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Between June 2004 and September 2004 a temporary seismic network was installed on the northern insular shelf of Iceland and onshore in north Iceland. The seismic setup aimed at resolving the subsurface structure and, thus, the geodynamical transition from Icelandic crust to typical oceanic crust along Kolbeinsey Ridge. The experiment recorded about 1,000 earthquakes. The region encloses the Tjörnes Fracture Zone containing the Husavik–Flatey strike-slip fault and the extensional seismic Grimsey Lineament. Most of the seismicity occurs in swarms offshore. Preliminary results reveal typical mid-ocean crust north of Grimsey and a heterogeneous structure with major velocity anomalies along the seismic lineaments and north–south trending subsurface features. Complementary bathymetric mapping highlight numerous extrusion features along the Grimsey Lineament and Kolbeinsey Ridge. The seismic dataset promises to deliver new insights into the tectonic framework for earthquakes in an extensional transform zone along the global mid-ocean ridge system.  相似文献   
A seismic refraction study on old (110 Myr) lithosphere in the northwest Pacific Basin has placed constraints on crustal and uppermantle seismic structure of old oceanic lithosphere, and lithospheric aging processes. No significant lateral variation in structure other than azimuthally anisotropic mantle velocities was found, allowing the application of powerful amplitude modeling techniques. The anisotropy observed is in an opposite sense to that expected, suggesting the tectonic setting of the area may be more complex than originally thought. Upper crustal velocities are generally larger than for younger crust, supporting current theories of decreased porosity with crustal aging. However, there is no evidence for significant thickening of the oceanic crust with age, nor is there any evidence of a lower crustal layer of high or low velocity relative to the velocity of the rest of Layer 3. The compressional and shear wave velocities rule out a large component of serpentinization of mantle materials. The only evidence for a basal crustal layer of olivine gabbro cumulates is a 1.5 km thick Moho transition zone. In the slow direction of anisotropy, upper mantle velocities increase from 8.0 km s-1 to 8.35 km s-1 in the upper 15 km below the Moho. This increase is inconsistent with an homogeneous upper mantle and suggests that compositinal or phase changes occur near the Moho.  相似文献   
Geophysical data from 900 km of the Southwest Indian Ridge are used todescribe the pattern of evolution of the plate boundary between 61° Eand 70° E over the past 20 million years. The SWIR is anobliquely-opening, ultra slow-spreading axis, and east of61° E comprises a series of ridge sections, each about 100–120 kmin length. The orientation of these sections varies fromsub-orthogonal to oblique to the approximately N–S spreadingdirection. In general, the suborthogonal sections are shallower, commonlysubdivided into an array of discrete axial segments, and carry recognisablecentral magnetic anomalies. The majority of the oblique sections are single,continuous rifts without continuous axial magnetic signatures.Morphotectonics of the Southwest Indian Ridge crust have not previously beenwell constrained off-axis, and we here present sidescan sonar andswath bathymetric data up to 100 km from the ridge to demonstrate the complexities of its spatial and temporal evolution.A model is proposed that the segmentation style correlates with analong-axis variation between: (a) relatively thick crustal sections which overlie mantle sections with higher magmatic supply created in orthogonally-spreading segments and (b) those oblique sections associated with cooler, magmatically-starved mantle and thinner crust. These latter sections are formed at broad offset zones in theplate boundary, more precisely defined on faster-spreading ridges asnontransform discontinuities. The nonsystematic pattern of crustalconstruction, extensional basin formation and the absence of extension-parallel traces of discontinuities off-axis suggest that the oblique spreading sections are not fixed in space or time.  相似文献   
This paper describes the study of a single-column structure used as well-head platform. In order to check the reliability of computation theory and programme, model tests have been carried out. The paper introduces the conclusion of tests and the dynamic properties of single-column platform are obtained.  相似文献   
Four large-scale bathymetric maps of the Southern East Pacific Rise and its flanks between 15° S and 19° S display many of the unique features of this superfast spreading environment including abundant seamounts (the Rano Rahi Field), axial discontinuities, discontinuity migration, and abyssal hill variation. Along with a summary of the regional geology, these maps will provide a valuable reference for other sea-going programs on-and off-axis in this area, including the Mantle ELectromagnetic and Tomography (MELT) experiment.  相似文献   
Using the diving submersible survey NAUTICA we investigated the central part of the Caribbean large igneous province (CLIP) to observe and sample internal portions of this proposed oceanic plateau. Most of the samples are gabbroic and doleritic rocks; basalts are scarce. Radiometric dating by 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiments indicate that the intrusive rocks are Campanian in age (81–75 Ma). In some places these intrusive rocks underlie older Santonian (85–83 Ma) extrusive basaltic rocks, suggesting that the Campanian rocks represent a sill injection and an underplating episode. Results of the diving program supplemented by information from ODP and DSDP drilling sites document a 20 m.y. period (94–75 Ma) of igneous activity in the submerged portion of the Caribbean large igneous province (CLIP). In the northern part of the Beata Ridge late Campanian and/or post Campanian uplift is documented by prominent Maastrichtian (71–65 Ma) erosion and the establishment of a Paleocene-middle Eocene (65–49 Ma) carbonate platform. During and after the uplift an extensional period is indicated by seismic images and the subsidence (3 km depth) of the carbonate platform. Paleocene ages (55–56 Ma) determined on some volcanic samples are attributed to localised decompression mantle melting that accompanied the extension. We document a prolonged period of magmatic and tectonic events that do not fit with the current models of short-lived plateau formation during mantle plume initiation but shares many similarities with the constructional histories of other oceanic large igneous provinces.  相似文献   

The sea level station operating since 1996 at Mazagón (Huelva, Spain) has been progressively upgraded to fit tsunami warning requirements, due to its location in one of the main regions at risk. Its radar water level sensor was complemented in 2017, with the addition of a pressure sensor. The performance of both sea level sensors and their response to sea level oscillations, at different frequencies, is assessed. Particular emphasis is put on the effect of extreme events, such as Storm Emma, when alternative methods to obtain 1-min data are tested, in contrast to the one based on arithmetic means. The overall differences are small, for the whole period of study (centered-root-mean-square-error below 1?cm, for 5-min, and hourly data; similar tidal parameters and sea level oscillations with periods between 30?s and 5?min). However, during Storm Emma, the pressure sensor presents sensibly lower readings than the radar, with the centered-root-mean-square-error rising to 80?mm on the March 2nd 2018. A new method to compute 1-min data, based on medians, reduced this value to 10?mm for the same day.  相似文献   

Genypterus blacodes, in terms of its fishing history and local economic importance, is an emblematic species harvested in Chilean Patagonia (41°00’–57°00’S). Most of the current fisheries and biological knowledge of this species come from the open ocean, whereas information about the species in fjords and inner channels is fragmentary. In 2018, two research surveys targeting G. blacodes were conducted in the fjords and inner channels of Chilean Patagonia. A total of 253 pairs of sagittal otoliths were sampled at three different localities, and their contours were modelled using wavelet analysis as a tool for stock discrimination. Contours were compared using canonical analysis, and classification was performed using linear discriminant and Random Forest analyses. The results indicated that the wavelet method is efficient in modelling otolith contours, and the discriminant analyses showed differences among fishing grounds across the latitudinal gradient, thus confirming the hypothesis that G. blacodes conform to at least two separate stock units in Chilean Patagonia. Fishing grounds that were closer in space showed higher levels of misclassification. The discussion focuses on how environmental variables and the geography of fjords shape stock differences and how this information can be used for the sustainable management of G. blacodes.  相似文献   
梭鱼(Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky)为我国北方咸淡水鱼类人工养殖的主要对象,南方也有养殖,属鲻科鱼类,广泛分布于热带和亚热带水域。其中尤以鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus B.)为甚。由于它们中的大多数种类适盐性广、食物链低、生长快和肉味美,因而成为海水,咸淡水,乃至淡水鱼类养殖的很好对象。主要养于印度-太平洋区域、地中海和黑海沿岸。1969年,在保加利亚瓦尔纳召开的国际生物学计划海洋生产力组(IBP/PM)的会议上,与联合国粮农组织(PAO)一道,把鲻科鱼类列为国际性生物研究课题之一,受到有关国家的普遍重视。近十多年,对于鲻科鱼类的人工繁殖研究,在某些种类上已取得较大进展。鲻梭鱼,可期在几年内,进入种苗的生产阶段。 我国劳动人民对鲻科鱼类养殖至少已有四个世纪的悠久历史,积累了极为丰富的生产经验。但自古以来,都是利用天然种苗进行养殖。近年来,由于大量兴修水利,淡水入海的运流量不断减少,天然种苗场受到某些影响,能捕到的天然苗也不如以往丰盛,加之种苗资源本身因受气象的影响各年也有所变动。为了使生产能按计划进行,人工繁殖种苗已成为当务之急。 1967年,我所和原天津淡水渔业公司工农养殖场合作,对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的人工繁殖开始进行研究。并在人工诱导排卵方面取得成功,所获卵子得到受精和孵化。1968年,中国科学院实验生物研究所的部分同志也参加了这项试验。当年共获得一千万卵子,其中有二百万卵子获得受精。孵苗十四万多尾。因受寒潮影响,大量胚卵在即将孵出前,或在孵出仔鱼之后不久死去。最后仅培育九百余尾达2公分以上的梭鱼苗。这一年的试验,为咸淡水养殖梭鱼的全人工繁殖打开了"通途"。1969年,养殖场由地方移交给部队,我所继而与中国人民解放军某部队进行合作,一直到1972年截止。1969年,室外池塘育苗成活率达30%,育成6厘米以上的梭鱼苗二千尾左右。这些苗经过越冬,到第二年春天,体长达20厘米以上。1972年,经过人工诱导排卵的亲鱼,在池塘中自行产卵和受精,并孵出仔鱼。这对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的人工繁殖来说,又迈开了新的一步。 本文总结了六年来(1967-1972)咸淡水养殖梭鱼人工繁殖试验所取得的初步成果。对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的生物学特性以及自然繁殖也作了初步观察。现将这一材料发表,供有关单位参考。  相似文献   
Several mechanisms have been proposed to account for the rotation of the nearly north-south abyssal hill fabric formed on the East Pacific Rise north of the Easter Microplate to the nearly east-west trends in the northern microplate interior. Proposed mechanisms include rigid microplate rotation, transform fault – parallel shear, and bookshelf faulting during the transfer of lithosphere from the Nazca Plate to the microplate. We used a submersible magnetometer on a NAUTILE dive program to measure the magnetic vector rotation of a pillow basalt and dike spur near Pito Deep, the present location of the tip of the propagating rift system that created the microplate. Our results, although too limited to draw strong conclusions from, suggest clockwise rotations of the seafloor magnetic vectors inconsistent with the transform-parallel shear model, and larger than can be explained solely by rigid microplate rotation.  相似文献   
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