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1982-2006年加纳植被覆盖时空变化及其气候影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲陆地生态系统是气候变化的高敏感区,研究该区域植被覆盖变化及其控制因素,对深刻认识气候变化的影响具有重要意义。本文利用1982-2006年植被指数(NDVI)数据,研究位于非洲西部热带地区的加纳共和国植被覆盖的时空变化特征,结合同期的气温和降水量数据,分析其植被活动对气候变化的响应特征。研究结果表明,加纳86.4%的植被覆盖区NDVI在25 a间都呈现不同程度的增加趋势。20世纪80年代初和21世纪初这2个时期,NDVI值大于0.4的面积百分比呈增加趋势;NDVI值大于0.5的面积百分比从26%增加到38.2%;NDVI值在0.4-0.5之间的面积百分比从47.5%增加到51.9%。NDVI受降水量控制的区域占总区域面积的57.2%,而受气温控制的面积占总区域面积的42.8%。总的来看,加纳植被覆盖对降水量变化的敏感程度强于气温变化。  相似文献   

京津冀地区NDVI变化及气候因子驱动分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植被覆盖动态监测及与气候变化的响应,是陆地生态系统研究的重要内容。本文以2001-2013年间京津冀地区MOD13A 3月合成NDVI数据,结合生长季的降水和气温资料,运用偏相关和复相关分析、趋势分析方法,研究了该区域NDVI的变化特征和空间分布,以及其区域植被覆盖变化的气候驱动力。结果表明,该区域NDVI最大值在13a间缓慢增加,植被覆盖呈现改善趋势;NDVI和生长季降雨量及平均气温的平均偏相关系数分别为0.20和-0.14,表明在年际变化水平上,京津冀地区NDVI总体与降水量呈正相关,与平均气温呈负相关,且降水对NDVI的影响大于温度对NDVI的影响。对植被覆盖驱动分区得出,降水和气温驱动型占区域面积的5.68%;单独降水驱动型和气温驱动型分别占4.51%、0.18%;区域内植被覆盖变化主要受非气候因子驱动型为主,所占比例为89.63%,表明人类活动对植被变化的影响巨大。  相似文献   

基于2000-2013年三江源MODIS NDVI数据,本文系统地分析了三江源植被生长季累计NDVI的时空变化特征,并结合三江源生态保护与建设工程实施的相关统计数据,探讨了人类活动对三江源植被变化的影响,最后通过气候因子与生长季累计NDVI的相关性分析,揭示了影响三江源不同地区植被变化的主要气候限制因素。结果表明,2000-2013年三江源植被NDVI整体上呈增加趋势,NDVI明显增加的区域面积比例达17.84%,主要分布于研究区的西部和北部;明显减少的区域仅占0.78%,多零星分布于研究区中部;NDVI变化稳定或没有显著变化趋势的区域面积比例为59.64%,主要位于研究区东部和南部。三江源生态保护与建设工程的实施虽然促进了植被恢复,但对区域植被整体变化的影响有限,研究时段内区域植被整体好转主要受气候因素控制。西部长江源区的植被生长主要受气温影响,东北部黄河源区主要受降水制约,南部澜沧江源区降水和气温的限制性均不明显。  相似文献   

京津冀地区植被时空动态及定量归因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为气候变化的敏感指示器,植被的物候、生长、空间分布格局等特征及其动态变化主要取决于气候环境中的水热条件,因此在气候变化背景下,气候-植被关系成为了全球变化研究的前沿和热点问题。本文综合平均温度、降水、水汽压、湿度、日照时数、SPEI等气候因子,坡度、坡向海拔等地形因子及人为活动因子,应用地理探测器方法针对2006-2015年京津冀地区不同季节NDVI、不同地貌类型区、不同植被类型区生长季NDVI的定量归因研究,揭示了过去10年间植被时空分布格局,及植被对气候、非气候因素响应的季节差异与区域差异,以期为生态工程的建设与修复提供参考意义。趋势分析表明:①2006-2015年京津冀地区NDVI呈现增加趋势,但存在显著的空间差异,如山地生长季NDVI的增长速率大于平原、台地、丘陵等地;②基于地理探测器的定量归因结果表明,降水是年尺度上NDVI空间分布的主导因子(解释力39.4%),土地利用与降水的交互作用对NDVI的影响最为明显(q=58.2%);③NDVI对气候因子的响应存在季节性及区域性差异,水汽压是春季NDVI空间分布的主导因子,湿度是夏、秋两季的主导因子,土地利用是冬季的主导因子;④影响因子对生长季NDVI的解释力因不同地貌类型区、不同植被类型区而差异显著。  相似文献   

植物生长季的变化反映了全球气候变化对生态环境的影响。本研究以2000-2006年间MODIS-NDVI影像数据集,使用TIMESAT软件从归一化植被指数(NDVI)时间序列中,分别提取福建省不同森林植被的生长季开始日期(Start of Season,SOS)、生长季结束日期(End of Season,EOS)和生长季长度(Length of season,LOS)等物候参数,并与全省尺度的气温与降水量进行相关分析。结果表明:不同森林类型NDVI与当月月均气温之间具有较显著的相关性(R2为0.72-0.79,p<0.01),同期温度变化对植被生长的影响相对于降水量更重要;而植被生长对降水量的响应存在大约2个月的时滞效应(R2为0.54-0.75,p<0.01),说明前期的降水累积对于后续植被生长有较显著影响。福建省森林植被生长季持续时间约213~223 d,开始于每年4月初到4月中旬(第98~103 d),结束于11月中旬前后(第316~321 d)。其中,南亚热带森林生长季长于中亚热带森林,相同气候条件下的阔叶林生长季时间略长于针叶林。另外,春季(2-4月)气温变化是导致福建省内2个气候带森林生长季开始时间、生长季结束时间及生长季长度变化的关键因素,而伴随春季温度升高,植被生长季开始时间提前(R2为0.83,p<0.01),同时生长季长度延长(R2为0.80,p<0.01)。7 a间,生长季持续时间呈现微弱延长趋势,总体延长幅度为2.4~3.1 d。  相似文献   

中国北方草原区生产力在区域碳水循环、农牧业发展中举足轻重。归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)广泛应用于生产力的计算,然而目前来源众多的NDVI数据反映中国北方草原植被时空动态的一致性仍未可知。本研究利用2000—2015年3个来源NDVI数据集(MODIS NDVI、GIMMS NDVI和SPOT NDVI)并以国际上公认的数据准确性较高的MODIS NDVI为基准对比分析了中国北方草原区NDVI时空动态的一致性,并选取适宜的NDVI产品揭示研究区NDVI长期的时空格局。结果表明:整个中国北方草原区以及部分草原类型(高寒草甸、高寒草原、高寒荒漠、温带荒漠草原)GIMMS NDVI和MODIS NDVI 2套数据集无论是数值范围,还是年际波动和变化趋势具有较高一致性(二者在高寒草甸、高寒草原、高寒荒漠、温带荒漠草原的相关系数分别为0.60、0.47、0.51、0.74),而SPOT NDVI数值远高于其他2个数据集,尤其是在青藏高原草原区,SPOT NDVI数值每年较另外两套数据集约偏高0.15,表明该区域使用SPOT数据应慎重。部分温带草原类型(典型草原和草甸草原)GIMMS NDVI和SPOT NDVI数据集在年际波动以及变化趋势上具有较高的一致性(相关系数分别为0.85和0.60),但温带草原区3种数据集NDVI数值范围整体相差不大,小于0.06。基于上述结果,本研究进一步采用时间序列最长且与MODIS NDVI一致性最好的GIMMS NDVI分析了研究区NDVI的时空动态,发现1982—2015年中国北方草原区NDVI整体呈增加趋势,25%的区域达显著水平(p<0.05),主要集中在温带草原区;高寒草原区NDVI大部分区域变化不显著且有一定比例的区域NDVI呈显著下降趋势。本研究可以为模型数据集选择和预测中国北方草原区植被对未来气候变化的响应提供科学依据。  相似文献   

监测植被动态并确定其与气温要素的关系,有助于充分理解区域生态系统对气候变化的响应。目前对黄河三角洲地区的植被研究多以年际展开,分析植被月度变化的研究较少。针对此问题,利用趋势分析和相关分析方法对黄河三角洲地区植被长势对气温月度变化的响应机制进行研究。并对2000—2014年内共13个时段数据进行对比分析,得到研究区域内植被特征变化及其对气温的响应特征,为黄河三角洲生态环境发展及经济政策制定提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

在全球气候变化背景下,植被动态变化以及植被对气候变化的响应方式已经成为生态学和地理学领域的热点。本文对比分析了南方亚热带季风区将乐县不同类型森林植被对不同时间尺度的干旱响应的差别。基于2000-2017年MODIS-EVI数据及气象站点数据,用最大值合成法、趋势分析法以及相关分析法,分析了森林植被及气象因子的动态变化特征,并对比不同森林植被对气候变化响应的差别。研究表明:① 2000-2017年,研究区植被覆盖度、EVI和降水均显著增加,区域内湿度增加,森林长势渐趋良好;② EVI在生长季初期和末期与同期的降水、温度均显著正相关(P<0.1),初期森林受降水因子的影响更大,末期受温度因子的影响大;③ 1-3月和周年的气候变化对森林的生长至关重要,长时间尺度的湿度增加对森林生长具有显著的促进作用,SPEI的时间尺度越长与EVI的相关性也越大;④ 针阔混交林与同期温度、降水的相关系数最高,并且与不同时间尺度的SPEI相关性均比较高,属于气候敏感型林型,在生产经营中要谨慎预防气候变化对该林型带来的伤害;⑤ 森林覆盖度变化与降水和SPEI_24的相关性极显著,长时间尺度的降水变化是影响森林植被覆盖率变化的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

中国西北地区植被NDVI的时空变化及其影响因子分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用GIMMS/NDVI数据分析了中国西北地区1982-2006年植被NDVI时空变化特征及其影响因子。近25年来,中国西北地区年均植被NDVI增速为0.5%/10a,并存在明显的空间差异。天山、阿尔泰山、祁连山、青海的中东部等地区植被NDVI显著增加;青海南部地区、陕西和宁夏交界地区、甘肃部分地区,以及新疆部分地区的植被NDVI下降。从不同植被类型看:林地、草地和耕地的年均NDVI都在提高。研究表明:中国西北地区植被NDVI变化是各种自然和人为因素综合作用的结果。植被NDVI与气温、降水的年际变化整体上都呈弱的正相关。但与其年内变化则都呈显著的线性关系,当月均温量超过20℃时,植被NDVI呈下降趋势;当月降水量在0100mm期间,植被NDVI随降水线性增长,当月降水量超过100mm之后,不再有明显的增长趋势。农业生产水平提高和植被生态建设等人类活动对西北地区植被NDVI增加有重要影响。  相似文献   

针对煤矿区植被指数时间序列研究中,存在年际尺度上对植被动态规律刻画不全面、月际尺度上因物候性周期波动导致变化趋势和周期振荡信号微弱难以提取、基于变换的变化检测物理意义不够明确的问题,本文以胜利露天矿区为例,在月际尺度,基于SSA-Mann Kendall重建草原露天矿区的采矿扰动区和伪不变特征区MODIS NDVI时间序列的趋势和周期振荡信号,从显著程度和突变时间2方面对趋势成分进行定量化分析,并结合各特征区周期振荡演变特征揭示采矿扰动下草原露天矿区植被生长的动态规律。结果表明:SSA-Mann Kendall能将NDVI时间序列的微弱信号充分放大,便于提取,并可对趋势成分进行定量化表达,结合周期振荡与趋势成分的演变特征有助于辅助识别矿区植被生长的动态特点;伪不变特征区植被无显著下降趋势,采矿扰动区下降趋势显著,且露天采场较排土场的趋势更为明显,草原露天矿区地表植被损伤具有突发性,突变点多发于矿井开工建设时;扰动形式差异导致部分矿井露天采场和排土场周期振荡演变特征存在差异,露天采场植被消失殆尽,排土场因植被恢复措施而具有更复杂的动态特点。  相似文献   

Examining the direct and indirect effects of climatic factors on vegetation growth is critical to understand the complex linkage between climate change and vegetation dynamics. Based on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) data and meteorological data(temperature and precipitation) from 2001 to 2012, the trend of vegetation dynamics were examined in the Ziya-Daqing basins, China. The path analysis was used to obtain the information on the relationships among climatic factors and their effects on vegetation growth. It was found that the trends of growing season NDVI were insignificant in most plain dry land, while the upward trends were significant in forest, grass and dry land in Taihang Mountains. According to the path analysis, in 23% of the basins the inter-annual NDVI variation was dominated by the direct effect of precipitation, in 5% by the direct effects of precipitation and temperature, and in less than 1% by the direct effect of temperature or indirect effects of these two climatic factors. It indicated that precipitation significantly affected the vegetation growth in the whole basins, and this effect was not regulated by temperature. Precipitation increase(especially in July, August and September) was favorable to greenness enhancement. Summer temperature rising showed negative effect on plant productivity enhancement, but temperature rise in April was beneficial for the vegetation growth. When April temperature increases by 1℃, the onset date of greenness for natural vegetation will be 2 days in advance. There was a lag-time effect of precipitation or temperature on monthly NDVI for all land use types except grass.  相似文献   

The Yalu Tsangpo River basin is a typical semi-arid and cold region in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where significant climate change has been detected in the past decades. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how the regional vegetation, especially the typical plant types, responds to the climate changes. In this study, the model of gravity center has been firstly introduced to analyze the spatial-temporal relationship between NDVI and climate factors considering the time-lag effect. The results show that the vegetation grown has been positively influenced by the rainfall and precipitation both in moving tracks of gravity center and time-lag effect especially for the growing season during the past thirteen years. The herbs and shrubs are inclined to be influenced by the change of rainfall and temperature, which is indicated by larger positive correlation coefficients at the 0.05 confidence level and shorter lagging time. For the soil moisture, the significantly negative relationship of NDV-PDI indicates that the growth and productivity of the vegetation are closely related to the short-term soil water, with the correlation coefficients reaching the maximum value of o.81 at Lag 0-1. Among the typicalvegetation types of plateau, the shrubs of low mountain, steppe and meadow are more sensitive to the change of soil moisture with coefficients of -0.95, -0.93, -0.92, respectively. These findings reveal that the spatial and temporal heterogeneity between NDVI and climatic factors are of great ecological significance and practical value for the protection of eco-environment in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

植被是联系陆地、大气和生态系统的自然纽带,其随着气候和人类活动而发生变化,因此,研究它的突变和变化趋势具有重要意义。本文利用3年滑动t检验、Mann-Kendall检验(MK检验)和距平分析法,研究了中国1982-2006年5-9月平均的NDVI(NOAA/AVHRR GIMMS)突变和变化趋势及其主要原因。3年滑动t检验和MK检验表明,1998年华东地区的NDVI出现了突变,而东北地区和青藏高原NDVI没有出现突变。NDVI变化趋势的分析表明,1982-1998年华东地区NDVI为较平稳的趋势,1998年出现突变后,1998-2006年转为明显下降的趋势(以1998年为转折点)。因此,华东地区NDVI存在明显的变化趋势。NDVI突变和变化趋势的成因分析表明,20世纪90年代后期至21世纪初,随着华东地区大规模的城市化建设和房地产的过度开发,导致耕地面积减少,华东地区植被1998年出现了突变,并从偏多转为明显偏少的趋势,而卫星仪器和气候因子并非是导致该地植被出现突变和变化趋势的主要原因。  相似文献   

Frozen ground degradation under a warming climate profoundly influences the growth of alpine vegetation in the source region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This study investigated spatiotemporal variations in the frozen ground distribution, the active layer thickness(ALT) of permafrost(PF) soil and the soil freeze depth(SFD) in seasonally frozen soil from 1980 to 2018 using the temperature at the top of permafrost(TTOP) model and Stefan equation. We compared the effects of these variations on vegetation growth among different frozen ground types and vegetation types in the source region of the Yellow River(SRYR). The results showed that approximately half of the PF area(20.37% of the SRYR) was projected to degrade into seasonally frozen ground(SFG) during the past four decades; furthermore, the areal average ALT increased by 3.47 cm/yr, and the areal average SFD decreased by 0.93 cm/yr from 1980 to 2018. Accordingly, the growing season Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) presented an increasing trend of 0.002/10 yr, and the increase rate and proportion of areas with NDVI increase were largest in the transition zone where PF degraded to SFG(the PF to SFG zone). A correlation analysis indicated that variations in ALT and SFD in the SRYR were significantly correlated with increases of NDVI in the growing season. However, a rapid decrease in SFD(-1.4 cm/10 yr) could have reduced the soil moisture and, thus, decreased the NDVI. The NDVI for most vegetation types exhibited a significant positive correlation with ALT and a negative correlation with SFD. However, the steppe NDVI exhibited a significant negative correlation with the SFD in the PF to SFG zone but a positive correlation in the SFG zone, which was mainly limited by water condition because of different change rates of the SFD.  相似文献   

青藏高原典型植被生长季遥感模型提取分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
物候变化是衡量全球气候变化最直接、敏感的指示器,针对青藏高原这个独特地域单元上特殊的高寒植被进行关键物候期遥感提取模型及植被物候时空变化的研究具有重要的意义。本文首先以反距离加权空间插值算法与Savitzky-Golay滤波算法相结合的数据重建模型获得高质量2003-2012年青藏高原MODIS归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据。在此数据基础上,分别利用动态阈值法、最大变化斜率法、logistic曲线拟合法3种遥感植被生长季提取模型,对青藏高原地区两种典型植被的生长季(SOS生长季开始期,EOS生长季结束期,LOS生长季长度)进行提取。通过对3种模型提取结果的对比分析,并结合日均温模型对提取结果的验证发现,动态阈值法为青藏高原地区典型植被生长季的最优遥感提取模型。该模型对近10 a的高分辨率典型高寒植被物候参量的反演及时空变化特征分析表明,受青藏高原水热及海拔梯度的影响,青藏高原植被物候变化呈现出从东南向西北的空间分异规律,随春季温度的升高,近10 a来青藏高原高寒草地总体呈现生长季开始期(SOS)提前(0.248 d/a)的趋势。  相似文献   

Vegetation is the main component of the terrestrial ecosystem and plays a key role in global climate change. Remotely sensed vegetation indices are widely used to detect vegetation trends at large scales. To understand the trends of vegetation cover, this research examined the spatial-temporal trends of global vegetation by employing the normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer(AVHRR) Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies(GIMMS) time series(1982–2015). Ten samples were selected to test the temporal trend of NDVI, and the results show that in arid and semi-arid regions, NDVI showed a deceasing trend, while it showed a growing trend in other regions. Mann-Kendal(MK) trend test results indicate that 83.37% of NDVI pixels exhibited positive trends and that only 16.63% showed negative trends(P 0.05) during the period from 1982 to 2015. The increasing NDVI trends primarily occurred in tree-covered regions because of forest growth and re-growth and also because of vegetation succession after a forest disturbance. The increasing trend of the NDVI in cropland regions was primarily because of the increasing cropland area and the improvement in planting techniques. This research describes the spatial vegetation trends at a global scale over the past 30+ years, especially for different land cover types.  相似文献   

The alpine wetlands in QTP(Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau) have been profoundly impacted along with global climate changes. We employ satellite datasets and climate data to explore the relationships between alpine wetlands and climate changes based on remote sensing data. Results show that: 1) the wetland NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and GPP(Gross Primary Production) were more sensitive to air temperature than to precipitation rate. The wetland ET(evapotranspiration) across alpine wetlands was greatly correlated with precipitation rate. 2) Alpine wetlands responses to climate changes varied spatially and temporally due to different geographic environments, variety of wetland formation and human disturbances. 3) The vegetation responses of the Zoige wetland was the most noticeable and related to the temperature, while the GPP and NDVI of the Qiangtang Plateau and Gyaring-Ngoring Lake were significantly correlated with both temperature and precipitation. 4) ET in the Zoige wetland showed a significantly positive trend, while ET in Maidika wetland and the Qiangtang plateau showed a negative trend, implying wetland degradation in those two wetland regions. The complexities of the impacts of climate changes on alpine wetlands indicate the necessity of further study to understand and conserve alpine wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

The Changbai Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains have similar spatial contexts. The elevation, latitude, and moisture gradients of both mountain ranges offer regional insight for investigating the vegetation dynamics in eastern Eurasia and eastern North America. We determined and compared the spatial patterns and temporal trends in the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in the Changbai Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains using time series data from the Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies 3rd generation dataset from 1982 to 2013. The spatial pattern of NDVI in the Changbai Mountains exhibited fragmentation, whereas NDVI in the Appalachian Mountains decreased from south to north. The vegetation dynamics in the Changbai Mountains had an insignificant trend at the regional scale, whereas the dynamics in the Appalachian Mountains had a significant increasing trend. NDVI increased in 55% of the area of the Changbai Mountains and in 95% of the area of the Appalachian Mountains. The peak NDVI occurred one month later in the Changbai Mountains than in the Appalachian Mountains. The results revealed a significant increase in NDVI in autumn in both mountain ranges. The climatic trend in the Changbai Mountains included warming and decreased precipitation, and whereas that in the Appalachian Mountains included significant warming and increased precipitation. Positive and negative correlations existed between NDVI and temperature and precipitation, respectively, in both mountain ranges. Particularly, the spring temperature and NDVI exhibited a significant positive correlation in both mountain ranges. The results of this study suggest that human actives caused the differences in the spatial patterns of NDVI and that various characteristics of climate change and intensity of human actives dominated the differences in the NDVI trends between the Changbai Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains. Additionally, the vegetation dynamics of both mountain ranges were not identical to those in previous broader-scale studies.  相似文献   

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