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Spectra of accretion disks in dwarf novae and some novalike stars have been computed. Many simplifications to the general model of the nature of a cataclysmic variable are needed to make the system numerically tractable. The necessity, justification, and implications of such simplifications are discussed together with the influences of some system parameters on the disk radiation.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

The variable star V1129 Cen is classified in the GCVS as being of β Lyr type. Unusual for such stars, it exhibits outbursts roughly once a year, lasting for ∼ 40 days. For this reason, a relationship to the dwarf novae has been suspected. Here, for the first time a detailed analysis of the light curve of the system is presented. Based on observations with high time resolution obtained at the Observatório do Pico dos Dias and on the long term ASAS light curve the orbital variations of the system are studied. They are dominated by ellipsoidal variations and partial eclipses of a probably slightly evolved F2 star in a binary with an orbital period of 21h 26m. Comparison with the characteristics of dwarf novae show that the observational properties of V1129 Cen can be explained if it is just another dwarf novae, albeit with an unusually bright and early type mass donor which outshines the accretion disk and the mass gainer to a degree that many normal photometric and spectroscopic hallmarks of cataclysmic variables remain undetected.  相似文献   

Space densities and galacticz-distributions of novae, recurrent novae, dwarf novae and symbiotic stars are newly determined and discussed in the context of earlier determinations. The data are then compared with the distributions of single and binary stars of possibly related types (late type giants, Mira variables, Algol systems, W UMa systems).Novae and dwarf novae have similar distributions, those of fairly young stellar populations. The observed space density of potential novae (novalike objects) indicates that the mean recurrence time of novae might be as small as a few hundred years, which leads, with given nova shell masses and mass transfer rates in the minimum stage, to a secular decrease of the masses of the components undergoing nova outbursts.Recurrent novae and symbiotic stars have distributions of older stellar populations, similar to those of late type giants and Mira variables.On the basis of galactic distribution, novae and dwarf novae are closely related and may be final stages of W UMa systems, as well as progenitors of supernovae of type I. A small fraction of W UMa systems seems to belong to an older population. If evolutionary transitions between these types of stars can be substantiated, the presence of a minority of novae and dwarf novae in globular clusters and of supernovae I in elliptical galaxies can be explained.Due to the lack of sufficiently well determined space distributions of Algol binaries, the suggestion that long-period Algol systems might be the progenitors of cataclysmic binaries can as yet neither be substantiated nor refuted. A very high space density of long-period Algol systems in the solar neighbourhood is derived. The observed space density of cataclysmic binaries could be explained by the transformation of a small percentage of the long-period Algol systems by common envelope evolution.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

Cataclysmic variables with outlying infrared magnitudes have been searched for in the USNO-B1.0 catalog. The sample was limited to objects in the northern hemisphere with (B1−R1) < 1 and (R2−I) > 3.5. The search method is described, and individual stars are considered in detail. A total of 27 variable objects have been found; 20 of them are previously known ones and 7 are new discoveries. Four of the newly found stars are cataclysmic variables, most likely dwarf novae, while the remaining three objects are pulsating red Mira or semiregular variables, including the heavily reddened star in the Pelican Nebula. The pulsation periods have been determined for two stars discovered previously by other researchers. It has been confirmed that one suspected dwarf nova is actually such a star. Prospects for the proposed search technique within the framework of the Virtual Observatory are discussed.  相似文献   

Detection of X‐rays from classical novae, both in outburst and post‐outburst, provides unique and crucial information about the explosion mechanism. Soft X‐rays reveal the hot white dwarf photosphere, whenever hydrogen (H) nuclear burning is still on and expanding envelope is transparent enough, whereas harder X‐rays give information about the ejecta and/or the accretion flow in the reborn cataclysmic variable. The duration of the supersoft X‐ray emission phase is related to the turn‐off of the classical nova, i.e., of the H‐burning on top of the white dwarf core. A review of X‐ray observations is presented, with a special emphasis on the implications for the duration of post‐outburst steady H‐burning and its theoretical explanation. The particular case of recurrent novae (both the “standard” objects and the recently discovered ones) will also be reviewed, in terms of theoretical feasibility of short recurrence periods, as well as regarding implications for scenarios of type Ia supernovae (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Following on our initial absorption-line analysis of fifteen novae spectra we present additional evidence for the existence of two distinct components of novae ejecta having different origins. As argued in Paper I one component is the rapidly expanding gas ejected from the outer layers of the white dwarf by the outburst. The second component is pre-existing outer, more slowly expanding circumbinary gas that represents ejecta from the secondary star or accretion disk. We present measurements of the emission-line widths that show them to be significantly narrower than the broad P Cygni profiles that immediately precede them. The emission profiles of novae in the nebular phase are distinctly rectangular, i.e., strongly suggestive of emission from a relatively thin, roughly spherical shell. We thus interpret novae spectral evolution in terms of the collision between the two components of ejecta, which converts the early absorption spectrum to an emission-line spectrum within weeks of the outburst. The narrow emission widths require the outer circumbinary gas to be much more massive than the white dwarf ejecta, thereby slowing the latter’s expansion upon collision. The presence of a large reservoir of circumbinary gas at the time of outburst is suggestive that novae outbursts may sometime be triggered by collapse of gas onto the white dwarf, as occurs for dwarf novae, rather than steady mass transfer through the inner Lagrangian point.  相似文献   

Recurrent novae     
A brief review of recurrent novae studies which have been undertaken in South Africa during the last ten years is given. These works have substantially altered our view of these objects as distinct sub-classes of cataclysmic variable stars. Observational results which led to new developments in our understanding of the recurrent novae are reviewed in some detail. Observations of V1017 Sgr, which had been suggested as a recurrent nova, are also mentioned.  相似文献   

We present observations of dwarf nova oscillations (DNOs), longer-period dwarf nova oscillations (lpDNOs), and quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in 13 cataclysmic variable stars. In the six systems, WW Cet, BP CrA, BR Lup, HP Nor, AG Hya and V1193 Ori, rapid, quasi-coherent oscillations are detected for the first time. For the remainder of the systems discussed, we have observed more classes of oscillations, in addition to the rapid oscillations they were already known to display, or previously unknown aspects of the behaviour of the oscillations. The period of a QPO in RU Peg is seen to change by 84 per cent over the 10 nights of the decline from outburst – the largest evolution of a QPO period observed to date. A period–luminosity relation similar to the relation that has long been known to apply to DNOs is found for lpDNOs in X Leo; this is the first clear case of the lpDNO frequency scaling with accretion luminosity. WX Hyi and V893 Sco are added to the small list of dwarf novae that have shown oscillations in quiescence.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(1-2):15-19
After a brief review of the disk instability model for dwarf novae, I describe the effects of irradiation of the disc and the secondary (truncation of the inner disk and changes in the S-curve), and present numerical results showing that, as proposed by Brian Warner at the Wyoming conference (Warner, 1998) “The spectrum of post-superoutburst behaviour is generated by the interplay of reactions of the disk and secondary to irradiation”. Interestingly, we are also able to reproduce long lasting outbursts, which are similar to superoutbursts, without assuming the existence of a tidal instability.  相似文献   

We consider disk and spherical subsystems of stars with nearly radial orbits under conditions when the well-known radial orbit instability is not possible. This requires that the precession of stellar orbits be retrograde, i.e., in the direction opposite to the orbital rotation of stars. We show that an instability that is an analogue of the loss-cone instability known in plasma physics can then develop in the presence of a “loss cone” in the angular momentum distribution of stars, which ensures a deficit or even absence of stars with low angular momenta. Examples of systems with a loss cone are the centers of galaxies or star clusters with massive black holes. The instability can produce a flux of stars onto the galactic center, i.e., it can serve as a mechanism of fueling the nuclear activity of galaxies. Mathematically, the problem is reduced to analyzing simple characteristic equations that describe small perturbations in a disk and a sphere of radially highly elongated stellar orbits. In turn, these characteristics equations are derived through a number of successive simplifications of the general linearized Vlasov equations (i.e., the system that includes the collisionless Boltzmann kinetic equation and the Poisson equation) in action—angle variables.  相似文献   

We present the results of a photometric survey for variable stars in the central region of the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397. Time-series photometry was obtained for 30 variable objects. The sample includes 12 new objects, of which six show periodic light curves and two are eclipsing binaries of unknown period. Six variables possess certain and three possess likely X-ray counterparts detected with the Chandra observatory. Among them, four are cataclysmic variables and one is a foreground eclipsing binary. The cataclysmic variable CV2 exhibited a likely dwarf nova type outburst in 2003 May. The cataclysmic variable CV3 was observed at  18.5 < V < 20.0  during five observing runs, but went into a low state in 2003 May when it reached   V > 22  . We have found that the light curve of the optical companion to the millisecond pulsar PSR J1740−5340 exhibits noticeable changes of its amplitude on a time-scale of a few months. A shallow eclipse with  Δ V = 0.03 mag  was detected in one of the cluster turn-off stars suggesting the presence of a large planet or brown dwarf in orbit.  相似文献   

We present differential photometry of the cataclysmic variable star SW Sextantis. A time series analysis was performed in search of superhumps in the accretion disk of this star, which is the prototype of a class of cataclysmic variables, the SW Sex stars. We find no superhumps, which shows that the presence of superhumps is not a defining feature of the SW Sex stars.  相似文献   

We present the results of our photometric and spectroscopic studies of the new eclipsing cataclysmic variable star 1RXS J180834.7+101041. Its spectrum exhibits double-peaked hydrogen and helium emission lines. The Doppler maps constructed from hydrogen lines show a nonuniform distribution of emission in the disk similar to that observed in IP Peg. This suggests that the object can be a cataclysmic variable with tidal density waves in the disk. We have determined the component masses (M WD = 0.8 ± 0.22M and M RD = 0.14 ± 0.02M ) and the binary inclination (i = 78° ± 1.5°) based on well-known relations between parameters for cataclysmic variable stars. We have modeled the binary light curves and showed that the model of a disk with two spots is capable of explaining the main observed features of the light curves.  相似文献   

This article gives a brief overview of 400 years of research in the field of novae and related stars. Important objects, first applications of various observing techniques, and early ideas of the interpretation of phenomena are listed. Also, the historical evolution of the classification of novae and related stars (supernovae, dwarf novae), as well as their use as distance indicators is discussed (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The discovery of 15 new cataclysmic variables in the Edinburgh–Cape Blue Object Survey is announced. Photometric and spectroscopic observations are presented including high-speed photometry and time-resolved spectroscopy. On the basis of these data the systems are classified as dwarf novae and nova-like variables. In addition, two of them are of uncertain subtypes because of their peculiar behaviour.  相似文献   

The accretion-induced collapse(AIC) scenario was proposed 40 years ago as an evolutionary end state of oxygen-neon white dwarfs(ONe WDs), linking them to the formation of neutron star(NS) systems.However, there has been no direct detection of any AIC event so far, even though there exists a lot of indirect observational evidence. Meanwhile, the evolutionary pathways resulting in NS formation through AIC are still not thoroughly investigated. In this article, we review recent studies on the two classic progenitor models of AIC events, i.e., the single-degenerate model(including the ONe WD+MS/RG/He star channels and the CO WD+He star channel) and the double-degenerate model(including the double CO WD channel,the double ONe WD channel and the ONe WD+CO WD channel). Recent progress on these progenitor models is reviewed, including the evolutionary scenarios leading to AIC events, the initial parameter space for producing AIC events and the related objects(e.g., the pre-AIC systems and the post-AIC systems).For the single-degenerate model, the pre-AIC systems(i.e., the progenitor systems of AIC events) could potentially be identified as supersoft X-ray sources, symbiotics and cataclysmic variables(such as classical novae, recurrent novae, Ne novae and He novae) in the observations, whereas the post-AIC systems(i.e.,NS systems) could potentially be identified as low-/intermediate-mass X-ray binaries, and the resulting low-/intermediate-mass binary pulsars, most notably millisecond pulsars. For the double-degenerate model,the pre-AIC systems are close double WDs with short orbital periods, whereas the post-AIC systems are single isolated NSs that may correspond to a specific kind of NS with peculiar properties. We also review the predicted rates of AIC events, the mass distribution of NSs produced via AIC and the gravitational wave(GW) signals from double WDs that are potential GW sources in the Galaxy in the context of future spacebased GW detectors, such as LISA, TianQin, Taiji, etc. Recent theoretical and observational constraints on the detection of AIC events are summarized. In order to confirm the existence of the AIC process, and resolve this long-term issue presented by current stellar evolution theories, more numerical simulations and observational identifications are required.  相似文献   

We present the complete set of 34 ASCA observations of non-magnetic cataclysmic variables. Timing analysis reveals large X-ray flux variations in dwarf novae in outburst (Z Cam, SS Cyg and SU UMa) and orbital modulation in high inclination systems (including OY Car, HT Cas, U Gem, T Leo). We also found episodes of unusually low accretion rate during quiescence (VW Hyi and SS Cyg). Spectral analysis reveals broad temperature distributions in individual systems, with emission weighted to lower temperatures in dwarf novae in outburst. Absorption in excess of interstellar values is required in dwarf novae in outburst, but not in quiescence. We also find evidence for subsolar abundances and X-ray reflection in the brightest systems.
LS Peg, V426 Oph and EI UMa have X-ray spectra that are distinct from the rest of the sample and all three exhibit candidate X-ray periodicities. We argue that they should be reclassified as intermediate polars.
In the case of V345 Pav we found that the X-ray source had been previously misidentified.  相似文献   

The dwarf nova oscillations observed in cataclysmic variable (CV) stars are interpreted in the context of a low-inertia accretor model, in which accretion on to an equatorial belt of the white dwarf primary causes the belt to vary its angular velocity. The rapid deceleration phase is attributed to propellering. Evidence that temporary expulsion rather than accretion of gas occurs during this phase is obtained from the large drop in extreme ultraviolet flux.
We show that the quasi-periodic oscillations are most probably caused by a vertical thickening of the disc, moving as a travelling wave near the inner edge of the disc. This alternately obscures and 'reflects' radiation from the central source, and is visible even in quite low inclination systems. A possible excitation mechanism, caused by winding up and reconnection of magnetic field lines, is proposed.
We apply the model, deduced largely from VW Hyi observations, to re-interpret observations of SS Cyg, OY Car, UX UMa, V2051 Oph, V436 Cen and WZ Sge. In the last of these we demonstrate the existence of a 742-s period in the light curve, arising from obscuration by the travelling wave, and hence show that the two principal oscillations are a dwarf nova oscillation and its reprocessed companion.  相似文献   

Although comparatively bright, the cataclysmic variable GY Hya has not attracted much attention in the past. As part of a project to better characterize such systems photometrically, we observed light curves in white light, each spanning several hours, at Bronberg Observatory, South Africa, in 2004 and 2005, and at the Observatório do Pico dos Dias, Brazil, in 2014 and 2016. These data permit to study orbital modulations and their variations from season to season. The orbital period, already known from spectroscopic observations of Peters and Thorstensen (2005), is confirmed through strong ellipsoidal variations of the mass donor star in the system and the presence of eclipses of both components. A refined period of 0.34723972 (6) days and revised ephemeries are derived. Seasonal changes in the average orbital light curve can qualitatively be explained by variations of the contribution of a hot spot to the system light together with changes of the disk radius. The amplitude of the ellipsoidal variations and the eclipse contact phases permit to put some constraints on the mass ratio, orbital inclination and the relative brightness of the primary and secondary components. There are some indications that the disk radius during quiescence, expressed in units of the component separation, is smaller than in other dwarf novae.  相似文献   

GD 552 is a high proper motion star with the strong, double-peaked emission lines characteristic of the dwarf nova class of cataclysmic variable (CV) star, and yet no outburst has been detected during the past 12 yr of monitoring. We present spectroscopy taken with the aim of detecting emission from the mass donor in this system. We fail to do so at a level which allows us to rule out the presence of a near-main-sequence star donor. Given GD 552's orbital period of 103 min, this suggests that it is either a system that has evolved through the ∼80-minute orbital period minimum of CV stars and now has a brown dwarf mass donor, or that has formed with a brown dwarf donor in the first place. This model explains the low observed orbital velocity of the white dwarf and GD 552's low luminosity. It is also consistent with the absence of outbursts from the system.  相似文献   

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