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高灵敏度太赫兹探测模块(High Sensitivity Terahertz Detection Module, HSTDM)是中国空间巡天望远镜---巡天光学设施的后端模块之一, 其核心探测器采用可工作于10K温区的氮化铌超导SIS (Superconductor Insulator Superconductor)混频器. 超导SIS混频前端的锁定机构在力学和热学方面需相应的特殊设计, 以应对发射阶段的力学振动以及工作运行阶段的隔热要求. 为了确认在80K温区锁定机构与混频器前端有效分离, 针对超导SIS混频前端发射锁定机构所用特氟龙材料热胀特性, 开展基于低温LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer)测量和标记划痕法测量以及两种测量方法交叉验证. LVDT实验测量结果表明特氟龙材料收缩率随温度变化与理论模型基本一致, 在80K测得材料收缩率为1.86%. 据此分析, 超导SIS混频前端锁定机构在\lk 80K温度下可与10K冷级的超导SIS混频前端实现有效分离.  相似文献   

<正>高灵敏度超导混频技术是推动天体物理前沿领域—太赫兹天文观测研究发展的重要因素之一.目前,已被广泛应用的铌超导隧道结的灵敏度已接近量子极限,但其能隙频率仅为0.7 THz.高于该频率,超导体会吸收光子能量拆散其中Cooper对(能量耗散过程),进而导致探测灵敏度恶化.因此,研究基于更高能隙超导体的太赫兹混频技术具有特别重要的意义.氮化铌超导隧道结的能隙频率是铌的2倍,其制备技术近年来取得很大进展,但较于铌隧道结的优势尚未显现,也未实现天文观测应用.  相似文献   

使用移动式亚毫米波望远镜(POST)在位于青藏高原海拔3200米的紫金山天文台德令哈射电天文观测站址测量地球大气492GHz频率处天顶方向的不透明度(τ0)的结果.在1999—2000年冬季和2000—2001年冬季的两个观测季节内累计共进行了约870个小时的测量,取得了25842组τ0的有效数据.对数据的统计表明,观测季节内τ0值主要分布在1.5—3.0之间.观测时段内大气不透明度τ0≤1.0的时间比例约占3%.在给出实测资料的基础上,将所测量的亚毫米波不透明度与国际现有亚毫米波台址的不透明度进行了初步比较.  相似文献   

超导SIS (Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor)接收机因极低的接收机噪声温度成为毫米波和亚毫米波段射电天文观测的首选.本振系统耦合噪声也是接收机噪声的一部分,在多年的天文观测中,发现本振耦合噪声无法完全忽略,对天文观测的灵敏度有一定影响.采用两个不同种类的信号发生器作为本振系统初级信号源,测试了超导SIS接收机的噪声温度,发现信号发生器输出的基底噪声能够耦合到接收机内部,从而增加接收机噪声强度.分析研究了本振系统热噪声和信号发生器基底噪声对接收机噪声的影响.通过在信号发生器输入端加入窄带滤波器滤除其基底噪声,消除了信号发生器基底噪声引入的接收机噪声,降低了接收机的整体噪声,提高了望远镜的灵敏度.  相似文献   

本文介绍了用更换五个储存泡的方法进行的氢脉泽壁移实验,这些泡均涂以国产聚四氟乙烯。其实验结果为:K(40℃)=-293±17mHz·cm,α(40℃)=(-17±2)×10~(-3)/℃;并通过罗兰—C长期比对,求得未干扰氢原子基态超精细跃迁频率为f_(0_0)=1420405751.767±0.002Hz。  相似文献   

利用美国甚长基线阵,在5GHz和8GHz波段观测致密陡谱源(CSS)1150+497,获得的5GHz总流量图显示1150+497有单边喷流结构。在5GHz波段该源的西南方向探测到3个亮结,在东北方向探测到一个亮结。在8GHz波段该源的西南方向探测到2个亮结。在5GHz波段,根据子源A和E自1982~2001年间3个时段的VLBI观测成图结果,拟合出它们的分离速度为0.478±0.007mas/year。  相似文献   

采用Ramsey分离振荡场方法,研究了紧束缚一维强相互作用的超冷玻色气体在Tonks-Girardeau区的Ramsey干涉。在等失谐情况下,干涉条纹宽度随着原子与分离场作用时间和拉比(Rabi)频率的增大而变窄。对量子投影噪声的研究表明,相比二能级Tonks-Girardeau气体,对于三能级模型,通过控制原子总数和调节外场可以降低量子噪声,有效地减少噪声对Tonks-Girardeau气体系统的干扰。原子干涉的探索对提高量子频率标准的精度具有重要理论指导意义。  相似文献   

时间延迟相关函数(Time Delay Correlation Function,TDCF)方法是一种可以计算时间序列时间延迟的新方法,利用该方法计算blazar天体0316+413(NGC 1275)3个射电波段(4.8 GHz、8 GHz和14.5 GHz)的时间延迟并进行另外7个blazar源的多波段相关分析.对0316+413的计算结果表明:4.8 GHz光变延迟8 GHz光变410 d,即τ_(4.8-8)=410 d;4.8 GHz光变延迟14.5 GHz光变440 d,τ_(4.8-14.5)=440 d;8 GHz光变延迟14.5 GHz光变30 d,即τ_(8-14.5)=30 d;通过7个blazar天体的多波段相关分析,和离散相关函数(Discrete Correlation Function,DCF)方法相比,利用TDCF方法获得时间延迟是更加合理的.  相似文献   

利用液晶相位可变延迟器慢轴折射率随外加电压变化的特性,研制了一台用液晶进行频率调谐的分布反馈(DFB,distributed feedback)外腔半导体激光器。液晶DFB外腔激光器输出激光线宽为475 kHz,液晶电压变化1.6 V(0.5~2.1 V)时,激光频率变化为7 GHz,覆盖了Cs原子D2线的全部饱和吸收谱线。在实现外腔半导体激光器方法中,应用液晶调相较应用压电陶瓷(PZT)改变腔长,其具有调谐电压低,回程误差小,并可以消除机械稳定性差等特点。  相似文献   

统计分析了国家天文台2.6-3.8 GHz高时间分辨率射电动态频谱仪在23周峰年期间(1998.4—2003.1)观测到的266个III型爆发.对这些事件的频率漂移、持续时间、偏振、带宽、开始和结束频率做了详细分析.开始和结束频率的统计分析表明,开始频率在一个非常大的范围,从小于2.6 GHz到大于3.8 GHz,而结束频率的截止区相对集中,从2.82-3.76 G.Hz.这些现象说明,电子加速的高度相当分散,在观测频率范围内具有正、负漂移率的III型爆发数基本相等,这可能意味着被加速的向上和向下传播的电子束在2.6—3.8 GHz范围有相同的比例.统计结果表明,微波III型爆发的辐射机制主要是等离子体辐射和电子回旋脉泽辐射过程.  相似文献   

2022年1月,失效的北斗G2卫星被实践21号卫星从地球静止轨道拖入了坟墓轨道.为了这项捕获任务的安全实施,需要预先确定北斗G2的旋转状态.基于过去10 yr的测光观测数据展示了北斗G2卫星自转的演化过程.根据北斗G2的自转速度和轨道的演化,确认了在过去的10 yr里发生的6次异常事件.据推测, 2012年的小碎片碰撞事件,是随后几年燃油泄漏的导火索. 2017年之后剩余燃油完全释放,再也没有出现转速异常.将2014年太阳能帆板损坏和2016年的解体事件后建立的旋转动力学模型外推1 yr,转轴的标准偏差小于3°,转速标准偏差为0.11°·s-1,能够有效地满足捕获任务时刻旋转状态的精度要求.  相似文献   

The absolute brightness temperature of the Sun at millimeter wavelengths is an important diagnostic of the solar chromosphere. Because the Sun is so bright, measurement of this property usually involves the operation of telescopes under extreme conditions and requires a rigorous performance assessment of the telescope. In this study, we establish solar observation and calibration techniques at 2.6 mm wavelength for the Nobeyama 45 m telescope and accurately derive the absolute solar brightness temperature. We tune the superconductor–insulator–superconductor (SIS) receiver by inducing different bias voltages onto the SIS mixer to prevent saturation. Then, we examine the linearity of the receiver system by comparing outputs derived from different tuning conditions. Furthermore, we measure the lunar filled beam efficiency of the telescope using the New Moon, and then derive the absolute brightness temperature of the Sun. The derived solar brightness temperature is \(7700 \pm 310~\mbox{K}\) at 115 GHz. The telescope beam pattern is modeled as a summation of three Gaussian functions and derived using the solar limb. The real shape of the Sun is determined via deconvolution of the beam pattern from the observed map. Such well-calibrated single-dish observations are important for high-resolution chromospheric studies because they provide the absolute temperature scale that is lacking from interferometer observations.  相似文献   

We present a comparison between a plasma-generated 'starting jet' experiment and an axisymmetric numerical simulation of the flow. The experimental flow and the numerical simulation give results that agree both qualitatively and quantitatively, showing that the complex vortical structures arising in the flow are surprisingly well reproduced by the numerical model. This result inspires confidence in the accuracy of astrophysical jet numerical simulations. Also, even though the Mach number of our laboratory jet is somewhat low ( M ∼0.5), the dimensionless parameters of this jet are not very far from those expected for Faranoff–Riley class I radio jets.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of impact cratering on granular material   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Koji Wada  Hiroki Senshu 《Icarus》2006,180(2):528-545
A new numerical code based on the Distinct Element Method (DEM) is developed to study the impact cratering processes on granular material. This code has a potential advantage to simulate the cratering process on granular material, since the movement of discrete particles can be treated. To show the physical plausibility of this code, we conduct 3-D numerical simulations of vertical impact into granular material targets that consist of 384,000 particles, and compare the results with those from experimental studies. It is shown that the excavation stage of cratering derived from experimental studies is represented well by our simulation: the size of the crater cavity, and the ejecta velocity and angle distributions are consistent with those obtained in laboratory experiments. The impact simulation code developed in this study is thus suggested to be useful for the analysis of the impact cratering process on granular material.  相似文献   

用于双天线干涉实验的数字相关接收机   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了用于双天线干涉实验的数字相关接收机器的构成和信号处理过程。  相似文献   

New silicon CMOS processes developed primarily for the burgeoning wireless networking market offer significant promise as a vehicle for the implementation of highly integrated receivers, especially at the lower end of the frequency range proposed for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). An RF-CMOS ‘Receiver-on-a-Chip’ is being developed as part of an Australia Telescope program looking at technologies associated with the SKA. The receiver covers the frequency range 500–1700 MHz, with instantaneous IF bandwidth of 500 MHz and, on simulation, yields an input noise temperature of < 50 K at mid-band. The receiver will contain all active circuitry (LNA, bandpass filter, quadrature mixer, anti-aliasing filter, digitiser and serialiser) on one 0.18 μm RF-CMOS integrated circuit. This paper outlines receiver front-end development work undertaken to date, including design and simulation of an LNA using noise cancelling techniques to achieve a wideband input-power-match with little noise penalty.  相似文献   

We report new Zr isotope evidence for live (92)Nb (mean life: tau&d1;92Nb=52 Myr) within the early solar system resulting in &parl0;92Nb&solm0;93Nb&parr0;initial approximately 10-3. The meteoritic minerals rutile and zircon have, respectively, very high and very low Nb/Zr ratios and are ideal for exploring the (92)Nb-(92)Zr chronometer. Rutiles exhibit high positive straightepsilon92Zr ( approximately 14-36) while a zircon has a negative straightepsilon92Zr ( approximately -4), as would be expected if (92)Nb was live in the early solar system. The meteoritic rutiles appear to be young, with apparent times of formation of approximately 80-220 Myr subsequent to the origin of the solar system. The initial (92)Nb/(92)Mo for the solar system is broadly compatible with a model of uniform production if the (92)Nb/(92)Mo production ratio for Type II supernova (SNII) sources with neutrino-driven winds is used. Data for all the now extinct p-process nuclides ((92)Nb, (97)Tc, and (146)Sm) are consistent with these isotopes being derived by uniform production from SNII sources and a free decay interval of approximately 10 Myr. Consideration of a range of models indicates that the average p-process production ratio of (92)Nb/(92)Mo needs to be at least in the range of 0.06-0.25.  相似文献   

The Canadian design for the Square Kilometre Array radio telescope includes a large multi-tethered aerostat to support the telescope’s receiver. To validate this design concept, two parallel tracks have been undertaken: a numerical simulation of the multi-tethered aerostat system has been assembled, and a one-third scale prototype of the system has been constructed. This paper describes the experimental facility, presents results from initial tests of the uncontrolled system and compares these results to the predictions of the computer model of the system. Generally, the results compare very favourably. Using the simulation, we arrive at two important design philosophies to be used in the design of the full-scale system: (a) perturbations on the confluence point should be minimized, and (b) the system stiffness should be maximized to ensure minimum response to disturbances.  相似文献   

As a component of the Flash Center’s validation program, we compare FLASH simulation results with experimental results from Los Alamos National Laboratory. The flow of interest involves the lateral interaction between a planar M a = 1.2 shock wave with a cylinder of gaseous sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) in air, and in particular the development of primary and secondary instabilities after the passage of the shock. While the overall evolution of the flow is comparable in the simulations and experiments, small-scale features are difficult to match. We focus on the sensitivity of numerical results to simulation parameters.  相似文献   

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