液化资料的对比分析,武汉主城区可能液化场地具有地下水位埋深浅、液化土层分布范围广、埋藏深度大的特点。  相似文献   

运用单点谱比法对地脉动频谱特性进行分析,根据频谱类型分类结果给出场地卓越周期建议值。在已有钻孔资料基础上,建立卓越周期与覆盖层厚度间的相关关系,并通过实际的工程数据验证了二者关系式的准确性和普适性。由于地脉动观测具有经济、简单、快捷的优点,可将其运用到不宜进行钻孔勘探的复杂场地,从而为该地区工程场地地震安全评价和地震小区划、场地类别划分、场地选择和评价提供基础资料。  相似文献   

介绍了ShakeMap_CNST震动图系统的设计思路、实现原理及地震动参数的校正方法,并将其应用于湖北巴东5.1级地震的震动图预测中,进一步分析震区场地条件对局部震害的影响。结果表明,ShakeMap_CNST系统预测的地震动特征总体上与宏观调查结果一致。  相似文献   

以九江芳兰规划区为例,利用浅层地震反射方法获取小区划工区的覆盖层厚度,并查明周边隐伏断裂位置及特征。结合钻孔资料对比解译,对地震小区划工作提供基础地震地质信息,同时为该区的活断层探测和地震危险性评价提供参考资料。  相似文献   

对场地地质条件进行平面上合理的分区和评价,是岩土工程勘测工作的重要内容,也是地基基础方案设计的第一步。通过工程地质分区在济南奥体中心勘测中的实际应用,分析场地按地质条件细分对地基承载力、地基基础设计及场地类别划分的影响,指出工程地质条件的详细分区在重大工程建设中的重要性。  相似文献   

基于2016-01-21青海门源6.4级地震,通过分析高铁沿线台站强震数据的峰值加速度、峰值速度和仪器烈度值表明,将实时仪器烈度值作为高铁地震监控系统的报警参数受场地条件影响较小。利用沿线台站近高铁和远高铁监测点的谱比值来解释局部复杂场地条件对峰值加速度的影响,通过比较台站计算与设计的反应谱来预测高铁地震台站附近的桥梁震害情况。  相似文献   

沈阳—抚顺地区位于国家地震强烈区划图中的七度地区范围内,为该区的城市规划和场地选择,必须很好地解决地震工程地质问题。本文包括三个组成部分:1.地震背景及危险区予测,2.强震效应的场地工程地质分析,3.该地区主要地震工程地质问题及其评价。文章表明,该区存在三个5—6级地震危险地区。通过场地地震工程地质条件的研究,应用地面运动反应分析理论和方法,确定了该区地面运动基本参数和场地动力特性的分布规律。最后,对场地条件及地震工程地质问题做出了评价。在此基础上,对沈阳—抚顺两城市未来可能发生的地震灾害影响做出了予测。  相似文献   

对分层弹性地基中端承桩基础按winkler(温克尔)地基土模型并通过特性分析建立了合理的力学模型。经过动力分析,给出了端承桩横向自振特性及在常轴力与横向地震载荷作用下强迫反应解析解,为具有常轴力与横向地震载荷作用下的无限层弹性地基中端承桩的动力反应分析提供了一种新的解析方法。  相似文献   

在工程场地的地震安全性评价工作中,建议选取工作区范围不小于150km。由于工作区范围的大小取值对地震危险性评价结果的具体影响很少有人专门讨论,因而实际工作中缺少对工作区选取的参考资料。以西安市一场地为场点,通过400km范围内远、中、近若干个高震级潜源对场点不同周期地震动贡献大小的分析,讨论了在不同工程、不同场地条件、不同抗震设防水准下,远场范围取舍中值得注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

场地地震效应浅析场地地震效应的研究与评价,是一个重要而复杂的课题,涉及场地类别、场地土类型、建筑结构和材料品质等诸多问题,最重要的应是场地地貌形态和地层结构特征等。简言之,对建筑场地地震效应的评价,可以近似用对场地土地震地质条件的分析、研究与评价来替...  相似文献   

以咸阳某工程场地为例,首先阐述了场地的地震地质条件,然后在场地地震危险性概率分析的基础上,对场地土层进行一维地震反应分析计算,确定了该工程场地地震动参数,为抗震设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

黄河大柳树坝址岩体破坏机制动力模拟试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河黑山峡大柳树坝址区存在大范围的岩体松动破坏现象,其主要特征是岩体应力释放,结构面张开,密度显著下降。为进一步研究岩体松动的成因机制,在详细调查区域地质背景条件及区域地震动力作用基础之上,提出了地震动力作用与岩体松动现象的内在联系。通过动力模拟试验进一步证明大柳树坝址区存在的大深度、大范围岩体松动与历史上该地区发生的强烈地震具有密切关系。因此在目前的工程地质条件下,一旦发生较大强度的地震活动,坝址区所遭受的破坏程度会更大,对拟建的水利工程设施将产生严重威胁。  相似文献   

On August 8, 2017, a Ms = 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in the Jiuzhaigou Valley, in Sichuan Province, China(N: 33.20°, E: 103.82°). Jiuzhaigou Valley is an area recognized and listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1992. Data analysis and field survey were conducted on the landslide, collapse, and debris flow gully, to assess the coseismic geological hazards generated by the earthquake using an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), remote-sensing imaging, laser range finders, geological radars, and cameras. The results highlighted the occurrence of 13 landslides, 70 collapses, and 25 potential debris flow gullies following the earthquake. The hazards were classified on the basis of their size and the potential property loss attributable to them. Consequently, 14 large-scale hazards, 30 medium-sized hazards, and 64 small hazards accounting for 13%, 28%, and 59% of the total hazards, respectively, were identified. Based on the variation tendency of the geological hazards that ensued in areas affected by the Kanto earthquake(Japan), Chi-chi earthquake(Taiwan China), and Wenchuan earthquake(Sichuan China), the study predicts that, depending on the rain intensity cycle, the duration of geological hazard activities in the Jiuzhaigou Valley may last over ten years and will gradually decrease for the following five to ten yearsbefore returning to pre-earthquake levels. Thus,necessary monitoring and early warning systems must be implemented to ensure the safety of residents,workers and tourists during the construction of engineering projects and reopening of scenic sites to the public.  相似文献   

The Loess Plateau is an earthquake prone region of China, where the effects of loess deposit on ground motion were discovered during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Ms8.0) and the 2013 Minxian-Zhangxian earthquake (Ms6.6). The field investigations, observations, and analyses indicated that large number of casualties and tremendous economic losses were caused not only by collapse and damage of houses with poor seismic performance, landslides, but also amplification effects of site conditions, topography and thickness of loess deposit, on ground motion. In this paper, we chose Dazhai Village and Majiagou Village as the typical loess site affected by the two earthquakes for intensity evaluation, borehole exploration, temporary strong motion array, micro tremor survey, and numerical analysis. The aim is to explore the relations between amplification factors and site conditions in terms of topography and thickness of loess deposit. We also developed site amplification factors of ground motion for engineering design consideration at loess sites. The results showed that the amplification effects are more predominant with increase in thickness of loess deposit and slope height. The amplification may increase seismic intensity by 1 degree, PGA and predominant period by 2 times, respectively.  相似文献   

On May 12, 2008, an earthquake of 8.0 magnitude on the Richter scale and its numerous aftershocks devastatingly hit Wenchuan County and its nearby region along the Longman Mountains in Sichuan Province, China. The heavy ruined area was up to 30,000 km2 and 13% of its land surface was denuded by the extremely terrible quakes. The mountain collapses, landslides and debris flows induced by the earthquake not only scared the landscape at the immense scale, but also poured 1.66-billion-m3 sediment combined with offscourings and rubble into the Yangtze River and its breaches. This amount of sediments is 3 times more than the normal amount discharged into the Yangtze River, and will significantly increase sediment transportation of rivers and decrease storage capacities of reservoirs downstream. The dramatic increase in sediment load will imperil the engineering safety and impact the operation of the giant Three-Gorge Hydro-power Station if no proper prevention measures are taken.  相似文献   

收集2012-12~2013-03 广西平果Ms4.5地震震区连续的MODIS/Terra卫星遥感热红外资料,经去云等数据处理,选取观测质量最佳的北京时间凌晨5:00~7:00之间的热红外数据进行地表温度反演,分析地震前、后地表温度异常时间演化过程及其异常空间分布与活动断裂的关系,并讨论了震区地形地貌、季节性气候等非构造因子对地温异常的影响。结果表明:1)在平果Ms4.5地震发生前2个月震中附近出现热红外异常增温现象,异常增温与发震时间有一定对应性。显著增温主要表现在震前半个月左右,震前7 d异常增温幅度达到峰值,震后温度逐步降低。2)与地形地貌、季节性气候等非构造因子相关分析表明,平果Ms4.5地震反映出震前构造“增温”信息。3)异常升温由震中沿北西向发育,与此次平果地震北西向发震构造较为一致。充分考虑地形地貌、季节性气候等非构造因素对异常升温的影响,认为此次平果Ms4.5地震前热红外升温可能为震前短临异常现象。 
〖HT5”H〗关键词〖HT5”K〗: 平果Ms4.5地震| 地表温度| 地形地貌| 季节变化| 前兆异常  相似文献   

从理论上讨论了地震发生时间研究中常见的指数分布、Gamma分布和 Weibull分布模型之间的相互关系及其所反映的地震序列的特征。同时 ,对工程地震和地震预报中常见的危险函数所反映的地震特征作了分析。指出了指数分布、Gamma分布所反映的地震序列的内涵及统计时应注意的问题。利用华北地区历史地震资料 (M>4 .7)进行了分时段齐次统计的示范实例化分析 ,结果表明 :对地震序列分时段齐次化统计能表述地震发生的不均匀现象 ,且处理简便。  相似文献   

A Ms 8.0 large earthquake occurred in Sichuan,China on May 12,2008(hereafter called 5.12 Earthquake),and then a large debris flow happened in the quake-hit Qingping Township of Mianzhu county on August 13,2008(hereafter called 8.13 Debris Flow).The influence of two disasters on the changes in land use were analyzed by using highresolution aerial photos and satellite remote sensing images taken before and after the 5.12 Earthquake and 8.13 Debris Flow,the selection of suitable construction land were studied by learning experiences and lessons from the selection of resettlement areas and through field surveys and with land use transfer model and analytical model in combination with RS and GIS.The results showed that the influence of the 5.12 Earthquake on ecological environment was far greater than that of the 8.13 Debris Flow;there were more salient conflicts between population and land after the earthquake.Sites for post-disaster reconstruction should not be in disaster-prone areas or in gully-facing areas.Suitable land for settlement construction in I-1~I-5 low-hazard zones is optimal settlement areas for post-disaster reconstruction.  相似文献   

Land creation projects have been implemented in China to expand urban space in mountainous areas. In addition to the predictable settlement brought about by filling construction,varying degrees of land subsidence and engineering failures have a demonstrated relationship to groundwater level fluctuation induced by land creation engineering. In this work, we adopted a typical large-scale land creation project, Yan'an New City in Shaanxi province, West China, as our study area. Prior to conducting the main experiment,preliminary field investigation and groundwater level monitoring were conducted to determine the groundwater fluctuation trend induced by land creation engineering. Although a blind drainage system was implemented, the depth aspect of groundwater level changes after large-scale land creation still needed to be addressed. To study the degree of impact and the settlement mechanism induced by the rising groundwater level, we conducted a Water Immersion Test(WIT) in a typical land creation site for 107 days. The rising groundwater level was simulated by injecting water from the bottom of the filling foundation. During the WIT, the soil water content, surface subsidence, and internal settlement of soil at different depths were obtained. Surface subsidence development could be categorized into four stages during the water level increase. The second stage, which is defined as the point when the groundwater level rises to 10 m,marked the critical point in the process. Furthermore,it was ascertained that the local settlement in regions that were originally composed of steep slopes is larger than that in originally flat areas. In addition, ground cracks and sinkholes in the study area were inspected;and it was determined that they would become new channels that would accelerate water infiltration and exacerbate the settlement. Based on the results from our field investigation and testing, several suggestions are proposed for land creation projects to mitigate issues associated with construction-induced groundwater level rising.  相似文献   

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