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为研究强震作用下斜坡表面的动力放大效应, 以陕西勉县某岩质斜坡为例, 建立了三维模型。运用离散元软件3DEC, 模拟了动力条件下斜坡的变形失稳过程, 分析了斜坡表面的动力响应特征, 研究了不同地震波输入工况条件下坡体表面动力响应差异。研究结果表明: 考虑地震纵波的影响时, 竖向加速度得到显著增强, 坡面的PGA放大系数增强了约1.62倍; 坡面形态强烈影响着斜坡表面的动力响应特征, 强震作用下, 斜坡坡肩及坡形转折处的放大效应均十分强烈, 凸出部位次之, 坡表两侧的放大效应最弱; 不同输入工况下, 斜坡坡形转折处的水平向PGA放大系数均维持较高值, 特别是在仅输入水平向加速度的条件下, 该部位在地震滑坡灾害预防中应特别注意; 强震作用下滑坡的运动过程可概括为滑坡孕育启动阶段—挤压碰撞高速运动阶段—堆积阶段。研究成果可为该地区防灾减灾工作提供一定理论支持。   相似文献   

2019-06-17四川省宜宾市长宁县6.0级地震后,双河镇布设了多个地震监测仪器,以获取不同场地条件下的地震动相关参数.研究结果表明:1)在同一介质下,60 m高程对地震动的峰值加速度放大可达1~3倍,阿里亚斯强度放大可达2~5倍,同时微地貌的不同可使放大效应具有一定的方向优势;2)在同一高程不同介质条件下,相较于砂...  相似文献   

强震中下软上硬坡体同震崩塌发育, 为了揭示这类坡体地震动的响应特征, 在珙县五同村安置了强震监测仪, 对斜坡表面和不同岩性的地震动响应进行监测, 并记录到不同方位、不同震中距的2次地震。研究表明: ①地震动响应规律有极强的方向性和距离性。2次地震相距监测站台的方向和距离不同, 使Ms 4.0级地震的峰值加速度和阿里亚斯强度反而比Ms 3.2级地震小。②0~30 Hz的地震波在低地山岭的高陡临空面附近有放大效应。1#监测点的主频小于3#与5#监测点, 3#监测点的主频最高。5#点的幅值范围为0.018~0.055 m/s-2, 3#点幅值范围为0.036~0.087 m/s-2, 3#点相较于5#点, 其三向最高幅值同比放大了1.58~2.0倍。③泥质砂岩的主频为4.8~8.4 Hz, 灰岩的主频为5.5~21.4 Hz, 不同的岩层共振频率不同, 灰岩对地震波的选频放大效应强于泥质砂岩。④地震波在不同高程的山岭斜坡部位具有选择放大作用, 在一定范围内高程越大地形放大效应越明显。   相似文献   

在宜宾市珙县五同村布设斜坡地震动监测仪器,采集兴文县3.1级、珙县4.5级及长宁县4.6级地震数据。对监测剖面上1#、2#监测点采集到的珙县余震地震动响应数据进行滤波和校正处理,对比分析震级、高程、方位等因素对斜坡造成的地震响应后认为:1)当地震波的半波长与山体某些特定部位之间的距离接近时,斜坡地形与地震波的波峰产生耦合作用,地形放大效应显著,达到参考点的2.765倍,此处山体更容易产生较大幅度的摇晃,造成山体地质灾害;2)分析珙县4.5级与长宁县4.6级地震得出,当地震波沿特殊部位(如山脊等)传播时,地震加速度及阿里亚斯强度更加显著;3)分析地震加速度变化得出,在地震荷载作用下,随着震级的增大,斜坡的加速度响应也会增大;4)随着高程和震级的变化,监测点的地震加速度和阿里亚斯强度随之变化,高程和震级对斜坡的地震动响应具有放大效应;5)在高程和微地貌的耦合作用下,斜坡地震加速度也具有明显的放大效应。  相似文献   

一是期货交易采取保证金方式。保证金交易的杠杆作用不仅使盈利放大,也同样使亏损成倍放大。当亏损发生时,由于风险控制不力,有可能投入的资金血本无归。  相似文献   

四川珙县M_s 5.4级地震是长宁M_s 6.0级地震第三大余震,在震中区诱发了多处滑坡和崩塌,研究坡体不同部位地震动响应特征对地震地质灾害预测和防治意义重大。通过在距离震源近的斜坡不同位置布置监测点,获取地震动参数及相关变化规律,对研究区域的坡体进行稳定性分析和研究。结果表明:地震在南北向的放大效应大于东西向,覆盖层土体最大位移达到了7.42 mm,与地震时南北向晃动强烈吻合;对比分析各个监测点的峰值加速度(PGA)、阿里亚斯(Arias)强度,覆盖层土体比高位基岩的放大效应显著;基岩地震波以低频为主,卓越频率为2~5 Hz,随着高程的增加对高频的地震波有过滤作用,在山顶3~#监测点的阿里亚斯强度比山脚1~#监测点(参考点)放大数倍,地震动能量强;通过该区域的抗震设计反应谱与监测反应谱对比分析,可以得出覆盖层土体和高位基岩地震动强烈,前者的宏观表现为覆盖层土体上老旧房屋毁坏严重,后者为高位基岩坡体滑坡和崩塌。  相似文献   

为探究浑厚山体不同高程由表及里地震动响应规律,以冷竹关山体为例,采用离散元软件建立地形与风化介质组合模型,并从底部边界输入汶川地震波信号,研究该山体两侧边坡的内外动力响应规律。结果表明,随着高程的增加,靠大渡河一侧边坡坡体内与坡表的加速度放大系数均表现出先增大后减小的节律性变化,在近坡顶时增大较快并达到最大值;靠近瓦斯沟一侧边坡坡表受地形起伏的影响,加速度放大系数存在凸坡放大、凹坡减小的特征;相同高程,随边坡由表及里深度的增加,加速度放大系数表现为逐步减小,当距坡表150~200 m时放大曲线趋于平缓;随高程的增加,加速度放大系数由表及里的减小速度变缓,且放大曲线收敛平缓的深度增大;随岩体风化程度的增加,岩体介质波速降低,共振效应使得加速度响应增大,与此同时,斜坡地形与介质组合效应使得坡表峰值加速度放大系数在2.0附近。  相似文献   

通常固定增益的放大器在兼顾大的动态范围和较高的小信号精度的情况下很难满足预期的要求。本文针对增益为 2 0~ 2 3倍的可编程阶码放大器 AD5 2 6集成片 ,摆脱传统的设计方法 ,提出一种反馈式程控放大电路。该电路能够在瞬时调整信号的放大增益 ,具有很高的精度和较大的动态范围 ,能够在模数转换前端处理中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

手持式激光测距仪前级接收通道的相关问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了手持式激光测距仪前置放大电路的设计方法,并且针对便携式设备供电的特殊性,给出了单电源供电放大电路的解决方案,较好地解决了前级接收通道电路设计的相关问题.  相似文献   

为研究三峡蓄水对湖北巴东黄土坡滑坡地震稳定性的影响,基于流固耦合理论建立二维有限差分数值模型。在计算无水(蓄水前)及有水(175 m实验性蓄水)条件下滑坡体场地地震动、应力响应及孔隙水压力差异特征的基础上,进一步给出滑坡体安全系数时程,探讨在蓄水与水库地震共同作用下的滑坡体稳定性及成因机理。结果表明:1)无水条件下滑坡体上硬层与下硬层的地震动峰值加速度放大系数约为1.33及3.31,具有显著的场地放大效应及软弱夹层消能减震作用;2)瞬时地震荷载下,由于滑坡体上下硬层之间非协调性变形与非快速排水的共同作用,软弱层超孔隙水压力快速形成,并呈现出阶段性积累上升趋势,伴有瞬时放大特征。  相似文献   

The Loess Plateau is an earthquake prone region of China, where the effects of loess deposit on ground motion were discovered during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Ms8.0) and the 2013 Minxian-Zhangxian earthquake (Ms6.6). The field investigations, observations, and analyses indicated that large number of casualties and tremendous economic losses were caused not only by collapse and damage of houses with poor seismic performance, landslides, but also amplification effects of site conditions, topography and thickness of loess deposit, on ground motion. In this paper, we chose Dazhai Village and Majiagou Village as the typical loess site affected by the two earthquakes for intensity evaluation, borehole exploration, temporary strong motion array, micro tremor survey, and numerical analysis. The aim is to explore the relations between amplification factors and site conditions in terms of topography and thickness of loess deposit. We also developed site amplification factors of ground motion for engineering design consideration at loess sites. The results showed that the amplification effects are more predominant with increase in thickness of loess deposit and slope height. The amplification may increase seismic intensity by 1 degree, PGA and predominant period by 2 times, respectively.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have shown that the seismic response of slopes during the Wenchuan earthquake was highly variable.The present study tries to give an answer to the question:Which are the main factors affecting the seismic response degree of slopes? With the support of the China Geological Survey Bureau,we set 3 monitoring sections in Jiulong slope,Mianzhu city,China with the aim to record the site response of the slope during the aftershocks of the Wenchuan earthquake.After the Wenchuan earthquake,which happened on 12 May 2008,30 aftershocks have been recorded in these monitoring points.We analyzed 11 records,with magnitudes ranging from ML = 4.6 to ML = 3.1.The amplification factors of the horizontal compound PGA and 3D compound PGA have been determined for the 3 points at different elevations on the slope.Results showed that the dynamic response of the slope on the earthquake was controlled by factors such as topography and the thickness of the Quaternary overburden.  相似文献   

基于2016-01-21青海门源6.4级地震,通过分析高铁沿线台站强震数据的峰值加速度、峰值速度和仪器烈度值表明,将实时仪器烈度值作为高铁地震监控系统的报警参数受场地条件影响较小。利用沿线台站近高铁和远高铁监测点的谱比值来解释局部复杂场地条件对峰值加速度的影响,通过比较台站计算与设计的反应谱来预测高铁地震台站附近的桥梁震害情况。  相似文献   

This paper describes model tests of single piles subjected to vertical cyclic compressive loading for three kinds of topography: sloping ground, level ground, and inclined bedrock. Comprehensive dynamic responses involving cyclic effects and vibration behaviours are studied under various load combinations of dynamic amplitude, mean load,frequency and number of cycles. Test results show that permanent settlement can generally be predicted with a quadratic function or power function of cycles.Sloping ground topography produces more pronounced settlement than level ground under the same load condition. For vibration behaviour,displacement amplitude is weakly affected by the number of cycles, while load amplitude significantly influences dynamic responses. Test results also reveal that increasing load amplitude intensifies nonlinearity and topography effects. The strain distribution in a pile and soil stress at the pile tip are displayed to investigate the vibration mechanism accounting for sloping ground effects. Furthermore, the dynamic characteristics among three kinds of topography in the elastic stage are studied using a three-dimensional finite method. Numerical results are validated by comparing with experimental results for base inclination topography. An inclined soil profile boundary causes non-axisymmetric resultant deformation, though a small difference in vertical displacement is observed.  相似文献   

Land-use type under different topographic conditions and human activities affects soil development. We investigated the effects of land-use, topography and human activity on soil classification changes in the Toshan watershed in northern Iran. Seven representative pedons derived from loess parent materials were studied on different land-uses and topographic positions. The studied pedons in forest (FO) on backslopes and footslope were classified as Calcic Haploxeralfs and Typic Haploxeralfs, respectively. The soils in abandoned lands (AB) and orchards (OR), where formerly under natural forests, located on the shoulder and backslopes positions were classified as Calcic Haploxeralfs and Vertic Haploxeralfs, respectively. Well-developed argillic horizons as indicators for higher degrees of soil evolution were observed in more-stable areas under the natural forest or less disturbed areas. Clay lessivage through these soil profiles have led to formation of Typic or Calcic Haploxeralfs, while under croplands (CP) were classified as Typic Calcixerepts. Conversion of sloping deforested areas to CP along with inappropriate management have accelerated soil erosion, resulting in unstable conditions in which decalcification and formation of developed soils cannot occur. Paddy cultivation in flat areas has caused to reduced conditions and formation of Typic Haplaquepts. Because of unfavorable conditions for chemical weathering (e.g. lower water retention compared to more-stable areas) no vermiculite was detected in the CP. The results showed that evolution and classification of the studied soils were strongly affected by land-use type, topography and management.  相似文献   

利用京津冀地区214个强震台捕获的2020-07-12唐山市古冶区5.1级地震加速度波形记录,统计分析记录数量随震中距变化的特征,绘制峰值加速度等值线图。将近场6个土层台记录的线弹性反应谱与我国抗震设防反应谱进行比较,采用传统谱比法分析近场局部土层对地震动的放大作用。将观测的谱加速度与国内常用的几种地震动预测模型进行对比,计算其归一化残差,研究中、远场局部场地条件对地震动幅度和主要作用周期的影响,给出各周期谱加速度的空间展布,并结合场地环境分析中场地震动被显著放大的原因。  相似文献   

Loose deposits, rainfall and topography are three key factors that triggering debris flows.However, few studies have investigated the effects of loose deposits on the whole debris flow process.On June 28, 2012, a catastrophic debris flow occurred in the Aizi Valley, resulting in 40 deaths.The Aizi Valley is located in the Lower Jinsha River,southwestern Sichuan Province, China. The Aizi Valley debris flow has been selected as a case for addressing loose deposits effects on the whole debris flow process through remote sensing, field investigation and field experiments. Remote sensing interpretation and laboratory experiments were used to obtain the distribution and characteristics of the loose deposits, respectively. A field experiment was conducted to explore the mechanics of slope debris flows, and another field investigation was conducted to obtain the processes of debris flow formation, movement and amplification. The results showed that loose deposits preparation, slope debris flow initiation,gully debris flow confluence and valley debris flow amplification were dominated by the loose deposits.Antecedent droughts and earthquake activities may have increased the potential for loose soil sources in the Aizi Valley, which laid the foundation for debris flow formation. Slope debris flow initiated under rainfall, and the increase in the water content as well as the pore water pressure of the loose deposits were the key factors affecting slope failure. The nine gully debris flows converged in the valley, and the peak discharge was amplified 3.3 times due to a blockage and outburst caused by a large boulder. The results may help in predicting and assessing regional debris flows in dry-hot and seismic-prone areas based on loose deposits, especially considering large boulders.  相似文献   

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