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深层气理论分析和深层气潜势研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
近年来的一些文献表述深层气时在"深层"和"深部"名词概念上容易造成不必要的费解。就沉积层而言,宜将生油主带(生油窗)作为"深"的界限,从此界限开始到基底以上地层范围的天然气统统称为"深层气";就整个地球而言,宜将沉积层结晶基底和该基底以下的天然气统统称为"深部气"。当然,还应更多地注意来源于深部"深生浅储"的"深层气"。深层气的形成与地壳烃类形成的垂直分带性有关。在一定的历史时期和一定的沉积盆地油气形成分带性理论对勘探实践发挥了一定的指导作用,随着油气地质科研和勘探实践的发展,人们逐渐发现了油气形成分带性理论中油相消失和气相生成带开始门限指标的局限性。不同盆地有不同深度的生油主带,因而也有不同深度范围生气主带(干气带)。腐泥型有机质的演化需要更高的活化能,而需更高的温度和更大的深度,其生气主带深于腐殖型有机质源岩层的位置。生气主带有机质演化受多种因素控制,其中温度、深度和时间是重要因素,引起深层温度升高的条件有地球动力和深部热流等。古生界以前的重大生物地质事件为深层气形成准备了有机质及其演化条件,从物质基础上讲,深层气有巨大的资源潜势。油气形成的地球动力学观点及其他新观点为研究深层气提供了新的思路,岩石圈的烃类资源远未枯竭,被发现和开采的资源仅是其中的一部分,更多的需在深部去发掘。  相似文献   
“东半球空间环境地基综合监测子午链”(简称子午工程)是我国空间科学领域开工建设的第一个国家重大基础设施项目。子午工程利用沿东半球120°E子午线附近和北纬30°N附近的15个综合性观测台站,运用无线电、地磁、光学和探空火箭等多种探测手段,连续监测地球表面20—30km以上到几百公里的中高层大气、电离层和磁层,以及十几个地球半径以外的行星际的空间环境参数。它将为我国各类用户提供完整、连续、可靠的多学科、多层次的空间环境地基综合监测数据。子午工程总投资1.67亿元,建设期3年,子午工程整体科学寿命预计超过11年。  相似文献   
对2014—2016年中国国家气象中心T639数值预报、日本细网格数值预报、欧洲中心细网格(EC thin)数值预报以及天津市乡镇指导预报产品中在天津地区降水预报分别进行检验。结果表明:所有模式降水的晴雨预报准确率均随预报时效的延长而下降。降水预报准确率在秋冬春季的预报效果明显好于夏季。EC thin产品在冬季降水的预报中优势更为明显,而指导预报及T639对5月、6月及9月天津地区局地降水多发期的降水更有指示意义。针对2014—2016年天津地区的23个暴雨日按影响系统分型并统计检验结果,暴雨日降水预报晴雨成绩较好有参考价值,而降水分级检验偏差较大。相对于局地性暴雨过程,区域性的暴雨过程数值预报有更为可靠的参考性。  相似文献   
Phenological changes in crops affect efficient agricultural production and can be used as important biological indicators of local and regional climate change. Although crop phenological changes and their responses to climate change, especially temperature, have been investigated, the impact of agronomic practice such as cultivar shifts and planted date changes on crop phenology remains unclear. Here, we used a long-term dataset (1981–2010) of wheat phenology and associated local weather data from 48 agro-meteorological stations in four temperature zones in China to analyze phenological changes of spring and winter wheat. Trend analysis method was used to estimate changes in the date of growth stages and the duration of growth phases, while sensitivity analysis method was used to qualify the response of growth phase duration to mean temperature (Tmean), total precipitation (PRE), and total sunshine duration (SSD). Using the Crop Environment Resource Synthesis-wheat model, we isolated the impacts of climate change, cultivar selection, and sowing date on phenological change of wheat. Results show that phenological changes were greatest in the warm-temperate zone. Sensitivity analysis indicates that growth phase duration was generally negatively related to Tmean and positively related to PRE and SSD. The positive sensitivity response to Tmean occurred in the tillering to jointing and sowing to maturity growth periods in the warmer temperature zones, suggesting that warmer temperatures during the overwintering period hampered effective vernalization in winter wheat. Modeling results further indicate that reductions in wheat growth duration caused by climate change could be offset by the introduction of new cultivars with high thermal requirements and accelerated with delayed sowing date.  相似文献   
一、引言大同第四纪火山群位于山西省大同县和阳高县境内(图1),包括近5年来在大峪口,秋林地区首次发现的6个小火山。该火山群大、小火山共计31个。大同火山群南以六棱山北麓断裂为界,分布于大同盆地东部的第四纪沉积区范围。火山群南侧的六棱山和北部的小北山是由前寒武花岗片麻岩组成的山地。  相似文献   
鱼类的耳石信息分析及生活史重建——理论、方法与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耳石(Otolith)是硬骨鱼类(Teleosts)在生长过程中沉积在内耳中的结石,主要矿物成分是CaCO3起声音接收和平衡定向作用。其内部轮纹(日轮Daily ring或年轮Annul ring)像在其他海洋动物特定钙化组织(如瓣鰓类外壳、珊瑚骨骼、多毛类颌骨、乌贼内壳、哺乳动物牙齿)中的轮纹一样随鱼类的发育而生长,并沉积着现场水环境中的主要化学元素。由于在形成过程中其轮纹形态结构与化学组成相当稳定,记录了鱼类个体生活过程中丰富的生物物理化学环境信息,所以,耳石信息分析可以揭示鱼类的生活史及其所经历的环境变化。在目前,耳石信息分析的应用涵盖了鱼类生态学研究的诸多方面,如鱼类的孵化和早期发育生长、产卵场和产卵期判定、仔鱼的运输过程(Larval transportation、年龄鉴定与种群鉴定(Age determination & population discrimination)、个体迁移(Migration)等。近年来,随着相关科学和技术的发展,它已经成为一种揭示鱼类生活史、生活史重建(Recastruction of life history)以及海洋环境域变(Regime shift)的关键技术,也是国际上渔业科学和海洋环境科学的研究热点。过去10年内三次国际鱼类耳石学术会议的成功举办(1993 Maryland-USA,Secor et al,1995a,1998- Bergen-Norway Fossum et al,2000;2004- Townsville Australia Begg et al,2005)大大推进了该研究领域的发展。其研究方向主要包括年龄鉴定与验证、显微结构分析(Microstructure)和微化学分析(Microchemistry)(Stevenson et al.,1992 ;Secor et al..1995a, Fossum et.al, 2000; Campana 1999, 2001; Elsdon et al, 2003a, b;Begg et al, 2005 )等。  相似文献   
Jiao  Jian  Dou  Xi-ping  Gao  Xiang-yu  Ding  Lei  Yang  Xiao-yu 《中国海洋工程》2020,34(2):198-209
The morphological evolution characteristics of the North-South Passage area since the construction of the Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Navigation Channel Project(DNCP) are analyzed on the basis of the measured data. A twodimensional morphodynamics numerical model of the Yangtze Estuary is established to verify the morphological evolution of the North-South Passage under the influence of the DNCP and to predict the future evolution in the next 40 years. Data analysis shows that the North Passage has experienced rapid adjustment stages and adaptive stages after the construction of the DNCP. Slow erosion occurred along the main channel, and slow siltation could be observed in the area between the groins. The South Passage showed a state of upper section erosion and down section deposition. At present, the whole South Passage is in a slight erosion state. According to the numerical model, the eroding and silting speed of the North Passage will slow down in the future. The present state that erosion occurs in the main channel and siltation occurs between the groins will continue. The South Passage will still maintain upper section erosion and down section deposition in the future. Due to the main channel erosion of the North Passage and siltation of the South Passage, the sediment division ratio of the North Passage will increase in the future but still be smaller than 50%. After morphological evolution of 40 years, the direction of residual sediment transport caused by M2 and M4 tidal components in the North Passage has not changed, but the transport rate will decrease. It is considered that the morphological evolution of the North-South Passage could reach a relatively stable state after 40 years.  相似文献   
Fault linkage patterns in rift basins are very common. While the process of fault linkage may be very short, it changes sedimentation patterns before and after linkage and controls the development of half-grabens. The propagation and growth of boundary faults can be divided into a simple fault propagation pattern and a fault growth-linkage pattern. Based on structural style, sedimentation patterns and oil-source correlations in the Erlian Basin, three types of grabens and petroleum systems can be identified. The Abei graben is controlled by a single boundary fault and forms an independent petroleum system. The Saihantala graben is controlled by several linked faults, which also has an independent petroleum system. The Wuliyasitai Depression controlled by two boundary fault segments which results in two petroleum systems. As not all half-grabens develop one petroleum system; they may, therefore, have two or more systems. The relay ramps between fault segments before linkage are the locations of deposition of sands and conglomerates, and consequently, are the focus areas for stratigraphic–lithologic trap exploration.  相似文献   
To examine the circulation in shallow water with tidal flat, a finite element model for the numerical solution of the shallow water equations was developed by means of standard Galerkin's method. The domain computed was covered with triangular finite elements, and water elevation and velocity were approximated by linear interpolation functions, and the lumped coefficients were used to substitute for solving the high order algebraic equation system. The time-dependent land-water boundary changes are treated mathematically by interrelating the location of the land-water boundary with the instantaneous tidal level. The implicit scheme was adopted for the terms of the bottom friction and the Coriolis effect in the motion equation so that the numerical stability of the model has been improved.The model was applied to the tidal current on shoaling water with large tidal flat off Pikou, and a comparison between observed and calculated values showed good agreement, the flow pattern being reproduced. The result  相似文献   
基于C30重排藿烷(C30DH)和C30藿烷(C30H)热稳定性差异,研究了C30DH/C30H作为油气运移方向和充注途径的可行性.结果发现:C30DH结构稳定性高于C30H,C30DH/C30H参数具有成熟度属性;同时对比分析C30DH/C30H参数与咔唑类参数的相关性,认为两者之间正相关性明显,表明C30DH/C30H参数不仅是良好的热成熟度参数还是良好的石油充注运移参数.M油田位于Fula凹陷东部,M油田原油为弱氧化-还原、淡水-微咸水环境下低等藻类与高等植物混源生成,属于同一族群原油.利用C30DH/C30H参数示踪Fula凹陷M油田石油充注方向,油气运移途径主要为自北向南,同时还发育自西向东的运移途径;咔唑类参数也验证了C30DH/C30H参数示踪油气运移的准确性.结果表明C30DH/C30H参数是示踪石油充注途径的有效参数.   相似文献   
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