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We report on the properties of 71 known cataclysmic variables (CVs) in photometric Hα emission-line surveys. Our study is motivated by the fact that the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) Photometric Hα Survey of the northern galactic plane (IPHAS) will soon provide r ',  i ' and narrow-band Hα measurements down to   r '≃ 20  for all northern objects between  − 5° < b < +5°  . IPHAS thus provides a unique resource, both for studying the emission-line properties of known CVs and for constructing a new CV sample selected solely on the basis of Hα excess. Our goal here is to carry out the first task and prepare the way for the second. In order to achieve this, we analyse data on 19 CVs already contained in the IPHAS data base and supplement this with identical observations of 52 CVs outside the galactic plane.
Our key results are as follows: (i) the recovery rate of known CVs as Hα emitters in a survey like IPHAS is ≃70 per cent; (ii) of the ≃30 per cent of CVs which were not recovered ≃75 per cent were clearly detected but did not exhibit a significant Hα excess at the time of our observations; (iii) the recovery rate depends only weakly on CV type; (iv) the recovery rate depends only weakly on orbital period; (v) short-period dwarf novae tend to have the strongest Hα lines. These results imply that photometric emission-line searches provide an efficient way of constructing CV samples that are not biased against detection of intrinsically faint, short-period systems.  相似文献   

Spatially resolved, broad Hα line profiles from both the luminous blue variable star ε Carinae (ε Car) and the surrounding filamentary Car II ('Keyhole') nebula, where they have been scattered and reflected by dust, have been observed periodically from 1985 to 1997. The Hα line profiles from ε Car in this 12-yr period show some, albeit not dramatic, changes. The sharp and deep P Cygni-type absorption feature that was observed first in 1985 in the broad, scattered/reflected profiles from the surrounding Keyhole nebula is not present in any of the direct ε Car profiles. This distinctive feature is now shown to be spatially variable over the Keyhole nebula and most prominent along the direction of the axis of the bipolar Homunculus nebula at PA 132°. No evidence of any temporal variability of this sharp feature has been found in 12 yr of monitoring, even from the most well-defined scattering/reflecting cloud along PA 132°.
It is concluded that a 46°-wide cone of light from ε Car is relatively unobscured along the axis of the Homunculus nebula and that this must be the consequence of a dense torus close to the star.  相似文献   

This is the initial paper in a series presenting the first optical detections and subsequent follow-up spectroscopy of known southern Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) previously discovered in the radio. These new detections come from the Anglo-Australian Observatory (AAO)/United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope Hα survey of the southern Galactic plane which has opened up fresh opportunities to study Galactic remnants. Here, we present the first optical imaging and follow-up spectra of Galactic SNR G279.0+1.1 where a series of 14 small-scale fragmented groups of Hα filaments have been discovered in a     area centred on G279.0+1.1. Individually they are somewhat inconspicuous but collectively they are completely enclosed within the overall radio contours of this known SNR. Three of these filamentary groupings are particularly prominent and optical spectra have been obtained across two of them. Their morphological structure and spectral characteristics are typical of optically detected SNR filaments. A very strong [S  ii ] emission relative to Hα has been detected with  [S  ii ]/Hα > 0.7  and 1.1, confirming strong, shock-heated emission. This is sufficient to classify these filaments in the likely SNR domain and therefore indicating a direct connection with the radio remnant. Other typical SNR emission lines such as [O  ii ] at 3727 Å, Hβ, [O  iii ] at 4959 and 5007 Å, Hα and [N  ii ] at 6548 and 6584 Å were also detected, lending strong support to an SNR origin of these optical filaments. The value and insights that these optical data can provide for known remnants are discussed along with their relevance to the Galactic nitrogen abundance. A serendipitous discovery of an adjacent H  ii region is also briefly described.  相似文献   

We present the first imaging X-ray observation of the highly inclined  ( i = 78°)  Sab Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 6810 using XMM–Newton , which reveals soft X-ray emission that extends out to a projected height of ∼7 kpc away from the plane of the galaxy. The soft X-ray emission beyond the optical disc of the galaxy is most plausibly extraplanar, although it could instead come from large galactic radius. This extended X-ray emission is spatially associated with diffuse Hα emission, in particular with a prominent 5-kpc-long Hα filament on the north-west of the disc. A fraction ≲35 per cent of the total soft X-ray emission of the galaxy arises from projected heights  | z | ≥ 2 kpc  . Within the optical disc of the galaxy the soft X-ray emission is associated with the star-forming regions visible in ground-based Hα and XMM–Newton optical monitor near-UV imaging. The temperature, supersolar α-element-to-iron abundance ratio, soft X-ray/Hα correlation, and X-ray to far-infrared (FIR) flux ratio of NGC 6810 are all consistent with local starbursts with winds, although the large base radius of the outflow would make NGC 6810 one of the few 'disc-wide' superwinds currently known. Hard X-ray emission from NGC 6810 is weak, and the total   E = 2–10 keV  luminosity and spectral shape are consistent with the expected level of X-ray binary emission from the old and young stellar populations. The X-ray observations provide no evidence of any active galactic nucleus activity. We find that the optical, IR and radio properties of NGC 6810 are all consistent with a starburst galaxy, and that the old classification of this galaxy as a Seyfert 2 galaxy is probably incorrect.  相似文献   

We have investigated the broad-line Balmer decrements (Hα/Hβ) for a large, homogeneous sample of Seyfert 1 galaxies and quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) using spectroscopic data obtained in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The sample, drawn from the Fourth Data Release, comprises 446 low-redshift ( z ≲ 0.35) active galactic nuclei (AGN) that have blue optical continua as indicated by the spectral slopes in order to minimize the effect of dust extinction. We find that (i) the distribution of the intrinsic broad-line Hα/Hβ ratio can be well described by log-Gaussian, with a peak at  Hα/Hβ= 3.06  and a standard deviation of about 0.03 dex only; (ii) the Balmer decrement does not correlate with AGN properties such as luminosity, accretion rate and continuum slope, etc.; (iii) on average, the Balmer decrements are found to be only slightly larger in radio-loud sources (3.37) and sources having double-peaked emission-line profiles (3.27) compared to the rest of the sample. We therefore suggest that the broad-line Hα/Hβ ratio can be used as a good indicator for dust extinction in the AGN broad-line region; this is especially true for radio-quiet AGN with regular emission-line profiles, which constitute the vast majority of the AGN population.  相似文献   

The spiral pattern in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946 has been studied using the wavelet transformation technique, applied to galaxy images in polarized and total non-thermal radio emission at λλ 3.5 and 6.2 cm, in broadband red light, in the λ 21.1 cm H  i line and in the optical Hα line. Well-defined, continuous spiral arms are visible in polarized radio emission and red light, where we can isolate a multi-armed pattern in the range of galactocentric distances 1.5–12 kpc, consisting of four long arms and one short spiral segment. The 'magnetic arms' (visible in polarized radio emission) are localized almost precisely between the optical arms. Each magnetic arm is similar in length and pitch angle to the preceding optical arm (in the sense of galactic rotation) and can be regarded as its phase-shifted image. Even details like a bifurcation of an optical arm have their phase-shifted counterparts in the magnetic arms. The average relative amplitude of the optical spiral arms (the stellar density excess over the azimuthal average) grows with galactocentric radius up to 0.3–0.7 at r ≃5 kpc, decreases by a factor of two at r =5–6 kpc and remains low at 0.2–0.3 in the outer parts of the galaxy. By contrast, the magnetic arms have a constant average relative amplitude (the excess in the regular magnetic field strength over the azimuthal average) of 0.3–0.6 in a wide radial range r =1.5–12 kpc. We briefly discuss implications of our findings for theories of galactic magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Emission-line regions in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and other photoionized nebulae should become larger in size when the ionizing luminosity increases. This 'breathing' effect is observed for the Hβ emission in NGC 5548 by using Hβ and optical continuum light curves from the 13-yr (1989–2001) AGN Watch monitoring campaign. To model the breathing, we use two methods to fit the observed light curves in detail: (i) parametrized models and, (ii) the memecho reverberation-mapping code. Our models assume that optical continuum variations track the ionizing radiation, and that the Hβ variations respond with time-delays τ due to light travel-time. By fitting the data using a delay-map  Ψ(τ, F c)  that is allowed to change with continuum flux F c, we find that the strength of the Hβ response decreases and the time-delay increases with ionizing luminosity. The parametrized breathing models allow the time-delay and the Hβ flux to depend on the continuum flux so that,  τ∝ F βc  and   F ∝ F αc  . Our fits give  0.1 < β < 0.46  and  0.57 < α < 0.66. α  is consistent with previous work by Gilbert and Peterson, and Goad, Korista and Knigge. Although we find β to be flatter than previously determined by Peterson et al. using cross-correlation methods, it is closer to the predicted values from recent theoretical work by Korista and Goad.  相似文献   

Papers published in recent years have contributed to resolve the enigma of the hypothetical Be nature of the hot pulsating star β Cephei. This star shows variable emission in the Hα line, typical for Be stars, but its projected rotational velocity is very much lower than the critical limit, contrary to what is expected for a typical Be star. The emission has been attributed to the secondary component of the β Cephei spectroscopic binary system.
In this paper, using both our and archived spectra, we attempt to recover the Hα profile of the secondary component and to analyse its behaviour with time for a long period. To accomplish this task, we first derive the atmospheric parameters of the primary,   T eff= 24 000 ± 250 K  and  log  g = 3.91 ± 0.10  , and then we use these values to compute its synthetic Hα profile, and finally we reconstruct the secondary's profile disentangling the observed one.
The secondary's Hα profile shows the typical two-peak emission of a Be star with a strong variability. We also analysed the behaviour versus time of some linewidth parameters: equivalent width, ratio of blue to red peak intensities, full width at half-maximum, peak separation and radial velocity of the central depression.
The projected rotational velocity  ( v sin  i )  of the secondary and the dimension of the equatorial surrounding disc have also been estimated.  相似文献   

We present the first digital CCD images and long-slit spectroscopy of the optical ring nebula around the Wolf–Rayet star θ Mus. The CCD images obtained through narrow-band filters centred at [O  iii ] and Hα show that the nebula has a filamentary structure, similar to supernova remnants, mainly seen in [O  iii ]. A spatial detachment between [O  iii ] and Hα images suggests excitation stratification, or multiple rings. An analysis of the physical conditions in the nebula was performed by means of long-slit CCD spectra. The spectral images show that the nebula is of low density and medium excitation. By means of quotients of recombination and collisional spectral line fluxes we determine that the principal excitation mechanism is photoionization. We have determined the electronic temperature and density, and chemical abundances for the oxygen at different sites within the nebula. Nebular chemical abundances are found to be similar to the Galactic ISM, indicating that the nebula is mainly composed of swept up material.  相似文献   

A full-sky template map of the Galactic free–free foreground emission component is increasingly important for high-sensitivity cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. We use the recently published Hα data of both the northern and southern skies as the basis for such a template.
The first step is to correct the Hα maps for dust absorption using the 100-μm dust maps of Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis. We show that for a range of longitudes, the Galactic latitude distribution of absorption suggests that it is 33 per cent of the full extragalactic absorption. A reliable absorption-corrected Hα map can be produced for ∼95 per cent of the sky; the area for which a template cannot be recovered is the Galactic plane area  | b | < 5°, l = 260°–0°–160°  and some isolated dense dust clouds at intermediate latitudes.
The second step is to convert the dust-corrected Hα data into a predicted radio surface brightness. The free–free emission formula is revised to give an accurate expression (1 per cent) for the radio emission covering the frequency range 100 MHz–100 GHz and the electron temperature range 3000–20 000 K. The main uncertainty when applying this expression is the variation of electron temperature across the sky. The emission formula is verified in several extended H  ii regions using data in the range 408–2326 MHz.
A full-sky free–free template map is presented at 30 GHz; the scaling to other frequencies is given. The Haslam et al. all-sky 408-MHz map of the sky can be corrected for this free–free component, which amounts to a  ≈6  per cent correction at intermediate and high latitudes, to provide a pure synchrotron all-sky template. The implications for CMB experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

High-resolution long-slit Hα spectra of the shell of the old nova DQ Herculis have been obtained with the William Herschel Telescope using the ISIS spectrograph. An equatorial expansion velocity of  370 ± 14   km s−1  is derived from the spectra which, in conjunction with a narrow-band Hα image of the remnant, allows a distance estimate of 525 ± 28 pc. An equatorial ring which exhibits enhanced [N  ii ] emission has also been detected and the inclination angle of the shell is found to be     with respect to the line of sight. The spectra also reveal tails extending from the clumps in the shell, which have a radial velocity increasing along their length. This suggests the presence of a stellar wind, collimated in the polar direction, which ablates fragments of material from the clumps and accelerates them into its stream up to a terminal velocity of the order of 800–900 km s−1.  相似文献   

We report Hα observations of a sample of very isolated blue compact galaxies (BCGs) located in the direction of large cosmic voids obtained to understand their stellar population compositions, the present star formation (SF) properties and their SF histories (SFHs). Our observations were combined with photometric data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and near-infrared data from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), wherever such data were available. The combined data sets were compared with predictions of evolutionary synthesis models by Bruzual & Charlot. Current SF rates (SFRs) were determined from the Hα measurements, and simplified SFHs were derived from broad-band and Hα photometry and comparisons with the models.
We found that the SFRs range within  0.1–1.0 M yr−1  , with a median rate of  0.6 M yr−1  . The observed galaxy colours are better explained by the combination of a continuous SF process with a recent instantaneous SF burst, than by a combination of several instantaneous bursts, as has been suggested previously. We compare our results for the SFR of the sample galaxies with that of samples of dwarf galaxies (DGs) in the Virgo cluster (VC) and find that the BCGs have significantly stronger SFRs. The BCGs follow the correlation between Hα emission and starlight found for DGs in the VC and for other BCGs.  相似文献   

Although the stellar initial mass function (IMF) has only been directly determined in star clusters, it has been manifoldly applied on galaxy-wide scales. But taking the clustered nature of star formation into account the galaxy-wide IMF is constructed by adding all IMFs of all young star clusters leading to an integrated galactic initial mass function (IGIMF). The IGIMF is top-light compared to the canonical IMF in star clusters and steepens with decreasing total star formation rate (SFR). This discrepancy is marginal for large disc galaxies but becomes significant for Small Magellanic Cloud type galaxies and less massive ones. We here construct IGIMF-based relations between the total far- and near-ultraviolet luminosities of galaxies and the underlying SFR. We make the prediction that the Hα luminosity of star-forming dwarf galaxies decreases faster with decreasing SFR than the ultraviolet (UV) luminosity. This turn-down of the Hα/UV-flux ratio should be evident below total SFRs of  10−2 M yr−1  .  相似文献   

Raman scattering by atomic hydrogen converts the UV continuum around Lyβ into optical continuum around Hα, and the basic atomic physics has been discussed in several works on symbiotic stars. We propose that the same process may operate in active galactic nuclei (AGN) and calculate the linear polarization of the broad emission lines Raman-scattered by high-column neutral hydrogen component. The conversion efficiency of the Raman scattering process is discussed and the expected scattered flux is computed using the spectral energy distribution of an AGN given by a typical power law. The high-column H  i component in AGN is suggested by many observations, encompassing the radio through UV and X-ray ranges.   When neutral hydrogen component with a column density ∼1022 cm−2 is present around the active nucleus, it is found that the scattered Hα is characterized by a very broad width ∼20 000 km s−1 and that the strength of the polarized flux is comparable to that of the electron-scattered flux expected from a conventional unified model of narrow-line AGN. The width of the scattered flux is mainly determined by the column density of the neutral scatterers where the total scattering optical depth becomes of order unity. The asymmetry in the Raman scattering cross-section around Lyβ introduces red asymmetric polarized profiles around Hα. The effects of the blended Lyβ and O  vi 1034 doublet are also investigated.   We briefly discuss the spectropolarimetric observations performed on the Seyfert galaxy IRAS 110548-1131 and the narrow line radio galaxy Cyg A. Several predictions regarding the scattering by the high-column neutral hydrogen component in AGN are discussed.  相似文献   

We report our initial discovery of 73 new planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) following confirmatory 2dF spectroscopy on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. Preliminary candidate sources come from a 10 per cent sub-area of our new deep, high-resolution Hα map of the central 25 deg2 of the LMC obtained with the UK Schmidt Telescope. The depth of the high-resolution map was extended to   R equiv∼ 22  for  Hα (4.5 × 10−17 erg cm−2 s−1Å−1)  by a process of multi-exposure median co-addition of a dozen 2-h Hα exposures. The resulting map is at least 1-mag deeper than the best wide-field narrow-band LMC images currently available. This depth, combined with our selection technique, has also led to the discovery of extended asymptotic giant branch (AGB) haloes around many new and previously known LMC PNe for the first time. Once complete, our new survey is expected to triple the LMC PN population and have significant implications for the LMC PN luminosity function, kinematics, abundance gradients, chemical evolution and, via study of the AGB haloes, the initial to final mass relation for low- to intermediate-mass stars.  相似文献   

Deep images of the Centaurus and Coma clusters reveal two spectacular arcs of diffuse light that stretch for over 100 kpc, yet are just a few kiloparsecs wide. At a surface brightness of m b ∼27–28 mag arcsec−2 , the Centaurus arc is the most striking example known of structure in the diffuse light component of a rich galaxy cluster. We use numerical simulations to show that the Centaurus feature can be reproduced by the tidal debris of a spiral galaxy that has been tidally disrupted by the gravitational potential of NGC 4709. The surface brightness and narrow dimensions of the diffuse light suggest that the disc was corotating with its orbital path past pericentre. Features this prominent in clusters will be relatively rare, although at fainter surface brightness levels the diffuse light will reveal a wealth of structure. Deeper imaging surveys may be able to trace this feature for several times its presently observed extent, and somewhere along the tidal debris, a fraction of the original stellar component of the disc will remain bound, but transformed into a faint spheroidal galaxy. It should be possible to confirm the galactic origin of the Centaurus arc by observing planetary nebulae along its length with redshifts close to that of NGC 4709.  相似文献   

A deep wide-field image in the light of the Hα and [N  ii ] 6548 & 6584 Å emission lines, of the planetary nebula HFG1 which surrounds the pre-cataclysmic binary system V664 Cas, has revealed a tail of emission at least 20 arcmin long, at a position angle of 316°. Evidence is presented which suggests that this is an  ≈105 yr  old trail of shocked material, left behind V664 Cas as it ejects matter whilst ploughing through its local interstellar media at anywhere between 29 and 59 km s−1 depending on its distance from the Sun.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of small groups of uncatalogued, compact, star forming (SF) dwarf galaxies (DGs) by Hα mapping of the neighbourhoods of apparently isolated, catalogued, SF DGs. Our sample consists of dwarf  ( M ≥−18 mag)  galaxies at least 2 Mpc away from any other catalogued galaxy. The galaxies were selected to exhibit Hα emission of any intensity, i.e. not selecting only strong starbursts, as an indicator of recent or on-going star formation with the goal of understanding why are they presently forming stars. We identified possible neighbours by imaging the galaxies and their surroundings through Hα filters centred at or near the redshift of the galaxy, and searching for localized Hα emission with the characteristics of the line emission from the sample galaxies.
We identified 20 possible SF neighbour galaxies, 17 of them not previously catalogued, in three of the five search fields where we had good quality data, and present here their positions and, images and morphology, as well as some indications of binarity. The relatively large number of possible neighbour candidates, combined with their relative faintness, argue that it would be virtually impossible to identify truly isolated galaxies. It seems that the objects we selected as extremely isolated are probably the brightest members of sparse groups of galaxies, where the other members are also DGs that are presently forming stars. In order to enhance the confidence of this statement regular redshifts are required for our candidate neighbours.  相似文献   

We describe ISAAC/ESO-VLT observations of the Hαλ6563 Balmer line of 33 field galaxies from the Canada–France Redshift Survey (CFRS) with redshifts selected between 0.5 and 1.1. We detect Hα in emission in 30 galaxies and compare the properties of this sample with the low-redshift sample of CFRS galaxies at   z ∼ 0.2  . We find that the Hα luminosity,   L (Hα)  , is tightly correlated to   M ( B AB)  in the same way for both the low- and high-redshift samples.   L (Hα)  is also correlated to L ([O  ii ]λ3727), and again the relation appears to be similar at low and high redshifts. The ratio L (lsqb;O  ii ])/   L (Hα)  decreases for brighter galaxies by as much as a factor of 2 on average. Derived from the Hα luminosity function, the comoving Hα luminosity density increases by a factor 12 from  〈 z 〉= 0.2  to  〈 z 〉= 1.3  . Our results confirm a strong rise of the star formation rate (SFR) at   z < 1.3  , proportional to  (1 + z )4.1±0.3  (with   H 0= 50 km s−1 Mpc−1, q 0= 0.5  ). We find an average  SFR(2800 Å)/SFR (Hα)  ratio of 3.2 using the Kennicutt SFR transformations. This corresponds to the dust correction that is required to make the near-ultraviolet data consistent with the reddening-corrected Hα data within the self-contained, I -selected CFRS sample.  相似文献   

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