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新世纪以来,文学院的本科各专业需要传承和发展。无论是中文系,还是新闻系的专业,都应该培养具有"作家型的流畅文笔"和"学者般的丰富知识"的高质量专门人才。自2005年起,中文系实施"6613"教学改革计划;新闻系实施"2613"教学改革计划。实施四年来,文学院的学生多出成果,出好成果,充分证明"6613"与"2613"教学改革确实起到了"功在当下,利在将来"的作用。  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩风化是全球碳循环的重要组成部分, 具有大气与土壤CO2汇效应, 受生态系统因子驱动与全球变化影响, 岩溶地区碳汇具有地表和地下双碳汇特征。简要介绍岩溶碳循环与全球变化关系, 论述岩溶碳汇的相关科学问题和主要进展, 分析岩溶增汇潜力与土地利用变化, 进一步提出基于岩溶关键带理念的碳酸盐岩风化过程概念模型。碳酸盐岩风化产生的碳汇可能是全球碳循环"遗漏碳汇"的贡献者, 同时具有缓解土壤CO2向大气释放的作用, 进而成为全球碳循环模型中"土地利用变化项"(ELUC)的重要调节者(减源效应)。碳酸盐岩风化过程能快速响应短时间尺度变化环境因子, 是岩溶关键带中连接生物、水文与地球化学过程的核心驱动机制。岩溶碳循环可理解为是土壤-生态系统碳循环的延伸或横向组成部分, 共同组成岩溶地区完整的陆地浅表层碳循环系统。碳酸盐岩风化对大气CO2浓度上升的负反馈效应, 石漠化治理与生态修复工程的持续推进, 蕴藏着巨大的岩溶固碳增汇潜力。应加强土壤CO2季节及其区域变化监测与研究, 构建基于土壤CO2与流域水化学指标相关性的反向模型, 为估算区域碳汇本底、评估年际碳汇增量与潜力提供更加清晰且有效的岩溶增汇方案与途径。   相似文献   

通过对道教和佛教介入,妈祖信仰在其能指与所指之间流溢动荡过程的梳理,认为妈祖信仰与二者存在"家族相似性"的关系,佛道介入深深地影响并改变了妈祖信仰的形式和内容。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学以"社会哲学"为主体,马克思主义政治经济学和科学社会主义也以研究现实社会为出发点和归宿,核心内容是对社会结构、社会过程和社会形态更替的研究。整个马克思主义理论是以"社会哲学"为视角研究现实社会问题,而研究的目的是为了解决社会问题,使人类社会发展到理想的共产主义社会。"社会哲学"与历史唯物主义不可分,讨论当代新出现的社会问题,是在自觉地运用马克思主义的"社会哲学"。  相似文献   

陶渊明有儒家"兼济"与"独善"的思想,但其中更多的是渗透着道家的"避世"和"全生"思想,其人生道路是从"兼济"到"谋食"再到"归隐"。既然在乱世中"兼济"无成,只能求生,包括避祸与谋食。避祸是既避"人间刑戮",也避"天刑"。而当谋食与人格发生冲突时,只能是归隐。陶渊明在归隐中借助诗与酒"顺物""游心",从另一意义上成就了自己。  相似文献   

从语义角度对时间副词"一直"与"总"进行比较分析,并从"一直"与"总"各自具有的与其语义特点密切相关的功能形式角度加以解释论证。指出"一直"表达的是一种持续量,基本语义为持续不变;"总"表达的是一种重复量,基本语义为无例外地重复;事情事件、动作行为、性质状态等的重复是达成"一直"和"总"相通之处的原因,两者能否互换,关键在于句中是否给事情事件、动作行为、性质状态等提供一个可以重复的语义环境。  相似文献   

利用NCEP再分析资料、NOAA的OLR资料及GLDAS/NOAH的陆面资料对"龙舟水"前后的特征进行分析,结果表明:"龙舟水"期间,北半球中高纬度维持稳定的大气环流形势,有利于将冷空气引导至华南沿海;副热带高压加强西伸、孟加拉湾维持稳定的槽区,使得华南沿海暖湿气流加强,强暖湿气流为"龙舟水"过程的强降水提供充足的水汽和能量;旺盛的对流为降水提供动力条件;"龙舟水"过程前后的广东地区下垫面状况(陆面过程)的差异,对"龙舟水"期间该地区一些具体对流事件的启动和发展也有影响。  相似文献   

鞘褶皱式的结构样式和运动方式并非韧性剪切带所独有,在自然界和生物界中也广泛存在,是世间万物表现形式和运动的普遍方式,是无机界与有机界、植物与动物连接的纽带与桥梁。鞘褶皱式结构和运动方式的不断变异,是生命发展与演化的主导因素,是生命科学中继DNA双螺旋结构之后的又一新发现。  相似文献   

《歧路灯》与《红楼梦》《儒林外史》三部小说同时创作于18世纪中叶,它们的语言分别代表北方官话的河南话、北京话和江淮话。通过对这些语料中的"把"字句的分布情况及其结构类型进行描写和比较,能发现用于表处置的"把"字句不但在《歧路灯》里占绝对优势,在整个北方官话中也处于明显的主导地位,"将"字句已经或即将从当时口语中退出,只是由于方言的不同,使得"把"和"将"在各方言中的语法功能稍有区别。  相似文献   

"以题为韵"和"以题中字为韵"是试赋中的两种限韵类型,二者具有相通性。在以整题为韵类中,作者首先要将题目"字字叶之",同时还可以旁涉其他韵部。与其他试赋韵类相比,"以题为韵"和"以题中字为韵"介于宽严之间,但在注解题目方面,"以题为韵"和"以题中字为韵"就表现出了明显的不足。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,人类正在逐步进入科学技术与社会发展的高速通道,各个科技领域均在发生深刻的变革。现代矿床学经历了百余年的发展和积累,建立了多种不同类型的成矿模式。然而,这些成矿模式的建立主要是通过典型矿床实例研究的“单维度”方法完成的,无论是成矿机制研究本身还是找矿勘查的需求都正在对传统成矿模式研究方式提出挑战。随着以大数据和人工智能为标志的第四次工业革命开始逐步影响基础科学领域,计算模拟和大数据挖掘等技术手段也促使矿床模式的研究进入到一个新的发展阶段。成矿实验和计算模拟、矿床剥蚀保存机制以及成矿规律大数据挖掘等研究方向,与传统矿床实例解剖研究一起,将构成未来我们对成矿模式研究的综合方法。矿床学研究也将由当前的“单维度”走向未来“多维度”的综合研究体系。   相似文献   

城市形态信息图谱的理论框架与案例分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要对城市形态信息图谱的理论框架构建进行研究,并通过具体案例实践进行理论框架解析.首先,从城市形态的本体特征、层次结构、驱动机制三方面探讨城市形态的本体论,归纳总结城市形态本体;其次,从认识论角度对城市形态进行剖析,得出对于城市形态,应遵从系统论的认识;再次,在方法论的层面,通过对城市形态诸多方法进行探讨与比较,得...  相似文献   

The soil biological activity of mountain meadows is a significant factor that determines the health and utility of these regions. The climax stage of this area is forest, but to maintain semi-natural grassland, which is characterised by high biodiversity,low-intensity land use(mowing or grazing) is necessarily required. To understand the effect of various mowing regimes on the soil biological activity and plants, the soil microbial activity(microbial biomass carbon, dehydrogenase activity and number of the cultivable fraction of soil microbial community),annelids community(density and species composition earthworms and enchytraeids) and plant species composition were investigated. The study area was located in the Pieniny National Park in the Carpathian Mountains, in a meadow belonging to the association Dactylis glomerata-Poa trivialis. The investigated variants were divided according to mowing regime:traditional scything – hand mowing(HM), mechanical mowing(MM), or the abandonment of mowing – nonmowing(NM). The microbial activities(expressed by,e.g. microbial biomass carbon and the number of phosphorus bacteria) were affected by the mowing regime. The density of earthworms was higher in the HM and MM than in the NM variants. The largest changes in plant species composition were caused by the abandonment of mowing(NM). The mean number of plant species was positively correlated with soil moisture, earthworm density, and microbial activity(expressed indirectly by dehydrogenases activity). The soil microbial community, such as vegetative bacteria forms and ammonifying bacteria,were positively associated with pH value, and the microbial and total organic carbon content. The results presented here indicate that there is no single form of optimal management for all living organisms.Decisions about mowing regimes, or abandonment of use, should be preceded by multi-aspect studies,including plants and soil biota.  相似文献   

比较了泰国虎纹蛙与中国虎纹蛙在控温条件下的胚胎发育过程。结果表明:两亚种蛙在右鳃封闭期与鳃盖完成期之间有明显的"角质颌出现"的特征,因而在传统分期的基础上增加了一个"角质颌出现期",从而将两者自受精卵开始到鳃盖完成期为止划分为26个时期;两亚种蛙大部分发育时期外形特征基本相同,但八细胞期细胞的排列方式,两亚种蛙神经褶期的神经沟形状、纤毛出现期的神经褶棱高度等均不同;泰国虎纹蛙的发育速度较快,自受精卵期到鳃盖完成期共耗时70.4h,中国虎纹蛙在相同的条件下则需92.5h,但在四细胞期、八细胞期、神经管期和尾芽期,泰国虎纹蛙的发育速度却较中国虎纹蛙慢。  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium, including nine clades (A–I), mainly form mutualistic symbioses with corals. More than 100 Symbiodinium molecular types have been identified by the ITS2-based genotype method within any given clade, and specifically within Symbiodinium clade C. However, the genotype identification method using the ITS2 sequence is likely to lead to high diversity estimates due to the intra-genomic variations in the ITS2 space; thus, further validation is essential for a correct identification. In this study, the molecular diversity of Symbiodinium ITS2 sequences cloned from two stone corals, Acropora sp. SY-01 and Pocillopora sp. SY-05, and one soft coral, Sarcophyton sp. SY-07, living in the northern part of South China Sea (SCS), were analyzed and compared using the ITS2-based genotype identification method, coupled with ITS2-based secondary structural and phylogenetic analyses. As the result, 12 Symbiodinium ITS2 genotypes were identified, while only six and three Symbiodinium ITS2 genotypes were supported by ITS2-based secondary structural and phylogenetic analyses, respectively. In addition, no shared Symbiodinium ITS2 genotypes were observed among the three coral species, suggesting coral species-dependent Symbiodinium genotypes were within clade C. In summary, the present study provides a theoretical basis for validating the molecular diversity of Symbiodinium ITS2 genotypes in corals.  相似文献   

Water management in general and in the Indus Basin in particular is concerned with the energy-efficient transportation of hydrologically exploitable resources from the upper zone to climatically favourable areas where irrigation helps to supersede arid conditions for the cultivation of crops and watering of meadows. In other words: Human intervention sets the stage for the allocation of water from a wider catchment area in a smaller habitat where this resource is deficient. Emphasis on mountain irrigation practices is counteracted with developments in the forelands where different frame conditions prevail and peculiar development problems occur. In dealing with the importance of water from the mountain regions three dimensions have to be evaluated: 1) natural factors and their validity for the environmental frame conditions and technological adaptation processes; 2) social factors and their impact on culture, economy and equitability; 3) institutional factors and their importance for sustainable growth and for the implementation of development projects. In the study of decentralized irrigation systems in high mountain regions of the Indus Basin a systems theoretical approach values the complexity of interrelationships between different systems elements. Human activities in arid mountain regions are restricted by limiting ecological factors and are characterized by certain utilization and adaptive strategies.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess the hydrological effects of four herbs and four shrubs planted in a selfestablished test area in Xining Basin of northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. The RainfallIntercepting Capability(RIC) of the herbs and shrubs was evaluated in rainfall interception experiment at the end of the third, fourth and fifth month of the growth period in 2007. The leaf transpiration rate and the effects of roots on promoting soil moisture evaporation in these plants were also assessed in transpiration experiment and root-soil composite system evaporation experiment in the five month's growth period. It is found that the RIC of the fourstudied herbs follows the order of E. repens, E. dahuricus, A. trachycaulum and L. secalinus; the RIC of the four shrubs follows the order of A. canescens, Z. xanthoxylon, C. korshinskii and N. tangutorum. The RIC of all the herbs is related linearly to their mean height and canopy area(R~2 ≥ 0.9160). The RIC of all the shrubs bears a logarithmic relationship with their mean height(R~2 ≥ 0.9164), but a linear one with their canopy area(R~2 ≥ 0.9356). Moreover, different species show different transpiration rates. Of the four herbs, E. repens has the highest transpiration rate of 1.07 mg/(m~2·s), and of the four shrubs, A. canescens has the highest transpiration rate(0.74 mg/(m~2·s)). The roots of all the herbs and shrubs can promote soil moisture evaporation. Of the four herbs, the evaporation rate of E. repens root-soil composite system is the highest(2.14%), and of the four shrubs,the root-soil composite system of A. canescens has the highest evaporation rate(1.41%). The evaporation rate of the root-soil composite system of E. dahuricus and Z. xanthoxylon bears a second-power linear relationship with evaporation time(R~2 ≥ 0.9924). The moisture content of all the eight root-soil composite systems decreases exponentially with evaporation time(R~2 ≥ 0.8434). The evaporation rate and moisture content of all the plants' root-soil composite systems increases logarithmically(R~2 ≥ 0.9606) and linearly(R~2 ≥ 0.9777) with root volume density. The findings of this study indicate that among the four herbs and four shrubs, E. repens and A. canescens possess the most effective hydrological effects in reducing the soil erosion and shallow landslide in this region.  相似文献   

Coccolith assemblages in two gravity cores(KX21-2 and KX12-1) from the central Western Pacific Warm Pool(WPWP) have been analyzed with SYRACO. The variations of nutricline and primary productivity(PP) have been reconstructed based on these assemblages. The results show that the coccolith assemblages were dominated by Florisphaera profunda, Gephyrocapsa and Emiliania huxleyi over the last 380 kyr. Variations of nutricline and primary productivity can be divided into three intervals. Interval I(about 380–300 kyr): PP was high and nutricline was shallow; Interval II(about 300–160 kyr): PP decreased dramatically for a short time after the acme of G. caribbeanica in Mid-Brunhes while nutricline became deeper; Interval III(about 160 kyr–present): PP fluctuated at low levels and nutricline was deep. Variations of each coccolith taxon and PP were highly correlated in the two cores, which means that the geological environment is similar in the two cores. Spectrum analysis is performed for all coccolith taxons and PP, and the 19-kyr cycle is the most prominent. It means that the production of coccolithophores in the WPWP is mainly controlled by precession.  相似文献   

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