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Zusammenfassung Am Beispiel des Fasersteinsalzes wird untersucht, ob die Verteilung des im NaCl eingebauten Broms Rückschlüsse auf den Wachstumsvorgang und die Herkunft der für das Wachstum benötigten Lösungen zuläßt. NachSchmidt undMügge erfolgt das Wachstum der Fasern an ihrer Basis. Wenn dieser Vorgang stimmt, sollte der Br-Gehalt in den älteren Teilen des Fasersteinsalzes (in der Mitte der Kluft gelegen) niedriger sein als in den zuletzt gebildeten Partien der Kluftfüllung (an der Kluftwand gelegen). Tatsächlich konnte an dem natürlichen Fasersteinsalz festgestellt werden, daß der Br-Gehalt im Steinsalz von der Mitte der Kluft zum Rand zunimmt. Auch die Lösungszufuhr kann nach diesem Befund nur in Form von Porenlösungen aus dem Nebengestein erfolgt sein. Aus dem Br-Gehalt des Fasersteinsalzes wurde die Br-Konzentration in den Porenlösungen mit 3,5 · 10–1 Gew.- % berechnet.
Summary The distribution of bromine replacing chlorine in fibrous halite of the potash salt mine Marie Louise (Elsaß, France) was determined in order to examine the crystallisation process of this halite. The contents of bromine increase in the cleavage filling of the fibrous halite from the central part to the contact with the marl. The cause of this distribution is the growth of the fibre perpendicular to its base during the opening of the cleavage. The fibrous halite crystallizes from pore solutions originating in the marl rock. The calculation showed that the bromine content in the solution was about 0.35 wt.- %.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.C. W. Correns zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Extended deep plutons of the Chilean Coast-Range can, according to their composition, age and spatial distribution, be assigned to the following three Superunits, each of which represents a closed magmatic cycle. Albayay-Superunit approximately 300-200 m. a. Cifuncho-Superunit approximately 190-130 m. a. Esmeralda-Superunit less than 130 m. a.Structurally we distinguished five large batholithic complexes, which are tectonically displaced along vertical fault-planes. The petrographie composition ranges from gabbronoritic through dioritic up to granitic rocks with predominance of granitoids.Methodical investigation led beyond the explanation of the origin of the magma, and opened the way for new geogynamic interpretations. We postulate a model of repeated crustal thickening caused by continental collision, which is opposed to the schematic plate-tectonics model.
Zusammenfassung In der Küstenkordillere Nordchiles lassen sich ausgedehnte Tiefengesteinskörper nach Stoffbestand, Alter und rÄumlicher Verteilung folgenden drei Superunits zuordnen, die jeweils einem abgeschlossenen magmatischen Zyklus entsprechen. Albayay-Superunit ca. 300-200 m. a. Cifuncho-Superunit ca. 190-130 m. a. Esmeralda-Superunit jünger als 130 m. a.Strukturell haben wir fünf grö\ere, durch Tektonik entlang vertikaler Brüche zerlegte Baholith-Komplexe ausgeschieden. Die petrologische Zusammensetzung reicht von gabbro-noritischen über dioritische bis zu granitischen Gesteinen, wobei der Schwerpunkt bei den Granitoiden liegt.Die methodische Untersuchung führte über die KlÄrung der Magmengenese hinaus und eröffnete den Zugang zu neuen geodynamischen Vorstellungen. Wir postulieren ein Modell einer mehrphasigen Krustenverdickung durch kontinentale Kollision, das im Gegensatz zu dem schematischen Modell der Plattentektonik steht.

Resumen En la Cordillera de la Costa del Norte de Chile existen extensos cuerpos intrusivos que se queden asignar, sobre la base de su composición, edad y distribución espacial, a las tres Superunidades siguientes, las que a su vez corresponden a ciclos magmáticos completos. Superunidad-Albayay approximadamente 300-200 m.a. Superunidad-Cifuncho approximadamente 190-130 m.a. Superunidad-Esmeralda más jóvenque 130 m.a.Estructuralmente hemos distinguido cinco complejos batoliticos mayores recortados por una tectónica de fallas verticales. La compositión petrográfica va desde rocas gabronoríticas hasta graníticas pasando por las dioríticas, con predominio de granitoides.El análisis metódico de los datos obtenidos orientado a la petrogénesis de estos cuerpos dió lugar a nuevas interpretaciones geodinámicas. Postulamos un modelo de fases sucesivas de acumulación cortical mediante colisión continental, el cual se opone al esquemático modelo de la Tectónica de Placas.

, , : Albayay-Superunit ... 300-200 Cifuncho-Superunit ... 190-130 Esmeralda-Superunit ... 130 . 5 . - , , . y ; .
To understand the ground-motion contribution by multiple-mode surface-wave arrivals, the surface-wave theory required for predicting ground-motion time histories is discussed. The adequacy of the theory in accounting for observed earthquake ground motion is tested by comparing theoretically predicted long-period seismograms with real seismograms for two earthquakes in the central United States. The agreement between the predicted and observed maximum vertical component Lg ground velocities and accelerations in the 2- to 3-sec period range is excellent over a distance range of 100 to 2,000 km.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Malm der Ith-Hils-Mulde wird am. SE-Ende des Ith diskordant von Unterkreide überlagert, und im Innern der Mulde sind in einer Umgebung von Jura und Wealden Schichten des Neokom und des Tertiär erhalten, die durch Ablaugung auf dem Salzstock von Weenzen versenkt worden sind. Aus diesen Lagerungsverhältnissen ergibt sich folgende Vorstellung von der Entstehung des Malm-Schichtkammes der Ith-Hils-Mulde:Die Malm- und Wealdenschichten des Ith-Hils-Gebietes sind während ihrer Ablagerung eingemuldet worden; die Mulde ist nach Einebnung ihrer Ränder von den Schichten der marinen Kreide überlagert worden und hat bis zum Ende der Oligozänzeit unter Kreide- und Tertiärschichten gelegen. Soweit diese Schichten infolge einer nacholigozänen Hebung wieder abgetragen worden sind, wurden die Kalke des Unteren und Mittleren Malm in jungtertiärer Zeit als Schichtkamm herausgearbeitet.Der Malm-Schichtkamm der Ith-Hils-Mulde ist insofern ein Schlüssel zur Morphologie des nordwestdeutschen Berglandes, als seine morphologische Entwicklung in allen wesentlichen Phasen aus dem geologischen Befund abgeleitet werden und damit auch für andere Teile dieses Berglandes, deren geologische Überlieferung weniger vollständig ist, als Beispiel gelten kann.
At the south-east spur of the secondary chain of mountains of the Ith situated between the valleys of the Rivers Weser and Leine the Malm of the Ith-Hils Trough is unconformably overlain by the Lower Cretaceous. In the interior of this trough, strata of the Neocomian and of the Tertiary have been preserved in a surrounding of Jurassic and Wealden. Salt dissolution and evacuation have caused these strata to subside on top of the salt dome of Weenzen. From these circumstances of stratification the following concept ensues regarding the formation of the Malm stratum ridge of the Ith-Hils Trough:During strata deposition the Malm and Wealden strata of the Ith-Hils region have been subjected to trough formation. After levelling of its rims the trough has been overlain by strata of the Cretaceous, and, until the end of the Oligocene, it had been situated underneath Cretaceous and Tertiary strata. Insofar as these latter strata have been destroyed again in consequence of a post-oligocene uplift, the limestones of the Lower and Middle Malm have been shaped out as the stratum ridge in the late Tertiary epoch.The Malm stratum ridge of the Ith-Hils Trough represents a key to the explanation of the morphological conditions of the mountainous country of north-western Germany, as the morphological development of the same can be derived from the geological findings in all its essential phases. Thereby the Malm stratum ridge of the Ith-Hils Trough can be set as a validated example for other parts of this stretch of mountainous country, whose structural aspect is less complete.

Résumé Au contrefort sud-est de la chaîne de montagnes de l'Ith située entre les vallées des rivières Weser et Leine, le Malm (Jurassique Supérieur) du synclinal de l'Ith-Hils est couvert par le Crétacé Inférieur sous forme d'une discordance de stratification. A l'intérieur de ce synclinal des strates du Néocomien et du Tertiaire se sont conservées dans un entourage du Jurassique et du Wealdien. Au-dessus du dôme de sel de Weenzen la dissolution et l'écoulement des sels ont causé que ces strates se soient enfoncées. De ces circonstances de stratification le concept suivant s'ensuit en ce qui concerne la formation de la crête de strate du Malm du synclinal de I'Ith-Hils:Pendant le processus de stratification les strates du Malm et du Wealdien de la région de l'Ith-Hils ont subi une formation de synclinal. A la fin du processus de nivellement de ses bords le synclinal a été couvert par les strates du Crétacé (marin), et, jusqu'à la fin de l'Oligocène, il a été situé au-dessous des strates du Crétacé et du Tertiaire. En tant que ces dernières strates ont été enlevées à nouveau en conséquence d'un soulèvement post-oligocène, les calcaires des strates de Malm inférieur et moyen ont été façonnés en qualité de crête de strate à l'époque du Néogène.La crête de strate du Malm du synclinal de l'Ith-Hils représente une explication fondamentale des conditions morphologiques du pays de montagnes de l'Allemagne du nord-ouest jusqu'à un tel point que le développement morphologique de ce pays peut être dérivé des constatations géologiques de l'état récent dans toutes ses phases essentielles. De cette manière la crête de strate du Malm peut servir d'exemple corroboré à d'autres parties de cette région de pays de montagnes, dont l'aspect structurel est moins complet.

Ith-Hilo Ith . , . : , . . . , , .

Vortrag, gehalten auf der 58. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung in Göttingen am 19. 2. 1968.  相似文献   
Inorganic ions, organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and a variety of organic single species in airborne particles have been determined at the research station of the Leibniz – Institut für Troposphärenforschung (IfT) in Melpitz (Germany) in autumn 1997.Samples of eight selected measurement events were divided in two groups in order to investigate differences in the chemical composition of particles originating from southwesterly (SW – developed EU countries) or from easterly directions (E – less developed eastern countries). Differences between these two groups were tested statistically by Student's t-test.Five stage cascade impactor samples show nitrate as most abundant in the accumulation mode in the SW group. EC and sulphate show the most abundant mass fractions in the E group. That can be considered as a consequence of domestic coal heating and coal-fired power plant emissions in the region of westerly Poland, northern Czech Republic and easterly Germany. Higher nitrate concentrations in the SW group can be explained by stronger NO x emissions caused by the leeward plume of the conurbation of Leipzig, as well as by the still higher traffic density in western Germany.The methane sulphonic acid (MSA) mass fraction was higher for SW air masses in accumulation mode particles, probably indicating marine origin. Succinic acid also showed higher mass fractions for the SW group. This could be caused by primary emission in automobile exhaust gases and photochemical formation during transport from SW. Indeed, during SW sampling, solar radiation intensity was higher than during E sampling.The observed differences in the particle composition are an expression of the still existing technology gradient in Europe. Future campaigns could show the development to a joint economy with smaller differences in anthropogenic emissions.  相似文献   
Eight submersible dives between 3000 and 4200 m water depth were made off southern Japan in the eastern Nankai subduction zone. Benthic communities associated with chemosynthetic processes were discovered along the 800 m wide active tectonic zone, at the toe of the accretionary prism. A benthic community was also discovered along a zone of active compression, at the foot of Zenisu Ridge, 30 km south of Nankai Trough. Temperature measurements within the sediments below the benthic communities confirm that upward motion of interstitial water occurs there. Studies of water samples indicate advection of methane and light hydrocarbons. Specimens of the benthic community have been shown to have included in their shells carbonate resulting from methane consumption. Thus the benthic communities are related to overpressure-driven fluid advection along tectonic zones with active surface deformation. A 300 m high active scarp at the toe of the accretionary prism is related to relative motion in a 280° direction which is close to the 305° average direction of subduction in this area. The dives establish further that compressive deformation is presently occurring at the foot of Zenisu Ridge. The previous interpretation of the Zenisu Ridge as a zone of recent north-south intraplate shortening, 40 km south of the Nankai Trench, is confirmed. We conclude that tectonic evolution might well lead to future detachment of the Zenisu Ridge and overthrusting of this large piece of oceanic crust over the continental margin. Such a process might be an efficient one to emplace ophiolites over continents.  相似文献   
Concentrations of sulfur gases H2S and SO2 have been measured in the marine atmosphere over the Atlantic Ocean at various sites. Mean values of 40 ng H2S m-3 STP and 209 ng SO2 m-3 STP are the results of the measurements. A diurnal variation of H2S concentration was detected on the west coast of Ireland with nighttime concentrations of up to 200 ng H2S m-3 STP and values below detection limit (15 ng H2S m-3 STP) during daytime.  相似文献   
We have developed a procedure that allows extraction of clean nanodiamond samples from primitive meteorites for isotopic analyses of trace elements on a timescale of just a week. This procedure includes microwave digestion and optimization of existing isolation techniques for further purification. Abundances of trace elements that are difficult to dissolve using standard procedures (e.g., Ir) are lower in the diamond residues prepared using the new technique. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) was explored as a means for isotopic measurements. Results obtained on diamond fractions from Allende and Murchison show the need for suitable matrix-adjusted standards to correct for fractionation effects; nevertheless they allow putting an upper limit on the abundance of 198Pt-H in nanodiamonds of ∼1 × 1014 atoms/g. This limit is on the order of what can be expected from predictions of competing nucleosynthesis models and extrapolation of the apparently mass dependent abundance trend of the associated noble gases.Unfortunately, and unexpectedly, presolar silicon carbide is almost quantitatively dissolved during microwave digestion with HCl/HF/HNO3. Re-evaluation of the standard extraction technique, however, shows that it also may lead to severe loss of fine-grained SiC, a fact not commonly appreciated. A lower limit to SiC abundance in Murchison is 20 ppm, and previous conclusions that Murchison SiC is unusually coarse-grained compared to SiC in other primitive meteorites seem not to be warranted. Graphite and silicon nitride may survive and possibly can be separated after this step as suggested by a simulation experiment using terrestrial analog material, but the detailed behavior of meteoritic graphite requires further study.  相似文献   
Results from kinetic laboratory studies of reactions of the carbonate radical anion (CO3–·) with aromatic compounds in aqueous solution at T = 298 K are presented. Data were obtained in using a laser photolysis laser long-path absorption (LP-LPLA) apparatus which was designed for direct time-resolved studies of radical reactions. For the reactions of CO3–· with hydroquinone dimethyl ether (2), methyl anisole (3), benzene (4), p-xylene (5), toluene (6), chlorobenzene (7), nitrobenzene (8), and benzonitrile (9), rate coefficients of k2 = (3.0 ± 0.6)·107 M–1 s–1, k3 = (9.7 ± 1.7)·105 M–1 s–1, k4 = (3.2 ± 0.7)·105 M–1 s–1, k5 = (3.8 ± 0.9)·104 M–1 s–1, k6 = (6.8 ± 2.3)·104 M–1 s–1, k7 = (2.7 ± 0.6)·105 M–1 s–1, k8 = (1.4 ± 0.5)·104 M–1 s–1, and k9 < 1.3·102 M–1 s–1 were obtained. In further studies the effect of temperature on the reactions (2), (4), and (5) has been studied. The kinetic data obtained for the reaction of the carbonate radical anion with aromatic compounds were compared to the corresponding reactions of the hydroxyl radical. Finally, these kinetic data were used within a simple model system to investigate the implications of carbonate radical anion kinetics within water treatment processes. It is shown that the degradation of organic pollutants in ·OH-radical based water treatment may proceed via the CO3–·/HCO radical under certain conditions.  相似文献   
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