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在烟台第一海水浴场,利用经纬仪进行2条海滩横剖面形态测量,并在不同地貌单元采集沉积物样品进行粒度分析。测量显示,该海滩仅有小规模沙坝和沟槽体系。后滨上有风成沉积,但滩肩和海岸沙丘发育均不明显。粒度分析结果表明,海滩沉积物以中砂、粗砂为主,杂以砾或细砂,比山东半岛其他海滩沉积物明显要粗。由陆向海沉积物呈带状分布,平均高潮线附近和沙坝迎水坡侵蚀作用均显著。因此认为缺乏沙源供应的基岩岬湾式海岸是导致沙滩地貌发育不典型、海滩侵蚀作用显著的主要原因。  相似文献   

根据日照市海岸带两个重点海滩的沉积物调查资料,综合分析了重金属元素的分布特征。结果表明:由岸向海,森林公园海滩剖面样和海域表层样中重金属元素含量逐渐降低,万平口海滩剖面样中重金属含量逐渐减少,海域表层样中重金属含量先升高后降低;从北部到南部,森林公园海滩剖面样中重金属含量逐渐减少,万平口海滩剖面样中重金属含量先减少后增加,海域表层样中重金属含量变化不大。研究区重金属元素的含量与磁性物质的含量呈正相关,与沉积物的平均粒径呈明显负相关,符合元素粒度控制规律。沉积物中重金属元素等主要污染物含量较少,潜在生态危害系数较小,沉积物质量较好,污染程度较低。  相似文献   

辽东湾海岸类型及其分布受区域地质构造控制。海岸类型可分为:港湾型基岩海岸、岛礁型基岩海岸、岬湾型沙质海岸、平原型淤泥质海岸等4类;潮间带地貌分为海滩、潮滩、岩滩3类;水下堆积地貌主要有水下三角洲及潮下浅滩。受河流输沙影响,淤积先从河口开始,然后向外围扩散。在湾顶部,地貌及内、外动力条件利于海岸淤涨,但受滨岸海洋水文条件制约,发展不均衡,可出现局部短时间的侵蚀后退现象。海岸工程可控制海岸的演化过程,滩涂地带引种植物可促进海岸持续淤涨。  相似文献   

形成的一个重要成矿期。   相似文献   

将烟台套子湾2021年与2005—2006年夹河口东西两侧海滩砂的粒度特征进行对比分析,揭示了近16年来套子湾海滩沉积物粒度特征变化对全球海平面上升—夹河入海水沙减少等过程的具体响应。研究表明,现代套子湾海滩砂样品以中砂、细砂为主,分选极好或好,标准偏差介于0.23~0.4,夹河口东侧的海滩砂平均粒径(Mz:1.39~1.64Φ)比西侧海滩砂平均粒径(Mz:1.47~1.91Φ)粗,主要组分中的粗砂和中砂含量比西侧高,表明现代夹河口东侧区域水动力较夹河口西侧强,该区海滩砂受到海洋动力的长期改造分选较好。近16年夹河口两侧海滩砂粒度明显粗化,表现在海滩砂平均粒径变粗、主要组分粒度变粗约0.5Φ、概率累积曲线的粗细截点变粗0.5~1Φ及滚动、跃移、悬移组分含量明显变化。夹河入海物质减少,海平面快速上升,导致海洋动力增强是研究区海滩砂粒度粗化、海滩侵蚀的主要原因,该研究结果可以为套子湾海滩防护提供科学指导。  相似文献   

通过分析山东省长石矿床时空分布规律、特征、形成条件和成因,进行了矿床类型划分,总结了成矿规律。长石矿成矿物质来源于岩浆后期含有SiO_2,Al_2O_3,K_2O,Na_2O的熔浆;构造裂隙为成矿物质运移的重要通道。根据花岗伟晶岩矿物的共生关系和构造特征,将长石花岗伟晶岩矿床分为弱分异型、分异型2个类型。长石矿主要分布于岩浆岩地区,与岩浆活动关系密切,主要赋存于各时代伟晶岩中,以花岗伟晶岩型长石矿为主;在时间分布上,从新太古代至中生代各时期均有长石矿产出。根据成矿规律进行了成矿预测,指出了长石矿找矿方向。  相似文献   

对湖光岩玛珥湖82个表层沉积物样品进行粒度分析,计算平均粒径、分选系数、偏度和峰度等参数。结果表明:湖光岩玛珥湖表层沉积物主要包括泥、粉砂、砂质粉砂和粉砂质砂4种类型。粉砂和泥在湖内分布范围最广,为主要沉积类型;砂质粉砂和粉砂质砂主要分布在近岸区域,分布范围较小。沉积物平均粒径(Φ值)变化范围2.1~7.5,平均值为6.8,粒度具有由岸向湖随水深增加而逐渐变细的趋势,但在部分近岸区域,由于雨水汇集入湖导致粒度参数变化剧烈。靠近湖岸和火山岩壁,沉积物颗粒最细的区域并未出现在湖水最深处。湖光岩玛珥湖的表层沉积物频率曲线表现为4个明显的组分峰值,尽管沉积物质主要来源为四周火山岩风化产物,但是远距离搬运的细颗粒仍然对沉积物的粒度组分产生较大的影响。  相似文献   

沈阳市第四纪沉积物分布广泛,北东薄、南西厚。沉积物类型基本为多层砂土复合结构:地表仅有一层较薄的粘土层,其下为较厚的多层递变的细中砂、粗砂、砾砂、圆砾或卵石层。各土层工程地质性质良好,沈阳市区可适合建筑各种类型的建筑物,选择箱形基础形式及桩基础形式较为合适。  相似文献   

基于研究区施工的39个第四系浅层钻孔资料,通过系统采集粒度、孢粉、自然重砂、14C等样品,对研究区晚更新世以来地层结构、沉积类型及沉积相等进行了详细研究。结果表明,黑土湖组沉积早于10154BP,临沂组以1500~3500BP为主要沉积时期。晚更新世—全新世以来气候经历了温凉偏干、温暖湿润、趋于温凉3个阶段。粒度分析表明,于泉组为河床河漫滩沉积;第四纪沉积物主要来源为北侧胶北基岩隆起区,搬运距离短。对研究区第四纪沉积物按成因类型进行沉积相划分与对比,初步建立了沉积模式。  相似文献   

文章是在研究海州-大悟含磷岩系及其磷矿底板岩石中不同类型混合岩的岩石学、地球化学的基础上,探讨了变质-深熔过程中稀土元素的活动性状。混合岩穹窿由变沉积岩、混合岩及混合花岗片麻岩组成。变沉积岩、混合岩及混合花岗片麻岩在空间上的密切共生关系,揭示了沉积物经历了变质分异、混合岩化和部分熔融作用改造成花岗质岩石的过程。穹窿具有明显的分带性,从穹窿外向中心,由变质岩带、混合岩带向混合花岗片麻岩带变化,表明了变质反应顺序及混合花岗岩化交代的关系。在变质、混合岩化及部分熔融作用形成混合岩穹窿过程中,磷质发生了运移,在穹窿变质岩与混合岩接触带发生了交代结晶与重结晶作用。在穹窿变质岩带,揉流褶皱成矿作用十分明显  相似文献   

The beach studied in this paper spans a length of 51 km and is one of several long sandy beaches in the southern Bohai Strait. Due to the obstruction of islands in the northeast and the influence of the underwater topography, the wave environment in the offshore area is complex; beach types and sediment transport characteristics vary along different coasts. The coastlines extracted from six aerial photographs in different years were compared to demonstrate the evolving features. Seven typical beach profiles were selected to study the lateral beach variation characteristics. Continuous wind and wave observation data from Beihuangcheng ocean station during 2009 were employed for the hindcast of the local wave environment using a regional spectral wave model. Then the results of the wave hindcast were incorporated into the LITDRIFT model to compute the sediment transport rates and directions along the coasts and analyze the longshore sand movement. The results show that the coastline evolution of sand beaches in the southern Bohai Strait has spatial and temporal variations and the coast can be divided into four typical regions. Region(I), the north coast of Qimudao, is a slightly eroded and dissipative beach with a large sediment transport rate; Region(II), the southwest coast of Gangluan Port, is a slightly deposited and dissipative beach with moderate sediment transport rate; Region(III), in the central area, is a beach that is gradually transformed from a slightly eroded dissipative beach to a moderately or slightly strong eroded bar-trough beach from west to east with a relatively moderate sediment transport rate. Region(IV), on the east coast, is a strongly eroded and reflective beach with a weak sediment transport rate. The wave conditions exhibit an increasing trend from west to east in the offshore area. The distribution of the wave-induced current inside the wave breaking region and the littoral sediment transport in the nearshore region exhibit a gradual weakening tendency from west to east, which is opposite to the trend of the wave conditions outside the breaking region. The presence of submerged shoal(Dengzhou Shoal), deep trough(Dengzhou Channel), islands and irregular topography influnces the wave climate, beach types, wave-induced current features, littoral sediment transport trends and coastline evolution patterns in the southern Bohai Strait. Human activities, such as the sand exploitation of Dengzhou Shoal and other coastal engineering projects, also influence the beach morphology and coastline evolution.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲是陆海交界地带,陆地海洋相互作用显著,泥沙所引起的岸滩演变、港口航道的淤积、水动力环境的改变等问题比较复杂。该文采用三维HEM-3D数值模型对黄河三角洲海域流场变化、盐度、悬浮泥沙浓度及海岸冲淤分布进行了潮流周期内的数值模拟分析。结果表明,黄河三角洲海域的悬浮泥沙浓度分布与潮流场变化和河口泥沙输入有密切的关系,在三角洲北部受五号桩外强潮流区的影响,近岸海底的泥沙发生明显的再悬浮,并在涨潮流向南输送,含沙量达1.5 g/L左右。在三角洲南部(现行河口区域和莱州湾区域),受现行河口入海泥沙扩散的影响显著。海域年冲淤分布,在北部废弃三角洲区域,由于海洋动力作用强烈,浅水冲刷,海底侵蚀显著,形成了明显呈沿岸展布的侵蚀中心,在侵蚀中心以外,侵蚀快速减弱。在现行河口区域,以淤积为主,在羽状流扩散的控制下,泥沙入海后向南输运,至莱州湾区域逐渐减弱。数值模拟的结果与卫星遥感解译的岸线变化基本一致,效果良好。  相似文献   

Based on the field surveys and repeated cross-profile observations combined with the comparison of many years’ topog-raphic maps,this study shows the spatial variability and varying patterns of coastal erosion along the west coast of the Taiwan Strait.Regional differentiation in the Meso-Cenozoic coastal tectonics determined the irregular coastline and geological background for large-scale coastal erosion distribution.The intensity of coastal erosion on the west side of the Taiwan Strait is mild in the nort...  相似文献   

The growth of tidal fl ats off Zhejiang coasts in southwestern China has provided substantial areas for local agriculture and construction activities. To evaluate modern and future development of tidal fl ats in the region, a good understanding of sediment sources is necessary. Previous research has concluded that the Changjiang(Yangtze) River is the dominant supplier of sediments to this part of the southeast Chinese coast, despite the fact that sediment delivery from this source has been decreased markedly in the past two decades. In this study, we investigated the sources of tidal fl at sediments, and the magnetic and geochemical properties of recent tidal fl at sediments along the Zhejiang coast were compared with those discharged from rivers. Magnetic and geochemical properties of the tidal fl at samples reveal statistically distinct sediment provenance groups. The magnetic and geochemical scatter plots show that the suspended sediment samples are naturally divided into two diff erent groups, one including the Changjiang River and Qiantang River material, and the other including the Jiaojiang, Oujiang, and Feiyun Rivers that located in the central and southern parts of the study areas. At last, a binary source of tidal fl at sediments along the Zhejiang coast was determined, with the substantial majority originating from local rivers, while a much smaller proportion emanates from the Changjiang River to the north. We conclude that the sediment contribution of the Changjiang River to tidal fl at development in the region has been markedly overestimated, with important implications for management.  相似文献   

Observations of current velocity, pressure, and temperature in the eastern Yellow Sea during January 10 to April 12, 1986, and geostrophic winds calculated from surface pressure distributions, are analyzed for a study of the synoptic band response of the Yellow Sea to the wintertime winds. Currents in shallow coastal waters along a straight portion of the coast are mostly downwind to the south. Along the northern coast sheltered by a large bay, the current is persistently northward. This could be the result of a domination by geostrophic currents associated with an offshore-directed density gradient which is known to form in areas around this location. In the Yellow Sea trough, strong upwind flows are found to follow closely surges in the north wind. Co-spectral analyses show that these events are driven by a longitudinal pressure gradient associated with the sea-level set-up along the west coast of South Korea under a prevailing north wind.  相似文献   

冷家溪群是江南造山带湖南段的最早物质纪录,其沉积构造背景及相关的钦杭结合带位置尚存争议。在野外地质调查基础上,对湘东北金井地区冷家溪群早期-中期相对新鲜砂岩采样进行系统的主量元素和微量元素含量分析,进而按时代先后对砂岩分组并进行地球化学研究,以此探讨沉积期盆地性质及大地构造格局。金井地区冷家溪群砂岩的主量元素组成变化较大,SiO2质量分数总体较低、Al2O3质量分数和Al2O3/SiO2比值较高、K2O/Na2O比值高且变化大。轻稀土富集、重稀土平坦、铕负异常明显等特征暨球粒陨石标准化曲线形态与典型的后太古宙页岩和上陆壳相似。主量元素地球化学特征反映沉积环境为弧后盆地,且早期易家桥组和潘家冲组的成熟度较高,主要来源于北邻构造相对稳定的扬子陆块南缘;中期雷神庙组-黄浒洞组的成熟度较低,可能更多来源于南邻构造相对活动的大陆岛弧。各组地层构造环境微量元素判别图解均显示为大陆岛弧环境,但从微量元素特征对母岩的继承性分析,仍反映出弧后盆地环境;有关微量元素参数的相对大小指示早期沉积环境为活动陆缘、中期沉积环境为大陆岛弧,与主量元素特征反映的信息一致。根据上述地球化学证据,提出冷家溪期构造格局与演化过程:早期受古华南洋板块向北西高角度俯冲影响,弧后软流圈上涌导致岩石圈伸展而形成宽阔的弧后盆地,金井地区处于盆地北部而主要接受北邻扬子陆块来源沉积;中期古华南洋板块俯冲角度变缓并推动大陆岛弧向北西运移,弧后盆地收缩,金井地区因构造迁移而主要接受南邻大陆岛弧来源沉积。结合区域资料,认为弧后盆地南邻大陆岛弧大体在安仁-双牌一线。   相似文献   

昌邑市生态地质环境保护对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
昌邑市位于山东省北部莱州湾南岸,南北狭长,南部为丘陵,中部和北部为平原,潍河纵贯南北。在查明市域内各种生态环境地质问题的基础上,将昌邑市划分为4个生态地质环境保护区和1个生态地质环境保护带,针对各区存在的主要问题,提出了不同的保护对策。  相似文献   

To examine spatial variations of grain-size characteristics caused by both natural and human-induced processes along the Lianyungang muddy coast,China,129 samples were collected and measured using standard sieving and sedimentation techniques.Results show that sediment diameter tends to increase with increasing water depth from nearshore to offshore.Size-frequency distributions indicate a gradual mixing process of coarse and fine diameter material.Grain size trend analysis indicates that a man-made structure,the West Breakwater,along with Liandao Island itself,has resulted in severe siltation in Haizhou Bay and the Lianyungang port area,where sediment quality is also poor.Results demonstrate that grain size can be used as a natural tracer to infer how sediments respond to the effects caused by both natural and human-induced processes.  相似文献   

商南花岗岩体位于北秦岭造山带商丹断裂北侧,属新元古代花岗岩侵入体。岩石学、岩石地球化学特征研究表明,岩体具I型或S型花岗岩的双重特征,属于H型花岗岩;在构造环境上,又具有火山弧型和同碰撞型花岗岩特点,成岩物质来源于壳幔混合源,形成于华北与扬子古陆块在晋宁期由活动陆缘向碰撞带构造环境转变过渡时期,岩石构造类型属碰撞前(火山弧型)-同碰撞型花岗岩。  相似文献   

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