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This study introduces a method to quantify the scenic value of wetland landscapes and provides the guidance on the allocation of efforts for the purpose of preserving the most important environments.Dongting Lake,a traditional tourist location,is one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China and a Grade 5A National Scenic Region. This study objectively analyzes the scenic resources of South Dongting Lake,and presents a model based on Quantification TheoryⅠto assess wetland scenic landscapes.Employing a multilinear regression relationship between land-scape factors and their associated scenic value,we built up the Wetland Landscape Quantification Model(WLQM), which was used to classify 221 landscapes into five grades.Finally,some suggestions are proposed regarding quantitative assessment and its use for the sustainable development of wetland environments.  相似文献   

Rural landscape is a complex of natural landscape and human landscape, with various values. The recreational value of rural landscape is a kind of comprehensive benefit with economic, social and ecological, which is provided by the rural landscape as a recreational resource. Loess Plateau is located at the junction of northern and northwestern of China, with serious water and soil erosion and fragile ecological environment. Jingning County is the national poor county, belonging to Liupanshan concentrated poverty areas. Hulu Watershed in Jingning is the typical valley area of Loess Plateau. In the past few decades, Jingning facing the fragile ecology and poverty, has been focusing on apple industry, forming unique rural landscape, exploring an ecological development path, and making much progress in green industrialization and urbanization. The author, according to the apple tree's growing stages, divided the rural landscape of Hulu Watershed into 15 types and analyzed its spatial patterns. The recreational value of Hulu Watershed was evaluated at 1.8 × 10~8–3.6 × 10~8 yuan(RMB) in 2014, by Travel Cost Method and Contingent Valuation Method. The territorial differentiational features of recreational value were that the higher value landscape types concentrated in the surrounding areas of towns and central villages, and the areas along the traffic and river had more development potentiality. The main influence factors were the construction of rural landscape and the development of recreation industry. And the development paths of different landscape types were also proposed. The research conclusions can provide reference for the landscape exploration and recreation industry development in the similar underdeveloped areas in the valley area of Loess Plateau with fragile ecology and poverty.  相似文献   

全面准确地分析中国建设用地空间格局,是衡量城市景观的生态环境效应和制定区域发展战略的重要依据。为此,本文基于空间分辨率为12 m的2012年的全球城市足迹数据,分别在国家、经济区和城市群量化了中国建设用地空间格局。结果表明,12 m分辨率的数据能更细致和准确地刻画中国建设用地的特征。2012年中国建设用地面积为1.73×105 km2,占中国陆地总面积的1.81%。从建设用地的空间格局来看,城市群尺度的建设用地破碎度最高,其建设用地平均斑块密度分别是国家和经济区平均水平的3.66倍和1.62倍。进一步分析表明,社会经济和地形因素共同影响建设用地空间格局。今后,应针对建设用地空间格局破碎问题,因地制宜地制定合理的措施,推动中国建设用地的合理发展。  相似文献   

As a form of economic and community development, agritourism has a strong and widespread appeal to all tourists. To explore the situation and value of agritourism in China, the Qianjiangyue agritourism farm located between Fuzhou City and Yongtai County was chosen to evaluate recreational values. The data was obtained from tourists and farm samples in Qianjiangyue agritourism farm by questionnaires. Two basic models including the zonal travel cost method (ZTCM) and the individual travel cost method (ITCM) were applied for data analysis. The recreational value estimation results obtained from ITCM and ZTCM showed that the total consumer surplus (CS) of the Qianjiangyue agritourism farm in 2011 was estimated at 54,533,300 CNY (8,894,682 US$) which was equal to a CS per tourist of 3029.63 CNY (494.15 US$), and the annual recreational value of agricultural landscapes per hm2 was 361,078 CNY (58,893.82 US$). The average annual recreational value of agritourism farmland was 15.7 times of that from traditional farming, and 6 times of present land business income. This paper will be helpful for exploring and utilizing appropriate environmental resources in China.  相似文献   

伟大的生态文明工程——对中国大运河遗址的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图从生态文明建设、区域经济发展和宏观协调的角度,点评中国大运河工程。作者认为:她是中国东部大平原上开发湿地、利用湖泊的成功范例。是古代水网地区跨流域的内河航运的中央干线;为农耕文明时代国家级的标志性工程,是自隋唐以来保证中国南北统一的政治、经济、文化干线;是中国历史发展的大动脉;也是中国伟大的生态文明工程。中国大运河总长约3500km,顺应自然环境、水系格局和平原微地貌条件。她是2500年间代代中华儿女因势利导、因地制宜、河工逾千万、分段接力完成的伟大漕运系统。至今仍有近900km正常通航,每年货运量约3亿t,依然是北煤南运、南水北调、沿线资源流通的物流干道。中国大运河是活着的大遗址,是仍然发挥调控南北的作用的大遗址。中国大运河曾经串联了我国中东部六省两直辖市,穿越的33个地区级城市中有18个是历史文化名城。这些城市都不同程度地因大运河而兴衰,而且水文化和水景观仍然是这些运河沿线城市的特点和亮点,是其成为宜居城市、生态旅游城市的基本条件。  相似文献   

基于中国地质环境监测院发布的《全国地质灾害通报》,本文从时空分布及影响因素2个方面,对2005-2016年的地质灾害发生类型变化、空间分布、成因、损失和避让情况进行了统计分析。分析结果表明:① 滑坡与崩塌是主要的地质灾害类型,分别占地质灾害总数的70%与10%左右,地质灾害总数、滑坡与崩塌均呈明显减少趋势;② 在空间分布上,地质灾害主要分布在湖南省和四川省,它们也是直接经济损失最大省份,四川省同时为死亡失踪人数最多的省份;③ 自然因素造成的地质灾害从96.6%降低到92.0%,人为因素造成的地质灾害则呈整体增加趋势,通过回归方程,每年平均增加量约为0.5%;④ 地质灾害造成的死亡、失踪和受伤的总人数逐渐递减,每年约减少75人左右;特大型地质灾害占总数的0.5%,却造成人员伤亡总数的25.7%和直接经济损失总量的47.7%;⑤ 避免的地质灾害与经济损失占地质灾害总数与直接经济损失总量的百分比,分别从2005年的2.8%与9.3%提高到2016年的6.9%与22.4%。通过回归方程,避免地质灾害数目与避免经济损失的百分比每年增长为0.7%与1.5%左右。通过对中国地质灾害的长时间动态监测结果进行分析,说明中国的防灾减灾工作取得了明显进展。  相似文献   

River water plays a key role in human health, and in social and economic development, and is often affected by both natural factors and human activities. An in-depth understanding of the role of these factors can help in developing an effective catchment management strategy to protect precious water resources. This study analyzed river water quality, patterns of terrestrial and riparian ecosystems, intensity of agricultural activities, industrial structure, and spatial distribution of pollutant emissions in the Haihe River Basin in China for the year of 2010, identifying the variables that have the greatest impact on river water quality. The area percentage of farmland in study area, the percentage of natural vegetation cover in the 1000-m riparian zone, rural population density, industrial Gross Domestic Product (GDP)/km2, and industrial amino nitrogen emissions were all significantly correlated with river water quality (P < 0.05). Farming had the largest impact on river water quality, explaining 43.0% of the water quality variance, followed by the coverage of natural vegetation in the 1000-m riparian zone, which explained 36.2% of the water quality variance. Industrial amino nitrogen emissions intensity and rural population density explained 31.6% and 31.4% of the water quality variance, respectively, while industrial GDP/km2 explained 26.6%. Together, these five indicators explained 67.3% of the total variance in water quality. Consequently, water environmental management of the Haihe River Basin should focus on adjusting agricultural activities, conserving riparian vegetation, and reducing industrial pollutant emissions by optimizing industrial structure. The results demonstrate how human activities drive the spatial pattern changes of river water quality, and they can provide reference for developing land use guidelines and for prioritizing management practices to maintain stream water quality in a large river basin.  相似文献   

本文以济南市泉水补给区为研究对象,利用GIS空间分析方法,在其景观变化分析的基础上,参照中国陆地生态系统的生态服务价值系数,估算了泉水补给区生态服务功能价值变化,重点分析景观变化对研究区生态服务功能的影响,进而为区域可持续发展和城市建设提供理论支持。结果表明:(1)20世纪90年代以来,泉水补给区耕地和草地景观面积呈减少趋势,林地、园地和建设用地景观面积大幅增加,其中,以林地面积增加最大;从景观类型转化看,耕地与其他景观类型相互转化较为密切,特别是与建设用地和园地之间的转化;林地面积的增加主要来源于草地和耕地;(2)泉水补给区生态服务功能价值主要由林地和耕地景观生态服务价值构成,其变化对该研究区生态服务价值变化起决定作用;从生态服务价值构成类型来看,该地区土壤形成与保护服务功能单项价值所占比重最大,约占总服务功能价值的20%;(3)90年代以来,该地区总生态服务价值呈增加趋势;从单项服务价值变化来看,水源涵养、废物处理和食物生产服务功能价值则呈现出减小趋势,其中,以水源涵养减幅最大,为4.01%,主要是由该区建设用地增加,地面硬化面积增多而引起的。研究认为,济南市南部山区作为重要的泉水补给区,其生态服务功能尤为重要,特别是水源涵养功能,因此,研究区水源涵养服务功能价值的降低应在今后南部山区开发过程中得到足够的重视与保护,逐步增加泉水补给区的整体生态效益。  相似文献   

Community-based natural resource management in northeast India has a long history. Indigenous knowledge and adaptation are the collective information, with improvement from generation to generation. The expectation is that under community control, local expertise on biodiversity will play a significant role in natural resource management through traditional practices. This paper discusses the characteristics and application of the traditional ecological knowledge of aboriginal peoples in northeast India and its role in natural resource management. Examples are provided in two different eco-cultural landscapes, i.e., Demazong (the Buddhist eco-cultural landscape in Sikkim Himalaya) and the Apatani eco-cultural landscape in Arunachal Pradesh, which illustrate the utility value of traditional ecological knowledge in sustainable natural resource management. Both eco-cultural landscapes are indeed very complex and highly evolved systems with high levels of economic and ecological efficiencies. The paper concludes that traditional ecological knowledge systems and institutions could serve as entry points into the sustainable utilization and management of natural resources. This could be achieved through the exploration of the cultural practices of the local people and integrating useful aspects into the modern natural resource management expertise. With rapidly depleting biodiversity in the developing tropic regions, there is a greater utilization today than ever before of the value of respecting the "Sacred" as a tool towards better conservation of natural resources.  相似文献   

During the last 30 years,China has witnessed rapid economic growth and dramatic urbanization,with about 1.2 × 107rural people migrating annually into urban areas.Meanwhile,especially since 1995,the rural population has been declining,which is closely linked to land circulation and the increase in farm size in many villages.Increasing scale of farming operations is often regarded as a key to avoiding the abandonment of farmland and to increasing the income of rural farmers.However,until now,there has been little research on the spatial and temporal variability of farm size at the national level in China.Using data from the national agricultural census and rural household surveys,this study examines the characteristics of land use circulation and the consequent changes in the area of farmland per household.The results show that: 1) 12.2% of rural households were involved in land circulation at the national level.The highest amounts of land circulation have occurred in those provinces where the farmland per capita is more than 0.2 ha or less than 0.1 ha;2) over 80% of households operate less than 0.6 ha of farmland;3) the proportion of mid-sized farms(between 0.2 ha and 0.6 ha per household) has decreased while the smallest and the largest farms have increased.This bears some similarity with the phenomenon known as the ′disappearing middle′,referring to the changes in farm size.This study establishes a framework for interpreting the factors affecting the changes in farm size in China,which include two promoting factors(urbanization and agriculture) and four hindering factors(agricultual land system,household registration,stable clan system,and farmland loss).  相似文献   

嵩山不仅是中外地质学家憧憬和瞩目的地质场所,而且还是一个旅游胜地。本文较详细地论述了嵩山的山石景观、岩溶景观、天然地质博物馆及人文景观。嵩山旅游资源类型齐全,分布集中,开发潜景远大。作者对开发嵩山旅游资源,加强资源保护等提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

The degeneration of forest landscapes is mainly caused by human impact on the natural environment, which is posing a great threat to biodiversity. We studied the relationship between forest landscapes and birds in mountain regions of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. In Jinuo ethnic region, forest landscape is degenerating, and bird diversity is reducing as a result of human influence. However, in Hani ethnic region of Mengsong area, a comparative study area, there are also traditional practices of agriculture and forestry. The traditional practices are dynamically adaptive to local geographic environment and social economic conditions. A great deal of biodiversity exists in the place where people have lived for many generations and use the resources of environment in a sustainable manner. Considering bird diversity and forest landscape of mountainous area, both economic and ecological benefits should be taken into account, which relate to land use and landscape protection. Biodiversity conservation, resource management and policy making should pay much attention to the best interconnection of land use and landscapes protection.  相似文献   

1 THE STRATEGY OF ECOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTION1.1 Active Ecological BalanceThe guidelines of current ecology are changing from balance, stability, homogeneity and small scale into imbalance, instability, heterogeneity, multi-scale, and hierarchy characteristics. The so-called ecological balance means that in the relatively stable status of an ecosystem in a specific time period, material and energy input equals to their output. Also by self-adjusting, the ecosystem can rehabilita…  相似文献   

1GENERALSITUATIONOFTHESTUDIEDAREA1.1NaturalEnvironmentThestudywasconductedintheJinuoMountain(20°53′11″-22°9′59″N,100°55′33″-1...  相似文献   

Valuation of lake and marsh wetlands ecosystem services in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wetlands are highly productive natural ecosystems, providing valuable goods and services. There is growing interest in transferring ecosystem service value from the existing wetlands studied to other wetlands ecosystems at a large geographic scale. The benefit transfer method uses the known values from wetlands to predict the value of other wetland sites. This methodology requires only limited time and resources. The present study calculated the value of the ecological services provided by lake and marsh wetlands in China in terms of biodiversity indices, water quality indices and economic indices. Basic data on wetlands were obtained through remote sensing images. The results show that: 1) The total ecosystem service value of the lake and marsh wetlands in 2008 was calculated to be 8.1841 × 1010 United States Dollars(USD), with the marsh and lake wetlands contributing 5.6329 × 1010 and 2.5512 × 1010 USD, respectively. Values of marsh ecosystem service were concentrated in Heilongjiang Province(2.5516 × 1010 USD), Qinghai Province(1.2014 × 1010 USD), and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(1.1884 × 1010 USD). The value of the lakes were concentrated in Tibet Autonomous Region(6.223 × 109 USD), Heilongjiang(5.810 × 109 USD), and Qinghai(5.500 × 109 USD). 2) Waste treatment and climate regulation services contributed to 26.29% and 24.74% respectively, of the total ecosystem service value of the marsh wetlands. Hydrological regulation and waste treatment contributed to 41.39% and 32.75%, respectively, of the total ecosystem service value of the lake wetlands. 3) The total ecological service value of the lake and marsh wetlands was 54.64% of the total service value of natural grassland ecosystems and 30.34% of the total service value of forests ecosystems in China.  相似文献   

In this study, remote sensing data of Wuhan City,, Hubei Province, China in 1996-2001 were selected to extract wetland landscape information. Several landscape indices were used to evaluate the changes of landscape pattern within the five years, including patch number, patch density, patch fractal dimension, landscape diversity, dominance, evenness, and fragmentation indexes. Then, transformation probabilities of wetland landscapes into non-wetland landscapes were calculated based on Markov Model, and on these grounds the relationship between changes of wetland landscape pattern and urban construction was analyzed. The results showed that fragmentation degree of all wetland types increased, lake area declined, and dominance of natural wetland decreased. The reasons for these results were mainly because of urban construction. According to the features of abundant wetland in Wuhan City, we suggested that protection of wetland landscape should cooperate with urban construction, which means wetland should become important part of urban landscape.  相似文献   

Assessing the real value of farmland in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The preservation of farmland is a growing concern in China because the fact that China possesses limited land resources and the world's largest population presents a clear contradiction. Only when the value of farmland is fully appreciated in commercial markets can farmland preservation be effectively achieved. The current study constructed a model to evaluate the economic, social, and ecological value of farmland in China according to the connotation of values. As a case study, the value of Chinese farmland was estimated in 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, and 2011 using the established model. Although the amount of farmland was greatly reduced from 1999 to 2011 due to constructive occupation, agricultural restructuring, ecological restoration, and disaster destruction, the value of this farmland increased from 220.71×1012 to 736.26×1012 RMB Yuan as a result of the multifunctional nature and scarcity of farmland during the same period. The potential value of farmland in China was huge, but the value in the market was greatly underestimated, especially in regard to its social and ecological value. This study proposes a new method that integrates the discounted value of all future services provided by a natural resource(for the society and individuals) to evaluate the resource assets, provides a scientific foundation for the preservation and operation of farmland assets, and explores ways to increase farmers' property income.  相似文献   

The rapid development of mariculture in China in recent decades has satisfied people's demand of seafood, and has made a great contribution to economic development. However, mariculture has also caused some negative impacts on the eco-environment. By statistically analyzing national data(as well as data for four main provinces) regarding the mariculture area and cultivation species in China since reform and opening up, the historical evolution of mariculture during the past 40 years was analyzed, the driving factors related to policy, market and technology innovation were discussed, and the potential impacts of mariculture on the coastal eco-environment were also illustrated. The statistical results indicated that the maricultural area increased radically during the past 40 years, from 1979(116.47 × 10~3 ha) to 2012(2205.65 × 10~3 ha), with an increase of nearly 20-fold. Shandong Province represented the fastest-growing region, with an increase of 31-fold. Moreover, the cultivated species had gradually become diversified. Initially, shellfish and algae were major species, and then it developed to various species including fish, and currently shellfish and crustaceans were the major species. The development of mariculture was driven by government policies, market economy and technology innovation. Rapid development of mariculture also caused significantly adverse impacts on the eco-environment of the coastal regions. For example, the sea reclamation for mariculture decreased the area and function of coastal wetlands and the contaminants originating from mariculture destroyed the coastal aquatic environment. Fortunately, the implementation of ‘13 th Five-Year Fisheries Planning' is expected to help both improve the seafood quality and reduce the contamination in coastal aquatic environment. This current study will provide reference for management and structure adjustment of mariculture in the future.  相似文献   

Zoige Plateau wetlands are located in the northeastern corner of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The landscape pattern evolution processes in the Zoige Plateau and their driving factors were identified by analyzing the dynamic changes in landscape modification and conversion and their dynamic rates of alpine wetlands over the past four decades.The results showed that the landscape conversion between wetlands and non-wetlands mainly occurred during the period from 1966 to 1986.The marsh wetland area converted from lake and river wetlands was larger because of swamping compared to other wetland landscapes.Meanwhile,the larger area of marsh wetlands was also converted to lake wetlands more than other types of wetlands.The modification processes mainly occurred among natural wetland landscapes in the first three periods.Obvious conversions were observed between wetland and nonwetland landscapes(i.e.,forestland,grassland,and other landscapes) in the Zoige Plateau.These natural wetland landscapes such as river,lake and marsh wetlands showed a net loss over the past four decades,whereas artificial wetland landscapes(i.e.,paddy field and reservoir and pond wetlands) showed a net decrease.The annual dynamic rate of the whole wetland landscape was 0.72%,in which the annual dynamic rate of river wetlands was the highest,followed by lake wetlands,while marsh wetlands had the lowest dynamic rate.The integrated landscape dynamic rate showed a decreasing trend in the first three periods.The changes in wetland landscape patterns were comprehensively controlled by natural factors and human activities,especially human activities play an important role in changing wetland landscape patterns.  相似文献   

安仰生  张旭  陈希武  甘延景  赵艳杰  王言雨 《山东国土资源》2007,23(6):2006/12/13-2007/6/9
山东枣庄熊耳山国家地质公园内,具双龙大裂谷、抱犊崮国家级森林公园、崮形地貌、崩塌地质遗迹、龙床水库等自然地质景观;地质地貌景观具重要的地学研究与观赏价值,挖掘地质景观资源,应遵循在保护中开发、在开发中保护的原则,此是公园管理部门一项长期的任务。  相似文献   

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