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为解决勘探前期无井区或少井区圈闭的断层封闭性评价问题,基于地震、地质、测井等资料,采用物理模拟和地震资料相结合的方法,建立无井或少井区断层封闭性定量评价体系和评价数学模型,开发相应的评价软件.海拉尔盆地乌尔逊区块应用结果表明:借助高精度三维地震信息、物理模拟实验获取区域特征参数的评价方法,可以快速有效建立无井或少井区的断层封闭性评价数学模型,解决无井和少井区断层定量化三维空间表征与评价.  相似文献   
目的:研究270 例三江侗族胃食管反流病(GERD)患者中医体质类型及红外皮温的分布特点。方法:选取270 例GERD患者,采用标准化的中医体质量表对患者进行体质判定,并运用数字式医用红外热成像仪观察患者的红外皮温情况。结果:270 例GERD患者中,阳虚质夹气郁质最多,其次为阳虚质夹痰湿质、阴阳两虚质,其他偏颇体质及平和质最少。不同年龄、不同性别GERD患者中医体质组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。阳虚质夹气郁质红外分布特点:督脉轨迹不显示或者断续,咽喉部、剑突下、两侧胁肋部呈高温分布,下焦、肾区呈凉偏离;阳虚质夹痰湿质红外分布特点:督脉轨迹不显示或者断续,胸骨后、剑突下呈高温分布,双眼皮温呈“镜片征”或者“八字征”,督脉、中焦、下焦、肾区呈凉偏离;阴阳两虚质红外分布特点:督脉轨迹不显示或者断续,口腔、咽喉处、胸骨后或者剑突下呈高温分布。偏于阳虚者,督脉、中焦、下焦、肾区呈凉偏离;偏于阴虚者,头面、四肢呈热偏离,督脉、中焦、下焦、肾区呈凉偏离。结论:270 例三江侗族GERD患者以阳虚质夹气郁质、阳虚质夹痰湿质、阴阳两虚质最为常见,不同体质GERD患者红外皮温具有共性,其特点为咽喉处、胸骨后、剑突下为高温分布。  相似文献   
给排水管道建设在城市中承担着日益重要的作用,本文以武汉市“清水入湖”二期截污一汤逊湖南湖截污工程为例,针对传统的给排水管道施工方法的不足,对顶管施工方法进行了探讨,简单分析了顶管施工的特点,重点对顶管施工在截污管道建设中的施工应用及顶进过程中出现的问题及解决方案进行了分析讨论,对于进一步推动给排水管道的顶管施工应用具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
A series of numerical sensitivity experiments on Chongqing fog are made using the 3D fog model overcomplex terrain.Some factors affecting Chongqing fog are studied.  相似文献   
Global warming has led to significant vegetation changes in recent years. It is necessary to investigate the effects of climatic variations(temperature and precipitation) on vegetation changes for a better understanding of acclimation to climatic change. In this paper, we focused on the integration and application of multi-methods and spatial analysis techniques in GIS to study the spatio-temporal variation of vegetation dynamics and to explore the vegetation change mechanism. The correlations between EVI and climate factors at different time scales were calculated for each pixel including monthly, seasonal and annual scales respectively in Qinghai Lake Basin from the year of 2001 to 2012. The primary objectives of this study are to reveal when, where and why the vegetation change so as to support better understanding of terrestrial response to global change as well as the useful information and techniques for wise regional ecosystem management practices. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) Overall vegetation EVI in the region increased 6% during recent 12 years. The EVI value in growing seasons(i.e. spring and summer) exhibited very significant improving trend, accounted for 12.8% and 9.3% respectively. The spatial pattern of EVI showed obvious spatial heterogeneity which was consistent with hydrothermal condition. In general, the vegetation coverage improved in most parts of the area since nearly 78% pixel of the whole basin showed increasing trend, while degraded slightly in a small part of the area only.(2) The EVI change was positively correlated with average temperature and precipitation. Generally speaking, in Qinghai Lake Basin, precipitation was the dominant driving factor for vegetation growth; however, at different time scale its weight to vegetation has differences.(3) Based on geo-statistical analysis, the autumn precipitation has a strong correlation with the next spring EVI values in the whole region. This findings explore the autumn precipitation is an important indicator, and then, limits the plant growth of next spring.  相似文献   
<正>从刀耕火种的原始劳作,到精耕细作的现代农业,从筑土为城的诸侯封邑,到鳞次栉比的工业都市,在这片生机无限的大地上,人类征服自然和开发资源的脚步从未停歇。了解脚下的这片土地,掌握不同地类的位置、分布、数量、质量和权属,是保护与合理利用土地的前提。开展土地调查和统计分析,历来是土地管理的基本职责。相土尝水,择地而居"没有调查,就没有发言权",以新中国伟大缔造者的这句著名论断,来形  相似文献   
<正>人有人名,物有物名,地有地名。对于一方土地来说,地名不仅是人类赋予大自然的标记,更是铭刻历史的活化石,积淀着悠悠岁月的年轮,见证着文明进步的轨迹。神州大地物华天宝、人杰地灵,壮丽的河山、富饶的平原、悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、众多的民族……蕴藏在浩如烟海的地名之中,成为承载华夏文明的宝贵财富。  相似文献   
<正>"人生不可无田,有则仕宦出处自如,可以行志;不仕则仰事俯育,不致丧失气节。"在中国人的心目中,土地早已超越生产生活的物质层面,而上升为立身处世的精神依托。正是缘于土地之重要,因占有土地所引发的纠纷、诉讼乃至争斗,从古至今,从未歇止。"所争之田不满一亩,互争之讼不止数年",不仅困扰当事各方,也带来巨大的经济与社会成本。  相似文献   
正正如儿女不能选择生己养己的父母,人们同样不能选择繁衍生息的土地。大地就像一位喜怒无常的神祇,带给我们的不仅有风调雨顺的璀璨文明,也有山崩地裂的灾难记忆。从上古传说中的旷世洪水,到世纪之初的汶川地震,天灾地灾从未断绝,考验着人类历史的韧性。而对灾害的预防、治理和赈济,也成为历代治乱兴衰的焦点和治国理政的关键。  相似文献   
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