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我们的银河系,是一个称为本星系群的星系部落中的第二大成员。这个星系部落中最大的星系就是我们熟知的旋涡星系—仙女座大星云,M31(或称NGC224),一般认为,它至少被四个“早型星系”所环绕:M32(或称NGC221)、H110(或称NGC205)、NGC185和NGC147①,以及一些没有NGC编号(因为它们的发现时间相对比较靠后)的更小的卫星星系。  相似文献   

Arp87,我们的宇宙近邻中已知的数百个相互作用星系之一。在“哈勃”空间望远镜的注目下呈现出了多姿的面貌。Arp87位于狮子座,距离我们大约3亿光年,最早由天文学家Halton Arp于上世纪60年代编入“特殊星系星表”。位于左下较大的星系是NGC3808,右上是NGC3808A。NGC3808是一个几乎完全正向对着地球的旋涡星系,有一个明亮的恒星形成环和几个醒目的尘埃臂。NGC3808A则是一个侧向旋涡星系,也有一个由恒星和星际气体组成的环在它周围绕行,  相似文献   

在可见光波段看来,这个名为NGC404的星系似乎只是一个白色斑点(上面左图的中间)。它完全被仙女座β星(奎宿九)的光芒所掩盖了。仙女座β是一颗红巨星,它的辐射主要集中在可见光波段,NGC404被它的厉芒淹没,被爱好者们戏称为“仙女座β的幽灵”。  相似文献   

从Sloan数字巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey)第二批释放的数据(Data ReleaseTwo,简称DR2)中,选择了395个在r波段亮于15等的晚型旋涡星系作为样本,研究了这些星系及其盘的颜色星等关系.结果表明晚型旋涡星系及其盘的三个颜色g-r,r-z和g-z均与r波段的绝对星等有紧密的相关关系,越亮的星系(或盘),颜色越红,而且星系的相关性比盘的更强.  相似文献   

M51系统包含巨旋涡星系M51和相对较大且较近的伴星系NGC 5195。M51离银河系较近,由尘埃消光带来的观测不确定性也就不十分显著,从而可以得到较详细的星系结构。自M51被发现至今,从射电波段到X射线波段都已获得了丰富的观测资料。主要介绍了M51的多波段观测成果和数值模拟研究,并概述了对其伴星系NGC 5195的观测。  相似文献   

探索活动星系的快速光变,是研究星系中心致密核结构及辐射机制的强有力手段。NGC4051是在X射线波段具有短时标(分—小时)光变的极少数活动星系之一。为进一验证X射线波段短时标光变的观测结果,也为了探索光学波段是否具有短时标光变及它们的相关性,我们于1985年5月13—15日分别在美国和中国对NGC4051进行了X射线波段及可见光波段的同时性联测。Martin博士和程福臻在美国利用EXOSAT卫星观测了NGC4051的X射线辐射;谢光中等人在云南天文台利用一米RCC望远镜及积分光度计进行了U波段的观测。结果如下:(1)软X射线的流量降低了13倍,而硬X射线的流量已小到探测不到(至少降低了203倍);(2)U波段在13日晚的观测表明NGC4051有一个时标~1200秒、振幅ΔU 0.11(±0.03)的短时标光变。这种光变共有四个事例,且光变曲线十分完整,由于标准误差σ=0.03,可信度已大于3σ。此外,这一结果还与P.E.Marshall等人在X—射线波段所得到的光变时标~1000秒相吻合,这似乎表明两个波段的光变可能具有相关性。  相似文献   

隐藏在巨椭圆星系 NGC 1316中的宇宙尘构成的复杂的环和斑点就像藏在角落和床下的满身尘埃的小兔子。这幅由哈勃空间望远镜获得的资料制作的图像揭示了这个巨星系的尘带和星团,提供了该星系是由过去两个富气体星系并合形成的证据。“哈勃”的高新巡天照相机(ACS)有极好的空间分辨率和灵敏度,能对 NGC 1316里的一种红色星团做精密的测量。天文学家推断这些星团是并合成今天我们所看到的 NGC 1316的两个椭圆星系数十亿年前剧烈碰撞的遗迹。  相似文献   

为了配合EXOSAT对Seyfert星系NGC4051光变的观测,继1985年5月的多波段联测之后,我们又于1985年12月7日—9日对NGC4051进行了B波段及V波段的短时标光变的观测和研究,主要结果如下:(1)NGC4051在B波段有两个与X射线波段及U波段相对应的短时标光变,时标分别为4200秒和1800秒,振幅分别为ΔB≈0.21mag(±σ=0.04~m)和ΔB≈0.43mag(±σ=0.08~m),(2)V波段有一个时标为~2400秒,振幅为ΔV=0.07mag(±σ=0.07~m)的短时标光变,(3)结合X射线波段及U波段的观测,我们发现,NGC4051的光变时标随着波长的增大而增大。  相似文献   

孔旭  张文浩  李成  程福臻  A.Weiss 《天文学报》2002,43(3):264-271
利用星团谱样本的星族合成方法,研究了邻近巨椭圆星系NGC5018中的星族成分和其内部的恒星形成历史,给出了星系中不同年龄和金属丰度星族的成分占有比.星族合成结果表明,NGC5018中不仅存在大量金属丰度低的年老恒星成分,而且较年轻的星族成分(T=5×108yr)对星系光度贡献也很重要.星系吞并和相互作用过程可能是触发这些较年轻星族形成的物理原因,椭圆星系内部的恒星形成历史可能是2次爆发或者多次爆发过程.这些结果可以很好地解释NGC5018颜色偏蓝、Mg2谱指数强度偏弱等观测特征.  相似文献   

本文以369个在四个波段上都被探测到了的IRAS亮星系为依据,讨论了星系的IRAS颜色。根据IRAS颜色对它们做了分类,用简单的双黑体模型,可以很好拟合绝大多数IRAS亮星系的辐射。  相似文献   

We present a new method for determining the age and relative contribution of different stellar populations in galaxies based on the genetic algorithm. We apply this method to the barred spiral galaxy NGC 3384, using CCD images in U, B, V, R and I bands. This analysis indicates that the galaxy NGC 3384 is mainly inhabited by old stellar population (age >109yr). Some problems were encountered when numerical simulations are used for determining the contribution of different stellar populations in the integrated color of a galaxy. The results show that the proposed genetic algorithm can search efficiently through the very large space of the possible ages.  相似文献   

Based on archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ACS/WFC images, we have performed stellar photometry for eight fields of the spiral galaxy NGC 1313 and its satellite, the low-mass Sph/Irr galaxy AM0319-662. Stars of various ages have been identified on the constructed Hertzsprung–Russell diagrams: young supergiants, middle-aged stars, and old stars (red giants); their apparent distributions over the body of the galaxy are presented. The red supergiants and giants have been divided into groups with larger and smaller color indices, corresponding to a difference in stellar metallicity. These groups of stars are shown to have different spatial distributions and to belong to two galaxies, NGC1313 itself and the disrupted satellite. We have determined the distance to NGC 1313, D = 3.88 ± 0.07 Mpc, by the TRGB method from six fields. Our photometry of 2014 HST images has revealed an emerged charge transfer inefficiency on the ACS/WFC CCDs, which manifests itself as a dependence of the photometry of stars on their coordinates on the CCD.  相似文献   

We present high angular resolution images of both NH3(1,1)and (2,2) lines toward NGC 7538 IRS 1.The density and velocity-position plots have been used to study the interaction among the outflows,winds and their environment.For the first time we have found an expanding half-shell of molecular gas around the HⅡ region associated with IRS 1,which may be produced by the interaction of the bipolar outflows and the winds originating in IRS 1-3,and optical HⅡ region NGC 7538 with ambient molecular gas.  相似文献   

Current views consider shell structures as bona fide signatures of a recent minor/major merging event though also weak interaction models (WIM) could produce long lasting shells on host galaxies possessing a stellar thick disc.We present a B V band photometric study of a sample of 5 shell galaxies belonging to the Malin & Carter (1983) compilation. The structural properties and colors of the galaxies, as well as the colors of their shells are examined in detail. We did not find signatures of the presence of double nuclei. NGC 7585 is the only E galaxy in the sample and has a moderately boxy structure. The other galaxies have either a discy structure or are mixed E/S0 type galaxies. NGC 474 is a true lenticular. NGC 6776 shows a diffuse asymmetric outer structure and a system of tails of the the same color of the galaxy body; but not clear shells. In general, the color of the shells in our sample is similar or slightly redder than that of the host galaxy, whose color, in turn, is typical of the early‐type morphological class. One of the outer shells of NGC 474 is significantly bluer than the body of the galaxy. Since NGC 474 appears to be interacting with NGC 470, the color of this one shell could be explained as result of a recent acquisition of material through tidal interaction. The WIM hypothesis could explain both the red and the blue shells of NGC 474, this latter acquired from the fly‐by of the nearby companion NGC 470, but the lack of the constancy of shell surface brightness as a ratio of the underlying galaxy brightness argues against WIM. We speculate about evidence, which also comes from different observations, that suggests a merging/accretion origin of the shells. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present spectrophotometric results of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 2273. The presence of high-order Balmer absorption lines (H8, H9, H10) and weak equivalent widths of Call K A3933, CN A4200, G-band A4300 and MgIb 5173 clearly indicate recent star-forming activity in the nuclear region. Using a simple stellar population synthesis model, we find that for the best fit, the contributions of a power-law featureless continuum, an intermediate-age (~ 108 yr) and an old (> 109yr) stellar population to the total light at the reference normalization wavelength are 10.0%, 33.4% and 56.6%, respectively. The existence of recent starburst activity is also consistent with its high far-infrared luminosity (log LFIR/L = 9.9), its infrared color indexes [a(25,60) = -1.81 and a(60,100) = -0.79, typical values for Seyfert galaxies with circumnuclear starburst], and its q-value (2.23, ratio of infrared to radio flux, very similar to that of normal spirals and starburst galaxies). Byrd et al. have suggested that NGC 2273 mig  相似文献   

Stellar photometry of images from the ACS and WFPC2 cameras on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is used to study the star composition and spatial distribution of stars in three edge-on visible spiral galaxies: NGC 891, NGC 4144, and NGC 4244. Measurements of the surface number density of old stars revealed two stellar subsystems in these galaxies: a thick disk and a halo. The boundaries of these subsystems, which consist mainly of red giants, are determined from the change in the gradient of the number density of the stars. The halos are flattened at the poles of the galaxies and extend to distances of 8–25 kpc from the planes of the galaxies. The present results on the number density distribution of stars with different ages perpendicular to the planes of these galaxies make it possible to improve our model for the stellar structure of spiral galaxies. The distances to these galaxies are calculated using a determination of the tip of the red giant branches (the TRGB method): D = 9.82 Mpc (NGC 891), D = 7.24 Mpc (NGC 4144), and D = 4.29 Mpc (NGC 4244).__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 261–280 (May 2005).  相似文献   

We present CCD surface photometry for four globular clusters: NGC 2298, NGC 6402, NGC 6934 and NGC 7089. Our photometry was aimed at the central 3 arcmin region in each cluster. We show that the surface brightness distributions of these clusters are well described by the isothermal King (1966) models. Our color analysis shows that NGC 7089 exhibits a remarkable color gradient in which the central region is bluer than the outer parts by the amplitude inB-V 0.1 mag/. Color gradients have also been detected in the central regions of NGC 6402 and NGC 6934, although the variation does not extend to outer part. No gradient has been detected in NGC 2298. Similar color gradients have been previsouly observed exclusively in highly concentrated systems classified as post core collapse clusters.  相似文献   

This is the first paper of a series focused on investigating the star formation and evolutionary history of the two early-type galaxies NGC 1407 and NGC 1400. They are the two brightest galaxies of the NGC 1407 (or Eridanus-A) group, one of the 60 groups studied as part of the Group Evolution Multi-wavelength Study.
Here, we present new high signal-to-noise ratio long-slit spectroscopic data obtained at the ESO 3.6-m telescope and high-resolution multiband imaging data from the Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys and wide-field imaging from Subaru Suprime-Cam. We spatially resolved integrated spectra out to ∼0.6 (NGC 1407) and ∼1.3 (NGC 1400) effective radii. The radial profiles of the kinematic parameters v rot, σ, h 3 and h 4 are measured. The surface brightness profiles are fitted to different galaxy light models and the colour distributions analysed. The multiband images are modelled to derive isophotal shape parameters and residual galaxy images. The parameters from the surface brightness profile fitting are used to estimate the mass of the possible central supermassive black hole in NGC 1407. The galaxies are found to be rotationally supported and to have a flat core in the surface brightness profiles. Elliptical isophotes are observed at all radii and no fine structures are detected in the residual galaxy images. From our results, we can also discard a possible interaction between NGC 1400, NGC 1407 and the group intergalactic medium. We estimate a mass of  ∼1.03 × 109 M  for the supermassive black hole in NGC 1407 galaxy.  相似文献   

The results of a photometric investigation of the peculiar galaxy NGC 7468 are presented. Based on its integrated characteristics, NGC 7468 is a relatively small galaxy of a late morphological type, resembling the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The differences of NGC 7468 from the LMC (bluer color indices, an increased luminosity, an increased H I abundance, and strong emission in the FIR range) may be related to a higher rate of star formation in it. The increased star-forming activity in the central regions of NGC 7468 and its other properties may be related to a gravitational interaction with a small neighboring galaxy, the remnants of which are now observed as a companion.  相似文献   

Based on deep Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC images, we have performed stellar photometry for the spiral and lenticular galaxies NGC 4921 and NGC 4923 in the Coma cluster. The derived Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams show that, apart from the stellar population, NGC 4921 has several thousand globular clusters. The asymmetry of their apparent distribution proves that NGC 4921 is in close spatial proximity to NGC 4923. We have determined the positions of the peaks for the luminosity functions of globular clusters in the two galaxies, which has allowed us to measure the distance to this pair (D = 97±5 Mpc). In many cases, compact star-forming regions at the periphery of NGC 4921 are located at the ends of extended (up to 1.5 kpc) radial gas and dust filaments. The metallicity of young stars in these star-forming regions is close to that of the Sun (Z = 0.02).  相似文献   

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