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白东方 《天文学报》2022,63(1):10-105
定位快速射电暴(Fast Radio Burst, FRB)以及确认其寄主星系至今仍是一个具有挑战性的难题,截至2021年4月已确认13个快速射电暴的寄主星系,其中只有3个重复暴,其余都是非重复暴.快速射电暴的寄主星系对快速射电暴起源的探索起着非常重要的作用,约束着快速射电暴前身星模型.对这些已确认寄主星系的FRB进行研究,发现FRB寄主星系对色散量(Dispersion Measure, DM)的贡献在一定范围内波动(0–240 pc·cm-3),并且寄主星系对DM的贡献与寄主星系的性质(恒星形成率、金属丰度)也可能具有关联性.寄主星系恒星形成率、金属丰度与色散量的统计关系对FRB邻近环境的研究有着重要意义.  相似文献   

作为射电天文接收机系统的关键器件, 低噪声放大器的噪声和增益性能对接收机系统的灵敏度有重要影响. 采用100nm砷化镓赝配高电子迁移率晶体管(pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor, pHEMT)\lk工艺, 研制了一款可覆盖C波段(4--8GHz)的低噪声放大器(Low Noise Amplifier, LNA). 所设计的LNA采用3级共源级联放大拓扑结构, 栅极、漏极双电源供电. 常温下测试表明, 该LNA在4--8GHz频段内平均噪声温度为\lk60K, 在5GHz处获得最低噪声温度50K, 通带内增益($31\pm1.5$)dB, 输入输出回波损耗均优于10dB, 芯片面积为$2.1\times1.1$mm2, 可以应用于C波段射电天文接收机以及卫星通信系统等.  相似文献   

《竹书纪年》记载尧``元年丙子帝即位'', ``四十二年景星见于翼''. 《论衡》记载``尧时景星见于轸''. 这可能是出现在翼宿和轸宿之间的超新星. 由已知的干支纪年推算尧帝四十二年是公元前2164年. 把足够宽的范围\lk($180^\circ\pm23^\circ$)作``翼、轸''之间的过渡区域, 在格林(Green)超新星遗迹表中搜索到20颗超新星, 只有高银纬遗迹PKS 1209-52 (G296.5$+$10.0)符合尧帝景星``状如半月''的亮度和年龄限制, 它是尧帝景星(SN-B.C.2164)的唯一候选体. 依据超新星的表面亮度$\varSigma$与线直径D之间的$\varSigma\propto D^{-\beta  相似文献   

针对目前从海量的快速射电暴(Fast Radio Burst, FRB)候选体中人工筛选FRB事件难以为继的现状,提出了一种基于卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN)的FRB候选体分类方法.首先,通过真实的观测数据和仿真FRB组成训练和测试样本集.其次,建立了二输入的深度卷积神经网络模型,并对其进行训练、测试和优化,获取FRB候选体分类器.最后,利用来自脉冲星的单脉冲数据对该分类器的有效性和性能进行了验证.实验结果表明,该方法可以快速从大量候选体中准确识别出单脉冲事件,极大地提高了FRB候选体的处理速率和效率.  相似文献   

光学波段的“变脸”AGN (changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus, CL AGN)是光谱类型发生变化AGN的统称.近年来,越来越多观测证据表明这类现象与中央超大质量黑洞吸积活动有关.而黑洞吸积率的变化可能会引起喷流的增强或者减弱,进而导致射电波段观测性质的变化.在已发表的文献中,收集了74个光学波段证认的“变脸”AGN、90个“变脸”AGN的候选体.基于这个目前最大并且选源方式多样化的非完备样本,探讨了“变脸”AGN在射电波段的观测性质.从澳大利亚平方公里阵先导设备(Australian Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Pathfinder, ASKAP)和美国甚大阵甚大阵(Very Large Array, VLA)的4大射电巡天观测中,发现了51个“变脸”AGN (含21个候选体)在0.9–3 GHz存在射电波段的对应体,样本的射电探测率约为41%,与一般AGN的射电探测率无显著区别.此外,分析了这些源的射电谱指数,发现在1.4 GHz和3 GHz频段“变脸”AGN相对于一般射电源有较平的射电谱.该统计结果或可解释为“...  相似文献   

恒星形成于分子云之中, 分子外向流是恒星形成正在进行的重要动力学特征, 也是研究和认识恒星形成的重要契入点. 利用紫金山天文台青海观测站德令哈13.7m毫米波望远镜, 采用5种分子谱线探针(包括12CO、13CO、C18O、HCO$^+$ $J=1-0$和CS $J=2-1$, J为角动量量子数), 对一个包含IRAS 19230+1506、IRAS 19232+1504和G050.3179--00.4186这3个源的大质量恒星形成复合体进行了成图观测研究. 通过对以上分子谱线数据并结合红外波段巡天数据的分析, 在这3个源中首次探测到了分子外向流活动, 并确定了分子外向流的中心驱动源. 最后对这3个源进行了分子外向流相关物理量参数的计算, 分析了这些物理量参数之间的关系, 结果表明分子外向流的性质与中心驱动源的性质息息相关.  相似文献   

中国巡天空间望远镜(Chinese Survey Space Telescope, CSST)是中国的首个大型空间光学望远镜, 将对包括系外行星探测在内的诸多科学目标开展研究, 有望取得前沿科学进展. 时序测光精度是CSST重要的性能指标, 受到物理噪声和仪器噪声的影响, 需要通过数值模拟对其分析和评估. 模拟基于目前公布的CSST主要技术参数, 建立了时序的恒星信号和噪声模型, 以CSST的i波段为例, 分析凝视观测模式下的测光精度. 通过数值仿真, 展示了孔径测光中各项噪声的贡献, 特别是由指向抖动和像素响应不均匀性导致的抖动噪声. 模拟结果还给出了测光孔径的推荐范围. 为了获得更高的信噪比, 可以减小仪器抖动振幅和像素不均匀性, 或者采用参考星较差测光的方式. 结果为CSST后续的时序测光精度与不同指标参数的相关性分析、系外行星探测能力评估以及测光数据处理提供了模拟数据的支撑.  相似文献   

从海量的天文观测数据中快速搜寻罕见的快速射电暴(Fast Radio Burst, FRB)事件, 干扰缓解是其中一项关键而具有挑战的工作. 射频干扰(Radio Frequency Interference, RFI)会淹没真实的天文事件, 还会导致搜寻管线输出大量的假阳性候选体. 由于干扰来源及其种类的复杂性, 目前并没有一种通用的方法可以解决这个问题. 为了降低干扰对FRB观测搜寻的影响, 分析和研究了南山26m射电望远镜L波段观测数据中的干扰情况, 针对主要的窄带干扰和宽带干扰建立了3层次的干扰缓解处理流程, 从而有效缓解了观测数据的干扰污染情况. 将该流程嵌入到FRB色散动态谱搜寻(Dispersed Dynamic Spectra Search, DDSS)管线中, 实验结果表明, 搜寻管线的检测率和检测精度得到了进一步的提高. 该方法为FRB观测数据干扰缓解处理提供了有价值的参考.  相似文献   

黑洞暂现双星MAXI J1820+070于2018年3月的明亮爆发为研究光学快速测光能力提供了重要机遇. 以快速光学相机(Fast Optical Camera, FOC)为终端设备分别在2018年4月22日、5月26日和8月31日(UTC)使用云南天文台丽江观测站2.4m望远镜对爆发中的黑洞双星MAXI J1820+070进行了亚秒时标的测光观测. 通过观测数据分析, 研究了相机的快速测光性能.对全帧和1/4帧两种观测模式的帧间间隔(frame time), 测得平均帧间间隔为(22.866 pm 0.679)ms和(5.868 pm 0.169)ms. 通过视场中多颗明亮参考源校准,提取了观测对象和参考源的光变曲线, 获得了光变曲线的傅里叶功率谱, 区分了观测对象本征光变和仪器或望远镜等观测因素带来的非本征光变, 成功探测到目标黑洞双星MAXI J1820+070中的光学波段低频准周期振荡信号, 并判别了观测中来自仪器设备或与观测条件相关的时变信号. 这成功验证了相机高速稳定的测光性能和对短至5ms时标光变信号的探测能力.  相似文献   

高灵敏度太赫兹探测模块(High Sensitivity Terahertz Detection Module, HSTDM)是中国空间巡天望远镜---巡天光学设施的后端模块之一, 其核心探测器采用可工作于10K温区的氮化铌超导SIS (Superconductor Insulator Superconductor)混频器. 超导SIS混频前端的锁定机构在力学和热学方面需相应的特殊设计, 以应对发射阶段的力学振动以及工作运行阶段的隔热要求. 为了确认在80K温区锁定机构与混频器前端有效分离, 针对超导SIS混频前端发射锁定机构所用特氟龙材料热胀特性, 开展基于低温LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer)测量和标记划痕法测量以及两种测量方法交叉验证. LVDT实验测量结果表明特氟龙材料收缩率随温度变化与理论模型基本一致, 在80K测得材料收缩率为1.86%. 据此分析, 超导SIS混频前端锁定机构在\lk 80K温度下可与10K冷级的超导SIS混频前端实现有效分离.  相似文献   

We present temporal and spectral characteristics of X-ray flares observed from six late-type G–K active dwarfs (V368 Cep, XI Boo, IM Vir, V471 Tau, CC Eri and EP Eri) using data from observations with the XMM–Newton observatory. All the stars were found to be flaring frequently and altogether a total of 17 flares were detected above the 'quiescent' state X-ray emission which varied from 0.5 to  8.3 × 1029 erg s−1  . The largest flare was observed in a low-activity dwarf XI Boo with a decay time of 10 ks and ratio of peak flare luminosity to 'quiescent' state luminosity of 2. We have studied the spectral changes during the flares by using colour–colour diagram and by detailed spectral analysis during the temporal evolution of the flares. The exponential decay of the X-ray light curves, and time evolution of the plasma temperature and emission measure are similar to those observed in compact solar flares. We have derived the semiloop lengths of flares based on the hydrodynamic flare model. The size of the flaring loops is found to be less than the stellar radius. The hydrodynamic flare decay analysis indicates the presence of sustained heating during the decay of most flares.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that the presence of a hot magnetic corona provides the source of X-ray emission in cool stars. With this connection one could expect to see the variation of magnetic flux in the activity cycle of a star mirrored by a similar variation in the stars X-ray emission. Using magnetic maps produced from flux emergence and transport simulations and assuming a potential field for the corona, we can extrapolate the coronal magnetic field and hence calculate the variation of the X-ray emission. We consider three types of activity cycle that successfully reproduce the pattern of intermingled magnetic flux at high latitudes, a feature observed with Zeeman–Doppler imaging. The three different cycles take the form of (1) an enhanced butterfly pattern where flux emergence is extended to a latitude of 70°, (2) an extended emergence profile as before but with an overlap of 4 yr in the butterfly diagram and (3) where no butterfly diagram is used. The cyclic variation in the X-ray emission is around two orders of magnitude for cases (1) and (3), but less than one order of magnitude for case (2). For all three cases, the rotational modulation of the X-ray emission is greatest at cycle minimum, but the emission measure weighted density varies little over the cycle. For cases (1) and (2) the fraction of the total flux that is open (along which a wind can escape) varies little over the cycle, but for case (3) this is three times larger at cycle minimum than at maximum. Our results clearly show that although magnetic cycles may exist for stars they are not necessarily observable in the X-ray emission.  相似文献   

We find that five sources listed in the new carbon star catalog are not really carbon-rich objects but oxygen-rich stars, because they all have the prominent 10μm silicate features in absorption and the 1612MHz OH maser emission or/and the SiO molecular features. These objects were considered as carbon stars in the catalog based only on their locations in the infrared two-color diagram. Therefore to use the infrared two-color diagram to distinguish carbon-rich stars from oxygenrich stars must be done with caution, because, in general, it has only a statistical meaning.  相似文献   

We present the broad-band noise structure of selected anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) in the 2–60 keV energy band. We have analysed Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Proportional Counter Array archival light curves for four AXPs and one SGR. We detect that the persistent emission of these sources shows band-limited noise at low frequencies in the range 0.005–0.05 Hz varying from 2.5 to 70 per cent integrated rms in times of prolonged quiescence and following outbursts. We discovered band-limited red noise in 1E 2259+586 only for ∼2 yr after its major 2002 outburst. The system shows no broad-band noise otherwise. Although this rise in noise in 1E 2259+586 occurred following an outburst which included a rotational glitch, the other glitching AXPs showed no obvious change in broad-band noise, thus it does not seem that this noise is correlated with glitches. The only source that showed significant variation in broad-band noise was 1E   1048.1−5937  , where the noise gradually rose for 1.95 yr at a rate of ∼3.6 per cent per year. For this source the increases in broad-band noise was not correlated with the large increases in persistent and pulsed flux, or its two short SGR-like bursts. This rise in noise did commence after a long burst, however, given the sparsity of this event, and the possibility that similar bursts went unnoticed the trigger for the rise is noise in 1E   1048.1−5937  is not as clear as for 1E 2259+586. The other three sources indicate a persistent band-limited noise at low levels in comparison.  相似文献   

Summary Stars of nearly all spectral types and luminosity classes are surrounded by tenuous high-temperature (T106-107K) coronae, which emit most of their radiation in the soft X-ray part of the spectrum. This paper reviews our present observational knowledge and theoretical understanding of stellar coronae, as has emerged from the extensive observations carried out with theEinstein and EXOSAT Observatories. We argue that different physical mechanisms are likely to be responsible for coronal emission in different parts of the HR diagram and we discuss the principal scenarios that have been proposed to account for the data. We show that in spite of the enormous progress made during the past decade, our understanding of stellar coronal emission remains incomplete and largely phenomenological. We outline major unsolved problems to be addressed by future space missions.  相似文献   

We applied the aton evolutionary code to the computation of detailed grids of standard (non-rotating) and rotating pre-main sequence (PMS) models and computed their adiabatic oscillation spectra, with the aim of exploring the seismic properties of young stars. As, until now, only a few frequencies have been determined for ∼40 PMS stars, the way of approaching the interpretation of the oscillations is not unique. We adopt a method similar to the matching mode method by Guenther and Brown making use, when necessary, also of our rotating evolutionary code to compute the models for PMS stars. The method is described by a preliminary application to the frequency spectrum of two PMS stars (85 and 278) in the young open cluster NGC 6530. For the Star 85, we confirm with self-consistent rotating models, previous interpretation of the data, attributing three close frequencies to the mode   n = 4, l = 1  and   m = 0  , +1 and −1. For the Star 278, we find a different fit for the frequencies, corresponding to a model within the original error box of the star, and dispute the possibility that this star has a T eff much cooler that the red boundary of the radial instability strip.  相似文献   

Observations of rapidly rotating solar-like stars show a significant mixture of opposite-polarity magnetic fields within their polar regions. To explain these observations, models describing the surface transport of magnetic flux demand the presence of fast meridional flows. Here, we link subsurface and surface magnetic flux transport simulations to investigate (i) the impact of meridional circulations with peak velocities of  ≤125 m s−1  on the latitudinal eruption pattern of magnetic flux tubes and (ii) the influence of the resulting butterfly diagrams on polar magnetic field properties. Prior to their eruption, magnetic flux tubes with low field strengths and initial cross-sections below  ∼300 km  experience an enhanced poleward deflection through meridional flows (assumed to be polewards at the top of the convection zone and equatorwards at the bottom). In particular, flux tubes which originate between low and intermediate latitudes within the convective overshoot region are strongly affected. This latitude-dependent poleward deflection of erupting magnetic flux renders the wings of stellar butterfly diagrams distinctively convex. The subsequent evolution of the surface magnetic field shows that the increased number of newly emerging bipoles at higher latitudes promotes the intermingling of opposite polarities of polar magnetic fields. The associated magnetic flux densities are about 20 per cent higher than in the case disregarding the pre-eruptive deflection, which eases the necessity for fast meridional flows predicted by previous investigations. In order to reproduce the observed polar field properties, the rate of the meridional circulation has to be of the order of 100 m s−1, and the latitudinal range from which magnetic flux tubes originate at the base of the convective zone (≲50°) must be larger than in the solar case (≲35°).  相似文献   

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