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As the members of Chinese Group of the international cooperative project of "Mineral Resources, Metallogenesis,and Tectonics of Northeast Asia", the authors had the opportunity to review the recent achievement of regional geology in this area. This paper is confined to a brief discussion of the nature, composition and evolution of terranes in a part of Northeast China. Nine terranes were recognized. A splicing pattern of when and how the amalgamation of 9 terranes into one microcontient is proposed here.  相似文献   

中国东北地区地震构造以盆地群及控制盆地群的北东向断裂为主要特征,其中松辽盆地及控制该盆地的北东向断裂最具代表性,该盆地也是区域地震活动最强烈的地区。日本大地震后对中国东北地区主要活动断裂触发的库仑破裂应力中,北东向展布的大多增加,从西北至东南、从西南至东北具有逐渐增加的特点;北西向展布以及近东西向展布的大多减小,且从西至东、从西北至东南的减小值逐渐增大。日本大地震改变了中国东北地区与日本本岛的基本运动趋势,日本大地震的发生使中国东北地区由原来的挤压状态改变为拉张状态。在2002~2018年、2006~2018年2个时段的运动趋势中,日本大地震对中国东北地区的影响仍非常显著,现今中国东北地区的地球动力学环境仍将处于日本大地震的影响之中,对较为规律的中国东北地区浅源地震和深源地震的韵律性特征将产生一定影响。1999年开始的第5活动期已经结束,或将进入第6活动期前的间歇平静期,或仍将持续一段时间,还需时间的验证。  相似文献   

1 GeologicalBackgroundEvennofascinatingvolcaniceruptionoccurredinChinainmoderntimes ,therearemanyCenozoicvolca noesandvolcanicrocksdistributedintheeasternconti nentmarginandthenorthernTibetanplateau .Especiallythefrequentvolcanicactivitiesoccurredinnort…  相似文献   

There are more than 600 Cenozoic volcanic cones and craters with about 50 000 km2 of lava flows in northeast Chi-na, which formed many volcanic clusters and shown the features of the continental rift-type volcanoes. Most volcanic activi-ties in this area, especially in the east part of Songliao graben, were usually controlled by rifts and faults with the main direc-tion of NE / NNE in parallel and become younger from the central graben towards its both sides, especially to the east conti-nental margin. It is revealed that the volcanism occurred in northeast China was as strong as that occurred in Japan during the Miocene and the Quaternary. The Quaternary basalt that is usually distributed along river valley is called "valley basalt" while Neogene basalt usually distributed in the top of mounts is called "high position basalt". These volcanoes and volcanic rocks are usually composed of alkaline basalts with ultramafic inclusions, except Changbaishan volcano that is built by tra-chyte and pantellerite.  相似文献   

There are more than 600 Cenozoic volcanic cones and craters with abeut 50 000 km2of lava flows in northeast China, which formed many volcanic clusters and shown the features of the continental rift - type volcanoes. Most volcanic activities in this area, especially in the east part of Songliao graben, were usually controlled by rifts and faults with the main direction of NE / NNE in parallel and become younger from the central graben towards its both sides, especially to the east continental margin. It is revealed that the volcanism occurred in northeast China was as strong as that occurred in Japan during the Miocene and the Quaternary. The Quaternary basalt that is usually distributed along river valley is called "valley basalt"while Neogene basalt usually distributed in the top of mounts is called "high position basalt". These volcanoes and volcanic rocks are usually composed of alkaline basalts with ultramafic inclusions, except Changbaishan volcano that is built by trachyte and pantellerite.  相似文献   

The spatial-temporal characteristics of the barotropic tides and internal tides(ITs) northeast of Taiwan Island are examined, based on a 1-year mooring current observations from May 23, 2017 to May 19, 2018. The results of harmonic tidal analysis show that the barotropic tides are dominated by semidiurnal tides, which is mainly controlled by M_2 tidal components. Moreover, the vertical structures of diurnal and semidiurnal ITs show that the semidiurnal IT shows notable seasonal variation, whereas seasonal variations of the diurnal IT energy is not significant. The semidiurnal IT energy in winter half year is twice that in summer half year. The seasonal variation of semidiurnal IT is mainly modulated by the direction change of the current rather than by the topographic features and stratification. In summer(winter) half year cyclonic(anti-cyclonic) eddies meanly control at this point, so the flow direction is mainly in the southwest(northeast) direction, causing the background flow to flow along(perpendicular to) the isobath. When crossing the isobath, the ITs are generated by the interaction of the barotropic tide and the topography, resulting in the increase of the tidal energy in the winter half year.  相似文献   

中国东北黑龙江杂岩体蓝闪石片岩岩石学研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江杂岩主要由蓝闪石片岩构成,蓝闪石片岩主要包括绿帘石、绿泥石、钠长石、钠质角闪石、多硅白云母和石英以及为数不多的榍石、钛铁矿和黑硬绿泥石。其中,钠质角闪石包括蓝闪石和镁质钠闪石。变质条件的压力(P)温度(T)评价条件为400~425℃和0.69~0.86 MPa,对应岩相为绿帘蓝闪石片岩相。黑龙江杂岩蓝闪石片岩的地球化学研究表明,其原岩是可与洋岛型(OIB)玄武岩和一些洋中脊型(E-MORB)玄武岩相对比的大洋玄武岩,这说明黑龙江杂岩蓝闪石片岩的玄武岩原岩是在海底山或者在大洋隆起条件下由富集源形成的;具有洋岛型玄武岩地球化学特征的变质玄武岩以及富锰的变质燧石、大理石、变质硬砂岩和蛇绿岩鳞片的加入证明黑龙江杂岩是消减—增生杂岩,它含有变形洋壳的碎块和在被改造的前震旦纪佳木斯岩体西边缘上形成于侏罗纪的增生楔岩石;黑龙江杂岩在原岩成分上可与活动大陆边缘许多增生的杂岩相当。  相似文献   

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GlObalwa-rmingisoneoftheseriousenvironmentproblemswhichattractattentionsofscientistsandgove~entsofvariouscountries.TheglobalatmOSpherecomponentschangebecauseofhtirnanactivitiesandthedevelopmentofindustry.Theincreaseofgreenhouseeffectleadstoglobalw~ng.Basedonthepredictionofgeneralcirculationmodel(GCM),bythemiddleofnextcentury,theconcentrationofopwillbedoubledandtheglobaltemperaturewillinCreasebyZt(Han,1993;She~,1983).WestudiedthelawofvegetationalterationunderthisconditioninnortheastChinain…  相似文献   

Comparing with lithofacies palaeogeography of several great plains,the authors analyzed four great plains in Quaternary diastrophism,the sedimentary facies,sedimentary environment and their evolution from the independent embryonic and river system of ancient Heilongjiang finally to the Halar highland,Songnen Plain,Sanjiang Plain,the Xingkai Lake Plain and various river systems,collected the unification outside the system of Heilongjiang River to release into the sea,south ancient Xialiao River finally piracy Dongliao River,Xialiao River had released into the sea the ancient water law vicissitude and the evolved rule.  相似文献   

Comparing with lithofacies palaeogeography of several great plains, the authors analyzed four great plains in Quaternary diastrophism, the sedimentary facies, sedimentary environment and their evolution from the independent embryonic and river system of ancient Heilongjiang finally to the Halar highland, Songnen Plain, Sanjiang Plain, the Xingkai Lake Plain and various river systems, collected the unification outside the system of Heilongjiang River to release into the sea, south ancient Xialiao River finally piracy Dongliao River, Xialiao River had released into the sea the ancient water law vicissitude and the evolved rule.  相似文献   

湘东北—桂北中元古代冷家溪群和四堡群的变玄武岩类显示过渡型拉斑玄武岩类的地球化学特征,变砂岩类和变泥岩类(绢云板岩类)显示大陆边缘的砂岩类和泥岩类的地球化学特征。根据岩石地球化学和沉积相(低密度流复理石建造)特征,推测湘东北冷家溪群和桂北四堡群主要形成于大陆边缘深水环境。  相似文献   

Based on study on the relation with volcanic rock and oil & gas in Songliao Basin and Liaohe Basin in northeast China, author proposes that material from deep by volcanism enrichs the resources in basins, that heat by volcanism promotes organic matter transforming to oil and gas, that volcanic reservoir is fracture, vesicular, solution pore, intercrystal pore.Lava facies and pyroclastic facies are favourable reservoir. Mesozoic volcanic reservoir is majority of intermediate, acid rock,but Cenozoic volcanic reservoir is majority of basalt. Types of oil and gas pool relating to volcanic rock include volcanic fracture pool, volcanic unconformity pool, volcanic rock - screened pool, volcanic darpe structural pool.  相似文献   

选用中国地壳运动观测网络(CMONOC)在东北地区2012~2019年的GNSS观测数据,建立东北稳定参考框架(NEChina20),实现由全球参考框架IGS14到NEChina20的位置坐标转换。NEChina20与全球参考框架IGS14保持坐标系缩放比例一致,两者在历元2020.0对齐。NEChina20的精度(稳定性)在水平方向约为0.5 mm/a, 在垂直方向 约为0.6 mm/a。参考框架的稳定性随时间的推移和覆盖面积的增加而退化,建议NEChina20 的适用范围在时间上限于从2005~2025年约20 a的时间窗口,在空间上限于东北地块及南端的河套断陷带和张家口-渤海断裂带。选用东北地区4个基岩站2000~2019年的GNSS连续观测数据,建立东北地区季节性地面升降模型。NEChina20与该季节性模型相结合,为在东北地区开展长期的、高精度的变形观测构建了基础设施。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Northeast China is located in the eastern marginal part of Eurasian plate. There are about 700 Cenozoic volcanoes and about 50 000km2 volcanic rocks in Northeast China. The Cenozoic volcanism is related to the Pacific plate subducting, back-arc spreading and corresponding marginal continental rifting. About 700 Cenozoic volcanoes in Northeast China are concentrated at some places, so Shuangliao, Keluo, Wudalianchi, Yitong, Shulan, Shangzhi, Longgang, Jingbo Lake, …  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONEcosystem services can be divided into two major cat-egories, one is system function, and the other is sys-tem services and goods provision, which provide not only materials such as food and medicine, but also support and maintenance of whole system. Ecological services contribute to the whole economic system, both directly and indirectly, and consequently repre-sent parts of the total value of our economy system (COSTANZA etal., 1997; GUO etal., 2001). Sustainable d…  相似文献   

Agricultural systems in Thailand’s northeastern mountains are described in terms of their type of crops, marketing channels, and labor requirements. Five distinctive systems are identified: The Field crop system, Fruit tree system, Industrial tree plantation system, Specialty crop system and Agro-tourism system. The different systems are compared with each other in order to identify their respective strengths and weaknesses as development models. The Field crop system covers the largest area of agricultural land and is found in all mountainous villages but it generates very low net profits per hectare. The Specialty crop system and Agro-tourism system generate very high net profits per hectare but cover only a small land area and have a restricted spatial distribution. Expansion of these high value systems may be limited because they are capital and labor intensive and require highly skilled farmers to manage them successfully. If these constraints can be overcome, they may offer a useful model for mountain agricultural development.  相似文献   

1GENETICTYPESOFGROUNDICEINCHINAGroundiceisweldevelopedinthevicinityofthesouthernpermafrostlimitintheEurasiancontinent,inthen...  相似文献   

近期东北主要城市遥感监测与动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在GIS支持下,以LandsatTM、ETM和SPOT数据为主要信息源,采用栅格数据与矢量数据相结合、多源与多时相数据相结合、多种信息相结合、内业处理与外业调查相结合的技术路线,建立东北三省主要城市环境分析信息系统,对10多年来城市演变规律、趋势进行了遥感动态监测分析,为环境管理与决策服务。  相似文献   

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