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After the winter and summer current structures on two or three latitudinal sections in Taiwan Strait were obtained from the measured current data, the seawater flux through the sections were cal -culated. In summer, the currents in the central and northern part of Taiwan Strait normally flow northward at a net flux of 3.32×l06m3 /s. In winter, the high temperature and salinity Kuroshio and South China Sea water enter Taiwan Strait from the southern section at 1.69× 106m3/s and 0.59×10 m3/s respectively, while the East China Sea water enters Taiwan Strait from the northern section at 1.02×106m3/s. About 0.40×106m3/s of the seawater enters the South China Sea along the coast of Fujian and Guangdong; the other 0.62×106m3/s of the seawater is mixed with the Kuroshio water and the South China Sea water in the northern sea area . The net northward flux is 1.74×106m3/s in winter.  相似文献   

Measured concentrations of dissolved oxygen,phosphate,silicate,total alkalinity and calculated totalCO_2 in a section between 121°E and 125°E across the Kuroshio near 22°N off Taiwan and thegeostrophic velocity were used to estimate the gross transport of oxygen,nutrients and carbonates. The flux of dissolved oxygen is 6.7×10~6 mol/s northward and 0.9×10~6 mol/s southward.The netflux equals 5.8×10~6 mol/s down-stream.The northward flux of phosphate is 22.6×10~3 mol/s;the south-ward flux is 1.4×10~3 mol/s.The net phosphate flux is 21.2×10~3 mol/s northward.The flux of silicateis 967×10~3 northward and 59×10~3 mol/s southward;the net transport is 908×10~3 mol/s down-stream.The flux of alkalinity is 75.5×10~6 mol/s northward,and 10.8×10~6 mol/s southward,the net flux is64.7×10~6 mol/s northward.For total CO_2 the transport is 73.4×10~6 mol/s northward and 10.8×10~6 mol/ssouthward,or a net transport of 62.6×10~6 mol/s northward.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONTheWestLake ( 30°1 5′N ,1 2 0°1 6′E)isasmallshallowlakeinthewesternpartofHangzhouCityinthesoutheasterncoastalareaofChina.Thelakeissur roundedonthreesidesbyhills ;andisfamousforitspicturesquesceneryandinterfusionofhillsandwaterbodies.Thesurfaceareaisabout 5 .66km2 andmeandepthis 1 .8m .Beforethe 1 95 0s ,thelakewaterwascleanandmacrophytesgrewveryluxuriantlyinthelit toralareasofthelake .In 1 95 2 ,WestLakewasdredgedand 70 0× 1 0 4m3 mudwasremovedfromthebottomofthelake …  相似文献   

水温变动对2009年西北太平洋柔鱼产量下降的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分布在西北太平洋的柔鱼是我国远洋鱿钓渔业的重要捕捞对象,近些年来其产量一直处在稳定的水平。然而,2009年8~10月旺汛期间在传统作业渔场(150°E~165°E、38°E~46°E)柔鱼产量出现大幅度下降,其日产量仅为正常年份的一半。为此,根据2007~2009年8~10月我国在西北太平洋鱿钓生产数据,以及产卵场表层水温,探讨2009年柔鱼产量下降及渔场变动的原因。研究表明,其产量出现下降的原因可能有2个:(1)柔鱼产卵场(20°N~30°N,130°E~170°E)黑潮大弯曲的发生,使得21℃等温线向南偏移,使得柔鱼资源补充量受到影响,从而使得渔汛期间柔鱼产量的下降;(2)旺汛期间(8~9月)传统作业渔场(42°N~46°N,150°E~165°E)的100m水层有一个明显冷水南下,分布位置为154°E~156°E,将传统作业渔场(150E~165°E)一分为二,向南的前锋(水温低于5℃)到达42°N,明显不同于正常年份,使得作业渔场的范围明显缩小,不适合柔鱼的集群,导致产量出现大幅下降。  相似文献   

<正>茎柔鱼(Dosidicus gigas)是头足类中个体最大、资源最丰富的种类之一[1],广泛分布于东太平洋的加利福尼亚(37°N)到智利(47°S)的海域中,在赤道附近可向西至125°W[1-4],有学者认为其分布范围在赤道附近可达到140°W[5]。20世纪90年  相似文献   

Based on the current measurement data from the R/V Ryofu Maru of JMA in the equatorial area along 137°E (1972-83) and 155°E (1972-79) the structures of the zonal velocity of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) and the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) and their variations are systematically analyzed in detail.At 155°E, the current at the equator and 100-300 m depth was a typical eastward EUC, it intensified in 1973-75, i.e., in the non-El Nino period. While the corresponding current at 137°E was mostly westward, and the origin of the EUC shifted to north of the equator around 0.5-1.5°N owing to the influence of the New Guinea Coast. The EUC origin disappeared in early July, 1982. Comparing with the EUC disappearance at 159°W, the average speed of an eastward travelling wave would be~1.1m/s.The velocity core of the NECC at 137 E generally shifted northward in winter and southward in summer, and was stronger in summer and weaker in winter. The fluctuations of the NECC were closely related to thos  相似文献   

在简单讨论了崂山花岗岩的岩源、成因与大地构造环境的关系之后,本文指出: (1)崂山花岗岩岩浆期后的地体构造,特别是新构造,是中生代胶莱盆地形成后继承老构造的新活动。 (2)崂山花岗岩体内有三组断裂构造(走向分别为N41°E,N20°W和N70°W),其中N20°W方向的断裂是中生代以来胶莱盆地与花岗岩体内承压带上的开放系,基岩裂隙普遍赋水;而在局部地区,由于受新生代东西向挤压作用力的影响,走向N70°W断裂带成为开放系. (3)基于上述讨论,可在崂山花岗岩体内圈定出200km~2范围的富水区,其浅成含水深度为20~25m,单井出水量50~100吨/日。  相似文献   

用卫星测高和船测重力资料联合反演海洋重力异常   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于多颗卫星最新测高资料联合解算的全球平均海平面和中国近海船测重力异常数据,采用3种方法 (Stokes公式逆运算法、垂线偏差法、最小二乘配置法)分别计算了中国近海及其邻域(0°~40°N,105°~145°E)2′× 2′重力异常,重点对3种方法的优缺点及其计算结果进行了比较和分析。结果表明,在海底地形起伏较为强烈的南 海盆地,与船测重力异常比较,最小二乘配置法(LSC)计算精度较高,达到11.2×10-5ms-2。  相似文献   

利用1/30°分辨率三维POM(Princeton Ocean Model)模式,以M2、S2、K1、O14大分潮作为潮汐边界条件,模拟南海西北部(105.5-115°E,16-23°N)海域正压潮,分析琼州海峡及其附近区域正压潮能通量分布特征。结果表明,研究海域内M2分潮和全日潮都是顺时针传入北部湾,然后自西向东通过琼州海峡,直至琼州海峡东口;计算所得穿过琼州海峡中部(110°E断面)能通量为M2,0.2GW或m1,0.47GW;穿过北部湾湾口(18.5°N断面)能通量为M2,1.0GW或m1,2.5GW;海南岛西部和琼州海峡处潮能耗散最强。  相似文献   

Based on the MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled numerical model, the temperature structure along 35°N in the Yellow Sea was simulated and compared with the observations. One of the notable features of the temperature structure along 35°N section is the double cold cores phenomena during spring and summer. The double cold cores refer to the two cold water centers located near 122°E and 125°E from the depth of 30m to bottom. The formation, maintenance and disappearance of the double cold cores are discussed. At least two reasons make the temperature in the center (near 123°E) of the section higher than that near the west and east shores in winter. One reason is that the water there is deeper than the west and east sides so its heat content is higher. The other is invasion of the warm water brought by the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) during winter. This temperature pattern of the lower layer (from 30m to bottom) is maintained through spring and summer when the upper layer (0 to 30m) is heated and s  相似文献   

Based on the current measurement data from the R/V Ryofu Maru of JMA in the equatorial area along 137°E (1972–83) and 155°E (1972–79) the structures of the zonal velocity of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) and the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) and their variations are systematically analyzed in detail. At 155°E, the current at the equator and 100–300 m depth was a typical eastward EUC, it intensified in 1973–75, i.e., in the non-El Niño period. While the corresponding current at 137°E was mostly westward, and the origin of the EUC shifted to north of the equator around 0.5–1.5°N owing to the influence of the New Guinea Coast. The EUC origin disappeared in early July, 1982. Comparing with the EUC disappearance at 159°W, the average speed of an eastward travelling wave would be~1.1m/s. The velocity core of the NECC at 137°E generally shifted northward in winter and southward in summer, and was stronger in summer and weaker in winter. The fluctuations of the NECC were closely related to those of the wind stress curl over the region 2–10°N, 160°E–150°W.  相似文献   

lwn0DorIONDuringthepastdeade,thestchdilyinewsingkn0wedgeonthewestemequatorialPadfic~ndrculation,espedallythel0w-latitudewesternboundaryimtsOLwnes)inthePadficdrin,wasrnarkedbytheimportantdiscoveryoftwowesternb0undaryundercurmtS,theNcwGuineaCoastalUndemirmt(NGCUC)Oindstrometal.,l987)andtheMindanaoUndemin-ent(MUC)peuandCui,l989),whichledtobeterdescrip-tionoftheverticalstruCture0fthePadficLLwncralth0ughunderstandingofthePadricLLWBChdynawhesisstillincomp1etC,bousetheinfluenceofthetwone…  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONThewesternequatorialPacific ,particularlythesouthernmostPhilippineSea ,wascalled“watermasscrossroads”byFineetal.(1 994 )duetotheconfluencethereofseveralwatermassesfromhigherlatitudesofbothhemispheres (Wyrtki,1 96 1 ;Fineetal.,1 994 ) .Fineetal.(1 994 )de picted (Fig .1 )majorcurrentsintheIndonesianregion .AfterencounteringthewesternboundaryalongthePhilippinecoast,theNorthEquatorialCur rent (NEC)bifurcatesintothenorthwardflowingKuroshioandthesouthwardflowingMindanao…  相似文献   

Hydrographic data from eleven 1986–1991 cruises at zonal sections near 8°N from the Philippine coast to 130°E were used to examine thermohaline structures and water mass properties of the western boundary currents there, especially those of the Mindanao Undercurrent (MUC). The finding that the MUC consisted of two water masses with salinity of 34.6 at 26.9 σt and 34.52 at 27.2 σt which were remnants of the lower part of the Southern Pacific Subtropical Water (SPSW) and of the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) of South Pacific origin, respectively, showed that the MUC was not a local transient but originated elsewhere. As the MUC flowed from 7.5°N to 8°N, part of it carrying the SPSW turns anticyclonically and eastward. The Northern Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) often joins the MUC, which suggests that the NPIW carried by the MC partly returns northward as a result of the shear between the MC and the MUC or other processes. The shear instability provides the energy for the irregular fluctuation of the MUC. Contribution No. 3256 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project 49176255 and 49706066 supported by NSFC, and also by Foundation of Post-doctoral Research.  相似文献   

The three dimensional structure of the western boundary current east of the Vietnam coast was determined from measurements by Argo profiling floats which deployed near the east of the Vietnam Coast in October 2007. The trajectories of the Argo floats provided robust evidence that there does exist southward flowing current along the Vietnam coast. The southward current begins at about 15°N, 111°E, flowing along the 1 000 m isobath and extending to 5°N south. The estimated surface and parking depth velocities obtained from the floats suggest that this southward current can extend to 1 000 m depth. The mean surface velocity of the western boundary current is about 49 cm/s, with the maximum speed exceeding 100 cm/s occurring at 11.6°N, 109.5°E in the direction of 245°. The mean parking depth (1 000 m) velocity is 12–16 cm/s with the maximum speed of 36 cm/s occurring at 12.1°N, 109.7°E in the direction of 239°.  相似文献   

Transfort of oxygen,nutrients and carbonates by the Kuroshio Current   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measured concentrations of dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, total alkalinity and calculated total CO2 in a section between 121° E and 125° E across the Kuroshio near 22° N off Taiwan and the geostrophic velocity were used to estimate the gross transport of oxygen, nutrients and carbonates. The flux of dissolved oxygen is 6.7×106 mol/s northward and 0.9×106 mol/s southward. The net flux equals 5.8×106 mol/s down-stream. The northward flux of phosphate is 22.6×103 mol/s; the southward flux is 1.4×103 mol/s. The net phosphate flux is 21.2×103 mol/s northward. The flux of silicate is 967×103 northward and 59×103 mol/s southward; the net transport is 908×103 mol/s down-stream. The flux of alkalinity is 75.5×106 mol/s northward, and 10.8×106 mol/s southward, the net flux is 64.7×106 mol/s northward. For total CO2 the transport is 73.4×106 mol/s northward and 10.8×106 mol/s southward, or a net transport of 62.6×106 mol/s horthward.  相似文献   

In summer of 2001, 2002 and 2003, ten, six and seventeen satellite-tracked surface drifters with drogues centered at 15 and 4 m were deployed, respectively, in the southern Yellow Sea (YS). 23 drifters of them transmitted useful data of at least 30 days. The wind-driven component of the drift was removed from the original drift velocity of drifters. The wind data used are from NCEP (National Center for Environmental Prediction), USA.Trajectories and drift velocities of the 23 drifters depicted the upper circulation structure in the southern YS. There exists an anti-cyclonic eddy with a mean speed and radius of 0.063 m/s and 50km in the central southern YS, whose center lingered within 35.3-36.0°N / 123.5-124.0°E. Showed by 6 drifters, a basin-scale elliptic cyclonic gyre with a mean speed of 0.114 m/s, long and short radius of 250 and 200 km surrounds the anti-cyclonic eddy. In the southwestern part of the southern YS has obvious frontal eddy activities within about 100 km with a mean speed about 0.076  相似文献   

For the reconstruction of past climate variations,investigations on the history of glaciers are necessary.In the Himalaya,investigations like these have a rather short tradition in comparison with other mountains on earth.At the same time,this area on the southern margin of Tibet is of special interest because of the question as to the monsoon-influence that is connected with the climate-development.Anyhow,the climate of High Asia is of global importance.Here for the further and regionally intensifying answer to this question,a glacial glacier reconstruction is submitted from the CentralHimalaya,more exactly from the Manaslu-massif.Going on down-valley from the glacial-historical investigations of 1977 in the upper Marsyandi Khola(Nadi) and the partly already published results of field campaigns in the middle Marsyandi Khola and the Damodar- and Manaslu Himal in the years 1995,2000,2004 and 2007,new geomorphological and geological field- and laboratory data are introduced here from the Ngadi(Nadi) Khola and the lower Marsyandi Nadi from the inflow of the Ngadi(Nadi) Khola down to the southern mountain foreland.There has existed a connected ice-stream-network drained down to the south by a 2,100-2,200 m thick and 120 km long Marsyandi Nadi main valley glacier.At a height of the valley bottom of c.1,000 m a.s.l.the Ngadi Khola glacier joined the still c.1,300 m thick Marsyandi parent glacier from the Himalchuli-massif(Nadi(Ngadi) Chuli) – the south spur of the Manaslu Himal.From here the united glacier tongue flowed down about a further 44 km to the south up to c.400 m a.s.l.(27°57'38 "N/84°24'56" E) into the Himalaya fore-chains and thus reached one of or the lowest past ice margin position of the Himalayas.The glacial(LGP(Last glacial period),LGM(Last glacial maximum) Würm,Stage 0,MIS 3-2) climatic snowline(ELA = equilibrium line altitude) has run at 3,900 to 4,000 m a.s.l.and thus c.1,500 altitude meters below the current ELA(Stage XII) at 5,400-5,500 m a.s.l.The reconstructed,maximum lowering of the climatic snowline(ΔELA = depression of the equilibrium line altitude) about 1,500 m corresponds at a gradient of 0.6°C per 100 altitude meters to a High Glacial decrease in temperature of 9°C(0.6 × 15 = 9).At that time the Tibetan inland ice has caused a stable cold high,so that no summer monsoon can have existed there.Accordingly,during the LGP the precipitation was reduced,so that the cooling must have come to more than only 9°C.  相似文献   

On the basis of the conductivity temperature depth(CTD)observation data off the coast of the Philippines(7.5°–18°N,130°E–the east coast of the Philippines)in the fall of 2005,the water mass distribution,geostrophic flow field,and heat budget are examined.Four water masses are present:the North Pacific Tropical Surface Water,the North Pacific Sub-surface Water,the North Pacific Intermediate Water,and the Antarctic Intermediate Water(AAIW).The previous three corresponded with the North Equatorial Current(NEC),the Kuroshio Current(KC),and the Mindanao Current(MC),respectively.AAIW is the source of the Mindanao Undercurrent.The mass transport of NEC,KC,and MC is 58.7,15,and 27.95Sv,respectively(relative to 1500db).NEC can be balanced by the transport across the whole transect 18°N(31.81 Sv)and 7.5°N(26.11 Sv)but not simply by KC and MC.Direct calculation is used to study the heat flux.In sum,1.45PW heat is transported outwards the observed region,which is much more than that released from the ocean to the air at the surface(0.05PW).The net heat lost decreased the water temperature by 0.75℃each month on average,and the trend agreed well with the SST change.Vertically,the heat transported by the currents is mainly completed in the upper 500 m.  相似文献   

The work presents microparticle concentrations in snowpits from the East Rongbuk Glacier on Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) (ER) (28.02°N, 86.96°E, 6536 m a.s.l.), the Zhadang Glacier on Mt. Nyainqentanglha (NQ) (30.47°N, 90.65°E, 5800m a.s.l.), and the Guoqu Glacier on Mt. Geladaindong (GL) (33.95°N, 91.28°E, 5823m a.s.l.) over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Variations of microparticle and major ions (e.g. Mg2+, Ca2+) concentrations in snowpits show that the values of the microparticles and ions in the non-monsoon seasons are much higher than those in the monsoon seasons. Annual flux of microparticle deposition at ER is lower than those at NQ and GL, which could be attributed to the long distance away from the possible dust source regions as well as the elevation for ER higher than the others. Compared with other remote areas, microparticle concentrations in the southern TP are much lower than those in the northern TP, but still much higher than those in Greenland and Antarctica. The seasonal and spatial microparticle variations are clearly related to the variations of atmospheric circulation according to the air mass 5-day backward trajectory analyses of HYSPLIT Model. Resultingly, the high microparticle values in snow are mainly attributed to the westerlies and the strong dust storm outbreaks on the TP, while the monsoon circulation brings great amount of precipitation from the Indian Ocean, thus reducing in the aerosol concentrations.  相似文献   

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