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甘肃通渭县黄土堆积区全新世环境变迁   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对甘肃通渭县四家庙全新世黄土剖面的粒度和磁化率分析。并依据前人研究成果对年均气温和年均降水量的相应恢复,揭示了该区全新世期间气候演化的特点和规律。分析认为,研究区全新世以来的环境变化是不稳定的,无论古土壤发育期还是黄土堆积期,气候都具有频繁的次级波动。尤其在全新世中期。两层古土壤间的黄土夹层,反映该区在全新世大暖期经历过一次历时千年之久的气候显著恶化事件。  相似文献   

根据对Z_(37-2)孔的孢粉分析结果表明,郑州地区,自全新世以来,气候经历三次较大的波动,先是气候开始转暖,气温不高,温凉半湿润;二是气候继续升高,达到“最适宜”气候期,温暖湿润;最后是气候再度下降,降水减少,温凉偏干.本区气侯变化规律,与北京地区基本符合.依据气侯地层学的观点,并结合放射性碳年代测定,本区的全新世地层可以划分为三期:即全新世早期(距今11000~7500a),全新世中期(距今7500~2500a),全新世晚期(距今2500a至今).  相似文献   

基于研究区施工的39个第四系浅层钻孔资料,通过系统采集粒度、孢粉、自然重砂、14C等样品,对研究区晚更新世以来地层结构、沉积类型及沉积相等进行了详细研究。结果表明,黑土湖组沉积早于10154BP,临沂组以1500~3500BP为主要沉积时期。晚更新世—全新世以来气候经历了温凉偏干、温暖湿润、趋于温凉3个阶段。粒度分析表明,于泉组为河床河漫滩沉积;第四纪沉积物主要来源为北侧胶北基岩隆起区,搬运距离短。对研究区第四纪沉积物按成因类型进行沉积相划分与对比,初步建立了沉积模式。  相似文献   

【目的】研究南海北部近海区域柱状沉积物多环芳烃组成及分布特征,讨论全新世早期火历史及气候变化。【方法】利用AMS 14C定年技术结合有机地球化学分析手段对全新世早期南海北部近海沉积物柱状样品中多环芳烃(PAHs)分布特征进行研究。【结果】南海北部近海沉积物中16种PAHs总浓度范围为8.58~17.48 ng/g,在约10000 a B.P.的全新世早期呈现先增大后减小波动变化,与TOC变化基本同步。【结论】沉积物中多环芳烃主要来源于南海北部近海陆源区域自然火灾产生的焦炭残渣。PAHs的沉积浓度变化间接指示了全新世早期东亚季风的强度变化。  相似文献   

黄土作为典型的多物源沉积物,粒度分布常呈现多峰分布。端元分析可以从复杂的沉积物粒度中分离出代表不同沉积物源和沉积动力的端元组分,在黄土研究中得到了广泛应用。利用Paterson参数化端元模型对处于毛乌素沙漠东南缘的靖边三道沟剖面粒度进行端元分离与解释,并讨论其代表的环境意义。靖边三道沟黄土可分为4个端元:EM1(众数粒径8.93 μm)为背景粉尘;EM2(众数粒径25.18 μm)为与季风环流有关的组分;EM3(众数粒径39.91 μm)和EM4(众数粒径56.37 μm)都是与冬季风有关的组分,其中EM3为黄土高原黄土主要组分,EM4与现代沙尘暴的粒级大致相同。通过对各端元组分随年龄变化的曲线进行分析,得到以下结论:该剖面记录了靖边地区自MIS 3以来经历了MIS 3(32.8~29.8 ka BP)、LGM(29.8~22.8 ka BP)、冰消期(22.8~11.3 ka BP)和全新世(8.7~1.7 ka BP)共4个气候时期。端元组分还记录了冰消期H 1事件(16.2~13.8 ka BP)、B/A事件(13.8~12.8 ka BP)、YD事件(12.8~11.3 ka BP)共3次气候快速变化事件和D-O旋回。该剖面还记录了毛乌素沙漠末次冰期经历的3次主要的扩张-收缩旋回以及全新世8.7~8.2,6.0~5.0,3.5~2.5 ka共3次干旱沙进事件。   相似文献   

以松嫩平原西部向海1 420cm湖泊沉积物剖面为研究对象,根据AMS 14C年代信息建立末次冰消期以来的年代序列;结合沉积物类型、有机质丰度,重点对样品中正构烷烃及长链正构烷烃碳同位素等分子有机地球化学特征进行研究;通过综合对比各气候指标,重建该地区末次冰消期以来的古植被、古气候变化。结果表明:向海湖泊沉积物中正构烷烃的分布特征表明其主要来源于低等菌藻类生物和高等植物;正构烷烃的高碳数部分呈现明显的奇碳优势,高碳数部分主峰碳主要为nC31,指示有机质主要来源于陆生高等植物,且草本高等植物输入丰富;长链正构烷烃(nC27、nC29、nC31)稳定碳同位素整体呈偏正的趋势,并利用二元模式估算出湖区主要高等植被类型以C3植物占绝对优势,末次冰消期到全新世大暖期C4植物相对生物量增加;末次冰消期以来,研究区气候环境变化较不稳定,可分为5个阶段,分别为气候冷干的末次冰消期,气候冷湿的早全新世,气候暖干的中全新世大暖期前期,气候温暖湿润的中全新世大暖期后期以及气候温凉变干的晚全新世。  相似文献   

应用X射线衍射对青藏髙原东北缘尖扎盆地加让剖面11.8~5.8 Ma的地层沉积物进行矿物分析,结果表明加让剖面沉积物矿物组分主要包括碎屑矿物、碳酸盐矿物和黏土矿物。其中,以碎屑矿物居多,主要是石英、斜长石、云母类矿物(白云母、黑云母),及少量尖晶石、辉石类矿物(普通辉石、锰钙辉石及顽火辉石等)、金红石、刚玉、磁铁矿、钛磁铁矿、榍石、霞石,偶见锆石、石榴子石、锐钛矿;碳酸盐矿物以方解石居为主,白云石占比较少;黏土矿物中,绿泥石占比最高,还有少量赤铁矿、蛭石和沸石。以全岩矿物指标研究为主,结合加让剖面沉积相演化特点,并以磁化率变化为参考,进行系统的矿物学研究,获得了尖扎盆地在11.8~5.8 Ma蕴含的古气候环境演化大致可分为4个阶段:11.8~10.0 Ma,气候干冷期;10.0~8.6 Ma,气候暖湿波动期;8.6~6.2 Ma,气候温暖湿润期;6.2~5.8 Ma,气候干冷期。在约10.0、8.6、7.2 Ma附近,主要矿物占比及组合特征有明显改变,当时的古环境状况发生急剧变化,可能揭示青藏高原东北缘在10~8 Ma期间广泛发生了一系列较强烈的构造运动,来源于周边山脉的剥蚀使得研究区沉积的近源物质增多,约7.2 Ma之后的古环境演化过程主要受青藏高原构造隆升以及全球气候变冷协同影响。  相似文献   

正构烷烃作为一种常见的生物标志物,其结构和组成的改变可记录气候环境的变化。位于青藏高原北部的库赛湖是研究古气候、古环境的重要载体,为了探讨库赛湖地区正构烷烃的分布特征及其古环境指示意义,在库赛湖采集了一根长约4 m的沉积柱岩心。结果表明,库赛湖沉积柱中正构烷烃的碳数范围在C16-C33之间,奇碳优势明显,整体呈现以高碳数占优势的组成特征,揭示库赛湖沉积物中正构烷烃主要来源于陆源高等植物。库赛湖沉积柱中所有样品的主碳峰(Cmax)都是C31,进一步显示陆源输入中以草本植物输入为主。据正构烷烃参数,库赛湖地区过去2 500 cal a BP来的环境气候变化具3个阶段。阶段1(2 420~2 000 cal a BP),总正构烷烃(TNA)质量分数呈下降趋势,碳优势指数(CPI)呈上升趋势,说明阶段1气候较冷,nC27/nC31和Paq呈先降低后回升的变化趋势,说明湿度先降低后略有回升;阶段2(2 000~850 cal a BP),有机物变化趋势不明显,CPI值呈下降趋势,说明气候较暖;阶段3(850 cal a BP至今),nC27/nC31值和Paq增加,CPI值降低,说明该阶段气候整体较暖湿。   相似文献   

通过对南阳盆地的2个控制性钻孔样品进行精确的光释光定年、ESR定年和孢粉分析,结合现代表土植被概貌,重建了该区更新世以来的植被和环境演化历史。结果表明,早更新世,该区以草原和森林植被的草本植物为主,略大于木本植物,后期随着森林植被的发育,沉积环境相对稳定;中更新世主要表现为木本植物快速减少,蕨类也减少,其次是水生和陆生草本植物的相应增加;晚更新世,主要表现为次生的松属植被明显增加,水生植物明显减少;全新世,钻孔最上部藻类植物的大量增加,反映了水体面积较大,表明该时期该区水量丰沛。区域对比显示,该区从更新世到全新世气候温暖湿润,变化不大,未出现过冰期气候,各时段的气温差异不大,但干湿变化比较明显。气候环境演化特征与典型的东亚季风影响区有着明显差异,这与南阳盆地局部的环境有密切关系。   相似文献   

通过对四川红原日干乔泥炭剖面的孢粉研究,建立了4个孢粉组合带。自13.6ka以来,日干乔地区古气候经历了以下演化阶段:13.688~11.093ka以温湿气候为主,11.093~8.512ka气候较为干旱,2.74~5.39ka,8.512~5ka气候转暖,温和湿润,5ka至今,该地区气候环境最好,温暖湿润。孢粉组合特征显示该区在此阶段总体为温湿的草原环境,孢粉记录反应了红原县日干乔地区第四纪更新世经历了潮湿—干燥—潮湿的气候变化过程。  相似文献   

To reconstruct the productivity changes for the last 10 500 a in the northeastern East China Sea (ECS), biogenic compounds (such as carbonate, organic carbon and opal), marine micropaleontological fossils (planktonic foraminifera, benthic foraminifera, radiolarian and silicoflagellate) and the compositional characters of benthic foraminifera fauna analyses were carried out on a sediment core DOC082 obtained from the western slope of Okinawa Trough (29°13.93′N, 128°08.53′E; 1 128 m water depth). The long-term changes of biogenic and micropaleontological proxies display some similarities through the last 10 500 a, which show three different phases: lower values are recorded during the early and middle Holocene (before about 4 000 a BP), followed by an abrupt and remarkable increase at about 4 000 a BP, the late Holocene (after about 3 000 a BP) is characterized by continuously high values. The multi-proxy data of paleoproductivity and percents of benthic foraminifera genera (Uvigerina and Bulimina) show that during the early and middle Holocene (10 500–4 000 a BP) productivity was relatively low with a sudden and distinct increase at about 4 000 a BP, and the late Holocene (3 400–0 a BP) is marked by significantly higher productivity. Also, the radiolarian-based sea surface temperature (SST) records reveal a distinct decline in SST in the late Holocene after 3 200 a BP, very different from the early and middle Holocene. For the last 3 000 a, the enhanced biological productivity and distinctly lower SST indicate a major change of oceanographic conditions in the northeastern ECS. These marine environmental anomalies are consistent with other paleoclimatic records for the late Holocene in the Chinese continent and its surrounding regions. After analyzing the mechanisms of modern productivity and SST changes in the northeastern ECS, and based on the climatic anomalies in the Chinese continent and variations in the Kuroshio Current during modern El Niño periods, we suggest that the anomalous environmental conditions in the northeastern ECS may imply intensified El Niño activity during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

The grain size and palinology of sediment and the frequency of 14C dada provide an integrated reconstruction of the Holocene warm-humid phases of the North China Plain. Two clear intense and long-lasting warm-humid phases were identified by comprehensive research in this region. The first phase was dated back to the early Holocene (9 000–7 000 a BP), and the second was centered at 5 000–3 000 a BP. The warm-humid episode between 9 000 and 7 000 a BP was also recognized at other sites showing global climatic...  相似文献   

Assemblages of benthic foraminifera in a sediment core (C02) near the western margin of the southern Yellow Sea Mud were studied to decipher the phase evolution of Holocene paleoenvironmental changes associated with the Holocene marine transgression. It appears that during the early Holocene (11.2–10.1 kyr BP), the faunal was dominated by low salinity and shallow water species Cribrononion subincertum, Buccella frigida and Ammonia beccarii, reflecting a near coast depositional environment. A rapid increase of the relative abundance of Ammonia compressiuscula between 10.1–9.3 kyr BP indicates that the sea level rose rapidly during that time period. From 9.3–7.7 kyr BP, the benthic foraminiferal assemblage was dominated by high percentage of A. compressiscula, suggesting that the sea level was relatively stable. An obvious transition of benthic foraminifera, from the A. compressiuscula-dominated assemblage to an Ammonia ketienziensis-dominated assemblage, occurred between 7.7–6.2 kyr BP, possibly corresponding to a second sea level rapid rise period in the Yellow Sea during the Holocene. This transition may correspond to the gradually strengthened Yellow Sea warm current (YSWC) and finally is established the modern-type circulation in the Yellow Sea. It may also mark the formation of the Yellow Sea cold bottom water (YSCBW) during that period. Since then, the benthic foraminiferal assemblage based on core C02 was dominated by typical YSCBW species, A. ketienziensis, Astrononion italicum and Hanzawaia nipponica, at 6.2–4 kyr BP. A non-deposition period occurred since ~4 kyr BP, which possibly related to the hydrology changes caused by the East Asia monsoon. The two obvious benthic foraminiferal transitions recorded in core C02 during the early and middle Holocene provide evidence that the Yellow Sea has undergone a two-phase rapid sea level rise during the Holocene marine transgression.  相似文献   

Based on the stratigraphic sequence formed since the last glaciation and revealed by 3000 km long high-resolution shallow seismic profiles and the core QDZ03 acquired recently off the southern Shandong Peninsula, we addressed the sedimentary characteristics of a Holocene subaqueous clinoform in this paper. Integrated analyses were made on the core QDZ03, including sedimentary facies, sediment grain sizes, clay minerals, geochemistry, micro paleontology, and AMS 14 C dating. The result indicates that there exists a Holocene subaqueous clinoform, whose bottom boundary generally lies at 15–40 m below the present sea level with its depth contours roughly parallel to the coast and getting deeper seawards. The maximum thickness of the clinoform is up to 22.5 m on the coast side, and the thickness contours generally spread in a banded way along the coastline and becomes thinner towards the sea. At the mouths of some bays along the coast, the clinoform stretches in the shape of a fan and its thickness is evidently larger than that of the surrounding sediments. This clinoform came into being in the early Holocene(about 11.2 cal kyr BP) and can be divided into the lower and upper depositional units(DU 2 and DU 1, respectively). The unit DU 2, being usually less than 3 m in thickness and formed under a low sedimentation rate, is located between the bottom boundary and the Holocene maximum flooding surface(MFS), and represents the sediment of a post-glacial transgressive systems tract; whereas the unit DU 1, the main body of the clinoform, sits on the MFS, belonging to the sediment of a highstand systems tract from middle Holocene(about 7–6 cal kyr BP) to the present. The provenance of the clinoform differs from that of the typical sediments of the Yellow River and can be considered as the results of the joint contribution from both the Yellow River and the proximal coastal sediments of the Shandong Peninsula, as evidenced by the sediment geochemistry of the core. As is controlled mainly by coactions of multiple factors such as the Holocene sea-level changes, sediment supplies and coastal dynamic conditions, the development of the clinoform is genetically related with the synchronous clinoform or subaqueous deltas around the northeastern Shandong Peninsula and in the northern South Yellow Sea in the spatial distribution and sediment provenance, as previously reported, with all of them being formed from the initial stage of the Holocene up to the present.  相似文献   

The relationship between the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) and East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) during the Holocene is complicated and remains controversial. In this study, analysis of grain size and benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope, as well as accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating was performed on a sediment core retrieved from the newly revealed muddy deposit on the northern South China Sea continental shelf. The history of the EAWM and EASM were reconstructed for the last 8200 a BP. Further analysis in conjunction with previously published paleo-climate proxies revealed that the relationship between the EAWM and EASM during the Holocene is more complex than a simple and strict anti-phase one-both negative and positive correlations were identified. The EAWM and EASM are negatively correlated around 7500, 4800, 4200, 3200, and 300 a BP (cooling periods), while positively correlated around 7100, 3700, and 2100 a BP (warm periods). In particular, both the EAWM and EASM intensified during the three positive correlation periods. However, we also found that the relationship between these two sub-monsoons is anti-phase during the final phase of particularly hot periods like Holocene Optimum and Medieval warm period. The possible impact from variations of solar irradiance on the relationship between the EAWM and EASM was also discussed.  相似文献   

The Heqing-Eryuan fault is an important part of the active fault system in the Northwestern Yunnan Province, China. Thus, the study on the nature, characteristics and activity history of this fault can provide not only the basis for seismic safety and engineering evaluation, but also the important information for the characteristics, history and patterns of the structural deformation of the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Trench and faulted landforms investigations could provide effective paleoseismic methods to obtain the recent parameters of active faults. Using these methods, this study makes some breakthroughs on the recent activity of southeast boundary fault of the Heqing basin, middle segment of Heqing-Eryuan fault zone. Results indicate that the average vertical slip rate and left-lateral slip rate of the segment are about 0.28 mm/a and 1.80 mm/a respectively since the Late Pleistocene. The trench near the Beixi Village at the southeast boundary fault of the Heqing basin reveals that there have been at least three paleoearthquake events during the Holocene (~8 ka BP). The vertical displacement and sinistral strike-slip distance of a single paleoearthquake are ~20 cm and ~1.2 m, respectively. The estimated paleoearthquake magnitudes with Ms7.0, and the recurrence interval at 2-5 ka, as well as the latest activity time during 800- 290 cal yr BP, are of great significance for preventing and mitigating regional earthquake disasters.  相似文献   

A field investigation on Quaternary glacial landforms in Laoshan Mountain has discovered many glacial potholes, scouring grooves on top of granite ridges, and large boulders. These erosional landforms were formed by the meltwater from the overlying ice cap, suggesting that there was at least an ice cap covering Laoshan Mountain and the surrounding areas or even a continental ice sheet over the vast area of Shandong Province in the Late Pleistocene. The ice sheet was obstructed by the Laoshan Mountain, Dazhu Mountain and Xiaozhu Mountain in the coastal areas as it moved toward the Yellow Sea. The ice flows eroded the bedrock and carved the weak intersection of the fault systems in the NE and NW directions into a deep channel, which gradually formed a fjord in the area of the Jiaozhou Bay basin by 20.00 ka BP. The seawater gradually invaded the fjord from the beginning of the Holocene (11.00 ka BP) and Jiaozhou Bay was eventually formed. Similar fjords are easily found along the east of China and they share a similar origin because of the Quaternary glaciation in the region.  相似文献   

为了改善海上油田深部调驱效果,研制一种易于配制、施工简便的由聚合物FP、交联剂和助剂组成的冻胶体系.基于合适的成冻时间和成冻强度,优选适合该油藏条件的冻胶调驱体系配方,即聚合物FP(1 500~2 000mg.L-1)+交联剂(750~1 250mg.L-1)+助剂(1 000~1 500mg.L-1).利用三层非均质岩心进行调驱体系用量和调驱时机对调驱效果影响的评价,优化调驱体系的注入用量和注入时机参数.结果表明:当水驱至目标油藏含水率70%时,随着注入调驱体系用量的增加,采收率增加值越高;基于采出程度和经济效益双重考虑,优选调驱体系的用量为0.2PV;当注入用量为0.2PV调驱体系,油藏综合含水率低于50%条件下,早期注入调驱体系进行深部调驱,采收率增加值高,能够达到很好的调驱效果.  相似文献   

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