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在计算机代数系统基础上,将正常重力公式进行级数展开,推导出正常重力平均值处地心纬度关于椭球第一偏心率的函数式,并考虑将公式推广至太阳系中的各行星,假定椭球第一偏心率为变量时推导出正常重力平均值处地心纬度关于椭球第一偏心率的函数式。  相似文献   

针对目前地心运动序列包含复杂噪声、真实信号难以有效提取等问题,提出一种结合局部加权回归(locally weighted regression, LOESS)和经验模态分解(empirical mode decomposition, EMD)的降噪方法LOESS-EMD。该方法首先对地心运动序列进行局部加权回归拟合,得到拟合后的时间序列和残差序列;然后对残差序列进行经验模态分解,从中提取出低频信号;最后将拟合的时间序列和残差中的低频信号进行重构,得到降噪后的时间序列。在仿真实验中,相比于LOESS方法,LOESS-EMD方法降噪结果的均方根误差减小31%,信噪比和剩余能量百分比分别提高16%和0.16百分点。利用该方法对国际GNSS服务IGS第三次重处理(3rd reprocessing campaign, Repro3)提供的地心运动序列进行降噪分析,结果表明,LOESS-EMD方法能够有效减少地心运动序列的噪声。  相似文献   

一、水晶的形成 水晶的主要成分是二氧化硅,硬度在摄氏70度,密度在265左右,具有双折射的特点。几年万年前,地球的岩浆从地心向地表活动,其中含有二氧化硅的岩浆钻入泥土,岩石中的空穴,慢慢结晶成为今日之水晶。水晶在中国最古老的叫法是“水玉”,意谓似水之玉。佛书中则称莹沽晶光的水晶为“水之精灵”,认为水晶会闪烁神奇的灵光,可普渡众生,尊称水晶为“菩萨石”。  相似文献   

地心坐标系与站心坐标系中的速度转换及误差传播   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
详细推导了由地心坐标系中到测站坐标系中的速度转换公式及误差传播公式,并且计算了931个GPS测站点在球面测站坐标系与椭球面测站坐标系中速度分量之间的差别。结果表明,测站高度对速度归算影响的相对变化量在10^-4~10^-3量级(对于厘米级的速度分量而言。可以忽略不计),球面站心坐标系和椭球面站心坐标系下的速度分量差别主要表现在测站速度的北分量上,通常为10^-6~10^-5量级。可以忽略不计。但是,对于垂直速度分量较大的测站,两者的差别比较明显。  相似文献   

介绍了ITRF2014的定义、测站的全球分布、输入数据的基本情况、处理数据的基本策略以及相对于ITRF2008的改进。ITRF2014首次考虑了非潮汐大气载荷模型,提升了参考框架的精度并优化了内部模型。在推出台站坐标、速度、残差、EOPs等常规产品的基础上,ITRF2014提出两个新产品:只基于SLR的地心运动模型和震后形变模型。原有模型的改进与新模型的提出为世界各区域坐标系的更新与精化、地震的预测等作出了新的贡献。  相似文献   

为了解ITRF2005框架下GPS、VLBI和SLR3种空间技术确定地心坐标速度的真正实现精度,利用这3种技术在并置站上的地心坐标速度进行了相互比较,经七参数转换后,可获得任意两种技术地心坐标速度不符值的中误差,以此作为外符精度,可以看出:VLBI、GPS和SLR地心坐标速度三分量的外符精度在1 mm/a之内,SLR与VLBI和GPS地心坐标速度的三分量的外符精度较差,而VLBI与GPS的外符精度较高。表明VLBI和GPS实现的地心坐标速度精度比SLR高。  相似文献   

分别采用地球系统质心(center of mass of the whole earth system, CM)和固体地球质心(center of mass of the solid earth, CE)框架的海潮负荷(ocean tide loading, OTL)改正计算132个全球站的静态精密单点定位PPP坐标,分析海潮负荷引起的地心运动对GPS坐标时间序列的影响。结果表明:1)海潮负荷地心运动在水平和垂直方向上引起的坐标差异分别为0.7 mm和1.3 mm,海潮负荷地心运动对坐标时间序列的影响具有显著的区域分布特征;2)在CM-OTL和CE-OTL中,海潮负荷效应引起的周期信号明显减小,海潮负荷改正所属框架与GPS轨道所属框架的不一致将引入GPS交点年信号、14 d、9 d信号;3)利用IGS精密轨道进行PPP计算时,应采用CE框架进行海潮负荷改正。  相似文献   

何为地热?《现代汉语词典》对其定义是:“存在于地球内部的热能。”科学家们称,地球内部的温度非常高,其地心温度大约为4000℃,在持续地传向地面后,有的地热源在地表可产生300℃以上的热水,有的则产生100℃以下的热水。一般高于150℃的高温热源常被用于发电,低温热源可直接用于区域供热、温室加热、食品干燥、水产养殖和农业生产。正因为如此,在能源日益紧张和地球大气变暖的情况下,热能作为一种清洁的绿色能源正日益引起人们的重视。我们应认真借鉴各国及国内各地先进经验,  相似文献   

何谓天坑?天坑是指具有巨大的容积,陡峭而圈闭的岩壁,深陷的井状或者桶状轮廓等非凡的空间与形态特质,发育在厚度特别巨大、地下水位特别深的可溶性岩层中,从地下通往地面,平均宽度与深度均大于100米,底部与地下河相连接(或者有证据证明地下河道已迁移)的一种特大型喀斯特负地形.通俗地说,连绵的群山中突然裸露出一个巨大的坑洞,从空中俯瞰,好像大山对着天空张开了嘴巴,这种奇异的景观就叫"天坑". 广西百色市乐业县有"天坑博物馆"之称,在方圆20平方公里的范围内,分布着大大小小20多个天坑,是世界上最大的天坑群.大石围天坑,是其中最著名的一个.  相似文献   

<正>Although a crucial objective of ecosystem management should be the avoidance of degradation at the beginning,an unfortunate truth is that ecosystems have been substantially exploited,degraded and destroyed in the last century as a result of the global increase in economic and societal prosperity(Suding,2011).More than 60%of ecosystems have been converted for human use or degraded through unsustainable harvest,pollution,  相似文献   

正The journal of Global Geology(English Edition)is sponsored by the International Center of Geoscience Research and Education in Northeast Asia,Jilin University of China(ISSN 1673-9736,CN22-1371/P).The former name of the journal was the Journal of International Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia.It was launched in 1998 and served the scientists and teachers in  相似文献   

<正>The Journal of Mountain Science(JMS),founded in2004,is an international English-language journal on mountain sciences.JMS is supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS),sponsored by the Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,CAS,published by Science Press  相似文献   

正Rapid changes of Arctic sea ice cover have been in the focus of the international climate research community in recent years.Quite a few of nations have completed a large number of related surveys and research projects in the Arctic Ocean.Up to now,China has performed six research cruises to the Arctic Ocean resulting in a significant volume of research output.Improved knowledge on the atmospheree-sea ice-ocean interactions in the Arctic is a  相似文献   

The GRV 024516 and GRV 024517 meteorite samples collected from Grove Montains,Antactica are ureilite and H5 ordinary chondrite,respectively.Based on the study of mineralogy-petrology,the cosmic-ray exposure ages and gas retention ages of these two meteorites were determinated and calculated.Their cosmic-ray exposure ages are 33.3 Ma,51.7 Ma,and gas retention ages are 1936.8 Ma and 3720 Ma,respectively.The ureilite contains diamond,graphite and amorphous C,which are mainly carrier of noble gases indicating obviously shock metamorphism effects,which induced 40Ar partial loss.The H5 chondrite indicates thermal metamorphism of parent body,its gas retention age fall the range between 3220 Ma and 4510 Ma of the least shocked H5 chondrites  相似文献   

The vertical temperature profiles of snow and sea ice have been measured in the Arctic during the 2nd Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2003(CHINARE2003).The high-resolution temperature profile in snow is solved by one-dimensional heat transfer equation.The effective heat diffusivity,internal heat sources are identified.The internal heat source refers to the penetrated solar radiation which usually warms the lower part of the snow layer in summer.By temperature gradient analysis,the zero level can be clarified quantitatively as the boundary of the dry and wet snow.According to the in situ time series of vertical temperature profile,the time series of water content in snow is obtained based on an evaluation method of snow water content associated with the snow and ice physical parameters.The relationship of snow water content and snow temperature and temporal-spatial distribution of snow water content are presented  相似文献   

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