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Summary A second confirmed occurrence of wittite, one of the four known Pb-Bi-Se-sulfosalts, has been found in the Nevskoe tin deposit (Eastern Siberia). Microprobe analyses of wittite show pronounced variation of Se content (from 9.5 to 16.5 wt. %), due to S --> Se substitution; Pb and Bi contents vary from 29 and 43%, up to 34 and 46%, respectively. Minor elements are also present: Sb up to 1.5%, Ag up to 1.3 %, and Cu (0 to 0.2%). Comparison of microprobe data of wittite from Nevskoe and Falun, on the one hand, and cannizzarite from different deposits on the other hand, indicate that Ag is incorporated in the wittite/cannizzarite structure through the substitution 2 Pb -> Bi + Ag. Conversely, Ag substraction gives a constant Bi/(Bi + Pb) atomic ratio, independent of the Se/(Se+"S) ratio, and close to 55.1%. Se-rich wittite is compositionally very close to proudite and weibullite. X-ray powder and electron microdiffraction patterns are given; the incommensurate structure agrees with the 7H/12Q match along , like in wittite from Falun. Nevskoe wittite is close to Pb8Bi10(S, Se)23, but the 7H/12Q match requires the formula Pb11.61Bi14.26S33, with about 3% of the Pb atoms in the Q layer replaced by Bi atoms and vacancies (p). Taking into account all microprobe data, the general formula developed is: Pb11.61–2x0.13Agx(Bi14.26+x-ySby)(S1–zSez)33 with x and y 0.86 at., and z 0.45. At Nevskoe, associated bismuthinite contains from 5 to 12% Se, with minor Sb, Pb and Cu. Se-rich cosalite contains from 4 to 8% Se, with Sb from 2.7 to 5.3%, and minor Ag and Cu. Wittite in contact with cosalite clearly shows a relative Se-enrichment, that could be due to the pseudo-hexagonal sub-lattice of this incommensurate structure, very similar to the Bi2(Se, Te, S)3 sheet in the tetradymite series. According to microprobe data, there is a continuous change from Se-free cannizzarite to Se-rich wittite. Therefore, the validity of wittite as a specific mineral species appears questionable, and more accurate crystallographic studies on this incommensurate series are necessary.
Wittite avec Cosalite et Bismuthinite Séléniferes du Gisement d'Etain de Hevskoe (District de Magadan, Russie)
Resume Une seconde occurrence de wittite, l'un des quatre sulfosels de Pb-Bi-Se cormus, a été trouvée daps le gisement d'étain de Nevskoe (Sibérie Orientale). Son analyse á la microsonde électronique montre une forte variation de la teneur en sélénium (de 9,5 á 16,5%), qui se substitue au soufre; les teneurs en Pb et Bi varient de 29 à 43 et 34 á 46%, respectivement. On note la présence de Sb (, 1,5%), Ag ( 1,3%) et Cu (< 0,2%). La comparaison des analyses de wittite de Nevskoe et Falun, et de cannizzarite de différents gisements, montre que Bans cette série l'argent est incorporé suivant la substitution 2 Pb Bi + Ag. Après soustraction de Ag, le rapport atornique Bi/(Bi + Pb) corrigé apparaït constant, proche de 55,1%, et indépendant du rapport Se/(S + Se). La wittite la plus riche en Se est chimiquement très proche de la proudite et de la weibullite. Son diagramme de poudre aux rayons X ainsi que son étude en microdiffraction électronique sont présentés; la structure, de type incommensurable, s'accorde aver un ajustement selon le rapport 7H/12Q suivant , comme dans la wittite de Falun. La formule de la wittite de Nevskoe est proche de Pb8Bi10(S, Se)23, mais l'ajustement 7H/12Q demande la formule Pb11.61Bi14.26S33, avec environ 3% des sites à Pb du feuillet Q remplacés par des atomes de Bi et des sites vacants (). La prise en compte de l'ensemble des analyses conduit á la formule développée générale: Pb11.61-2x0.13Agx(Bi14,26+x–ySby)-(S1 –zSez)33 avec x et y 0,86 at., et z 0,45. A Nevskoe, la bismuthinite associée contient de 5 à 12% Se, avec Sb, Pb et Cu mineurs. La cosalite contient de 4 a 8% Se, 2,7 á 5,3% Sb, avec Ag et Cu mineurs. Lá où wittite et cosalite sont en contact étroit, la wittite montre clairement un enrichissement relatif en Se, qui pourrait etre du au sousréseau pseudo-hexagonal de cette structure incommensurable, très proche du feuillet Bi2(Se, Te, S)3 présent dans la série de la tétradymite. Les analyses à la microsonde indiquant une continuité chimique de la cannizzarite sans Se à la wittite 1a plus riche en Se, la validité de la wittite en tant qu'espéce spécifique apparaït discutable. Mais le caractère incommensurable de cette série demande une etude cristallographique plus détaillée.
Biogeochemical processes induced by the deposition of gravity layer in marine sediment were studied in a 295-day experiment. Combining voltammetric microelectrode measurements and conventional analytical techniques, the concentrations of C, O2, N-species, Mn and Fe have been determined in porewaters and sediments of experimental units. Dynamics of the major diagenetic species following the sudden sediment deposition of few cm-thick layer was explained by alternative diagenetic pathways whose relative importance in marine sediments is still a matter of debate. Time-series results indicated that the diffusion of O2 from overlying waters to sediments was efficient after the deposition event: anoxic conditions prevailed during the sedimentation. After a few days, a permanent oxic horizon was formed in the top few millimetres. At the same time, the oxidation of Mn2+ and then Fe2+, which diffused from anoxic sediments, contributed to the surficial enrichment of fresh Mn(III/IV)- and Fe(III)-oxides. Vertical diffusive fluxes and mass balance calculations indicated that a steady-state model described the dynamic of Mn despite the transitory nature of the system. This model was not adequate to describe Fe dynamics because of the multiple sources and phases of Fe2+. No significant transfer of Mn and Fe was observed between the underlying sediment and the new deposit: Mn- and Fe-oxides buried at the original interface acted as an oxidative barrier to reduced species that diffused from below. Nitrification processes led to the formation of a NO3/NO2 rich horizon at the new oxic horizon. Over the experiment period, NO3 concentrations were also measured in the anoxic sediment suggesting anaerobic nitrate production.  相似文献   
In the Saint-Aubin-des-Chateaux quarry (Armorican Hercynian belt, western France), an epigenetic hydrothermal alteration affects an oolitic ironstone layer intercalated within the Lower Ordovician Grès armoricain Formation. The hydrothermal overprint produced pervasive and massive sulphidation with stratoid pyritised lenticular bodies within the oolitic ironstone layer. These sulphide lenses are spatially associated with strike-slip faults and extend laterally from them. After the massive sulphidation stage (Fe–As, stage 1), subsequent fracturing allowed the deposition of base metals (stage 2) and Pb–Sb–Au (stage 3) parageneses in veins. The dominant brittle structures are vertical extension veins, conjugate shear veins and strike-slip faults of various orders. All these structures are filled with the same paragenetic sequence. Deformation analysis allows the identification of structures that developed incrementally via right-lateral simple shear compatible with bulk strain affecting the Central Armorican Domain. Each increment corresponds to a fracture set filled with specific parageneses. Successive hydrothermal pulses reflect clockwise rotation of the horizontal shortening direction. Geothermometry on chlorite and arsenopyrite shows an input of hot hydrothermal fluids (maximum of 390–350°C) during the main sulphide stage 1. The subsequent stages present a marked temperature drop (300–275°C). Lead isotopes suggest that the lead source is similar for all hydrothermal stages and corresponds to the underlying Neo-Proterozoic basement. Lead isotope data, relative ages of deformation and comparison with neighbouring deposits suggest that large-scale fluid pulses occurred during the whole Hercynian orogeny rather than pulses restricted to the late Hercynian period. The vicinity of the Hercynian internal domain appears as a key control for deformation and fluid flow in the oolitic ironstones, which acted as a chemical and structural trap for the hydrothermal fluids. The epigenetic mineralisation of Saint-Aubin-des-Chateaux appears to be very similar to epigenetic sulphidation described in banded iron formation-hosted gold deposits.  相似文献   
The Masoko crater-lake in southern Tanzania provides a continuous record of environmental changes covering the last 500 years. Multi-proxy studies were performed on a 52 cm sediment core retrieved from the deepest part of the lake. Magnetic, organic carbon, geochemical proxies and pollen assemblages indicate a dry climate during the ‘Little Ice Age’ (AD 1550–1850), confirming that the LIA in eastern Africa resulted in marked and synchronous hydrological changes. However, the direction of response varies between different African lakes (low versus high lake-levels), indicating strong regional contrasts that prevent the clear identification of climate trends over eastern Africa at this time. Inferred changes in Masoko lake-levels closely resemble the record of solar activity cycles, indicating a possible control of solar activity on the climate in this area. This observation supports previous results from East African lakes, and extends this relationship southward. Finally, anthropogenic impact is observed in the Masoko sediments during the last 60 years, suggesting that human disturbance significantly affected this remote basin during colonial and post-colonial times.  相似文献   
Sandy shallow seas, like the North Sea, are very dynamic. Several morphological features are present on the bed, from small ripples to sand waves and large tidal sandbanks. The larger patterns induce significant depth variations that have an impact on human activities taking place in this area. Therefore, it is important to know where these large-scale features occur, what their natural behaviour is and how they interact with human activities. Here, we extend earlier research that compares the results of an idealized model of large-scale seabed patterns with data of seabed patterns in the North Sea. The idealized model is extended with a grain size dependency. The adaptations lead to more accurate predictions of the occurrence of large-scale bed forms in the North Sea. Therefore, grain size dependency and, in particular, critical shear stress are important to explain the occurrence of sand waves and sandbanks in the North Sea. Responsible Editor: Alejandro Souza  相似文献   
We point out an acceleration of the DORIS clock on-board the Jason satellite during passes over the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA). When this effect is ignored in the current geodetic positioning of the DORIS stations, derived coordinates show almost linear trends in time, corresponding to anomalous horizontal and vertical velocities of the order of 1 m yr?1. We propose a simple scientific explanation of this physical phenomenon that is corroborated by direct Jason/TOPEX clock comparisons with respect to the DORIS master beacons in Kourou and Toulouse. To cite this article: P. Willis et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
The graphitization of carbonaceous material (CM) in a high-pressure metamorphic gradient is characterized along a cross section in the Schistes Lustrés formation, Western Alps. Along this 25-km cross section, both the CM precursor and the host-rock lithology are homogeneous, and the prograde evolution of the pressure-temperature metamorphic conditions from the lower blueschist-facies (13 kbar, 330 °C) to the eclogite-facies (20 kbar, 500 °C) is tightly constrained by literature data. Raman microspectroscopy shows that at the micrometre scale, this process is progressive and continuous with increasing metamorphic grade, and that the structure of CM is very sensitive to temperature variations. At the nanometre scale (HRTEM), the CM is composed of a mixture of a microporous phase and an onion-ring like phase, both known as non-graphitizing under the effect of temperature at ambient pressure. The HP-LT graphitization produces structurally and microtexturally heterogeneous CM. With increasing metamorphic grade, the graphitization of the two types of CM proceeds up to the triperiodic graphite stage because of microtextural and structural changes that are specific to each type of CM. The microporous material is progressively transformed into graphite through a macroporous transitional stage. In this case, graphitization mainly occurs on the pore walls as a result of pore growth. In the case of concentric onion-ring like material, graphitization occurs in the regions with the largest radius of curvature, i.e. on the outer part of the ring. In comparison with 1-bar experiments, pressure seems to induce microtextural changes, which allows the subsequent structural modifications of the starting material.  相似文献   
Radiocarbon data for 11 stations and tritium data for 16 stations in the North Atlantic Ocean from 74°N to 3°N are presented. For radiocarbon, normal errors inΔ14C are± 4‰, and in tritium,± 0.09TU or± 3%, whichever is larger. There is a remarkable, but not simply linear, correlation between oceanic bomb transients in14C and3H. The deep convective mixing in the Greenland Sea is reflected in substantial bomb tracer penetration to all depths, with residence time for the deep, cold core water that seems to be 20 to 30 years. The outflow in the bottom layer southward over the sills of the Denmark Strait and Faroe Passage carries significant tritium concentration, at least to 40°N. Complicated, but coherent, profile structures in the subtropical Atlantic suggest effects of large-scale lateral advection. In particular, a pronounced minimum in both14C and3H might be associated with the Antarctic intermediate water.  相似文献   
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