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我国南海4个青蛤野生群体的形态差异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用8个形态性状比较我国南海4个野生青蛤群体间的形态变异。聚类分析表明,湛江群体和汕头群体的形态较接近,海口群体的趋异最大。主成分分析表明,主成分1、2、3的贡献率分别为26.441%、21.104%、15.884%,累计贡献率为63.428%。逐步判别分析结果显示,4个群体形态差异显著(P<0.01)。建立了4群体判别函数,其判别准确率P1为51.4%~71.4%,判别分析准确率P2为60%~75.8%,4群体的综合判别率为64.3%。Mantel-test检验结果表明,我国南海青蛤不同地理群体的欧式距离与地理距离没有明显的相关性(r=0.4227,P=0.3910)。  相似文献   

6个不同鲤群体的形态差异分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对黄河鲤、荷包红鲤、高背荷包红鲤、兴国红鲤、建鲤和黑龙江野鲤等6个鲤群体的12个形态比例性状进行单因素方差分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。单因素方差分析结果表明,除眼后头长/头长外,各鲤群体间在其他比例性状上出现较明显的差异。主成分分析构建了3个主成分,其贡献率分别为35.316%、23.221%、10.146%,累计贡献率为68.683%,并明显可将6个鲤群体划分为2个簇,荷包红鲤和高背荷包红鲤明显与其他群体区分开。聚类分析结果与主成分分析一致。在体高/体长、头长/体长、体厚/体长和尾柄高/尾柄长等4个比例性状上,有些群体的差异系数大于1.28,说明这些群体在这4个指标上的差异可达到亚种水平。结果表明,6个鲤群体在形态上存在一定差异和分化,主要体现在体型和头部特征上。  相似文献   

【目的】研究大刺鳅(Mastacembelusarmatus)形态性状和雌、雄个体的形态差异。【方法】运用差异显著性分析、主成分分析、R-聚类分析和判别分析测量分析了248尾珠江流域野生大刺鳅3个可量性状和25个标准化形态性状。【结果】差异显著性分析结果,在方差均呈齐性(P0.05)的性状中,下颚长/头长和L1-3/体长这两个标准化性状达到显著水平,L1-2/体长、L2-8/体长、L3-4/体长、L3-5/体长、L4-6/体长、L5-6/体长和L7-8/体长等12个性状达到极显著水平。在主成分分析中,提取3个主成分,累积贡献率达到87.169%,结合主成分分析和R-聚类分析的结果,表明大刺鳅个体的差异主要集中在头部、鱼体形态和尾部3个方面。通过逐步判别分析法从248尾大刺鳅的25个标准化形态性状中筛选出16个性状,建立性别判别方程,对雌、雄群体的综合判别准确率为69.2%。【结论】雌性与雄性比较,头部和躯干部较长,眼间距较宽,体高较高;而雄性与雌性比较,上下颚较长,尾部较长,体长较长  相似文献   

【目的】研究棕点石斑鱼(Epinephelusfuscoguttatus)、蓝身大斑石斑鱼(Epinephelustukula)及杂交子代的形态差异。【方法】测量3个石斑鱼群体的20个形态性状,并进行聚类分析、主成分分析和判别分析。【结果】聚类分析表明,杂交子代与父本蓝身大斑石斑鱼距离较近(2.436)。主成分分析构建了6个主成分,其贡献率分别为39.355%、16.722%、12.345%、7.941%、6.450%、5.599%,累计贡献率为88.413%;用6个主成分构建的三维空间散布图中,杂交子代与蓝身大斑石斑鱼存在重叠。判别分析筛选出6个贡献较大参数,分别为D8(背鳍前端基部至腹鳍基部长/体长)、D3(眼径/体长)、D5(体高/体长)、D2(吻长/体长)、D14(胸鳍基部至尾鳍基部长/体长)、D17(臀鳍前端基部至尾鳍长/体长),建立分类判别函数:Y1=1678.062D2+5095.854D3-1794.945D5+1947.116D8+1396.611D14+168.858D17-701.386,Y2=1456.128D2+4466.451D3-1338.855D5+1832.817D8+1201.842D14+259.712D17-678.894,Y3=1755.784D2+3972.479D3-1454.481D5+1679.688D8+1372.581D14+139.714D17-665.639,综合判别率为98.51%,所建立判别函数可快速区分3个石斑鱼群体。【结论】棕点石斑鱼雌性与蓝身大斑石斑鱼雄性的杂交后代在形态上更接近于父本,为两种石斑鱼杂交育种提供了丰富的生物学依据。  相似文献   

近江牡蛎两个野生种群的遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用RAPD分子标记和rDNA-ITS1序列分析了近江牡蛎Crassostrea rivularis湛江官渡和阳江程村野生种群的遗传多样性。12个RAPD引物共扩增出8838条片段,157个位点,平均每个引物可产生13个位点,片段长度在200~2200bp之间。湛江种群和阳江种群的多态位点比例分别为89.62%和89.57%,遗传多样性指数分别为0.4170和0.4334。种群间平均遗传距离为0.0327,平均遗传相似性为0.9681,平均遗传分化系数为0.0437。得到近江牡蛎18S、5.8S部分序列和ITS1全部序列,其中ITS1序列片段长度为478~485bp,共有11个变异位点,两个为转换(A/G),其他为插入/缺失(A/-、T/-)。湛江和阳江种群各获得8个单倍型,其中有一个单倍型为两个种群共享。两个种群的CG碱基平均含量较高,分别为58.29%和58.41%。种群间的遗传分化系数0.0254。结果说明,近江牡蛎湛江种群和阳江种群间具有较高的遗传多样性和较低的遗传分化。  相似文献   

根据2012年2月—2013年5月间在南沙群岛、中西沙群岛和东沙岛海域12个航次采集的3 245尾鸢乌贼样本,测量了胴长、腕长等12项形态参数,运用多元统计分析方法对南海鸢乌贼群体进行形态差异分析与判别。结果显示:南海3个海域均分布胴背有或无卵形光斑的鸢乌贼;3个地理群体的形态差异属于种内差异,各群体间在TCL(触腕穗长)/ML(胴长)、FL(鳍长)/ML、HW(头宽)/ML和MW(胴宽)/ML均数差异极显著;前6个主成分形态特征值的贡献率分别为30.1%、9.6%、9.2%、8.6%、8.2%、7.4%,合计73.1%;3个地理群体间形态差异显著(P0.01),所建立的鸢乌贼地理群体判别函数的判别准确率为61.7~78.1%,综合判别率为65.6%。多元分析结果表明,南海鸢乌贼可划分为东沙、中西沙及南沙3个地理群体。  相似文献   

2013年10月至2014年3月在北海、防城港、海口和湛江4个海区分别采集35、34、35、37只文蛤样本,用外形轮廓法对各群体进行判别。通过SHAPE软件采集傅里叶函数解析出文蛤的外形轮廓参数,并对其进行主成分分析和判别分析。结果表明,前3个主成分共解释外形轮廓信息量的80.67%,其中第1主成分占49.72%。判别分析的逐步判定中,对4个海区文蛤的正确判定率为65.7%~94.6%,判定率最低的是海口群体,判定率最高的为湛江群体,平均正确判定率达到78%;交叉判定中,正确判定率为60.0%~94.6%,判定率最低为海口群体,判定率最高为湛江群体,平均正确判定率达为74.5%。研究认为,外形轮廓法可较好地判定4个海区的文蛤群体。  相似文献   

用同工酶电泳方法研究广东省官渡、阳江和汕尾的近江牡蛎(Ostea rivularis)的遗传变异。分析了11种同工酶20个的位点,其中出现13个位点显示为多态。结果表明官渡、阳江、汕尾种群的多态位点比例分别为0.200、0.200、0.500。官渡和阳江种群间,官渡和汕尾种群间以及阳江和汕尾种群间的遗传距离(D)分别为0.0451,0.1125,0.1088。  相似文献   

用同工酶电泳方法研究广东省官渡、阳江和汕尾的近江牡蛎(Ostea rivularis)的遗传变异。分析了11种同工酶20个的位点,其中出现13个位点显示为多态。结果表明官渡、阳江、汕尾种群的多态位点比例分别为0.200、0.200、0.500。官渡和阳江种群间,官渡和汕尾种群间以及阳江和汕尾种群间的遗传距离(D)分别为0.0451,0.1125,0.1088。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨矢耳石地标法在笛鲷种内及种间中的判别作用。【方法】利用2017年购自广西北海、海南文昌、广东阳江的87尾红鳍笛鲷(Lutjanus erythropterus)和76尾紫红笛鲷(Lutjanus argentimaculatus)成鱼的矢耳石样本,基于地标点法分析耳石的形态差异,运用判别分析检验耳石形态差异在2种笛鲷的种间和同种不同群体间的判别功效。【结果】位于听沟前中部交叉点的两个地标点10、11贡献较大,解释了耳石形态变异的64.88%~65.85%,表明两种笛鲷耳石形态的种间差异和种内群体差异主要集中于听沟前中部。基于耳石形态的地标点方法对2种笛鲷的种间判别成功率为97.4%和100.0%;红鳍笛鲷和紫红笛鲷的种内不同群体判别成功率分别为85.7%、83.3%、80.0%和94.1%、78.1%、81.5%。【结论】矢耳石地标点法可作为2种笛鲷种间和种内判别的有效工具。  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of genetic improvement of the turbot Scophthalmus maximus, we analyzed morphological differences between a fast-growing strain obtained by family selection and the common cultured strain, by principal component analysis, stepwise discriminant analysis, and t-tests. Although they clearly differed morphologically, plots of the principal components of the two strains partially overlapped. However, the difference between the strains was supported with very high precision by discriminant analysis. The t-tests revealed that 4 of the 13 morphological traits analyzed were highly significantly different (P<0.01), 4 traits also differed significantly (P<0.05), and the remainder did not differ significantly. The coefficients of difference of the 13 traits were all lower than the threshold value between subspecies (1.28). Together, the results indicate that a trend for segregation of characters from the common cultured strain have already appeared in the selected fast-growing strain but the degree of segregation have not risen to subspecies level.  相似文献   

<正>马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensii)是我国南方养殖的一种重要经济贝类,长期以来一直是我国主要的海水育珠的主要贝类,用马氏珠母贝育珠是广东、广西和海南沿海部分地区经济发展的支柱性产业。近年来,我国海水珍珠的质量出现明显滑坡,严重地削弱了在国际市场上的竞争力。为提高海水珍珠质量和在国际市场上的竞争力,国内科技工作者已经进行了大量的研究工作,这些工作主要包括对马氏珠母贝养殖群体性状的改良、育珠技术的优化和海水珍珠形成机理的研究[1-5]。  相似文献   

We tested the use of otolith shape analysis to discriminate between species and stocks of five goby species( Ctenotrypauchen chinensis, Odontamblyopus lacepedii, Amblychaeturichthys hexanema, Chaeturichthys stigmatias, and Acanthogobius hasta) found in northern Chinese coastal waters. The five species were well differentiated with high overall classification success using shape indices(83.7%), elliptic Fourier coefficients(98.6%), or the combination of both methods(94.9%). However, shape analysis alone was only moderately successful at discriminating among the four stocks(Liaodong Bay, LD; Bohai Bay, BH; Huanghe(Yellow) River estuary HRE, and Jiaozhou Bay, JZ stocks) of A. hasta(50%–54%) and C. stigmatias(65.7%–75.8%). For these two species, shape analysis was moderately successful at discriminating the HRE or JZ stocks from other stocks, but failed to effectively identify the LD and BH stocks. A large number of otoliths were misclassified between the HRE and JZ stocks, which are geographically well separated. The classification success for stock discrimination was higher using elliptic Fourier coefficients alone(70.2%) or in combination with shape indices(75.8%) than using only shape indices(65.7%) in C. stigmatias whereas there was little difference among the three methods for A. hasta. Our results supported the common belief that otolith shape analysis is generally more effective for interspecific identification than intraspecific discrimination. Moreover, compared with shape indices analysis, Fourier analysis improves classification success during inter- and intra-species discrimination by otolith shape analysis, although this did not necessarily always occur in all fish species.  相似文献   

Otolith shape is species-specific in fish. In this study, 161 samples of Trumpeter sillago Sillago maculata and 164 of Silver sillago Sillago sihama were collected from Beibu Gulf in July 2009. The main objective of this study was to use morphological variables and Fourier harmonics to describe otolith characteristics and use discriminant analyses to separate the two species. Otoliths were measured by traditional one and two dimensional measures(otolith length, width, diameters, area, perimeter, rectangularity and circularity), as well as by Fourier analysis to capture the finer regions of the otolith. Analysis of covariance(ANCOVA)showed that there was significant correlation between morphological variables(diameter, perimeter, otolith length, otolith width, otolith area, density, harmonics 3, harmonics 4, harmonics 5, harmonics 13, harmonics 15, and harmonics 16)and body length. To minimize size effects on the morphological variables between species, only fish with a body length between 90 and 140 mm were included in the data analysis and the variables which had significant relation with body length were transformed using the residual. The result showed that the accuracy of discriminant analysis was 97. 8% and 100% for Trumpeter sillago and Silver sillago, respectively. This high accuracy indicated that otolith shape was described accurately by morphological variables and Fourier harmonics, and discriminant analysis was an effective way to identify and separate the two species.  相似文献   

基于Fisher判别分析法的岩溶塌陷预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了更准确地预测岩溶塌陷,基于Fisher判别分析法,首先选择内聚力、内摩擦角、覆盖层厚度、覆盖层厚度减高水位埋深、覆盖层厚度减低水位埋深5个最主要的影响因素作为判别因子;接着以桂林市20组岩溶塌陷案例为学习样本进行计算,建立相应的Fisher线性判别函数;然后利用回代估计法对上述20组样本的预测结果进行逐一检验,其正确率为100%;随后将上述预测结果与前人运用逐步判别、神经网络判别等方法得到的结果进行比较分析,认为Fisher判别分析法具有不需进行模型和参数的选择以及不受人为因素的影响等优点;最后将建立的Fisher线性判别函数用于另外的10组实际案例进行预测分析,预测结果与实际情况完全吻合。结果表明:用Fisher判别分析法进行岩溶塌陷预测,简易方便,正确率高,实用性好;该方法是岩溶塌陷预测的一种新方法。  相似文献   

The otolith morphology of two croaker species(C ollichthys lucidus and C ollichthys niveatus) from three areas(Liaodong Bay, LD; Huanghe(Yellow) River estuary, HRE; Jiaozhou Bay, JZ) along the northern Chinese coast were investigated for species identifi cation and stock discrimination. The otolith contour shape described by elliptic Fourier coefficients(EFC) were analysed using principal components analysis(PCA) and stepwise canonical discriminant analysis(CDA) to identify species and stocks. The two species were well dif ferentiated, with an overall classifi cation success rate of 97.8%. And variations in the otolith shapes were significant enough to discriminate among the three geographical samples of C. lucidus(67.7%) or C. niveatus(65.2%). Relatively high mis-assignment occurred between the geographically adjacent LD and HRE samples, which implied that individual mixing may exist between the two samples. This study yielded information complementary to that derived from genetic studies and provided information for assessing the stock structure of C. lucidus and C. niveatus in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

This paper deals with population identification ofParargyrops edita Tanaka. Samples of spawning stocks were collected from Niushan-Penghu, Minnan-Taiwan shoal (Southern Fujian-Taiwan shoal) and Beibu Gulf during the spawning period 1981–1982. Morphological characters, both meristic and morphometric, are counted and measured respectively. The stock concept and intraspecific categories have been discussed. Some meristic characters as the number of left or right ventral fin spine, right ventral fin rays and abdominal vertebrae of this fish may be constant, others as the numbers of left or right pectoral fin rays and gill-rakers may have obvious geographical variation. Morphological characters have not attained the level of subspecific distinctness, no sub-species could be found among these stocks by means of coefficient of difference (C.D.). Basing upon the comparative analysis ofM diff, the authors consider that stocks of Minnan-Taiwan shoal and Niushan-Penghu belong to the same local population, Taiwan Strait local population. By means of the discriminant function analysis and linear relationship analysis, statistical differences will be found to exist in meristic characters between the stock of Minnan-Taiwan shoal and that of Niushan-Penghu, so that the two are virtually different stocks or subpopulations. The stock of Beibu Gulf belongs to another called the Beibu Gulf local population. These two local populations are of allopatric distribution and show statistically significant difference between themselves. Among these stocks, the Minnan-Taiwan shoal stock is strongly influenced by the much more complicated environmental conditions of the mixed boundary region of the subtropical Sino-Japanese Subregion in the north and the tropical Indo-Malayan Subregion in the south. Thus its coefficient of variability (C.V.) is greater than those of the other two in the mean values of various meristic characters. This paper was published in Chinese inOceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 14 (6): 511–520.  相似文献   

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