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Zusammenfassung Um die petrographisch wichtigen Karbonate : Kalkspat, Dolomit, Ankerit. Siderit usw. voneinander im Dünnschliff zu trennen, hat man seit langem Färbe-methoden verwendet. Besonders hat sick die Farbung des Kalkspates auf Grund der Aluminiumchloridreaktion von LEMBERG and die Farbung der eisenhaltigen Karbonate durch Oxydation nachHallimond andSutcliffe bewahrt. Die verschiedenen Magnesiumreaktionen sind für die Dünnschliffbeobachtung noch nicht ausgearbeitet and erweisen sick (wie auch dieLembergschen Reaktionen) von der Korngröße abhängig. Durch Messung der Neigung derc-Achse and des Gangunterschiedes mehrerer gleichartiger Korner läßt sick ebenfalls grundsätzlich feststellen, um welches Karbonat es sich handelt. Praktisch entstehen dadurch Schwierigkeiten, daß nur Körner verwendbar sind., bei welchenc eine sehr große Neigung hat (> 60°) and daß die maximale Doppelbrechung der Karbonate teilweise nicht sehr verschieden ist. Durch das Ausmessen der Interferenzringe im Schnitt c bei einachsigen Kristallen gelang esBorgström, mit Hilfe einer Näherungsformel die Hauptdoppelbrechung der betreffenden Substanz zu bestimmen. Für Dünnschliffe wind das Verfahren dadurch ungenau, daß dafür die Kenntnis der Schliffdicke notwendig ist, wofür es leider noch keine scharfe Methode gibt. Bei Kenntnis des Karbonates erweist es sich aber umgekehrt zur Bestimmung der Schliffdicke als wertvoll. Die Messung der Dispersion der Doppelbrechung scheint bei dem derzeitigen instrumentellen Stand unserer mikroskopischen Einrichtungen fur die petrographische Bestimmung der Karbonate nicht verwertbar zu sein. In Lockerprodukten lassen sich die Karbonate sehr genau auf Grund ihrer Lichtbrechung — bestimmbar mit Hilfe der Immersionsmethode — trennen. Kalkspatkörner sind sofort kenntlich an der Überein-stimmung ihres -Wertes mit -Monobromnaphthalin. Es werden für weitere Einbettungsbestimmungen die der Spaltblättchen der einzelnen Glieder der Karbonatreihe aufgeführt. In Dünuschliffen kann der Umstand benutzt werden, daß durch Neigen des Präparates auf einem Drehtisch jene Stellung gefunden werden kann, bei welcher ein mit dem Brechungsquotienten des Kanadabalsams (1.537) übereinstimmt. (Nur bei Karbonaten möglich, deren Kleiner als 1.537 ist.) Der Winkel gegen die c-Achse (0) ist ein für die verschiedenen Glieder der Karbonatgruppe typischer. Die Übereinstimmung mit dem Balsam erkennt man am Verschwinden des Chagrin and derBeckeschen Linie.c läßt sich gut mit dem Drehkonoskop einmessen. Die Einstellung der Brechungsquotientengleichheit ist dagegen ziemlich ungenau. Sie schwankt um mehrere Grade. Da die verschiedenen 0-Werte der einzelnen Glieder der Karbonatreihe sich von demjenigen des Kalkspates jedoch um 7. 13. 24 and mehr Grade unterscheiden, läßt sich aus dem Mittel mehrerer Messungen dock annährend sagen, um welches Glied es sich handelt. Die Methode ließe sich erweitern durch Einführung von Einbettungsmedien höherer Lichtbrechung. Auch auf die rhombischen Karbonate läßt sich das Verfahren anwenden. In Schnitten senkrecht zur Achsenebene kann ein 0-Wert bestimmt werden. Dadurch ergibt sich auch bei diesen Mineralien, für welche bisher im Diinnschliff nur die Messung des Achsenwinkels eine Bestimmung ermöglichte, ein weiteres diagnostisches Merkmal.  相似文献   
Abstract Oligocene to Miocene fluvial sandstones from the Swiss Molasse Basin were analysed for sandstone framework composition, heavy minerals, whole‐rock geochemistry and detrital chrome spinel chemistry. Samples were taken from the proximal part of the basin close to the Alpine main thrust and are chronostratigraphically calibrated between 31 and 13 Ma. Sandstone composition allows the identification of different source rocks, and their variation in time and space place constraints on the Oligocene to Miocene evolution of the Central Alps. In the eastern part of the basin, sandstones document a normal unroofing sequence with the downcutting from Austroalpine sedimentary cover into Austroalpine crystalline rocks and, slightly later at ≈ 21 Ma, into Penninic ophiolites. In the central part, downcutting into crystalline basement rocks occurred at ≈ 25 Ma, and the removal of the sedimentary cover was much more advanced than in the east. This may be interpreted as a first signal from the doming of the Lepontine area. At ≈ 20 Ma, extensional tectonics in the hinterland led to the first exposure of low‐grade metamorphic rocks from the footwall of the Simplon Fault in the Central Alps. Erosion of these rocks persisted up to the youngest sediments at ≈ 13 Ma. In the western part of the basin, a contribution from granitoid and (ultra)mafic rocks is documented as early as ≈ 28 Ma. The source for the (ultra)mafic detritus is Penninic ophiolites from the Piemonte zone of the western Alps, which were already exposed at the surface at that time.  相似文献   
Epistemic uncertainty in ground motion prediction relations is recognized as an important factor to be considered in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), together with the aleatory variability that is incorporated directly into the hazard calculations through integration across the log-normal scatter in the ground motion relations. The epistemic uncertainty, which is revealed by the differences in median values of ground motion parameters obtained from relations derived for different regions, is accounted for by the inclusion of two or more ground motion prediction relations in a logic-tree formalism. The sensitivity of the hazard results to the relative weights assigned to the branches of the logic-tree, is explored through hazard analyses for two sites in Europe, in areas of high and moderate seismicity, respectively. The analyses reveal a strong influence of the ground motion models on the results of PSHA, particularly for low annual exceedance frequencies (long return periods) and higher confidence levels. The results also show, however, that as soon as four or more relations are included in the logic-tree, the relative weights, unless strongly biased towards one or two relations, do not significantly affect the hazard. The selection of appropriate prediction relations to include in the analysis, therefore, has a greater impact than the expert judgment applied in assigning relative weights to the branches of the logic-tree.  相似文献   
It is well-known that sediment composition strongly depends on grain size. A number of studies have tried to quantify this relationship focusing on the sand fraction, but only very limited data exists covering wider grain size ranges. Geologists have a clear conceptual model of the relation between grain size and sediment petrograpic composition, typically displayed in evolution diagrams. We chose a classical model covering grain sizes from fine gravel to clay, and distinguishing five types of grains (rock fragments, poly- and mono crystalline quartz, feldspar and mica/clay). A compositional linear process is fitted here to a digitized version of this model, by (i) applying classical regression to the set of all pairwise log-ratios of the 5-part composition against grain size, and (ii) looking for the compositions that best approximate the set of estimated parameters, one acting as slope and one as intercept. The method is useful even in the presence of several missing values. The linear fit suggests that the relative influence of the processes controlling the relationship between grain size and sediment composition is constant along most of the grain size spectrum.  相似文献   
The estimation of the peak metamorphic temperature by Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material (RSCM) is influenced by several bias sources grouped in measuring conditions, spectral processing and sample heterogeneity. The measuring conditions (selected excitation wavelength) and the operator bias during spectral processing have a pronounced impact on the temperature estimate and thus on the comparability and portability of thermometric data obtained by RSCM. Several calibration lines of RSCM geothermometers are published already, but no standardised approach exists. Samples of carbonaceous material bearing metasediments with well‐established metamorphic conditions of the central and western Alps compile a reference series. By applying an automated, iterative and randomised curve‐fitting approach, a consistent and user input‐independent RSCM geothermometer is presented, which covers peak metamorphic temperatures from ca. 160 to 600 °C. The method is hardware independent because the measuring conditions bias is excluded by the use of the reference series and the automated curve‐fitting approach reduces the spectral processing bias effectively, increasing the method's comparability and portability. By distributing the reference series and the automated curve‐fitting software, a laboratory will be able to derive a laboratory specific calibration line for the RSCM geothermometer.  相似文献   
A vital component of any seismic hazard analysis is a model for predicting the expected distribution of ground motions at a site due to possible earthquake scenarios. The limited nature of the datasets from which such models are derived gives rise to epistemic uncertainty in both the median estimates and the associated aleatory variability of these predictive equations. In order to capture this epistemic uncertainty in a seismic hazard analysis, more than one ground-motion prediction equation must be used, and the tool that is currently employed to combine multiple models is the logic tree. Candidate ground-motion models for a logic tree should be selected in order to obtain the smallest possible suite of equations that can capture the expected range of possible ground motions in the target region. This is achieved by starting from a comprehensive list of available equations and then applying criteria for rejecting those considered inappropriate in terms of quality, derivation or applicability. Once the final list of candidate models is established, adjustments must be applied to achieve parameter compatibility. Additional adjustments can also be applied to remove the effect of systematic differences between host and target regions. These procedures are applied to select and adjust ground-motion models for the analysis of seismic hazard at rock sites in West Central Europe. This region is chosen for illustrative purposes particularly because it highlights the issue of using ground-motion models derived from small magnitude earthquakes in the analysis of hazard due to much larger events. Some of the pitfalls of extrapolating ground-motion models from small to large magnitude earthquakes in low seismicity regions are discussed for the selected target region.  相似文献   
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