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本文以成矿地质模型为依据,对观驾山—黑山岛一带的化探、物探、遥感及地质等信息变量进行了详细的分析,选取了10个信息变量24个标志状态;在此基础上,运用信息量法对研究区内458个单元的信息量值进行计算,并由此确定了研究范围内的成矿远景区。事实表明,研究区信息量成矿预测是非常有效的  相似文献   
面对超层越界、无证采矿和以采代探等违法采矿行为屡禁不止这一“顽疾”,禹州市国土资源局主动探索,推陈出新,走出了一条行之有效的执法监察新路子,即实行局各资源所(站)、测绘大队和执法大队三级监察网络,避免了违法行为排查的被动性、巡查的盲目性、查处的滞后性,做到了有计划、有重点、早发现、早制止、早处理,将一大批矿业违法活动消灭在萌芽状态,煤矿违法开采活动数量明显减少。  相似文献   
Based on the analysis of Levitus data, the climatic states of the warm pool in the Indian Ocean (WPIO) and in the Pacific Ocean (WPPO) are studied. It is found that WPIO has a relatively smaller area, a shallower bottom and a slightly lower seawater temperature than those of WPPO. The horizontal area at different depths, volumes, central positions, and bottom depths of both WPIO and WPPO show quite apparent signals of seasonal variation. The maximum amplitude of WPIO surface area‘s seasonal variation is 58% larger over the annual mean value. WPIO‘s maximum volume variation amplitude is 66% larger over the annual mean value. The maximum variation amplitudes of the surface area and volume of WPPO are 20.9% and 20.6% larger over the annual mean value respectively. WPIO and WPPO show different temporal and spatial characteristics mainly due to the different wind fields and restriction of ocean basin geometry. For instance, seasonal northern displacement of WPIO is, to some extent, constrained by the basin of the Indian Ocean, while WPPO moves relatively freely in the longitudinal direction. The influence of WPIO and WPPO over the atmospheric motion must be quite different.  相似文献   
今年来,针对汨罗江河道非法淘金,乱采滥挖行为有所反弹的现象,汨罗市委,市政府开展了一场以“重点治乱,严厉打击乱采滥挖行为”为主的整治河道专项行动,该市国土资源局和公安局联合组建打击沙河违法犯罪专案组。通过抓宣传,抓整顿,抓禁采,抓打击,抓规范等措施。  相似文献   
编辑同志: 我局现遇一诉讼案,是按民事案还是按行政案进行审理,直接影响到我局依法执行土地管理法规,案情是这样的: 我市C公司于1993年10月取得《建设用地规划许可证》后,向原市土地局(现我局)预交了30%土地费、配套费47.736万元,由于当时征地任务繁重,加之C公司也未积极催促征地,C公司的用地一直没有落实。1997年全国冻结征地,我市盘整办和土地局多次为其办理  相似文献   
民间叙事论纲(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宝物主题、禁忌主题、婚恋主题、英雄主题和伦理主题,是民间叙事中最常见因而最重要的主题。民间叙事的形象包括人和物两个方面,形象的实质是人,进入民间叙事的万事万物都会打上或深或浅的人性烙印。民间叙事人物形象的根本特征是非常鲜明的类型化。民间叙事对于小说文体有着重要的影响:它培养和提高了中国人的叙事思维和叙事能力;哺育滋养了文化人从记录民间故事进入自主创作的境地;从故事题材、人物形象、情节模式、民俗场景、细节语言等多方面不断给小说创作以营养;始终与中国小说的形式与发展相辅相扶而行。民间叙事还有一种特别值得关注的形态即活态的民间叙事。活态民间叙事包括以前曾被记录而今仍在口头存活的和一直只在口头流传而从未被记录过的两大部分。活态民间叙事中一种重要的形式是不以语言文字为载体而以身体动作为主要媒介的叙事——民间行为叙事。民间叙事传达民众的心声,打破了统治阶级官方话语和主流话语的霸权,对整个民族、国家有着极大、深刻、长远的影响,是有一种超越皇权、超越政府行政权力的在野权威。  相似文献   
Daily and ten-day Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) of crops were retrieved from meteorological statellite NOAA AVHRR images ,The temporal variations of the NDVI were analyzed during the whole growing season,and thus the principle of the interaction between NDIV profile and the growing status of crops was discussed,As a case in point,the relationship between integral NDVI and winter wheat yield of Henan Province in 1999 had been analyzed.By putting integral NDVI values of 60 sample counties into the winter wheat yield-integral NDVI coordination,scattering map was plotted. It demonstrated that integral NDVI had a close relation with winter wheat yield.These relation could be described with linear,cubic polynomial ,and exponential regression,and the cubic polynomial regression was the best way,In general ,NDVI reflects growing status of green vegetation ,so crop monitoring and crop yield estimation could be realized by using remote sensing technique on the basis of time serial NDVI data together with agriculture calendars.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTriploidanimalsareusefulbecausetheyaresterile ,characterizedbypositivegrowthinthere productiveseason ,usefulfortesting ,forintroductionofnon nativespecies ,andforprotectionofde velopedstrains.Theinductionoftriploidyhadbeenreportedinmanyaquaculturespecies .Triploidshavebeensuccessfullyinducedinshrimpusingtemperatureshockorchemicalshock (CB ,6 DMAP)in 4species :Sicyoniaingentis (Xiangetal.,1 991 ) ,Fenneropenaeuschinensis (Xiangetal.,1 992 ;Daietal.,1 993;Baoetal.,1 993;Li…  相似文献   
为有效遏制违法占地、违法建设行为.加大企业环保治理力度.营造良好的发展环境和秩序。莱芜市钢城区决定.从11月28日开始.利用1个月的时间,在全区范围内集中开展1次以清理违法占地,违法建设、治理污染企业和打击暴力抗法为重点的集中整治活动。此次活动共分宣传发动、自查自纠和集中执法3个阶段。  相似文献   
近日,修武县国土资源局西村国土所及时制止一起盗采铁矿石行为,使该乡一"千年古坑"免遭破坏. 被当地人称为"千年古坑"的大水坑位于修武县北部山区西村乡黑岩村与孟泉村交界处,呈椭园形,长约50米,宽约30米,最深处约4米.此坑是自然形成,坑里的水是靠雨季和雪融水储存的.千百年来,黑岩和孟泉两村千余口人和牲畜就是靠吃这个水坑里的水生存的,坑里的水常年清澈见底,不用过滤不用沉淀可直接饮用.随着经济的发展,山区饮水条件的改善,此坑里的水现已成为黑岩村的牲畜饮用水.在上世纪70年代,黑岩村村民对坑内进行了清於,对已损坏的护坑石楞进行了维修,并作为历史古迹保护了下来.  相似文献   
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