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塔河油田3区石炭系超深薄层碎屑岩储层预测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对塔河油田3区石炭系卡拉沙依组地震数据很难识别薄砂体的问题,对比分析了采用地震资料提频处理、分频处理、储层高分辨率敏感参数反演等不同手段得到的储层预测结果,筛选出高分辨率储层敏感参数反演作为卡拉沙依组砂泥岩段储层主要预测手段.通过探讨砂泥岩对声波时差的响应,以及对比分析自然电位、自然伽马以及补偿中子孔隙度与声波时差的关系,确定自然电位与声波时差的相关性最好,由此选取自然电位作为最佳电性敏感参数参与高分辨率敏感参数反演预测.从井点、剖面、平面等方面检验和评价高分辨率储层预测成果,结果表明其反演预测效果较好,符合塔河油田3区石炭系的储层预测要求,实现了对石炭系主力砂体空间展布的解释与描述,建立了塔河油田3区石炭系卡拉沙依组储层模型.  相似文献   

油气资源在能源结构中具有举足轻重的作用,其成因机制及勘探思路已发展出了完善的系统理论———含油气系统理论,而天然气水合物作为潜在替代清洁能源,其勘探理论尚处于探索阶段。借鉴含油气系统理论,注重与常规油气成藏的差异性分析,在系统分析全球已发现天然气水合物主要研究区的天然气水合物特征基础上,从气体来源、气体运移通道、有利储层等方面对天然气水合物成藏机理进行了系统梳理,以探究天然气水合物系统特征。提出天然气水合物系统应包括气源、储层和天然气水合物稳定带3个基本要素以及气体生成-运 移 过
程和天然气水合物形成过程2个基本作用;冻土带内气体来源以热解气为主,海洋环境中则以生物气或热解气和生物气的混合气为主;气体运移通道主要为流体底辟、气烟囱、大尺度断层、裂缝、滑塌构造及高渗透性地层等;天然气水合物储层在冻土带以砂岩为主,在海域则以黏土质粉沙及粉沙质黏土为主;综合全球各区域天然气水合物成藏特征,提出了9种类型天然气水合物系统,同时以我国神狐海域天然气水合物系统为例总结出了天然气水合物系统成藏事件表。   相似文献   

东海丽水凹陷浅层明月峰组下段和灵峰组上段已发现丽水36G1气田,但对中深层灵峰组勘探尚未获得大的突破,关键原因之一在于中深层砂体变化快、储层预测难度大.根据源-汇系统的研究思路,对物源类型、母岩特征、汇聚体系、聚砂模式等进行了分析.分析结果表明,丽水凹陷发育三大物源(闽浙隆起带、雁荡凸起和灵峰潜山)、3种汇聚通道(侵蚀沟谷、断面、断槽)以及5种控砂模式(陡坡带沟谷式控砂模式、断槽控制轴向源-汇控砂模式;缓坡带沟谷式控砂模式、缓坡带同生断层控砂模式和凸起陡坡带断面控砂模式).缓坡带沟谷式控砂模式是浅层明月峰组砂体发育的有利模式,陡坡带沟谷式控砂模式、断槽控制轴向源-汇控砂模式、缓坡带同生断层控砂模式是丽水凹陷西次凹中南部深层灵峰组砂体发育的有利模式,凸起陡坡带断面控砂模式是东次凹陡坡带砂体发育的有利模式.   相似文献   

钻井实践表明,钻井液侵入会改变井壁围岩特性,例如岩石强度、孔隙压力等。在非常规的含水合物地层,钻井液侵入还可能诱发地层中水合物分解和再形成,从而对井壁稳定和测井解释产生影响。因此,研究钻井液在含水合物地层中侵入流动特性有非常重要的理论和实际应用价值。基于野外水合物储层的相关数据和室内实验模拟系统,采用数值模拟方法研究了实验尺度下钻井液在含水合物地层中的侵入流动规律及其对储层物性的影响。模拟结果可为后续实验模拟方案设计以及热开采研究提供一定的指导作用。   相似文献   

摘 要:天然气水合物开采技术的改进与完善是水合物资源走向商业开发面临的重要问题,因此天然气水合物开采技术研究一直深受重视,新成果不断涌现。通过对国内外天然气水合物开采技术研究动态的跟踪,分析总结了这一前沿领域的最新研究进展。在天然气水合物常用开采方法中,加热开采法研究进展最为明显,在传统井口注热法基础上,提出了电磁加热、原地生热、干热岩加热等许多全新的原位加热思路;降压开采法与二氧化碳置换开采法在提高开采效率方面也做了诸多尝试,取得了一些新认识。另一方面,针对天然气水合物藏开采工艺技术也进行了积极的研究,在传统单井开采方案基础上,提出了双井、多井等多种新开采方案;水平井与水力压裂技术在水合物开采工艺研究中也显现出日益活跃的趋势。天然气水合物开采技术研究领域取得的这些新进展,进一步强化了人类对天然气水合物资源开发利用的技术基础。   相似文献   

西湖凹陷砂岩储层具有砂体厚度薄、砂泥互层发育以及横向变化快的特点,传统的地球物理方法很难精细地刻画砂体空间分布。将层序地层学与地质统计学反演相结合,在建立等时地层格架的基础上,构建相应的地球物理模型,在正确的沉积学理论指导下,对西湖凹陷平湖斜坡带平湖组砂岩储层开展砂体的时空分布预测研究。研究结果表明,平湖组可划分出3个三级层序,下部砂体单层厚度较大,横向连续性好,平面连片发育;中部以泥岩为主,砂体孤立发育,连续性差;上部砂体增多,单层厚度较薄,横向连续性好。结合钻井实际资料分析表明,砂体预测结果垂向分辨率可以达到1~2 m。地质统计学反演有效解决了西湖凹陷平湖斜坡带薄层砂体识别的难题,可为研究区有利储层预测提供重要支撑。   相似文献   

渤海湾盆地济阳拗陷沙三段页岩气地质条件分析   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
沙河街组三段的湖相富有机质泥页岩是济阳拗陷常规油气的主力烃源岩,也是该拗陷页岩气勘探的重点研究层系.分析沙三段暗色泥页岩的地球化学指标、页岩储层特征、含气性等,探讨济阳拗陷沙河街组湖相泥页岩形成页岩气的地质条件.结果表明:沙河街组湖相泥页岩沉积厚度大,平均大于200m;有机碳含量高,干酪根类型好,以Ⅰ型为主,Ⅱ1和Ⅱ2为辅;成熟度以成熟—高熟为主,与美国产气页岩和中国南方上扬子地区海相富有机质页岩地球化学特征具有可比性.湖相泥页岩脆性矿物质量分数高,石英与碳酸盐岩所占比例大,黏土矿物质量分数为10%~30%,页岩储层裂缝类型多样.由于砂泥岩互层频繁,粉砂或砂质夹层孔隙可以有效改善页岩储层储集性能,为页岩气提供有效的储集空间.泥页岩层段气测显示异常,指示其良好的含气性.沙三段富有机质泥页岩是济阳拗陷页岩气勘探的优选层系,具有良好的页岩气勘探潜力.  相似文献   

根据伊拉克中部A油田主力开发层上白垩统Khasib组碳酸盐岩油藏当前注水开发现状及需要对其进行流动单元的研究,针对该储层岩石及孔隙类型多样,孔喉结构及孔渗关系复杂特征,运用岩心、薄片、扫描电镜、物性分析和压汞资料,在岩相、沉积相、物性及孔喉结构研究基础上,运用微观孔隙结构法对流动单元进行了划分。对多级喉道半径与渗透率关系的分析表明,对本区储层渗透率表征最为敏感的为拐点喉道半径而非传统R35参数。采用该参数并结合岩相、物性、孔隙结构划分出Ⅰ~Ⅲ类流动单元:Ⅰ类流动单元岩相主要为砂屑颗粒灰岩,粒间孔、溶孔配合孔隙缩小型喉道对储层渗流起主要作用,拐点喉道半径大于0.8μm,渗流能力好,孔隙度为22%,渗透率为180×10-3μm2,发育在高能砂屑滩中;钻遇该类流动单元井初期产量高,但注水开发中易形成早期注水突破,应采取温和注水开采。Ⅱ类流动单元岩相主要为砂屑泥粒灰岩和绿藻泥粒灰岩,砂屑泥粒灰岩以粒间孔配合缩颈喉道,绿藻泥粒灰岩以绿藻铸模孔、溶孔配合网络状、孔隙缩小型喉道对储层渗流起主要作用,但主渗流孔喉组合所占比例较Ⅰ类流动单元小,拐点喉道半径介于0.35~0.8 μm之间,渗流能力较好,非均质性强,孔隙度为25%,渗透率为10×10-3 μm2,发育在中-高能的砂屑滩和中-低能的藻屑滩中;该类流动单元井初期产量较高,非均质性强导致剩余油分布差异大,是进一步开采和挖潜的主要区域。Ⅲ类流动单元岩相为抱球虫粒泥灰岩,体腔孔、微孔配合管束状喉道对渗流起主要作用,拐点喉道半径小于0.35 μm,渗流能力差,孔隙度平均值仍高达24%,但渗透率平均值仅为1.5×10-3 μm2,发育在较低能的缓斜坡中,含油饱和度低,储量低,较难开采。   相似文献   

渤海 BZ油田明下段储层内发育呈窄条带状分布的鸟足状浅水三角洲前缘指状砂坝,并由分流河道、河口坝及天然堤砂体组成,其强储层非均质性导致剩余油分布复杂.利用地质分析及数值模拟方法,分析了研究区指状砂坝储层非均质性特征及对剩余油分布的控制作用.研究发现:①宽条带状或近连片状的叠置指状砂坝内部多发育稳定的泥质隔层,在合层开采时,相对低渗储层剩余油富集,在注水井钻遇局部切叠部位时,上部砂体剩余油富集;②指状砂坝的宽度为100~1000m,宽度小于600m 的窄条带状指状砂坝内剩余油富集;③指状砂坝边部的物性最差,剩余油富集;中部的相对高渗砂体呈孤立透镜状分布,导致剩余油区易呈离散状分布;④指状砂坝内以底部水淹为主,正韵律砂体水淹厚度最小,反韵律砂体的水淹厚度最大,复合反正韵律砂体的水淹厚度与分流河道所占厚度呈负相关关系,总体上,指状砂坝的水淹厚度随着渗透率非均质性的增强具有降低的趋势.   相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长6期湖盆中部砂体发育特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长6期湖盆中部地区物源分析、沉积相特征等研究,分析了厚层砂体的形成机理和砂体类型.认为长6期物源主要来自东北、西南方向,发育三角洲前缘水下分流河道、河口坝、远端砂坝和浊流等砂体类型,湖盆演化从鼎盛转向萎缩的长6早期厚层砂体比较发育.白豹、合水地区砂层厚度大,储层条件良好,是石油勘探的有利地区.  相似文献   

Gas hydrate research has significant importance for securing world energy resources, and has the potential to produce considerable economic benefits. Previous studies have shown that the South China Sea is an area that harbors gas hydrates. However, there is a lack of systematic investigations and understanding on the distribution of gas hydrate throughout the region. In this paper, we applied mineral resource quantitative assessment techniques to forecast and estimate the potential distribution of gas hydrate resources in the northern South China Sea. However, current hydrate samples from the South China Sea are too few to produce models of occurrences. Thus, according to similarity and contrast principles of mineral outputs, we can use a similar hydrate-mining environment with sufficient gas hydrate data as a testing ground for modeling northern South China Sea gas hydrate conditions. We selected the Gulf of Mexico, which has extensively studied gas hydrates, to develop predictive models of gas hydrate distributions, and to test errors in the model. Then, we compared the existing northern South China Sea hydrate-mining data with the Gulf of Mexico characteristics, and collated the relevant data into the model. Subsequently, we applied the model to the northern South China Sea to obtain the potential gas hydrate distribution of the area, and to identify significant exploration targets. Finally, we evaluated the reliability of the predicted results. The south seabed area of Taiwan Bank is recommended as a priority exploration target. The Zhujiang Mouth, Southeast Hainan, and Southwest Taiwan Basins, including the South Bijia Basin, also are recommended as exploration target areas. In addition, the method in this paper can provide a useful predictive approach for gas hydrate resource assessment, which gives a scientific basis for construction and implementation of long-term planning for gas hydrate exploration and general exploitation of the seabed of China.  相似文献   

Many evidences for gas hydrate bearing sediments had been found in the continental slope of the East China Sea, such as bottom simulating reflections(BSRs), undersea gas springs, pyrite associated with methane leakage, mud diapirs/mud volcanos, bottom-water methane anomalies and so on. In this study, six key stratigraphic interfaces including T_0(seafloor), T_1(LGM, 23 kyr B.P.), T_2(2.58 Myr), T_3(5.33 Myr), T_4(11.02 Myr) and T_5(16.12 Myr) were identified, and then five third-order sequences of SQIII1 to SQIII5 were divided. However, T5 in southern continental slope is not found, which shows that the middle-northern Okinawa Trough had begun to rift in the early Miocene, earlier than the southern segment. Four system tracts including lowstand systems tract(LST), transgressive systems tract(TST), highstand systems tract(HST) and falling stage systems tract(FSST) are further divided. The marine erosion interface of 11.02 Myr and regressive unconformity interface of 23 kyr B.P. indicate two large-scale sea level drop events in the research area. Seven typical seismic facies identified in the continental slope are continental shelf-edge deltas, littoral fluvial-delta plains, incised channels or submarine canyons, slope fans, submarine fans or coastal sandbars, littoral-neritic finegrained sediments, mud volcanos and some other geological bodies respectively. The minimum water depth for hydrate occurrence in the Okinawa Trough is 630 m, and the thickness of gas hydrate stability zone in continental slope is between 0 and 590 m. The calculated bottom boundary of hydrate stability zone is slightly deeper than BSRs on the seismic sections. The re-depositional turbidite sand bodies, such as canyon channels, slope fans and submarine fans developed in Quaternary strata, are the predominant hydrate reservoirs. According to developing process, the dynamic accumulation of hydrate systems can be divided into three evolutionary stages including canyon erosion and hydrate stability zone migration stage, sediments destabilizing and methane leakage stage, and channel filling and hydrate re-occurrence stage.  相似文献   

The complex distribution of gas hydrate in sediments makes understanding the mechanical properties of hydrate-bearing sediments a challenging task. The mechanical behaviors of hydrate-bearing interlayered sediments are still poorly known. A series of triaxial shearing tests were conducted to investigate the strength parameters and deformation properties of methane hydrate-bearing interlayered sediments at the effective pressure of 1 MPa. The results indicate that the stress-strain curves of hydrate-bearing interlayered sediments are significantly different from that of hydrate-bearing sediments. The peak strength, Young's modulus, initial yielding modulus, and failure mode are deeply affected by the methane hydrate distribution. The failure behaviors and mechanism of strain softening and hardening patterns of the interlayered specimens are more complicated than those of the integrated specimens. This study compares the different mechanical behaviors between integrated and interlayered specimens containing gas hydrate, which can serve as a reference for the prediction and analysis of the deformation behaviors of natural gas hydrate reservoirs.  相似文献   

The Changling gas field is occurs in tight sandstone reservoirs of the Lower Cretaceous Denglouku Formation in the Changling fault depression , southern Songliao Basin , China, which constitutes a new gas-pro-ducing area in the depression .Using information on the source-reservoir-cap rock assemblage of the Denglouku Formation, fault activity, and single well burial history of well CS 1, together with data on reservoir fluid inclu-sion and laser Raman spectroscopy , we described the formation of the Changling gas field and determine that this fault depression did not possess suitable conditions for hydrocarbon generation .Coal-derived methane gen-erated from underlying hydrocarbon source rock accumulated in the Lower Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation .At the end of the Late Cretaceous Qingshankou Stage , underwater volcanic eruptions occurred in the northern part of the Changling gas field near Qian'an, resulting in the reactivation of deep faults .Mantle-sourced inorganic CO2 migrated along faults to hydrocarbon gas reservoirs in volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation ;Mean-while, displaced methane ( hydrocarbon gas ) migrated upward to sand reservoirs of the Denglouku Formation . The methane accumulated and formed secondary gas reservoirs ,Therefore fault activity was the main factor con-trolling the generation of gas reservoirs in the Denglouku Formation .The main accumulation period of the Yingcheng hydrocarbon gas reservoirs was 82 Ma.Whereas gas reservoir formation in the overlying Denglongku Formation was 79 Ma, slightly later than the time of formation of the Yingcheng gas reservoir in CS 1 well area. At 79 Ma, the burial depth of the Denglouku Formation was 1800-2000 m, the diagenesis is relatively weak and the physical properties of the reservoir are relatively favorable for accumulation .This period is not only at gas generation peak time of three sets of source rock but also at the reactivation of deep faults during the forma -tion of fault-bound depressions , thereby providing favorable conditions for the migration and accumulation of methane .  相似文献   

基于循环注蒸气和烟气激励的海上稠油开采技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过实验和油藏数值模拟,研究循环注蒸气和烟气激励的加热降黏、气体溶解降黏、气体扩大加热腔与减少热损失、蒸气与气体协同增产效应等开采机理,优化注入蒸气和烟气温度、烟气蒸气体积比、周期蒸气和气体注入量等参数,建议注入蒸气与烟气的温度高于300℃,在大气压下烟气蒸气体积比为0.4~0.6.在渤海稠油油田开展4口井循环注蒸气和烟气激励开采的现场试验.结果表明,循环注蒸气和烟气激励开采后稠油井平均日产油量达到冷采的3倍以上,最高日产油量超过100m3,周期产油量达到1.0×104 m3左右.基于循环注蒸气和烟气激励的海上开采稠油技术可以提高海上稠油开采速度和采收率,有潜力成为未来海上稠油油田的主要热采开发方式.  相似文献   

将石油天然气行业发展很成熟的水平井多裂隙开发技术用于增强型地热系统(EGS)可显著提高EGS的经济效益。本研究建立了三维EGS水平井多裂隙物理模型, 采用CFX模拟分析了在井间距以及裂隙间距等不同储层特征条件下EGS的运行性能, 揭示了不同储层特征对于EGS储层采热过程的影响机理。研究结果表明: ①裂隙间距是影响EGS工程运行寿命和开采率的关键因素, 在相同注水流量下, 较大的裂隙间距不易形成热穿透, 系统运行寿命更长, 但降低了储层开采率; 过小的裂隙间距易形成热穿透, 系统运行寿命短, 但开采率高。②井间距对裂隙中的流体流速影响显著, 随着井间距增加, 在相同开采时间下, 产流流体的温度不断升高, 系统的寿命也会随着井间距的增加而增加, 井间距的增大也意味着储层的体积也就更大, 从而有更多的热量可供开采, 因而提高了系统的运行寿命。研究结果可以为EGS储层的建造提供理论指导, 为实现商业化开采地热能做好理论准备。   相似文献   

珠江口盆地白云-荔湾深水区油气勘探中钻遇大量高含量CO2气层,使得如何规避高CO2风险成为当前面临的挑战。通过工区充注CO2的储层砂岩黏土矿物X射线衍射(XRD)、流体包裹体显微测温和稀有气体同位素组成等分析,明确了幔源无机CO2的成因,并运用黏土矿物特征讨论高温幔源无机CO2充注的黏土矿物成岩响应:有序带倒转和大量自生高岭石的生成。依据CO2气井的XRD全定量分析数据剖面图将幔源无机CO2气层段的黏土矿物组合分为3类:Ⅰ类为I/S混层黏土矿物中S体积分数介于10%~25%之间,有序度处于R2~R3带,高岭石体积分数高;Ⅱ类为I/S混层黏土矿物中S体积分数介于10%~15%,有序度为R2~R3带,自生高岭石体积分数低;Ⅲ类为I/S混层黏土矿物中S体积分数介于50%~60%,有序度为R0带,高岭石体积分数低。总结出幔源CO2在珠江组和珠海组中存在2种运聚模式:一是幔源CO2通过与基性岩浆连通的深大断裂垂直向上运聚;二是垂直向上运移后通过连通砂体侧向长距离运聚。研究结果对珠江口盆地白云-荔湾深水区下一步油气勘探规避高含量CO2风险具有指导作用。   相似文献   

Estimation of S-wave velocity using logging data has mainly been performed for sandstone,mudstone and oil and gas strata,while its application to hydrate reservoirs has been largely overlooked.In this paper we present petrophysical methods to estimate the S-wave velocity of hydrate reservoirs with the P-wave velocity and the density as constraints.The three models used in this paper are an equivalent model(MBGL),a three-phase model(TPBE),and a thermo-elasticity model(TEM).The MBGL model can effectively describe the internal relationship among the components of the rock,and the estimated P-wave velocities are in good agreement with the measured data(2.8% error).However,in the TPBE model,the solid,liquid and gas phases are considered to be independent of each other,and the estimation results are relatively low(46.6% error).The TEM model is based on the sensitivity of the gas hydrate to temperature and pressure,and the accuracy of the estimation results is also high(3.6% error).Before the estimation,the occurrence patterns of hydrates in the Shenhu area were examined,and occurrence state one(the hydrate is in solid form in the reservoir) was selected for analysis.By using the known P-wave velocity and density as constraints,a reasonable S-wave velocity value(ranging from 400 to 1100 m s~(-1) and for a hydrate layer of 1100 m s~(-1)) can be obtained through multiple iterations.These methods and results provide new data and technical support for further research on hydrates and other geological features in the Shenhu area.  相似文献   

克拉玛依油田八区克上组砾岩油藏测井描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克拉玛依油田八区克上组储层发育,油气资源丰富,为克拉玛依油田八区的主力油藏.在该油藏研究中,充分利用已有的测井资料,首先研究了测井资料的标准化方法和以测井曲线为基础的岩心归位方法,进而采用神经网络技术将测井信息转化为地质信息,通过该区117口井资料的综合解释和评价处理,为储层研究提供了基本地质参数和油气评价结论,并采用克里金估计模型绘制了砂体分布、油层有效厚度、孔隙度、渗透率及含油饱和度的平面空间分布图,全面分析了储层在空间的分布规律,为区块油藏综合治理和开发提供了可靠依据.  相似文献   

Seafloor pockmarks are important indicators of submarine methane seepages and slope instabilities.In order to promote the understanding of submarine pockmarks and their relationship with sediment instabilities and climate changes,here we summarize the research results of pockmarks in the spatio-temporal distributions and shaping factors.Most of pockmarks occur along active or passive continental margins during the last 25 kyr B.P..Circular and ellipse are the most common forms of pockmarks,whereas pockmarks in a special crescent or elongated shape are indicators of slope instabilities,and ring-shape pockmarks are endemic to the gas hydrate zones.Further researches should be focused on the trigger mechanism of climate changes based on the pockmarks in the high latitudes formed during the deglaciation periods,and the role of gas hydrates in the seafloor evolution should be elucidated.In addition,the feature of pockmarks at their early stage(e.g.,developing gas chimneys and gas driving sedimentary doming)and the relations between pockmarks and mass movements,mud diapirs could be further studied to clarify the influences of rapid methane release from submarine sediments on the atmospheric carbon contents.  相似文献   

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